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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 28, 1935     Golden Valley News
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March 28, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:~:(:i;,;:::.:::(.ff / .... . L ......... ...... ~ .. ~ ~!=:!.: . . H 112 U . 7-~ i Trotters News Mrs, Roy Coan went to Williston a week ago where she entered the hospital for treatment. At last re- port she was slowly improving. S. SteVens purchased a coupe last week from Allen Kastien of Beach. Bert Sperry spent Saturday ~vening at the Andre honle. Mrs. Lawhead spent last week in Beach and XVlbaux visiting. Imuis Callendar, S. Stevens and Donald Lawhead delivered horses i, Bosch on Friday. The Ford Spiegelberg family of Beach were Sunday guests at the % ~nmlst home. V~m. Reichert sp(ult ~ev(q'al (lay~ last week in Beach overhaulhlg the car he recently purchased, Hazel Vlnqulst come up from Dick- tnson Friday to spend the w(!eke~ld: at her home. Don't forget the SoUth Side Aid m~eting at Mrs. Nehls' Thursday. April 4. We are glad to see Chester Gasho back among us again after having opent the winter in Washington. The WWw meeting at the church parlors Wednesday was well attended Mr. and Mrs. Lawhead and son were Sunday diI:ner guests at the L. Callendar home. They also spent Sunday evening at the ~. ,~tevens home. M~s. C. It Callendar spent Tues- day in Beach as fhe guest of ~t'rS. W. B. Ch~rk. Irene ~leenllp spent the woo:t(!nd ~t bar he~e in Skaar. APRIL PROGRAM THE BIJOU THEATRE BEACH, N. DAK. Two shows each night--7:30 and 9:00 i m ql SUNDAY 31--M()NI)AV I.~,'FT'IdST)AY : "Bright Eyes" Cast: SHIRLEY TEMI'IA']. JAMES DUNN, JUDITH ALLEN. LOIS VeIL- SON. For tile family. Comedy, Nil X.VEI)NESDAY 3 -- THURSDAY 4 "Society Doctor" C~t: CHESTER ~IORRIS, t~,OBERT TAYLOR, VIRGINIA BRUCE, tIILLII?] BURKE. A stimulating dt~ma, that is tense, interesting, and lively. Family. Corr~d y. FRIDAY 5 SATURDAY 6 Sat. Matinee 2:30 P. M. "Wimling Ticket" Cast: bee CARRILLO, LOUISE FA- ZENDA. TED tINkLY. A howling ~weepstakes comedy, rsl~lete with fast- moving fun, an all sta'r k, ast and a happy romance. "OUR GANG" Comedy News; ~ ! HH SUNDAY 7--MONDAY 8- q'UESDAY 9 "Devil Dogs of the Air" C~t: JAM~,S CAGNEY, PAT O'BRI- MA/tGARET LINDSAY. The avia- tion wing of the U. S, Marine Base at San ~leff(/ Is the lo~lo of this fast- moving' and lnteresting~: iM~ture, Hroad- i way Brevity. • ~ • !lit WEDNESDAY i0--,- TItURSDAY 11 "Shadow of Doubt" Cast: RICARDO CORTEZ, VIRGINIA ]BRUCE, CONSTANCE COI,LIER, Rite- Gin TOOMEY. An amusing and excit- ing ptctm'e for the family. TODD- KELLY Comedy. qll FRIDAY t2 ~ SATURDAY 13 Sat: Matinee 2:30 P, M. "Grand Old Girl" Cast: MAY ROBSON, MARY C, AIt- LISLE. FRED MAC MURRAY, ALAN HALE. A human story which reveah !the understanding heart of a teacher. Family. Comedy ~ News. NII- SIgN 14 --- MeN. 15~TUES. 16 "Sweet Music" Ca,st: RUDY VALLEI~, ANN DVOR- AK, NED SPARKS. This film has at- ~:ractlve music instrumental and vocal ~omedy, dancing and romance. Family. Comedy. • fHt ~VEDNESI:)AY 17 ..... TIIlTRSDAY 18 "Silver Streak" iJast: SALLY I1LANE, CItARLES STAR- l~!~TT, HARDIN ALBRI(IHT, %VILLIA,~d FARNUM. The evolution of the moderr, ~tream line train, fine photography of Boulder Dam, pleasant romance and plenty of thrills. Comedy. ........ II!I FRIDAY 19 ~ SATURDAY 20 Sat. Matinee 2:30 P. M. "West Of the Peeps" Cast: RICtIARD DIX, MARTIIA SLEEp ~R. A western with a good east, cap able direction, and some beautifu~ photography, Family. Comedy--News SUN. 21 ~ MeN. 22- TUES. ~11 "Anne Of Green Gables" Ca~t: ANNE SH1RLET, ~ 1W]ii~- A beautiful adaptation of an tnter~t~ book. Al~pealing h] its charm, with good cast. Family. Comedy. tel WEDNESDAY 24 ~ TtlURSDAY 25 "Little Colonel" C~st: SHIRLEY, TEMPLE, LIONEl BARRYMORE, EVELYN VENABLE JOHN LODGE. See little Shirley Tempi* dance. Excellent entertainment for all ages. Family, Comedy. FRIDAY 28 --- SATURDAY 27 Sat. Matinee 2:30 P, M. Bordertown C~t: PAUL I~IUNI, IIETT]?