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March 28, 1935 Golden Valley News | |
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March 28, 1935 |
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~ca ~jmmr
This Is ilRather an Expensive Log C b;.
of old telephone poles, their rotted ends sawed off. this recreation cabin at a transient relief
near Say'age, Minn., cost the state $10,900 to build, not including lights, plumbing or interior furnish-
to testimbny presented the Minnesota leg:slature's investigating committee.
-- ,J J
Doyle of Sentinel Butte is
a few days this week in
around Beach. He is taking the
in Beach Civil township.
Donald Alton and Burton Nelson
~g to Bismarck Saturday to see
final games of ahe state basket-
~ tournament They r~urned ell
¥oalghan Morris returned home on
afternoon for a short visit
parents. He left Monday for
Mont. wehre he: will re-
13htnche Sbevens who was formerly
at the Penney store, left on
for Dickinson where she willi
her course at ttte Normal.
Zielsdorf has ta~n~ her pos-]
the local
W. C. Harlan has been visit-
~iler aunt. Mrs. Joe Mlddlel:ol~, the
Wllma Kremers : is visiting
Mrs. Joe Gruman, thts
y, Tea, Coffee or
men. GOO~] proposition
man in Beach. Rawleigh,
Minneapolis, Minn. Apl8
Jones, Frank Kukowskl,
Beckley, Donald Evans, and
Davis motored to Bismarck on
to attend the stale basketball
there, returning on Sun-
D. Logan end M~,. Thoemke
Thursday evening from
where they attended the
Mr. Logan is driving a
%ran Derhoef ret~ned Thurs-
from Minneapolis"~ere he has
the last week and g half attend-
the Buttrey con~vent~n there.
Theodore- Tobias and Marvin
also attended the tournament
~lsmarck, leaving here Friday
and returning Saturday night.
Beckley returned from
Butte Friday evening where
been n~ for~ a few days.
and hta children drove
Butte~ Friday evening to
09eretta. ~:o
A group of ladles surprised Mrs.
Anna Meyer on her birthday Saturday
afternoon. A pleasant afternoon was
spent in sewing and chatting after
which dainty refreshments brought by
the guests were served.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 3• Pavlick and
family of Dickinson were visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Smith ov~r the
weekend. Mrs. l'~lick is Mrs.
Smith';~ daughter.
The COZY CAFE is giving away
FP~E char, ca on one of Jesse
$47.50, with every p~,rr~rse made.
Come in for meals, lunches, cigar-
ettes, cigars, candy, chewing gum,
ice cream• We serve ice cold beer
in pitchers with fresh potato chips.
A rea! chance to win a useful and
enjoyable prize. Roy Noyes, Prop. 3t
FOR SALE---1000 bu, Canadian
Marquis seed wheat. J. K. Tat-
ley, Ollie; Montana. fflM13-Jt
FOR SALE---Rainbow Flint corn,
wheat grass, alfalfa seed. John Fak-
ler, Beach. M21-3tp
Mrs. H. P. Crossman is~ 0n the
sick list.
Mrs. W. L. Kidder is reported as
being on the sick list.
Mrs. Gee. each entertained the
Methodist Missionary society at her
home last Wednesday afternoon. Af-
ter the usual meeting Mrs. Roy Oech
was very pleasantly surprised when
the ladies of the church presentea
her with a lovely set of dishes. A
tasty lunch was served at the close
of the afternoon.
Roy Noyes an& son Russell, and
Marvin Tobias were down to Bis-
marck to the state basketball tourn~
sent Friday evening and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldhusen
celebrated their 32rid wedding anm-
versary with a dinner at their home
on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
George Oech helped commemorate
the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. John Raisler were
supper guests at the T. W. Helstrom
home on Saturdgy evening.
Verna Scheffer and Helen Dunstan
of Golva were Beach visitors on Frl-
day night and Saturday.
Karl Kannenberg was confined to
the hou~ for the past week.
Margaret Fisher of Golva w~ a
weekend visitor in Beach.
Clifford Clark has been in Bismarck
several days on business.
, vacuum pack lb.
, 4lb. ge
solid pack 3 cans
lb. box
, 5 pounds
Sou 5 cans
JellQ0 flavor
100 lbs.
50 ibs.
feed, 100 lbs.
takd rders for good
Hay, Second Cutting
Will Pay Caeh for Beef~Cozy Cafe.
The Misses Bernice and Grace
Sperry came in from Trotters on Fri-
day. Bernice will remain in town and
assist Mrs. Vukelic with her house-
hold duties.
Floyd and Donald Wilson, and E~-
mer Raisler were in Olendive over
Saturday evening and Sunday.
The repairs on the former Ernest
Johnston farm home hove been com-
pleted and Mr. and IWrs. Ronald
Johnston have Just recently moved in.
marck on Monday morning.
