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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 28, 1935     Golden Valley News
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March 28, 1935
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~.~7-5o~-~, :~:-~7:~ ......... ~~ •, ~ .... BIIAO~ ~JW i ]l ~ --L i i i • r , . ii i • CAR RADIOFREE "'''" "75" worth $47.50, with every purchase you make at the COZY CAFE Roy Bonnie View -,t :*-~Bett~r"~" ~ki/ taken~ to: ~i~ horsed t z 'f!~i ~;~i to Beach last ~!/ Vrtda;~. !!i~ l~ Felcln~n and ~son Walter :~ spent Monday in the badlands, ~d retrained that evening with a fine load of wood. Mrs' ami Mrs. A. F. Doblar, Dick Kerr and son Max were Sunday vis- itors ~t the Harry Hill home. Mr. &~d Mrs, Martin Ueckert ac, compgnl~~ by Mrs. Bertha ~hultz, ~.~ were piea~t caller~ at the Roy Mc- Oss~ ~e Monday. M~ Miller was a caller at tlze ~l FoMtnan hom'~ Suu0sy. Mrs. Glen Adams is /~ patient at the .Beach hospital. • : Mrs.. Prank Dander is getting aloha nicely at the Beach hospital. At*the annual township meeting on last Tuesday, Roy McCaskey was re- s~pervisor for three years, Feldmma for one year to fill the unexpired term of the late Rud- ~ 8lsby. Mrs. John Barkland ac- by'Mr az~d Mrs Erdman , ~d pleasant callers in : CKlr' Sunday. I Kerr were business ~Va, lle.~ at the McCaskey home Monday Jo]m 'A~iguire, accompanied by Mr, ]~ti~ly was a caller in our neighbor- hood Monday. Garner News Mr. and Mrs. Babcock are enjoying a viMt from Mr. Babcock's nephew, who arrived here Thursday from South Dakota. M. and Mrs. Lewis Drewniak and J sou, Mr and Mrs, Joe Dietz and family, Mrs. Strahon. Mrs. Schmel- . tag, Clara Wassman, and Mrs. Gee. Wassman were Beach visitors on Saturday. Mr. an~ Mrs. PaUl Wel~rman are the proud parents of a 9Vs pound baby boy born Saturday, March 23. Ps~fl We~rman and Mrs. Ewald Jollduon were visitors in Dickinson 66 ~,.day. ,~ Mr" ar{d Mrs. Joe Dletz and family visitors Haset Williams was an overnight ' a Joe Dletz home Saturd y. M~. George Wassman and [rs. Short. (formerly Mac Alstott) were visiting in the Garner vicinity last week. Dorothy Hotleobeck was :- on the sick list last week. Herman Dietz and Maria Allen were evening v~sttors at Joe Dietz' home on Thursday. Mr. ~d Mrs. Glen Alstott and fa~flly, Mr. Schumacher, and Win, W~~man were visitors at Fred W~n's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leanire and RoY and Sentinel Hgrmon Olstad was a visitor in Ma~0r~o:Thursday. Rusty Call was a ~isitor at J. V. Klein's Monday. %Ventland visited at his home SUnd~F, was a caller in on Wednesday. Elnar were L~wre~xc~ homire'~s Tuesday. The land appraisers were in this ' this Week. was a Sentinel V. ,Klein and son John were at Clifford Phillips' SaturdaY, was a caller at Einar aatd Harmon Olstad • l~ow In Beach SatUrday. a, caller at Einar 'THAT L Sentinel Butte Locals till Mike Theisen returned home front Team, Debate Members and Seniors, the Dickinson hospital Sunday. i Kathleen Boisen who will represent tl~ol the school m Mrs. Nick Lardy entertained ~ " dramatical reading~G Altar Society Thursday' afternoon. ~and Lawrence Goebel in humoroas readings, will The Ladies Aid held a business l . Journey to Beacah next ,'r meeting at the church basement I' iday to take part In the Declares. Thursday afternoon, tion contest. Tuesday ,evening Mrs. F~'ed Smith l Mr. sad Mrs. Johnson of Watford iCily attended the Operetta put on by the Glee Club at Sentinel Butte Frt- lday night. Their daughter, Maxlne [Johnson who teaches in the hig~ school, returned with them to spoon the weekend, entertained the members of the Sthdy Club, their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom, and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Englund at a bridge part.v. The affair was in honor of the birth- days of Mr, Burhans and Mrs, Fred Smith and was in the natur~ of it surprise party on Mr. Smith. Bridge was played at four tables, with prizes going to Mrs. Hogoboom, ladies high, Mr. Wagner, gentleman's hiKlL and the consolations