~ DAVIS M,~ ~GAFtET LINDSAY, I,YLE TAL- 1~OT. A rea3istt(~ plot and vhdd eharaet- e~iza, tton make this film decidedly in- tarestlng~ Comedy -- N~ws. ......... IIq .......... ~IJN. ~8 ~ YffON. 29--TUES. 30 "County Chairman" ~t: WILL TtOGERS, I~:VELYN VEN- ~JILE, NEN'F TAYLOR, LOUISE DRES- SIER, STEPIN FETCHIT. A clean wholesome picture throughout. The costumes and settin~,s are dblfghtful. Comedy. R IIIIl" ......... ""lllllllllV ........ '"|lllllilll' ......... "'llllllllll~ ...... IPPLES ...... ,lllll IIIIn. ......... ,llllllllllm .......... dlllllllhm ......... ,fllll Last week it is reported from the court house that a local citizen was in one of the offices signing some goverunlent pal)era. He had been airing his views on the present ad- ministration, being particularly crit- ical of some of the red tape. As he was signing his papers, the pen, which he had borrowed from the office clerk, went dry. All of which drew the rather caustic conunent, "why don't you write Congress and try and get an appropriation to fill this pen?" $ * * * * $ * How does Senator Long spell his first name, Huey or Hooey? We wonder how many Devils Imke people rushett o~[t to buy a "coke'" On the BEACH III t t ly, between halves the school band phtyed several nunlbers for the ell- tertainment of the crowd. The music was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present and ,t contribution was tak- en up to help defray the expenses of the organization, tlowever, when the collection was called for one dys- peptic from Beach called out. "How much will you take to have 'era stop I playing?" Do you remember when~two of thee dapper young blades of the city met in front of a local drug store every morning for over a year, and every morning matched a dollar. A certain farmer near here, after Herman F~lnk was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Funk. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larsen were supper guests at the Matt Krause! home Monday evening. The Golva Cribbage club met with Miss Ferguson Saturday site. Three tables played eleven games of two- h[u-~ded cribbage, aft~er whic~h Miss Ferguson served a delicious lunch. The prizes were won hy Rose John- son, high; and Mrs. Covert, low. Those who attended were Mrs. Jul- US l,;trs¢,n, Mrs. Covert, Mrs. George ohnsou. Miss Kathleen Cameron, and ,lisa Rose Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Tsehida and daught- r Anita were Sunday visitors at the Oswin Schmitz home. Dave ~]~xvie anti Christ Johnson were Sentinel BUtte visitors Sunday. Christi Johnson was on the sick list a few (lays last week. Ole Thorsen was a Golva ~.isito~ Sunday afternoon. Among those from Golva who at- tended the show in Beach Sunday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer and daughter Shirley, Tony Kreitinger and daughter Margaret, last Friday evening when the Coca several rather unsuccessful exper- Cola program barged in for :~ ha.!fi iences witb one of the prom:nent hour on the broadcast of the uevnSimai1 order houses finally became ex-i Lake-Bismarck basketbMl game at tremely doubtful about the value of tlle state tournament ~omenow it ......... ..... " ..... s i tne attractive guarantee ~'nl(.|i 3p. seems that tne "pause that reiresned' -. ^-- **.^ ¢.