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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 30, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 30, 1944
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W AUX HEWS Mr. and~ ~. Ray Scammon and ~a were' hi 'Ole~idive Sunday. Mrs. Neff '~' returned from Orqon, where she visited relatives. Mr. andMrm~,C.~ A. Steele visited the Warrens,st Baker Sunday. At Red ~ross ImYlday Mrs. Roswell Anderson ,era@ Mrs. Leroy Sends . served lun~: : ' Mr. aud ~,'s.' G~W Hall visited at the Jeerers home at Glendive on Wednesday, The Red Cre~ held their annual elect/on Of officers at the hlgh School ISunday afternoon. Jolm Eagetri8 home on furlough from Arlzdna-~nd is visiting his mother. T, 6cott of Minot, N. D. is visit- ir~ ~ nephew, Wallace Scott, and family. Burns and daughter returned week from' Utah, where he Visited for a short time. Richard Thompson • is home on i~tirlot~gh, visiting his mother, Mrs. Hugh Chance. Mrs. George Peterman entertain- ed ~t family dinner Sunday in honor of her husl~nd's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ross from near Beach visited at the home of Mrs. Kate Larson Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Slg Pederson visit- ed Mrs, Pederson's father at the Beach hospital Saturday evening. Mrs. simon Hazelton entertained the Christian Fundamental Ladles Aid Thursday afternoon at the club house. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chaffee drove to Baker Saturday to meet Mrs, Chaffee's daughter and her children, Who will visit them. Mr. and Mrs. Sig pederson gave a farewell dinner Sunday in honor of his brother, Stainer, who will be leaving soon for the service. Rev. and Mrs. E. Goossen at- tended the anniversary dinner at th~ Baptist Church at Baker on Friday. Several ladies had a birthday sur- prise party for Mrs. M. Teeters Thursday afternoon, and took her gifts and served lunch, In Beach l~tay were Mrs. Louise Larlg~, Mrs; Ray Scmnmon and son, Mrs. C~renve Peterman and M~, George Petern~n. : In Glendive Friday were Mr, and Mrs. G. Feukl6 aud baby, 3erry Mezek, John Morgan, and Burton and Russell Welsh. I i [ i • I ROSE Theatre Calendar GLENDIVE, MONTANA CURRENT WEEK NOW SHOWINO-- ~GI#ADALCANAL DIARY" starring Preston Foster. Lloyd Nolan, William Bendix and An- thony Quinn. Nothing can com- pare with the picture it Is t OVeL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M. SUN. MON. TUES.-- 'q~IISTLING IN BROOKLYN" starring Red Skelton and Ann Rutherford with Jean Rogers and "Rags" Ragland. His new- eat and funniest Pucker up . . . pack uP your troubles and howl! Again Red's "The Fox," radio's crlme-buster . . . but now he's tangled up with babes, bandits and basoball players in Brook- lyn, and It's the merriest, most excltlng murder hunt you've ever shrieked at ! It's Red- Roa rious ! WEDN~AY ONLY-- "THE ADVENTURES OF TARTU" with Robert Donat and Valerle "Hobeon. Tartu . . . man of n~st~*T . • . adventurer . . . lover . . . f~hter! Gay . . . darlngr OPENING NEXT THURS.-- "LADY TAKES A CHANCE~ starring Jean Arthur and John Wayne. UPTOWN THEAtrE FRIDAY SATUi~DAY~ Roy Rogers tn '~OWBOY AND SI~ORITA" Bruce Kellog in DEE]~LAYER--. Plus Chapter No. $ of "ADVENTURES OF FLYING CADETS.~ I~01~DAY MONDAY~ THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Miss Shirley Btxby was shopping in Olendive Friday. Ernest Davis and daughter and grandson of Black Rlver Falls, Wls. are visiting Mr. Davis' sister, Mrs. Dan Stockwell, and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bergman of Bill- ings are the parents of a baby boy born Saturday, March ~Sth. Mrs. Bergman was formerly Mlss~Ines Larson of Wibaux. Mrs. P. Fischer entertained the Contract Bridge Club Tuesday af- ternoon, with scores going to Mrs. L. Faitermeyer and Mrs, Dave McCann. The bowling alley had Red Cross Sunday. Lunches were also served all day and a very good sum was turned into the Red Cross