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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 30, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 30, 1944
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Thursday, March 30, 1944 WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If you want lo buy or sell Something; ii you need help or wemi a Job, you can gei results f~om News Want Adj. No ad accepted for lass than ~¢ per insertion. A service charge of 25c will be made |or "bUrial" ads. IrOR RENTmModern three-room apartment. L.A. Kirst. 27-1c FOR SALE---One Chester male pig. Bert Piesik, Beach. 25-3tp FOR SALE---10-foot drill. M.A. Finneman. 27-4tc I~OR SALE--V-Mail stationary at the News office. 5-tf WANTED TO BUYmGood used grain drill. Bert Piesik. 25-3tp POR SALE---Registered Duroc Jer- sey male pig for $30.00. Edwin Buldhaupt, Beach. 27-3tc ~Waitress at the Cozy Cefe in Beach. Good wages, no SUnday work. 27-1tc ~OR SALE--Walsh seed flax, $5 Per bushel. J. E. Metcalf, Trot- ters, N.D. 23-4tp ~00 chick kerosene brooder and 6-inch Letz feed mill. ~eo. L. Raisler. 27-2tp I~OR SALE---One roan Shorthorn cow, to freshen soon. Leo Zem- Pel, Beach. 27-1tp WANTED---Hired girl at once. Sun- days and every other Saturday off. Write or see Mrs. Art Han- Son, Wibaux, Mont. 26-2tp OR SALE--White blossom golden need flax. Rust resistant, clean- ed, $4.75 per bushel. Frank Dy- kins, Sentinel Butte. ~7-3tp WANTED--Pasture for thirty head of yearling heifers for 5 months Starting the first of June. H.A. BUry, Alpha. 27-3tp ~R'R--SALE---One - Hart-Parr true- tar, 18-3~, with power takeoff, in good shape. L~oyd Metealf, Trotters. 25-3tp R SALE--New Simmons all steel baby bed, with mattress, never been used. See S. A. Johnstone at hospital. 27-1tp OR SALE---U. S. approved, pul- ~ m tested chicks. Order early. ding breeds. Write for folder ~ d prices. Hoffman Hatchery, ashburn N D 22-11tp SSING--Male Scotch Collie Dog. Anyone knowing whereabouts call or see Theo. Tobias. $5.00 re- Ward. 27-1tp 01t SALE---Brooder House, 10 x THE GOLDEN [FOR SALE--1931 Chevrolet coupe, in good condition. Paul Thoemke, Beach. 27-2tp WANTED--Two waitresses. Ex- perience unnecessary, but top wages to experienced persons. Carey's Sweet Shop, Glendive, Mont. 27-2te FOR SALE--About 2000 Newburg Red Raspberry plants. Originally produced by New York Agricul- tural Experiment Station. Es- pecially recommended for extreme Northern states. Is very hardy, and has a long picking season. We will take orders from this and notify when time for transplanting. 50 plants $1.75, ! 300, $3.00. E. A. Scheffer, Car- lyle, Mont. TROTTERS HEWS lVlrs. J. F. Crook, Cot. J. C. McClenahan and son Rus- sell motored to Beach on Saturday. Billie Campbell has purchased a used car, we understand. * Howard Ooodale is now employed at the Jesse Gorrell farm. Norman Nellermoe, Jesse Gorrell and Chester Gasho went to the sale near Yates on Wednesday. H. H. Burchette sold his Ply- mouth last w~ek and purchased a nice looking Chevrolet. Glen Olson was riding for horses on Thursday and was a visitor 27-2tp at the J. F. Crook home. Hjalmar Johnson went to Beach on Sunday to consult a doctor about a nose ailment. VALLEY NEWS LOCALS Donald Hammond of Carlyle had the misfortune of having the tip of his left hand cut off in a rough- age mill. After receiving medical care he is reported as getting along fine. PAGE FIVE SUNSHINE SOCIETY MEETS The Golva Sunshine Society met with Mrs. Laura Strahon in Marcl~ with a lovely turkey dinner. Nine members were present, The next meetin~ will be with Mrs. Ruth Hammond on April 5th. It is hoped that all members will TRUCK OPERATORS MUST PRESENT CERTIFICATE Truck operators must send or bring their Certificate of War Ne- cessity (ODT card) to the War Price and Rationing Board before they will get their