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March 30, 1944 |
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March 30, 1944
Mrs. ,~bmll Rink, Cox'.
Fred Reinholz visited Mrs.
Sanders Saturday.
and Mrs. Nick Uetz were
shoppers Saturday evening.
Waldal visited his wife in
]Beach hospital on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bohn were
shoppers Monday.
Carlson Was a Saturday
caller of Mrs. T~d kink.
and Mrs. Alfred Reinholz
Beach callers on Monday.
E. R. Kennedy ca'led on
Ted kink Sunday evening.
Mrs. Bill Franzen spent several
last week with her daughter,
Andrew Carlson, and family.
Ernest Nelson was a business
in Bismarck Monday and
Walter Dixon and children
Sunday afternoon callers at
Victor Johnson home.
Andy Carlson was a Tues-
afternoon caller at the Victor
Mrs. John Kalkman of Beach was
t clk~er and supper guest of Mrs.
B°l~berry Wednesday.
_ ~r. and Mrs. Rudy Kunick were
~day evening dinner guests
me Yic Johnson home.
~e est Nelson was a Bismarck
as caner Friday,. where he
~ttl~ed. physicians. _ -.,
. ~r. and Mrs. Norman naugse a,u
~.ily were Sunday ~evening call-
t~ at the Victor Carlson home.
Paul Wagner and Mrs. Neff
were Beach callers on
Dunham came Up from Bis-
Tuesday to look after his In-
at the lumber yard.
Mx. and Mrs. Bob Hall were sup-
guests at the Guy Hall home
~. and Mrs. Paul Wlschow and
• Neff Hogoboom were Dickinson
%Ders Monday.
Mx8. Guy Honnold and ~)ennis
~t" from Sunday until Thursday
at ~iie Norman Haugse home.
~ J~tr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner and
~. and Mrs Nell Hogoboom were
~l~dlve callers Wednesday.
~,._M~. Guy Honnold and Dennis
~twe Monday evening supper guests
at the John Honnold home. (
Mrs. Bertha Waldal was a Beach
~dThUrsday and while there
her new grandson.
~a~arl Scherle has accepted em-
ent with the N. P. extra gang
tow working at Medora.
Mrs. Paul Wlschow called on
~tt~. Scherle and Mrs. Ted Rink
~g0aclay afternoon.
~r~' and Mrs. Rudy Kunick and
• Victor 3ohnson were Dickinson
thopl~ers Monday.
_ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bohn and
~y were Sunday vlsttors at ?;
Ward Stockwell home in Ben .
~r. and Mrs. Paul Wagner were
~turday visitors at the T. A. Wo-
~Pka home.
~laghilMrs. Halvor Olson has been help-
care for the Satre children
e Mrs. Satre stays with her
ttle son in the Beach hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold and
~t~lY, Eunice Haugse and Mary
Zinsll attended the show in
h Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan spent
~rVeral days last week in Bismarck,
Where Mrs. Jordan consulted her
~ks. Neff Hogoboom, Mrs. Ted
and Mrs. Ol~a Lardy were
. ¢~lests of Mrs. Paul Wagner Friday
4 ~Ve~ng "at a bridge foursome.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith were
L o'clock dinner guests at the
y Smith home on Monday
~venlng. - • to Medora
.~ob Johnson rwurned
~here he works on the extra gang,
having spent Sunday at his
e here.
~ rs. Paul Wagner was a Beach
irtess visitor Monday and was
a six o'clock dinner guest at
the Bill.Gardner home.
Mrs. Harry Smith and Bonita
~1 Mrs. Fred Smith called on
~. W. R. Campin on Wednesday
Mrs. Win. Scherle and boys spent
the weekend at the home of her
tLat~hter, Mrs. Harold Fos~tord, and
taxnily, near W1baux.
Mrs. Andrew Carlson and chil-
dren and the Bill Franzen family
~re callers at the Charles Johnson
0me Friday.
Mrs. Norman Haugse and Mrs.
GUy Honnold and son visited at
the Victor Carlson home Wednes-
.~Y evening.
The independent basketball team
d~feated the Alpha basketball team
~ldthe tournament in WibauX on
ay evening.
Lieutenant Edward Wosepk~ ar-
idfrom Camp Custer, Mich. to
a furlough with his wife
~nd with his parent, Mr. and Mrs.
• A. Wosepka, and other relatives
• ald friends.
The South Side' Catholic StudY
ClUb was held at the Chas. Bohn
~h~e Monday evening, with Ray
leading the discussions. The
r~orth Side Club was held at the
John Jordan home, with Mrs. Julia
:~lartin giving the lesson.