War Fund. Mrs. Fred Buldhaupt returned from the Glendive hospital. Her daughter, Miss A)ma BuldhaupL came from Billings to help care for her while she is disabled. Business caller~ in Glendive on Saturday were Mrs. Ross Bixby, Miss Esther Franz, Miss Beulah Keit~, Miss Eustace, Mrs. Francis Payn~ and MarlL~ end Allen Ostby. The results of the town team basketball tournament held Thurs- day and Friday at the high school were: Wibaux first, Crolva second, Sentinel Butte third and Alpha fourth. The Womans Club met Friday evening at the library in honor of Mrs. M. P. Ostby, who will soon be leaving. She was presented a gift from the club and refreshments were served. There was a fellowship meeting and dinner at the Methodist Church Wednesday evening. The guest speaker for the evening was the district superintendent, Rev. Morange. The Masons at their regular meeting Thursday evening invited the Masons of Beach to give the third degree work. After the meet- ing S. Severson, F. Reinecke and R. Anderson served lunch to ~;wenty- seven guests. The Eastern Star card party on Tuesday evening was well attended. Bridge prizes went to Mrs. M. Heckaman and Dave McCann, and Mrs. Wayne Marcus and Francis Payne. Whist prizes went to Mrs. Mtn'phy ~l~d Floyd Keys, and Mrs. Louise Sletten and Reese Owens, ' At a birthday dinner party at the ~uthexland care Friday evening M~S. Henry Behendel and Simon R0~lUfi Were the guests of honor. Also present were Mr, Schendel and Mrs. Nodlun, Mr, and Mrs. N. Hazelwc~)d, Mr. and Mrs. W. How- ard, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Keys. The Eastern Star and Masons gave a joint dinner party Wednes- day evening at the hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Ostby. They were given a gift by the members and Mrs. Ostby was given a cor- sage in honor of her being grand representative of Oklahoma of the O. E. S. Mrs. E. Welliever and Mrs. George Sommerfeld entertained the eighth grade with the assistance of Wayne Marcus, in honor of Allen Ostby, who will be leaving soon to make his home at Fargo. A very enjoyable time was had, with games and other entertainment. The two hostesses served a delicious lunch at the close of the evening. A no-host six o'clock dinner was given at the Fischer home Monday evening in honor of Mr. and M~. M. P. Ostby. Bridge was played during the evening, with scores going to Mr. and Mrs. Ostby and Mr. and Mrs. L. Faltermeyer. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Dave McCann, F. E. Elllott, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mafming and Mrs. Claire Samson, The twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the American Le- gion was celebrated by members of the post and auxiliary with a no- host dinner Saturday evening at the Hazelwood home. There were twenty-five present and a beautiful birthday cake was prepared by Mrs. GUy Hall and cut by Guy Hall, commander. The evening was spent playing cootie, with the prize going to Tom Parker. V- LOCALS Mrs. Herrigsteed of Hodges was a Beach shopper on Monday of this week. Sadie Page arrived Monday to spend some time visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Natalie Hllbehek of Belfield arrived Monday to receive medical care, B. J. Myres of South Heart was a Beach business caller on Sat- urday~ Rev. and Mrs. P. C. ~d of Belfield were callers at the Olsrud home here Sunday evening. Mrs. B. Heckler of Forsythe, Mont. has spent the past week in Beach visiting friends and relatives. Harry Funk and Charles Allen left Tuesday for Fort~Snelllng for pre-inductlon examinations for the army. Howard and Wallace Enderie of Los Angeles, Calif. spent several days at the parental E. M, Enderle home last week, returning Sunday evening. Saturday evening a shower was given by Mrs. Victor Thompson, Randal Thomp- honor of Mrs. ~st the home of Tom Scott, old time resident of Beach, returned to Forest River after spending a week visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gonia re- turned Sunday from Billings, Mont., where they have been employed the past three months. The Social Hour Club will meet with Mrs. Jos. Weinreis on Tues- day afternoon, April 4th. Roll call: "Songs I Like Best." Oladys C~ddard and Lillian Strum attended the funeral of their grandmother Strom at Miles City on Saturday. Politicians are said to take the pulse of the nation. They should also examine the nation's feet, and make sure they are not getting cold. George Muggll of the Army Air Corps arrived in Beach Monday morning from Camp Truaxvllle, Wis. to spend ~ ten day f~urlough with his parents, Mr. and rMrs. G. Muggli. D. H Hanson of Steele was called to Beach the fore part of this week by the illness of his brother, John, who submitted to a surgical opera- tion on Sunday. Mr. Hanson is also a brother of Otto Hanson, lumberman at Golva. His son and daughter are the publishers of the Kidder County News at Steele and naturally Mr. Hanson is interested in newspapers, so called at the Golden Valley News office for a visit. V~ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hammond were Beach callers Thursday P. M. Herman Bargfeld spent the week at Beach and Sentinel Butte, visit- ing his daughter, Mrs. Walter Allen. Several from Carlyle and vicinity attended the sale of Mrs. Welsh Wednesday. Harold Fulton, George Waterland and Bill Neary were Baker business callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse and niece, Lavonne Hartse, were Wi- baux and Beach callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton and Paul Bowen were Beach callers on Thursday, Miss Jean Hartse is teaching at the Fisher School finishing a term of school, ~Bob Morin took the high school girls to Wibaux Thursday night to a basketball game. Miss Gwendolyn Fulton and Miss Margie Dealing spent the weekend at the Charlie Fulton home, Harold Fulton and Jean Hartse were shoppers in Glendive Saturday P.M. Frank Fulton and daughter of Giendive spent the w#ekend visiting relatives and friends in Carlyle and vicinity. Mrs. Chas. Huffman returned home Wednesday from Iowa after having cared for her sister-in-law for three weeks. Mrs. Jens Waarst received word of the death of her brother, August Oisen in Idaho. Deep sympathy is extended to her. Leone, Adell and Patsy Lund, Dorothy Hammond, and Mary Jane Lindstrom spent the weekend in Glendive, WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS The Beach Woman's Club met at the Henry Thompson home on Monday evening and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. G. E. S{mdness; first vice president, Mrs. L. A. Kirst; second vice president, Mrs. Ernest Sorenson; secretary, " Mrs. Maurlce Rohan; treasurer, Mrs. Minnie Srnith; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Jesse Still; executive board, Mrs. Rufus Arnold, Miss Mattle Thompson and Mrs. E. D. Evans. I Harry Funk left Tuesday of this week for the army. Otto Johnson was a supper guest at the Julius Larsen home on Thursday. Mrs. Dorothy Hess of Golva was an overnight guest of Marion Gard- ner on Thursday. John Hanson was taken to the Beach hospital when he became serieusly ill on Friday of last week. Miss Mary Kremers spent a few days in Beach last week before re- turning to her home in Golva. Mrs. Leo Kremers was taken to the Beach hospital on Wednesday evening of last week. Fred Kremers left Monday mor- ning for Fort Shelling to be induct- ed into the navy. Mrs. Julius Larsen and Marlene visited Mrs. Edgar Kukowski of Beach on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schwagle were visitors at the Julius Larsen home on Sunday. Leo White left Friday to return home after spending the past week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim White. Mr. and Mrs. Wicke arrived here the past week to spend some time visiting at the home of Mrs. Wicke's daughter, Mrs. Homer Madison. The many friends of John Fis- cher were very sorry