second quar~r truck rations. Present coupons will he The Methodist Church will have attend, as this will be an election invalid after Friday, March 31. a Sunrise Easter Service beginning meeting. ~-V~ at seven A.M. Special music will Mrs. Edith Sehmeling, Mrs. J. C. Butterfleld'entertain- be given by the senior and junior Sunshine Reporter. ed for Zona last week. Zona was qhoirs and there will also be solos ~V~ eleven years old. All had st pleas-. and duets. Talks will be given by Mrs. Paul Raduns returned on the heads of each department of Thursday morning from the west the church and also by the pastor, coast, where she has been visiting The regular Easter service will be friends and relatives. held at 11:00 A. M. Those desiring to be baptized or who desire to unite with thee "church are expected at this service. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Kowalewski, who spent several weeks here with ant evening and Zona received I many nice gifts. Her sister, Margie, [sent her a nice gift from Bell- ingham, Wash. ii ATTENTION- FARMERS GARNE:-:=::: Mrs. Vanvig returned to herfriends enroute to their home in home near Medora, after visiting lP°rtland' Ore. from Rochester, t Minn., where Mr. Kowalewski had at the Glen Olson home for some submitted to an operation, arrived Mrs. Fred Wassmann, Cot. time. • . in Portland March PAth. They ..... ~ beOurimduflctmdan~ntE: tBhr:nnel~L~' hA state they found flowers blooming, Mrs Johnny Jonnson a~tenuea i J lawns where ' eighti;ht :ytd:~r ^~* vwnerwood was a Dic~Anson Robertsons were Sunday dinner .... g ~,~ v,,~, uests at the ...... l many ~eacn xrienos. Mr. and Mrs. caller on Thursday. tg . . . r" v. ~aoore home, [Kowalewski are now located at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz were[We unaerstana. Van ort Clt 2^^^ "'i " " " ~h-~- ........ ~-~na" I Russell McClenahan arrived on[ p .. y, ~trs v ccory, Ap~. ..... ~-,,pt,~ ~,, *-,,~ J. a . 2929, Poruand, 17, Oregon. Loyde and Walter Wassmann[M°nd y from Los Angeles, Cahf. t were callers at the Joe Dietz home to spend a pleasant vacation with --V-~ Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry w~re callers at the Nick Johnson home near Golva Sunday. Ted and Pal Stull, and Dick Dreker were callers at the Fred Wassmann home on Friday. Tony Kreitinger was a dinner guest at the Fred Wassmann home Thursday. Tony Kreitinger was out in the Garner community opening roads on Thursday. Fred, Loyde and Walter Wass- mann helped butcher hogs at the Johnny Stull home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Nistler and Betty, and Mrs. Loyde Wassmann were ~allers at the Lat~ra Strahon home Wednesday. Fred Wassmann, Mrs. Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn, and Mrs. Johnny Johnson were supper guests at the John Fakler home on Sat- urday night. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Schemeling, Louis Schmeling, Gordon Schmel- ing, A1 Dietz, Fred Wassmann Mrs. Loyde Wassmann and Caro- lyn, and Mrs. Johnny Johnson were Beach shoppers Saturday. ~V~ :: -:=-d :r==_= BONNIE YlEW Mar,/ McCaskey, Heportsr ==__=- =_=-=--J his dad, J. C. McClenahan. Jack Tasker took him from Trotters to the McClenahan ranch. We understand that Wayne Kam- merer was married recently. We were unable to learn further details but wish Wayne and his bride a very happy married life. Pearl township election was held at the Trotters schoolhouse Tues- day. The following officers were elected: clerk, Mrs. P. V. Moore; supervisor, W. A. Campbell; asses- sor, P. V. Moore; treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Ccook. During the past week we have experienced some very changeable weather. The temperature has ranged from near zero to 53 degrees above zero. A few days were very warm and sunshiny, while others were cloudy, stormy, windy and very chilly. We even had. a