-~* ~ ..... e Ch~ won]d have been much more refresh- . . , o souse catalogue. In tact, it seems ink to Devils Lake folks if they that he even became a trifle "hot could have heard the remainder of under the collar." Anyhow, the out. Marcella Fisher, Mrs. Covert, Miss Ferguson, Verna Scheffer, Miss Dun- tan. Miss Mille,', Miss Flora McPhee, Mr,~. Funk, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and son Francis, Eleanore and Loreen Finneman, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lar- sen. Rose Johnson, Harold Larsen, George Johnson, Mrs. Madison, Hom- er and Anna May Madison, Father the play-by-play account of their team's victory. Not to mention ; hundreds of other fans all over the state. Speaking of the tournament, in the Gr'afton-Man'.tan game Satur- day we-nine, intentionally or not, the announcer made son.thing of a pun when he said, "tverson tried to dribble aroun,3 Farr but he didn't get v~ery far. Nomlnation as one of lhe best radio jokes of the current season is one heard on Fred Allen's amateur ~program. Allen asked one of the amateurs where lie was froln and the fellow replied Minneapolis or St. Paul it didn't make any differ- once. Allen said, "Oh yes, there's quite a difference When you die and go to heaven, you'll know St. PaUl, but you won't 'know Minneapolis." And that brings to mind a time-worn, but still a favorite, mill city gag. M inneapolitans enjoy telling St. Paul folks that the twin cities are to be com. blue3 and renamed Minnehaha~ Minne for Minneapolis, and haha for St. Paul. At the district high school basket- ball tournament in Dickinson recent- come of the matter was that the young man tore off the cover of his tatest catalogue, carefully cut out the guarantee printed thereon, and enclosed it in a letter which con- iained the following instructions: "la the future I would greatly appreciate it if you would kindly leave the page ~pon which this guarantee is printed (*at of lliy catalogue. As yOU call ,eadily see. the paper it is printed on is much too heavy." One of the local "yokels" nom- inates Betty Furness as the hot- test girl in the movies. For tile benefit of a Grand Forks Golva News Mrs. Covert accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wosepka to Beach on Tuesday. The Golva SImshine met at the home of Mrs. Frank Schoube Wed- nesday. After the delicious dinner was served, they held their regular meeting. Eleven memhers and one visitor were peresent. Thenext meet- ng will be with Jessie Oldls. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kremers and daughter Wilma were dinner guests t the Ntc Schillo home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schi]Io and emily were Sunday dinner guests at he home of their daughter, Mrs. dike Schwagel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoube and aughter Dolores, Mrs. Covert, and t t past six weeks. They drove back a new master Chevrolet. Win. Ueckert was reelected town. ship supervisor for this district for a term of three years. Ernest Feldman was also a candidate. Mrs. Alfred Ueckert, Mrs. Kenneth Kannenberg and Mrs. Win. Ueckert were guests of Mrs. Charlie Smith last Tuesday. John Jordan of Sentinel Butte w~s a. caller at the Win. Ueckert farm on Thursday afternoon. Ervin Ueckert attended the social meeting of the Y. P. S. in the church parlors Tilursday cw,ning. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ueckert were visitors at the Clyde Polley home on Thursday evening. ltoy Doyle, census enumerator for tlfis district called on farmers in tMs vicinity last Friday. Mr. alnl Mrs. '~Vnl. ltocsler a,hi faintly, and Mr. aml Mrs. Win. Ueckert and family attended the op- eretta at Sentinel Butte Friday. Floyd Wilson was a guest at the Wantke home Friday ev'ening. F'rank Zook was a business caller In Dickinson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert, Mrs. Win. Ueekert and Charlie Kramer were Beach shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ueckert and Mr. and Mr. Alfred Ueckert and son were dinner and supper guests at the ~Vm. Ueckert home Sunday. Lack, and Florence Schulte. Henry Thoemkc returned Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoube and from Minneapolis where he attended daughter were Beach visitors on Sat- the auto show. ~rday. Kaihryn I~orenz sp~)t the week- I1 I end at home. K I Mr. and Mrs. Bud Haigh, Ernte Schmilz and Alberta