to hear of his death on Saturday morning. His many friends extend their sincerest sympathy to ~he grieving family. Sgt. Hugo Kreitinger returned home Saturday evening to spend the weekend at the home of his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kreit- inger, leaving Monday morning to return ,to his camp in South Dakota. The Golva independent basketball team made a trip to Wibaux on Thursday and Friday evening, to ,take part in the annual basketball tournament there. On Thursday evening they played Sentinel Butte, winning that game. On Friday evening they played Wibaux and lost. They won second place in the tournament, Wibaux taking first. ~--=~==--=:=--=--===-~==------'iALPHA NEWS Gertrude Boehlke was a Golva visitor one day this week. A1 Irons and Edith Carew were spectators in Beach Wednesday.- Clarence and Lee Roy Fasching ha~lled hogs to town Friday. ~ohn and Ben Susa were callers at, the R. R Boehlke home on Thursday. Mrs. Roztna Fasching went to Bismarck Monday to consult a doc- tor. returning Friday. Mrs. C. Otrembo and Carl were callers a~ the Ed Sherman home on Tuesday. A. J. Zeibarth, Harold Zeibarth, Harold Oisom Louis Drewniak. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fasching were Beach visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Art White, Mrs. H. Olson and son Harold. Andrew Kohler, Daisy Wassmann and Ro- ztna Fasching were business callers in Beach Saturday. ~Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonnek, A[tdrew Kohler, Daisy Wassmann, AI Irons, Mr. and Mrs. Art White, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zelbarth and Harold were Beach callers on Monday. --V-- Farmer: "An' how's Lawyer Jones doin', ,Doctor?" Doctor: "Poor fellow! He's lying at death's door." Farmer: "That's grit for ye--at death's door and still lyin'." I i ii ii i ii I I I II fl II HORSE SALES Every Friday at the BILLINGS LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. Where they sell more horses each week than any firm in the United States. You can get your cull rang~ horses sold from $15 to $35 per head. The best work horses the past three weeks sold from $175 to $250 per pair. Odd work horses $50 to $100 each. Gentle haler-broke or unbroke, two to five-year-old mares for Southern trade $30 @ $50. Saddle horses $50 to $150. TWO SPECIAL SADDLE HORSE SALES April 21st and 22nd May 26th and 27th Send your horses for these sales CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS Auction Sales Mondays and Wednesdays Private Sales Every Day REGIsTERED HEREFORD CATTLE BULLS AND FEMALES Friday, M0reh 31st North Side of the Track at Billings Thursday, March 30, 1944 FOR SALE 1941 4.Door Special Buick Sedan 28,000 actual miles, with good tires and in perfect condition throughout. In shape to give you good, economical transportation for the duration and after. HALSTEAD CORPORATION PHONE 113, BEACH, N. D. I Give Your Home a New Face with a Fresh Coat of Paint Your home might have taken . a,beating this winter.., but " it can still look .just as fresh and clean as before. Give it a new outlook with perfec- tion paint. Don't wait until it's too late. Rclnember. we handle the best paints. .... CAI,I~ TOI)AY GOLVA TRADING COMPANY Bert Covert, Manager GOLVA, NORTH DAKOTA i Ill aey Buld Sun~ br~x bext also ZOok N~ l~ch BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 31st and April 1st Will take as many hogs as you may deliver. Imst week was able to pay $12.70 for Top Hogs, but~,~'ill guarantee the following prices this week, paying more if the market will permit: TOP HOGS, 210 to 300 lbs. .... $12.50 ~t~ 185 to 210 lb. HOGS $11.50 ~ ........ t~ ~o, 170 to i85 lb. HOGS - ' .... $11.20 ~ba~e,~l ;b~ 140 to 170 lb. HOGS. - - $9.50 to $11,00 !~/~ SOWS, all weights ......... $11.20 Feeder hogs or hogs under 140 Ibs. bought at $9.00 , per hundred. " ! Weet [! ~ou'l, Always Get a Square Deal With-- "1 i ~Z~tsl~,~ JACK BMLARD PHONE 40 BEACH, N, D,