Henry Mar]non and son Raymond
and also Carrie Miller attended the
farewell party at Glendive Wednes-
day evening for Mrs. Brustauie. for-
m~rly Katherine Schlauch.
C. T. Simmons and Bill Doyle
shipped a carload of horses Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jandt are
the proud parents of a baby girl horn
aa the local hospital last Thursday.
Mother and daughter are doing fine.
Palmer Skaar has again returned
to the Beach holfpital with an in-
fected arm. He will be taken to
Dickinson to have SOme X-rays taken.
On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Marmon attended the funeral of Mrs.
Frances Schelera, mother of Mrs.
John Marmon of Sidney.
Betty Rankin of north of Beach
had her t~nsils removed last week.
She is getting along just fine.
Ilene Pierzina was in the local hos-
pital to have her tonsils removed,
but because of a bad cought, the oP-
eration was postponed.
Joe Davis of Belfield was a Beach
caller Sunday, bringing some horses
up for Charlie Simmons.
Harold Fulton of Carlyle is in~ t~e
hospital for a minor operation.
Mrs. Ella Kidder of Trotters is in
the local hospital for treatment.
Mrs. Frank Fulton of Carlyle is in
the ,hospital with inflamatory rhea-
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Simmons en-
tertained four couples at a supper on
Sunday night. The evening was
~pent in playing cards.
Bill Doyle of Trotters was a busl-
hess caller in Beach on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marmon and
family were visitors in Olendive on
MrS. Late Altt)n entertained the
Delta Dek bridge club at the home
of Mrs. Jesse Still on Saturday even-
'ing. After a dainty lunch, the usual
evening of bridge was enjoyed.
Editor White "and son William of
Wibaux were Beach caller last week
Thursday, the elder Mr. White hav-
ing dental work done. While in town
they paid the Review~ o$ce a pleas-
ant call
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and fam-
ily of Dickinson spent Sunday here
at the W. Wallace ~nome. They
brought Stanley Wallace home, he
having been visiting with them smce
before Chxistmas.
Roy Tuttle and Ed. Summers went
to Fargo last Thursday to get a
truck load of potatoes. By the time
they got to Dickinson on their w~y
home, they had sold all their load,
so returned to Fargo for another
cargo. They arrived home on Sunday
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Buck and family were pleasantly
surprised by a visit from a daughter,
Mrs. Clayton McMullen, her husband
and their daughter, Una Mac. On
their way up Mr. and Mrs. McMullen
stopped at Medora to bring along
their cousin Vincent Buck who is
dx~fftsman there. Vincent returned
to Medora by bus SUnday evening
and the ]V~cMullens retuurned to Bis-
The children of Gerhardt schaI-
lock of northeast of Beach have been
confined to their beds suffering with
severe cases of tonsilitls.
Mr. and Mrs. Llo~Vd Grifflth will
soon move to the Wetnberger house
on the north side which has recently
been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Klein.
Floyd Wilson and Bruce Wantke
have moved from the Langberg cot-
tage on the north side to the Murry
farm near RGekY Butte.
Win. LuO~-" ~and Rex Schultz went
to Fargo after a load of potatoes on
Ray. Anderson went to Mott yes.
terday morning where he will con-
duct services with a Far&o minister.
Mrs. Lawrence Tur~buli entertain-
ed the Adventist ladies aid yester.
day afternoon.
Mrs. Peter Golliet had several old-
time friends in yesterday for a fine
big chicken dinner in honor of her
A group of about six couple
dropped in to surprise Gee. Christen.
sen last night. A pleasant evening
was s~ent in playing cards after
which dainty refreshments brought
by the guests were served.
Mrs, Floyd Neudeck entertained
twenty guests Tuesday evening at her
home in honor of he]" husband's
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hudson and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson were co-
hosts t~ a number of couples at a
seven o'clock dinner Wednesday ev-
ening at the home of the former.
~-4$~ ~H$4HHF-M4~kak 4H~(-~4$4HHt
Alpha News
Dwight Howard. and son ot Sidney
visited at Elmer Howard's Saturday
and Sunday.
Henry Wilkins spen~ the weekend
in Beach with his family
Doris Bacon was atguest of Mrs.
Oloyd Bury Thursday night.
Mrs. John Irons has been sick with
the flu the past week•
Mrs. Fred McManigal visited her
folks, Mr. and Mrs. George Stull last
Ed Eide and Alex LaSota were in
Beach Friday,
Dorothy Hogoboom spent the week
end at home.
Mr. Ziebarth returned home Satur-
day from Scranton where he attended
the funeral of his brother Will.
Alberta Barthel took in the basket
ball games at Bismarck Saturday.
Following the dinner the guests en- Mr. nd Mrs. Fritz Fasching were
joyed contract bridge, her Beach visitors Wednesday.