Barthel went TH I N o Bismarck Friday where they at- tended the state high school basket- ay Mrs. Harold Smith of Beach ac- ompanied them on the way down. resident who moved away from Beach ~td~"x"x"~'~'~¢6~'x"~"x"~"x"x'~¢~'~'~'~¢t four or five years ago and wanted to be informed when it rained out son Darrell returned here, we are finally abte to m~ke a fern Velva where they had spent the report: Imst week Tuesday the sky clouded over; presenting a more threatening appearance steadily until, late in the evening the heavens op- ened up in a veritable cloudburst-- ~well, there were several drops, anyway, and it almost settled the~ dust. Seriously speaking, we dM have a mighty fine snow last week, and ev~eryone seems much hal0~ pier. , , i ,, i,! / IMrs. A. E. Scheffer went tO Bis- nmrck Thursday. While there they went thl, ough the state Capitol and the Penitentiary. They returned on Friday evening, reporting a very on. joyable time. Rose Johnson was the ~telephone relief during Mrs. Covert's absence. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larsen and daughter Betty attended a surprise Birthday party on Harry Wassmann Tuesday nite. Whist was the even- lng entertainment, Mrs. Larsen win- ruing high prize and Mr. Larsen sec- od high. Mrs. Weinreis received word on Thursday of the death of her sister in Aberdeen, S. Dak. She could:not get away to attend the funeral. The ~rympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Weinreis at this time. The Golva men's whist club motor- to Carlyle Tuesday nite to play the Carlyle men. Carlyle won the match. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN )all tournament. They returned Sun- ] We Deliver or Pay the Post- i age on ALL CASH J :Y/: *******~ ~*********~ j Mail Orders [I Sunset Sentinel II{I:NNI:I Y'RI Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and! SENTINEL BUTTE, N. DAK. | last Tuesdayl I Copyright, SUBSCRIBE I~R OPTIGAL SPEGIALIST G, GILBERTSON Glasses fitted--Any broken duplicated; --Frames Beach, N. D., First door of Overstad's Hardware THERM oms , .... OIL Qukldv aM ~;Iv "lad~lk~l ia COOK STOVES, HEATERS ~1 ,,l, ,.4 SOMES, gARAgES, SHOP5 IN lt~ II Idtl~ttrl ~Ma lit i THERM ~AS CoENERATOR ~L~UFACTUREt~s : "r " "¢'gSTLAKE AVe, COULD NOT DO HEI HOUSEWOR ~,~r7H E N ~ ~thing tempt is a ~when you nervous and : table--at yO~ wit's end~t~ this medicine, n'~ay be iust wb you need energy. Mrs. Chartes L. CaAmus Trenton, New Jersey, says, doing just a little work 1 had to down. /Vly mother-in-law mendedthe Vegetable Corn I can see a wonderful change Will be held at my iplace, 3 miles east of Rocky Butte, 10 miles south of Sentinel Butte, on:---- | Wednesday, Aprzl 3r Sale Starts at l P. M. The following will be sold::, Household 1 WASH SINK 1 DAY BED & MATTRESS 1 SEWING ROCKER 4 CHAIRS 6 NEW DINING CHAIRS 1 8 FOOT EXTESlON TABLE 1 MAGESTIC RANGE 1 PERFECTION K E R O S E N STOVE & OVEN 1 KITCHEN TABLE 1 TABLE STAND 1 CABINET FOR POTS & PAN{~ 1 BREAD CABINET 1 CHILD cHAtR 1 HIGH CHAIR 1 BATH TUB 3 DOZEN FRUIT JARS 3 8-GAL. CREAM CANS 1 DELAVEL ~REAM TOR, SIZE I/; SEPERA" Machinery 1 DEERING 8 FOOT BINDER 1 DEERE CULTIVATOR 1 VAN BRUNT 17 SINGLE DISC DRILL 1 11 FOOT SUPERIOR DRILL TRACTOR HITCH 1 5 FOOT MCCORMICK MOWER 1 10 FOOT DEERING RAKE 1 DEERE & WEBER DISC 1 3 SECTION HARROW 1 14 IN. BRADLEY GANG PLOW 1 16 IN. JOHN DEERE SULKEY 1 14 IN. WALKING PLOW 1 STOCK TANK 1 WAGON AND'BOX 1 BOB SLED, 7 FOOT RUNNERS 1 HARROW CART 1 WAGON & RACK 2 SETS OF WORK HARNESS 1 CHATHAM F'ANNING MILL J. E. Trollope, Auctioneer J.P. Jordan, Clerk Henry 0msberg, ITERMS OF SALE 1 BAY MARE, 1200 POUNDS 1 BROWN MARE, 1200 POUNDS 1 GRAY GELDING, 1250 POUNDS 1 GRAY MARE, 1100 POUNDS 1 RED & WHITE COW, 4 YEAR OLD 1 RED POLL COW, 5 YEAR OLD 1 RED WHITE FACE, 5 YEAR OLD 24 BUFF ORPINGTON CHICKENS AND 2 ROOSTERS Livestock 2 30 GAL. OIL BARRELS 1 POTATO PLANTER 1 GRINDSTONE SOME TOOLS ARE C