went to Miss Mason and Mr. Tovey. A birthday gift was The Senior~ began work on their !play. "The Yellow Shadow" which is a royalty play to be given the latter part of April. I Avis Premo was a dinner guest ac itbe Martin home last Tuesday ~oon celebrating the occasion of Jealmes twelfth birthday. presented to Mrs. Smith and Mr. Bur-~ hails by the club members. A deqc. I ~ Ill[ US was servec~, by the hoSteSs. " ' Isaddle Butte Homemak. M~. M. A. rovey wa~ taken el,~] era Have Pleasant Meet Suddenly Tuesday night with blOod j - It - poisoning in i~er hand, the result efI The Saddle Butte Homemakers clubI scratch from a rusty nail. She was~met on March~ 21st at 2 p. m. at] taken to Beach to consult a doctor i~he home of Mrs. Chas. Langk. 171 who opened her hand and seat i~er members and nine visitors were pres.I home ~vith a nurse. Miss Becldey. to est. I look after her. She was very Ill for several day~ but at this time is re- covering nicely. Norman Runlons and Alex MeLatn left Friday morning for Bismarck to attend the State tournament. They returned, Saturday evening. ~The Ladies Aid will holds quilt and rug display and serve lunch at the Opera House on Thursday afternoon, APril 4th. The Ladles Aid would ap- preciate very mhch.,having any one owning quilts to call either Mrs. E. H. Mason or Mrs. ~'. E. Burhans who will call for them that day an sec that they are returned safely. This means either new or old quilts that have been hand made. Norma Martin was shopping in Beach Saturday, Russell Kirkpatrlck has been slcR with the flu for the last few weeks. Mrs. Georgia Trumbull, sister of Mrs. H. H. Huseby, who is working A very interesting lesson was giv- en by Mrs. Floyd Hobbs on "Pep up the school lunch." The Importance of planning the school lunch by first considering the needs of the body. The need of a hot lUnch at noon ~and how this could be furnished in the ~u~l schools ~md the equipment needed were discussed. Games prepared by the entertain. meat committee were enjoyed by all. A delicious lunch was served by the l~ostess. Mrs, Diok McDanold invited the club to-meet at the home of her mother, Mrs. Herfi~ Brown, for the April meeting. --Secretary [IN" Howard Larson left on Sunday af- ternoon for Glendlve where he has feocepted a position with a newly es- tablished weekly newspaper. Ernest McDanold began work st the Advance non Howard's departure. BASEBALL MEETING II-- Stub NoNes this week received an invitation extended to the Beach W0mtm's Club Held SnaP'hiSS .... ~' .~.. --~ll-- Fine Meeting Monday Abo~-:~aee~ friends dropped --J[-- ~ the Albert ~Klein home in The Beach Wo~ttr~a" Club m~t tu Mo~d~.evening and surprised regular session with Mrs.Klrst on tlZe ~ion being his Monday evening, March 25. The pres. Cards' ~ere played, and at a ident. Mrs. Keohane, presided at the lmur a: fine lunch was served, bustness meeting, during which plans which the. guests departed for the year were discussed. The pro- gram of the evening, under the dr- Albert many more happy rction of Mrs. Ellinger, music chair- in the tM~re'. man, consisted of the following lilt numbers: LAST LYCEUM NUMBER Piano Duet--Mesdames Kirst aud 11 Ellinger. E. Stai}ley Brookes, noted Group Song-'-led hy Mrs. Ellinger. lian impe~Tsonator, will be Paper, "German Music"---Mrs. El- the last number on the lyceum linger, at the Beach high school Violin Solo--Mrs. Houck. at 8:00 o'clock Thursday Piano Solo--Mrs. Kirst. 'April 4. Vocal Solo--Mrs. Ellinger. - fill- P a~p e r. "English Mnslc"--Mrs. METI-IODIST EPISCOPAL Kirst. CHURCH Violin Solo--Mrs. Houck. B, T. Osborne, Pastor Piano Solo--Mrs. Kirst. Vocal Solo--Mrs Ellinger. Church School 10:00 a. m. • [ Club Singing Worship 11:00 a m. Paper. "h'ish Music'---Mrs. Houck. Epworth League 3:30 p. m. Violin Solo--Mrs. Houck. Midweek devotional hour on Vocal Trio--Mesdames Elliuger, To-lnesday even~lng at 7:30 p. m. bias. and Hudson. Choir rehearsal Thursday Piano Solo, violin accompaniment -Jill ~Mesdames Kirst and Houck. CHURCH O1~ THE UNITED Vocal Solo--Mrs. Eninger. PEN IN CHRIST Club Singing The next meeting will be election W. ~ Hereon, P~stor 10:15 a. m.