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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 30, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 30, 1944
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, March Big Last Chance Sale! Wines and Liquo Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at a Bio Savino before the New Federal revenue ooes on. We have a fine stock of Wines, Imported Gin and Rum. By the Bottle, Q THE COZY TAP ROOM in Beach Where the Good Fellows Meet---The Cozy LOCAL NEWS Items of Interest picked up here and there by our News reporters. We ere always glad to get your news items. PHONE $9 Mrs. Ooodwin Thompson 4vas a Glendive visitor on Monday. Max Wilson was a Beach visitor on Saturday of last week. Peter Berg of the north country was a Beach visitor on Monday. Virginia Bailey of Wibaux was a Beach shopper Saturday. Mrs. Enola Stout went to Dickin- son Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs.' W. O. Jandt were Beach shoppers on Thursday. Joseph Svatosch spent a few days of last week in Dickinson. Mrs, Dwight Snow and daughter Ruth spent Thursday in Dickinson. Mrs, Ed Oswood called on Mrs. Thsop. Kunlck ~onday. Mrs. Paul Langer of Glendive was a Beach shopper on Thursday of last week. iii J i I i t Miss Lilllan Jandt spent Friday in Glendlve on business. Mr, and Mrs. T. B. LaSalle were Dickinson visitors Sunday. Mrs. C. Peterman of Wlbaux was a Beach visitor Monday. Andy Lorenz of Golva was a Beach caller on Monday. Mrs, William Carew of Golva was a Beach shopper on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Stedman of Trotters were Beach shoppers on Monday. Mrs. George Frazier of Belfleld was a Beach visitor Monday and Tuesday of this week. Before the war the United States imported more than a million tons of cinnamon from Ceylon annually. Bill Richert of Portland, Ore. was a Beach visitor Friday and Satur- day of last week. Mrs. John Cooney of Belfleld was a business visitor in Beach on Friday. John ,Kalkman returned Saturday from Los Angeles, Calif., where he has been working In the ship yards. Mrs. William Hollar and Miss Myrtle Stuart were Glendive call- ers on Monday. Frank Tosner was a Beach busi- ness caller on Friday. While in town he also subscribed to the Golden Valley News. it I I I I Farmers.' Time is Short to Repair Your Equip- ment for the Coming Season! We aim to carry repairs for ALL FARM REQUIRE- MENTS. See us for all your repair needs. We are well posted on Repair Parts for all types of equipment. ~6B ' * 91 uy With Confidence and Save With Quality at-- VRANNA AU SUPPLY CO. PHONE 17 BEACH, N. D. il - " ] , i i Assembly Line-Up For 5p ring Q elsure 12.75 BELAXABLE fashion In fine all - wool! Herring. bones, plaids and plains. Tough Gebardine SPORT SLACKS 4.98 Miss Mary Jane Algulre of Her- finger spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Alguire. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown were callers at the Mrs. Butterfield farm home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Muggli are the parents of a baby daugh- ter, born to them at the Johnstone Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abra- aam and Olaf Abraham called on the Mrs. J. C. But~erfield family Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abraham went to Dickinson Saturday with Mrs. Abraham's father, H. W. Blair, returning that night. Pfe. and Mrs. Norbert Maas are spending a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Maas of Golva. A number of Beach Masons visit- ed the Wibaux lodge and a~sisted with degree work last Thursday evening. A. E. Scheffer of Carlyle was a Be~ch visitor on Thursday. While here he renewed his subscription to the Golden Valley News. Fred Kremer, Charles Marman. William Meyers, Carl Waldahl and Dick Sechrist went to Fort Snellir~ on Monday to be inducted into the armed forces. J, M. Still was calling on the neighbors Saturday In the interests of the Red Cross. He was much -' pleased with the help he received from almost everyone he visited. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kress are ieaving the Saddle Butte vicinity and will live near Beach. They will be greatly missed as good neighbors, Pfc. and Mrs, Gerald Gilman are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday, March 28th, at the Northern Pacific Hospital in Glen- dive. Ward Butterfleld was called on Monday morning to help M. J. Stecker, as he had fallen and in- jured his side. He was taken to consult ,the doctor. Rev. D. E. Kenney, pastor of the United Brethren Church, will preach Che Baccalaureate sermon for the graduating class of 1944 of Beach High School on May 21st. Barbara Miller left for Bismarck Wednesday to be with her father, Marshall Miller, who submitted to surgery at a hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stecker returned Thursday from various parts of Washington and Oregon, where they have been visiting friends and relatives. O, Gullickson df Bismarck, state auditor of the public welfare board, was a business visitor in Beach on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. F. J. Wicka returned Saturday, a week ago, from Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Wlcka states that after five months in Califor~ala there is "No place like North Dakota." Miss Kelth, director of music at the Wibaux schools, will sing "The Holy City" on Easter at the Metho- dist Church, and will also sing a solo on Palm Sunday. V GOLV& HO?,E~MAKERS ~ET The Golva Homemakers Club met March 16th at the George Gearey home, with Mrs. Rudy Rising as co-hostess. In spite of the very bad roads aR enjoyable dinner was served to nine members, their hus- bands and fantilles. The lesson on "l~he Care and Repair of Sewing Machines" was given by Mrs. Peter Weinreis. This .proved to be of much interestto everyone. Pamphlets on stain re- moval were given to each member. The next meeting will be at the AnthonY home on April 13~h, with Mrs. Anthony and Mrs. C. Hudson as hoste~es. -V THE GOLDEN VALLEY VERSE -MxS, J. R. Gifford Though you can't speak a cheery word, Or lend a helping hand, To those who safeguard all you have, Flghti~ in foreign lands. This Red Cross Drive gives you the chance, down In your Jeans ~nt from air and and marines. your dollars In:a cause, . where wounded must have care, Think it over for your son's sake and mine. -V BASKET SOCIAL The Saddle ~tte 4-H Club is sponsoring a basket social and card party at the Little Beaver school house Friday evening, March 31st, Everyone is welcome, Mrs. B. L. Heathe of Forsyth~, Mont. spent the past few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Stull, returning to her home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Noyes drove to Glendive Friday and were accompanied upon their retu~m by Mrs. Kenneth Noyes and infant daughter. Teresa Phyllis. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finneman returned Friday to their home in Moscow, Idaho, after spending three weeks at their parental homes. Pvt. James Carlson arrived in Beach Monday evening from Camp Walters. Texas. ~o spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlson, after which he will be sent to the east coast. Sgt. Harold Bellmont returned Friday from Portland, Ore., where he has l~een visiting his brother Franklin. He plans to spend a few days visiting friends here be- fore returning to camp. CpL Daniel G. Haggardy and Verna Loraine Coldy were married 'in the Methodist parsonage at six P. NL Thursday, with Rev. Mac- Tavish performing the ceremony. Mrs. A. Eaton and Robert Haggardy of IAndsay attended the couple. Mrs. Marvin Harrick, formerly Irma Zellar, returned Wednesday FORSALADS from San Bernadino, Calif., ,where AND she has been visiting friends and SANDWICHES relatives. Enroute home she went parents. Her husband is in the armed forces. V,-- FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L, Oisrud, pastor Tel. 154 UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Beach, North Dakota Sunday, April 2: I0:15 A. M., Palm Sunday Wor- ship Service. The ordinance of Baptism and Infant Dedication wili be administered, and any one who desires this ordinance should con- tact the pastor in advance. 