Mrs. Ed Cook entertained Tues-
Clay evening in honor of her hus-
birthday. Those present
~ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tangen,
~.~{X. and Mrs. Lewis Odland, Jr.,
e Misses Mary Tibor, Mertyce
Ol~on, Helen Higley, Jennie ~rAm,
oert and Mrs. Hazel Reed.
Air Hero and Wife At Army's
New Rest Station
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.~Captain D. L. Alexandre, of New York
City, who served in the South Pacific and holds the D.F.C., 2-clusters,
,~nd the Air Medal, 4-clusters, is shown with his wife enjoying a ride
~m the boardwalk here where he is awaiting his release from the Army
Air Force new relaxation and redistribution station. It is here that
battle-weary fliers aed crews relax from the strain of war before they
are sent back to combat duty.
The Mesdames Victor Carlson,
Norman Haugse and Walter Dixon
were guests of Mrs. Ernest Nelson
Friday afternoon, when several
games of bridge were in play.
Mrs. Norman Haugse, and Mrs.
GUy Honnold a~d Dennis were
callers at the homes of Mrs. Her-
man Dietz and Mrs. Olga Lardy
Wednesday afternoon.
Ed Cock entertained Victor John-
son, John Hannold, Ernest Nelson
and Paul Wagner at a six-thirty
dinner at the hogel Monday eve-
ning in honor of his birthday.
Wilbur Franzen arrived home
from Camp Hale, Colo. on Tues-
day to spend a few days visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Diets en-
tertained last Sunday for Mrs.
.V£abel Hilgendorf and family, Mrs.
,Jesse Playle and family, and John
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tescher en-
tertained Thursday evening at a
dinner in honor of Billy Meyer,.
r/hose present were Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Meyers and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. Math Tescher and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldal are
the proud parents of an 8½ lb. boy
born to them at the Beach hospital
Monday, March 20th. He has been
n.,med Donald Robert. Mother and
son are getting along fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson and
Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner and
Marion were dinner guests at the
"vV. J. D:xon home Thursday eve-
nir, g in honor of the birthdays of
Walter Dixon and M~rion Gardner.
Billy Meyers was the guest of
honor at a farewell party given in
the parlor~ of ,the Congregational
Church Tuesday evening. Games
were playec~ and a delicious lunch
was served. Billy was presented a
gift by those present.
Mrs. Andrew Carlson and family
left Friday afternoon for Mee- :
teetsie, Wyo. to make their home
after having spent the past winter
here. Her brother, Wilbur Fran-
zen, left with her to help drive
and to return to his camp in
Mrs. Edna Sanders was hostess
to the Study Club and several
guests at a bridge party Tuesday
evening at her home. Bridge was
played at four tables, with Mrs.
clara~ Wagner and Mrs. Louise
Gardner winning first and second
prizes for members and Mrs. John
Jordan and Mrs. Ray Zinsli win-
ning first and second respectively
for guests. A lovely lunch was
served by Mrs. Sanders at the
close of the evening.
All applications for grazing in
the Medora Grazing Association
District should be on file and per-
mils if approved' issued on or be-
fore April 15, 1944. The grazing
rates for the 1944 season have been
established at 19, 24 and 4 cents.
Contribute to the Red Cro~s!
Mrs. Joa Baker. Rbporter
Bert Hudson took a load of hogs
to Beach Friday for Clinton Baker.
Miss Marjorie Dealing spent the
weekend with Miss Gwendolyn Ful-
ton at Carlyle.
Miss Reva Rost of Baker spent
the weekend at the Norman host
Mrs. Carl Sllper and son of Baker
came up S~turday from Baker to
visit at the John Sliper home.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Plummer and
Douglas and Mrs. Everett Plum-
mar were Beach shoppers Saturday.
Ross Cameron came home Friday
on the train from Olendive, where
he has been emplGyed.
Alan Wang spest the weekend a
.week ago with Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Thoemke at Beach.
Norman and Murril Rost attend-
ed a cattle sale near Wibaux on
Lieutenant Orville Tennent was
home on furlough last week. He
also visited hls brothers, Lyle and
Fritz, and families.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Plummer
of Seattle, Wash. are the happy
parents of a baby girl. They have
named her Katl~een Rae.
Mrs. Victor Berg and daughter
are visiting the former's grand-
mother, Mrs. Martha Shepherd, at
Morley E. MacKenzie
shrrae Temples in all parts of
the United States, Canada and
Mexico are being visited by Morley
E. MacKenzie, Imperial Potentate
of the Ancient Arabic Order, No-
bles of the Mystic Shrine. The
Shrine Potentate believes strongly
that inter-nation relationships on
the American Hemisphere offer a
pattern for the post-war world. In
private business, Mr. MacKenzie is
sales manager for Calvert Dis-
tillers (Canada) Limited of To-
Where I sit
The Secret Weapon
in Dan Mason's Attic
Dan Mason was always what we
call a "string saver." When he
unwraps a package he rolls up
the strlng--folds the paper-and
puts them both in his attic for
"Never can tell when thingsql
come in handy," says Dan.