thunder storm one afternoon. --V-- Hospital Notes (Last week) Those from Beach hospitalized • during the past week were: Mrs. Bea Abraham, March 16-18; Sever Abraham, hospitalized March 16; and Mrs. John Brown, who came in March 22. From Wibaux is Joe Milner, com- ing in March 17, and baby Sandra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The Garden Club will hold its next regular meeting on Thursday evening, April 6th at the home of Mrs. Ted Thompson. Topics for the evening are: Roll call and item from my favorite magazine on gardening. Nature Lore "Tanagers and Finches," by Sophie Jahn. Fruit trees--round- table discussion. 1. Varieties suit- able for our locality, Mrs. F. D. SDiegelberg. 2. Methods of propo- gation, Mrs. Otto Hanson. 3. Prun- ing and care of fruit trees, Mrs. W. D. Adamson. Sub Tropical Fruits, Mrs. F. W. Houck. Tropical Fruits, Mrs. P. J. Edkins. Mrs. E. D. Evans. Exhibit "An ar- rangement of fruit." Spring's Work Will Soon Start! We have a full line of-- Gasoline Fuels Oils Greases Let us Fill You up Now! Quality Products -- Quick Service FARMERS UNION OIL CO. "Stub" Noyes, Manager PHONE 148 BEACH, N. D. 12. ®ne Hudson Brooder, A-1 Paul Feldmann, Bill Houck and Watembach, who spent two days in Shape. One 300-egg MacComb John McCaskey spent Monday eve- the hospital, March 16 and 17: incubator. H u b e r t Schieffer, ning at the Leo Nielsen home. William Hasselstrom, Sentinel ~_h' Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nielsen and Butte, was hospitalized March 19. North Dakota. 25-3tp. family were visitors at the Lyle Harold Lowman, also of Sentinel OR SALE--Two dark roan reg- Adams home, Friday evening. I Butte, ca m..e,.ln March 22. -- .. . la s ent Tues Mrs wlmam zepp ~ensmei "tered yearling shorthorn bulls. Miss Mary Reinholz p " I~ .. ' ....... ' "" r h Also a few fresh milch cows. day visiting Miss Gladys Pendleton ~us~e, nan rad~t:mileCw~OTYer~:~: Prank Dykins, Sentinel Butte, at the Indian Hill school. 17. An appe -Y " P i N.D. 27-3tp Ed Feldmann went to Bismarck ed March 17 on ~tay~on. son o ~ Tuesday, where he plans to go t Mr. ann ~ars. ~tarenee ~au'e, ~en- SALE--6-room house, located i through the clinic there. ]tinel Butte. _ ........ next to Davis Service Station; * ,~ ~,~ gnd Leo Nielsen l Mr. and Mrs. uer~ wamai, ~en- _ o 6-room house known as ~o,~ s hu.~iness trin to Dickinson[tmel Butte, are the parents of an ~OOk house. See Ernest Moore, ~'~,'~;~n-~J-~eturnin~-Friday.( Mrs. 18 lb. 8'A oz. boy b0rn March 20. t 2 -5tp dams of ryburg accom-1 W&N'~-T,D--Part- to-o~erate creanl, panied them back to visit for a t SADDLE BUTTE BEAVERETTES | al~d ~roduce ~bu-'in~ station in I while at the home of her son, Lyle. [ MEET SUNDAY, MARCH 19TH | ~_ .~, ~ s [ ~e annual township election was ~ ~| --~acn. No previous experience ~" ..... , necessary. For •further informa- help at the Bonme,,ViffWcerS~sn::~e The regular meeting :~ /eld}~ tton write to A~mour Creameries i house Tuesaay anu a~ o Saddle Butte ~eavere~es i t~lsmar~k ~" D 26 2t~ ] re-elected Olaf Abraham, super- Sunday March 19th at the P. O. J ! ..... , " , i~[ visor; Ed Feldmann, treasurer; Leo Peterson farm. ~ SALE--Vicland Seed Oats, INielsen, assessor; and Mary Me- The regular business meeting th certified and non-certified.