~Unlfled servle~. of officers and will be held at the home of Mrs. Olive Kuhfeld. Every and Bible $~kudy. member is urged to be present. 6:30 p. m. C. E. Society .ml 7:30 p. ~. Evening worship. NEW BUS DEPOT -:ll] .11. ¢ 't-~ ',:O~ R~G A TTONAT~ CHURCH The Greyhound lines announce that "The Friendly Church" their local bus depo~ was moved last Roy. C. O. gllinger. Praetor week and is now located at the Rice ]~ A M~'Chureh ,~chool drug store. Officials report that the Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. move was made in order to have the Thursday ~7 p. m. Choir practice depot more conveniently located in Thurs. 8 p m. Lent ser*Ice the business district. SENTINEL BUTTE 1111 TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING 10 A. M. Church School ttl] --LL.-- baseball team to join a proposed 8- The annual meeting of the town. United Lutheran team eastern Most -western N Oak ~ .... ' " " ship nears of Beach civil township league and has called a meeting of! .... Rev. E. T. Anderson, Pastor was neld Tuesaay at tl~e scull house ~._~'n~vers and all others interested tel, ,, , ' Sunday school 10:00 a. m. and ~arious routine" matters were be held tomorrow, Friday, e~ening] . ' Midweek Lout services W, , disposed of at that time at the Beach Review office at 7:',0. . at 7:30 p. m. ADDITIONAL LOCAL'S -**- LENTEN F00DSALE Mrs. Jane Morau is visiting in Bis- marck with her daughter there. Mrs. Joe Kukowski ba.~ l~,tt for Wi- aon~ Minn. to attend a funeral of a ' ' relative. Friendship Snaps will be taken RED A COFFEE 3 L~S,55(: " until April 7th for 50c doz. 3 poses. ~ , , ,, Welch Studio. M ,., PEANUT BUTTER CAROL 27c For Sale---Have second hated 4-plow AR drill. Reasonable. AI Longbottom. It ...... ,,, ~r Manrice Miller, FlOYd Houck and RED SALMON 1 LB, TALL 20¢ '.Rex Miller drove to Fargo Saturday 18K where Floyd got a new Ford truck. , , ReXlohnsondrOve a neWMotor co.Car home for the TUNA FISH 1-2 SIZE TIN 15c Gee. Richmond brought the child .... ,, ran of the Bunker Hill school In to SALAO DRESSING CAROL (IT JAR 35C see "David Copperfleld" on Tuesday I evening. T]~e Auxiliary will meet Tuesday, April 2, at the home of Mrs. A. H. MACKEREL 3 CANS 29c '" COVE OYSTERS OZ TIN' 29c Herman Diez was a Dickinson via- 1BK 1 n itor Monday. FANCY I U i M,'s. Bes,~ie "¢/elch returned Taes- daYcaliforniafrom ,~and~WOcoastmonthSpolntsVacatiOnand re-in EASTER EGG g GAlE COLORING" }8¢ ports a fine time. Gertrude Halseead, ' ...... - who accompanied her, remained in MACARONI OR SPAGETTI 0"%0; 43C California, having obtained a position. Ted Thompson and Wm Klppley ' ' drove to Bismarck with Robert AI- BAKERS CHOCOLATE ""'~ 22c guire Monday and each drove back CAKE a new 1935 Dodge ca~'for themselves. ' " ' '"' WINESAP APPLES """" $1,49 TO STATE CONFERENCE STOCK il .... The North Dakota state conference ORANGES LARGE JUICY DOZEN 37c of Methodist pastors is being held this week at Carrington Wednesday, , ,, , , "° "°" "'" " GRAPEFRUIT "'"°" 6 FOR 28c Osborne of Beach left Tuesday to SEEDLESS aniedattend himthe asaffair'far Hisas Beulahwife aecomP-where BANANASFIRM RIPE 3 LBS FOR "25c she will visit a few days. ~ I II I II I IIII I J at, the home of Father Hake at Beach, spent Sunday afternoon plaiting here.~ Howard Hess is again able to be out after his long illness with Pneu- monia. Dorothy Hollenbeck was~ taken to Dickinson hospital Friday morning following a severe attactof appendic- itis. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gamroth left on No. 1 Thursday night for their home in Banks,~ Oregon after several weeks visit with friends and relatives here. The fo]~o~vin~ ~rmms bad their plc- tures taken by the Osborne Studio of Dickinson: Girls and Boys Basketball i ~ [ i Ill II I CASE II I II] ]I Machinery Have some good re-built Tractors at BARGAIN PRICES AL LONGBOTTOM LETTUCE, CRISP 2 HEADS 15c II SPUDS, RUSSETT, 50 LB, SACK 99c See cir lars for other bargains " THOMPSON'S WE DBLIVER PHONI 66 I I II Ill I I i y