11:15, Bible study classes for all ages, 8 P. M., Young People's Christian Endeavor. 9 P. M., Choir rehearsal. Thursday, 8 P. M.. Prayer meet- ing at the home of Kenneth Stout. ---V Miss Alma Buldhaupt of Port- land, Ore. is here on a three weeks visit with friends and relatives. CONGREGATIONAL John Roberts, pastor Palm Sunday, April Beach: Church School at 10:00 A.I Palm Sunday service witah~ music at 11:00 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship stereopticon picture service P.M. Choir practice Monday nesday at 7:30 P. M. Communion service Good at 7:30 P. M. Sentinel Butte: Young People's meeting day a~ 7:00 P. M. with pictures at 8:00 P. M. Medora: Sunday School at 3:00 Worship Service at 4:00 CARROTS CALTFORNZA GREEN TOPS 2 bchs. RUTABAGAS per lb. Beach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at 11 A. M. Sermon theme. "Jesus Christ and Pilate." CABBAGE per Ib Services at 8 P. M. with mission- NEW TEXAS s ary John CarlSOnon speaking. Friday PASCAL CELERY Services with missionary Carlson " - per bunch from South Amexica speaking will also be held ~"hursday, __ ~`~°*`~"~:;~:~:~.~:~;~:~::~'`..~*~[~ii~iiiiiM~T.ii~iii~£~iiiiii?`..:~ii~ii~i~! and Saturday evening this week, I A Dh bering at 8 o'clock. A~t%~s~*" LBt Sentinel Butte: o~ • s Stmday School at i0 A.M. ~'~% ~U~~I~ s,~t.s SL',V Services at lA. M. conducted by ~ BOLOGNA.~.,o. missionary John Carlson. s points LB. Confirmation class Tuesday at I~m~lJl~.l Services with Communion on Good Friday at 11 A.S. SPICED HERRING' Carlyle: ~~ WITH ON~ONS~NO POINTS Services at 2:30 P. M. with ntis- m ~~ ~ i;l~~ii~@~i~A~u~i~iiiiii!iii:" slonary John Carlson spea~king. ~ mm,m,m,m,, ........ ,i,m,,,iii,m,m,,,mmmmm: Confirmation class 3:30 P. M.Rev.METHODISTD.V J. MaeTavish,CHURCHpastor j~~ filBLET Beach, North Dakota ~ o]r~ ]~N]~I. CORN -- " ~-~ 10-OZ. BOTTLE (8 POINTS) Sunday School at 10 A.M. =: Palm Sunday special service at i 2 o .25, ii A. M. MISs Keith, music direc- tor of the Wibaux schools, will sing. Young Peoples meeting at 8 P.M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday night at 8 P. M. Easter sunrise services at 7 A. M. on Sunday, April 9th. An Easter breakfast at 8 A. M. Regular Easter service at 11 A. M. You can't afford to miss these services. The church with a warm welcome. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E Kenney, pastor Trottm~ North Dakota C0C0-WHEATS .oz ,o. THE DELICIOUS COCOA FISAVORED WHEAT CEREAL WHEATIES 14, l~-OZ. PKG, MILK 32S TRE ro,,, ,., -,. 35' V~ CAMP~j COMPLETE Dmmm Services every first, third and A MEAL l~OR SIX FOR ONLY _~F ~ 4 MEAT POINTS All I:i" fifth Sundays. Sunday School at 2 P. M,. and the preaching service ~-~i 7:~°s'...'~O~41~dl~,, at 3 P. M. This Sunday will be ~'~~'J C]~COMl~Rllli~}:4~ii~, Palm Sunday services. ~o ,._.^.^~ _. _ -,___ ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH t~acA~om z~ ~,.J[~r~ WAX 2 2S, Man I~T I,~ VmT QUEEN -r- - ~ rs ro SOY QUALITY l e' uONCO -,-o,oo- .-,, TO YOUR ORDER BAG QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED V. H. Dlssen, pastor Beach, North Dakota Divine Service at 10 A.M. Please note the change in time. Sunday School and Bible Class at 11 A.M. V ~EVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHUECH Sabbath School II:00 A, M. Church servlce 12:00 Noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. _ I i i CERESAN for sale at Sleight's CITY DRUG