[Caskey, clerk. ~was followed by the making of ~ertified, $1.50; non-certified, i Several friends gathered at the plans for the basket social. Two 21.25 per bushel with sacks. Ro-Ihome of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nielsen !demonstrations were given by Col- bert Ekre, phone 5F3, Beach, !Saturday night to help them cele- leen Hoeck and Yvonne Still, after 26-2tp brate their wedding anniversary, which games were played and which occurred on Sunday The ~A-- • lunch was served by Mrs Peterson. "triER FORECASTS--We have .... ~,~ was suent socially and ~r ' a limited number of Ben Huset's ......... de-arid for home'wish- ~'-- ~ ., 1 everyone u p a Dickinson cat~ 944 weather forecasts. These Mrs. Morris was " Should be of special interest to ing the Nielsen's many more happy er on Tuesday of this week. /armers and stockmen. Golden anniversaries. V News office. " 18-tf ~ ~ ~OIt , I NOTICE TO CAR AND SALF,--4)ne 3-yestr-old bull; I TRUCK OWNERS ~ 5-year-old bull; one yearling ] , all registered Herefords 2 cars and trucks ~ " ] We notice many ~me Staliions, 2 years old, reg-]are still on streets and highways ~red American Remount Assn. ~,ith~-t 1944 license plates. Li- ~talph Moaser, Trotters. 25-3tp censes expire December 31st of each ,year. Any car operated after that ~ CARS---We have a few used ldate without a new license is being ,_ for sale: 1941 Plymouth I operated illegally. Many people are ~UPe; 1941 tudor Ford; 1~2 l,under the impression that licenses t~eltixe Plymouth coupe. You do [~e~ome due May 15th of each year. ~ .~ a certificate in order] This is no~ true. Vehicles must #~_bt! of these cars. Dakota}be l~cen~ed before they are used ~,mPlement CO. , ~ 20n~fC~uuon l~hwavs but penalty is due ~' i~f~r l~ay "15th of each year, • "~AANENT WAVE, ~Pc! Do your whether vehicle is used upon the OWn Perraanent with Charm-Kurl Fdt: Complete equipment, includ- highway or not. ~g 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy ~o do, absolutely harmless. Prals- by thousands including Fay ~eKenzie, glamorous movie star. kota license within five days after Morley refunded ff not satis- ~i. Woodward Brothers Drug, entering this state. We will start checking up on unlicensed cars in the very near future. Foreign car owners should make application for North De= Golden Valley Co. Peace Officer. 24-10tp ---------V~ y ~CLAN~ ~' .......... [ IOUTH A1M[ERICA M][SSIONAR u ~tstsu u~t'rt~ ¥l.Ub ~U.,[ ....... "~ T"~ BEACH ~We u~vtJt~ ~J v ~et Clover Seed 12c lb. up,] ' othy 8c, Bromus 17c, Timothy ~ . ~. Clover 12c, Pasture Mixtures, I John Carlson, a missionary xrom ~:eld Peas, Early Seed Corn, Mil- Bolivia, will be in Beach over the ets, Sudan, Cane; Buda, Royal t weekend and will speak at the First ,,el~d Golden Flax. Write for price]Lutheran Church each evening at ~St and Free ~trnples. Orimm l8 o'clock beginning on Thursday. ~aIffa Association, 201 lSth St, [He is also to speak at Sentinel ~o., l~arg0, N. D. On U. S. High-]Butte on Sunday morning; and, if 81 across street from Man-]the roads are passable, at Carlyle ster Biscuit Company. PA-4tCl on Sunday afternoon. Sick Cattle Need Scien- tific Medi- cal care When your cattle show any sign of being "un- der the weather" they merit careful scientific medical care. The cure may be very rapid and may mean a big differ- ence in your annual meat and milk produc- tion. We have a com- plete line of veterinar- ian remedies. SLEIGHT'S [ CITY DRUG i It isn't only the Prest:ige that accrues to you when you pat- ronize a renowed restaurant like the Powers Coffee Shop. • • think of the food itself ~ delicious, appetizing, and nourishing ~ the answer to a hungry appetite's prayer. POWERS COFFEE SHOP FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA PAINT Paint Preserves and Protects Your Farm Buildings Put your farm buildings in top condition for a record produc- tion in 1944. Protect your farm against the ravages of weather and time.-And eliminate future unnecessary repairs. The secret of this kind of protection is high grade, easily applied paint. We will be glacl to help you in se- lecting the paint best suited to your particular needs. See How Bright and New " Paint Will Make Your Farm BARN PAINT per gallon ........... HOUSE PAINT per gallon ........ FLAT PAINT per gallon KEN-TONE per gallon .~ Sensational all-purpose watermix paint A. OVERsTAD & SON BEACH, NOR2TI DAKOTA