And you should see his attic!
Stacks of paper, balls of string,
empty bottles (Dan being a mod-
erate man and sticking just to
beer), old horseshoes-and good-
ness knows what.alL
We used to kid him a lot. But
then comes the scrap drive, and
No. 8O of a &ri~
Joe Marsh
Dan sets a record for the metal
and the paper he contributes-
And the glassmakers owe him a
medal for the empty bottles h~
turns in.
From where I sit, Dan's one
up on us all. What's more, he's
got us doing It too-collecting
scrap, returning empty bottles-
not because somebody makes us
do it, but, because it's the Demo-
cratic way of working together
to win the war.
co~#~, ~, ~r~,~ l,~r~ F~
Miss Juel Lutts, who is taking
nurses trainin~ at Billings, spent
the past week at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
George Cox brought Mrs. Cox
home from the Miles City hospital
last Sunday, where she had spent
the past two weeks convalescing
from an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rost of
Belfield came down on the train
Friday to spend the weekend with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Christ Rost.
Several people went to Baker on
Saturday over the trail broken out
north through the fields to Carlyle
and over west to the highway.
Otherwise we are still pretty much
sriowed in.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen are
the proud parents of a baby boy
borr~ March 23rd at the Beach
hospital. He has been named
Thomas Paul. His mother and he
are feeling fine.
Mrs. Ross Cameron and Virginia
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson and
family were supper guests at the
Ernle Stark home Tuesday in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson's wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stark and
Doris, Mrs. Bert Hudson and fam-
ily, and* Mrs. Ora Stark were din-
ner guests at the Rudolph Lutts
home Thursday. Mrs. Stark stay-
ed there to visit.
Ronald Schouboe visited at the
Ernie Stark home Sunday. ~¢
rode in on horseback. He and
Mrs. Schouboe tried to come to
town earlier in the day by car, but
the roads were too bad to make it.
Mrs. Christ Rost was the guest
of honor at a birthday party at
her home Monday afternoon. The
ladies surprised her at about ~wo
o'clock and served a lovely lunch
about five. She was presented with
the usual gift of silver. It was
her 76th birthday.
The young people of the corn-
mmtlty enjoyed a party March 18th
at the Fay Shepherd home, honor-
ing the birthdays of Virginia Cam-
eron and Lavern Shepherd. Games
and dancing were enjoyed un~ll
a late hour, when a hearty lunch
was served.
Leonard, Viola and Darrel Rost,
Gordon Steen, and Sharon Schlect
have come down with the measles
during the past week. Mr. and
Mrs. Hubert Rustad and Mr. and
Mrs. John Schlect took their clfll-
dr~n to Baker and had them In-
noculated for measles.
Mrs. Robert Conn left Friday on First came the conquering of
the train for Billings, where she the Gilbert islands, and most of
met her husband. They went on the Marshalls. Then came the
from there to visit Mr. Conn's attack on Truk far to the west,
father at Hall, Mont. during the and the smash at Ponapd., and
former's fifteen day furlough, then the attack on the Marian.
From there they will go to Fresno, na islands, only 1300 miles from
Calif., where Mr. Conn will be a Tokio. The Japs figured that
physical education instruct,or at they could hold off our attack so
an army camp. long that the Amerlcan people
~. would get sick of the war and
give up, and let them keep a
SPEED IN THE PACIFIC good part of their conquests.
The speed of the recent ~ttacks
For two years the' war in the suggests that their fortifications
Pacific moved slowly from the are not as strong as they
American point of view• The thought, also that our navy is
United States had to fight in
both the Atlantic and Pacific
oceans, and its navy was not big
enough to meet that terrible
test. For the past three months
and a little more, our greatly en-
largened navy has begun to
show what It can do.
far s~onger.
At the rate Allied bombers are
wrecking German and Italian
cities, a committee of experts
may be requlred after the war
to determine which country has
the most ruins.
Overhaul Your Tractor With
For the Following
All John Deere Tractors, large and small
Ali,s Chalmers Case
Massey Harris McCormick Deering
All Types of Combine Motors
Cylinder Gaskets Champion Spark Plugs
Magneto Points Tractor Storage Batteries
Motor Oils - Greases Oil Filter Elements
All Your Necessary Requirements
"Buy With Confidence and Save With Quality"
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AMERICAN GIRL ...... 6 Mo.
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HOUSEHOLD ......................................... 1 Yr.
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