Honoring Mrs. James Hardy on Karnes Johnson was in Carlyle on
birthday Sunday evening, ten couples Wednesday after a load of feed.
surprised her by arriving at her home
Mrs. M. B. Hogoboom is visiting
with a lovely dinner which was relatives in Sentinel Butte this week.
served at 6: 30. After the dinner cards
were enjoyed for a few hours. Prizes
were awarded to Mrs. Tony Schmidt
and George Oech. Mrs. Hardy was
presented with a useful gift as a tok-
en of esteem.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Miller enter-
tained the duplicate bridge club at
their borne last night. The usual
three tables of bridge were enjoyed
after which a fine lunch was s~ved.
Mrs. Jessie Kinsey entertained
four tables, of bridge at her home on
Friday evening. After an enjoyable
evening of bridge a dainty lunch was
served to the guests.
Hereafter all confinement cases
and office work will be strictly cash.
Farmers Free Ex-
change Column
FOR S~No. 1 clean Marquis
se~d wheat $I.I0 per bu. At
Elevator Co. Ohama.
FOR SALE---One 500-gal. gasolim
tank, one 11.ft. Van Brunt
three discs, one sulky plow. John
Barkland, Beach.
. FOR SAId-r--50 or 60 bushels Bison
flax, 98 percent germination.
Kramer, Beach.
Some pure blood barred
roo~ters for sale. Also a coal
brooder for sale cheap. Mrs.
BraUtigan, Trotters, N. D.
Seed for sale. Falconer corn and
.seed clean Trebi barley. Phone 5F22.
~#A. Finneman, Golva, N. D.
~,.~Auto shed for rent clos9 in..See
.~t~ M. Stoddard, Beach.
, Marquis Seed Wheat For Sale--
(,cleaned) $1,10 per bushel. R. W.
Denton ......
FOR SALE--Green Oat Hay. Also
seed wheat, barley, speltz. White
Rock roosters. Emile Kunick, Sent.
lnel Butte, N. Dak.
E." Murry farm near Rocky Butte.
See Gunnar Pahlstrom.
FOR SALE or TRADE--Roan short-
horn bull. Emile Kunick, Sentinel
B~tte, N. Dak.
~:~"~dnbral Farm Machinery for sale
lttcluding a Van Brunt lO-ft double
:@lac drill, practically new, and also
an incubator. Dr. E. Sutter, Golva.
ORGAN for sale. Write Box 107
• hplva, N. Dak.
FOR S~reen Oat Hay.
Want to B~y~4 White Wyandotte
roosters or 4 White Rock roosters.
Glen Hathaway.
WANTED TO BUY~Two purebred
Sliver-Laced Wyandotte roosterL
Page Myers, Medora, N. Dak.
FOR SALJ~--Fordson tractor. F.
W. Smith, Sentinel Butte.
FOR SALE--Early Ohio potatoes~
$1.65 per hundred pounds. Henry
Hildebrant, Beach, N. D.
FOR SALFr-32 volt farm I)e~co
battery or will trade for horses. C~s~
Bohn, Sentinel Butte.
HAY FOR SALFr--Prairle hay. P.
J. Schmitz farm, Golva.
Shetland Pony for sale, 5-years
old. Gerhardt Fischer, Oolva. ff~
FOR SALE--Carter disc grain clean.
er by Philip Page. Deal with Eliza.
beth Morton, Golva.
FOR SAI~E OR TRADE--cedar fen-
ce posts or corral posts. ~ C. W.
Wagner, Gotham. N. D.
18 Purebred Rhode Island Red
roosters for sale. Conrad Bohn, Sent-
inel Butte.
FOR SALE--Eight foot tandem
disc. In good sondition. Rudy Ramstad
Come in--
Miss Bacon spent the weekend at
her ~ome near Rhame.
Mrs. Wm. Carew is on the sick list
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. White and son
Art and Adolph, Nistler spent Monday
eventng at the John Barthel home.
Mrs. Hogoboom entertained the
regular meeting of the U. B. Ladies
Aid on Thursday. A fair sized crowd
attended and a lovely dinner was
served by the hostese.
Greyhound Bus Depot
now located at
Eastbound 8:48 A. M. --- 10:28 P. M,
Westbound 5:29 A. M. -- 4:09 P. M.
For further information as to fares and sched-
ules to all parts of the U. S. call Phone No. 31.
Northland Greyhound Lines
Minneapolis ~..
Yes, sir, you should learn all about the new
MM UNIVERSAL wide tread tractor before you
go through another season with your old tractor "
or just horses. It's a TWIN CITY.
It offers you all that is modern and proved
correct in. tractor design and construction ... :
PLUS many original MM FEATURES that makell ....
without expensive repairs.
It's ideal for all belt, power take-off
drawbar jobs, as well as offering you the
MODERN and complete row crop equipment for
every need.
Let us show it to you sometime soon. You
have a right to have some leisure time to enioy
life. Business men haven't given up using mod-
ern machines You should use them, too.
Golden Valley Harveslor Co.