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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 28, 1935     Golden Valley News
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March 28, 1935
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THE BEACH REVIEW Published every Thursday at BeaoIL North Dakota ~, E. I~DERLE and D. A. WALLACE, Editors and Publishers Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance as second class matter SepCember 18, 1931, at the postofflce at Beach, North Dakota, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Adverti~ng rates t~rnished upon request. paper of the City of Beach and of Golden Valley county t VANDALISM Bismarck Capital" It is the fond hope of everyone vandal who carved out a souvenir from one of the panels at the state capital was not a North Da- citizen. It would be distressing to the rest of us to thin,k that harbors a person so crass as to wilfully destroy of that beautiful building which all citizens have know and love. .Vandalism by souvenir hunters has always been a re- thing, but it has been, hoped that the capitol in its newness would escape. Apparently the limit to which y human being will not go to "obtain some- lg" had not been, reached until he had carved out a of the imported wood which lines the beautiful All that we can hope is that the first true citizen to the vandal exhibits the l~lock of wood will take a stiff poke at the fellow's nose. [[I ANOTHER PROTECTORATE 1111 Those of us who cannot ur~derstand the Italy- mess--which, because it is another spark that easily set off European fireworks, is of vital inter- importance--might get a clearer conception of we recall for a moment the Japan-China issue. Abyssinia compares with China in that it is an inde- nt power, a cemury behind the times, while Italy, )an, is an up to date nation which needs new ter- China possesses a wealth of mineral resources Japan warns and Abyssinia possesses a wealth of which Italy wants. If Italy and Abyssinia fight, it seems inevitable that will lose. Victorious Italy would then estab- an Abyssinian protectorate--and reap rich rewards. Itl GREAT HAWAIIAN AIR BASE PLANNED IIII Those who believe that the principal men'ace to the States' territorial security lies across the Pacific find ammunition to back their theo~ in the Ad- S500,000,000 army developmera program. Lost in a welter of items concerning new airplanes, troops, and a build-up of the National Guard, uisition that has been little publicized yet--but is importance, it provides for a great Ha- air base, to cost $I 1,000,000. Army officers, quer- meaning of this, said frankly that the war wishes to move the national frontier 2,000 into the Pacific. It is proposed to have a string of such bases eventu- built from Alaska to Panama. • Sam and John Will and Math Brown Gordon was a caller at Ed. Tuesday. Conboy aild C, L. Staley to Medora Wednesday on bUs- Cook and Ralph Mosser took Wednesday to Sentinel Wright and Taylor Cook were in Sentinel Butle Wednes- , and Mrs. Otto Will were In Beach Wednesday. am1 Mrs. Clarence Satre were W. R. Conboy's on Wed- went to Sentinel Butte Wednesday. Bill Gordon w~s a caller at Jes~ Houck's Thursday. Township election was held at the school house last Tnesday. Gee, Coyle is our new supervisor. David Dietz was a caller at Chas. Lomen's Thursday. Carl Otremb~ was an o~ornighi guest at David Dletz' Thursday. Pauline Will and Mrs. Grace Rose tpent Thursday evening at Gee. Wrlght's. Dan Morris was looking for horses the first of the week. David Dietz was a caller at Harold Hollar's Sunday. The submaxginal land man was in IT BE DONE? By Ray Cross ~..,.. ntt,eac~w 8EWSPAPI IIOI.DER ~t ~ ~ i~ ~tttml't Write I~.~ tir-,*'~ i*~ c, aeent tlt~ msa,'up~pe~ nlUdM, ltu3rm~ SetsNew Record at This Stunt Cadet Bison B, Buckner, Jr., of Valley Forge Mllltary academy at Wayne Pa., sets a new record for setting up a machlne gun while blindfolded. Lieu! Wlllet J. Baird Is the instructor while Cadet Ben Knowles of York, Pa., awaits Ills turn to compete. Cadet Buckner Is the son of tha commandant of cadets al the United Staten Military academy at We~t Point. our neighborhood this week giving people the prices on their land. Several from our neighborhood at. tended the dance at Richard Moore's Saturday night. Harold Cook is driving a Ford coupe. Harold Holiar was a caller at W, R. Conboy's Sunday. Eddie Cook spent Sunday at J. E. Cook's. Dan Morris is staymg at J. R. Ra.thbun's and working on roads. Wm. Gordon was a caller at John Will's Sunday. t111 " r/ze FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER By ALFRED BIGGS It In donbt, don't do It, -~ it It You can't buy confideues. H~tte turns beauty sour. E~er~, religion teaches prayer. Faith begin~ where reason odds, It is much less trouble to tell the truth. It It More beautiful thau a diamond is a dewdrop. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND- ANTS: You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to ~mswer the Complaint in this action, which will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Dist- rict Court of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the sub,crib- era within thirty days after the service of thls Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the re- lief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this 21st day of Maxch. 1935. NILLES, OEHLERT & NILLES Attorneys for plaintiff: office and postoffice address: fi04 ~lack Bldg.. Fargo, North Da- kota. Mar. 28, Apr. 4-11-18-25, May 2 SUMMONS --H -- STATI~ OF NORTH DAKOTA ss County of Golden Valley IN DISTRI[CT COIYRT Sixth Judicial District Seeurlty-First National Bank) of Lter 128. H. B. No. 144 of the i93,~ Session Laws of the State of North Dakota. Now, Therefore. Take Notice that a hearing will be had by the said Hoard t~ ('ounty Commlseioners ef Golden Valley County, North Dakota on the 1st day of April, A. D. 19~5 at the hour of 10:00 o'cloclL A. ~. Of said day, at the office of the Coul~ty Commi~ioners in the County Court House in the City of Beach North Dakota. at which time and place all persons or parties inter- ested or aggrieved by the taking of the lands and premises hereln~ after described for Highway put'pos- es may appear and be heard in connection with the values of said property and all matters which should properly come before the Board of County Commissioners in (,onn~ct|ot with the determinatiou of damages to be allowed and awards to he made to safd respective owners. The property to be taken for such Highway purposes is described as follows, to-w4t: Parcel No. 5. NE%, Sec. 22. Twp. 140, Rag. 106, 1.37 acres, Andrew Olson0 owner. Parcel No 7, NV¢~4, Sec. 23. Twp, 140, Rng. 106, .51 acres, C. J. ~'eis- ~r. R. A. Engebretson & L. H. Whitr~y, owners. Parcel No. 7A, NW~A, Sec. 23. Twp. 140, Rng. 106, .0$*acres, C. J. Weld- er, R. A. Enge~ii'et~on & L. tl. Whitney, owners, Parcel No. 9, S~V~, Sec. 23, TwD. 140, Rng. 106, 6,87 acres, Rose Cla,.- itt owner. parcel No. 9A. SW%, Sec. 23. Twl~. 140, R~g0 106, .59 acres. Rose Clar- in owner. Parcel No. 10, NW~. Sec. 26. Twp. !40, Rng. 106, .34 acres. A. Kelner. Adms. Parcel No. 11, NE~t, Sec, 26, TWD. 140, Rug. 106, .60 acres, Blunche B. Meyer, owner, Pv4"cel No. 32, SE~, See, 94, Twl,. 140, Rng. 106, 1.02 acres, R, H. Garmo. owner. Parcel No. 32A. SE%, Sec, 24. Twp. 140, Rag. 106, .31 acres, R. H. Garmo, owner. Parcel No. 43, 8E~4, Sec, 21. Tw;,. 140. Rag. 105, 1.02 acres, Algie I,. Arnold & Meta S, Arnold, owners. Parcel NO. 48A, 8E~, 8ec. 21, Twp. 140, 1:~"J~. 10~, ,~) acrlnl, Alllie L. ArnOld & Met~ 8;"AJ~.Otd, ~ners, Parcel No, 48, .NE%, ~," ~. Twp. 140, Rng. 106. 1.04 acres, S. G. Moon. T. B. Kieth. M. B. Hubbard. Trustees, & Henry. Thoemke. Parcel NO, 46, ~N'~., 8~c. 27, 'l'wp. 140. Rng. 105, .93 acres. S. O. Mqon, T. B. Kieth. M. Tt. Hubb~ r~. Trustees. & Henry Thoemke. Parcel No. 46A, NW~, Sec. 27. Twp. 140. Rag..lOG, .60 acres, S. G. Moon, T. B Kleth. M. B. Hub- bard, Trustees. & Henry Thoemke. Parcel No. 50, NW~, See. 26, Twp. 140, Rng. 105, .$9 acres. E. F. Sell- marl. owner. Parcel No. 50A, NW~, Sec. 26, TwP. 140. Rag, 105. .25, acres. E. F. Sellman, owner. Parcel No, 59. N~N'W%, Sec. 3~ TwP. 140, Rag, 104. .96 acres. Ca.~- slus Van Eaton. owner. Parcel No. 61, N~,~NE~, Sec. 30, Twp. 140. Raft. 104, .90 acres. Cas- situs V&n ~Lton. owner. Parcel No. 55, SW~, Sec. 19, TwP. lt0, Ring. 104. .96 acres. %Vinona ,V~vings B~nk. owner, Parcel No. 58A, SWt~,, 8cc, 19. Twp. 140, Rng. 104, ,61 acres. Winos:, Savings Bank, owner, Also Parcel No. 29. being N. 17 ft. Tr~et A-50, in NE~, Sec. 25, TWp. 140, Rng. 106, owned by W, H. Potter; Parcel No. 14 being N. 17 ft. of Lots 6 & 7. Blk. 18. Near's 1st Add. to Beach, N. D. being .11 acre~, owned by Blanche B, Meyer; Parcel No. 17. being N. 1"/ ft. of Tract A.17 in Elk. 9, Hunter's 1st Add. to Beach. N. 'D. c~-ned by Frank Splsla; Tract 18, being S. 17 ft. of Lots 1, 2. & in Elk. 4, Rlchards Heights Add. to Beach, N. D. owned by Otto S~Y- let: Parcel No. 21, being S. 17 ft, of Lot 5. Blk. 3, Riehards Helghte Add. to Beach, N. I}. owne0 by Relner Aalfs; Parcel No. 2~, being S. 17 ft. of LOt 1, Blk. 2, Rlcharda Heights Add. to Beach, ~. D. i owned by Mrs. Mattie Blaeser; Par- cel 23A, being N. J0 ft. of S, 27 ft. I of Lot 1. Blk. 2, Rlchards Heights Add. to Beach. N, I"). owOed bY Mrs. Mettle ]~laeser; parcel No. ~t~ being S. 21.7 ft, of £4. 27 ft. of Lot 4. Bik. i. liichards Heights Add. to Beach. N. D. owned hy O, O. Met'. rit; l'ar,.el No. 25A. being N. 10 ft. of S. 27 ft. Of I,ot 4. Blk. 1. Blch- ards /rleigl*ts Add. to Beach. N. D. owned I,y O. O. ,V[orrit, I)eiog 0! acres; Parcel No. 26, being S. 17 ft of Lot I, Elk. ], /tlcbards H~gllts Add. ~o Beach, N. D. owned by Mrs. Frances b'osaellaan; I'~trcel 26A "being N. t0 ft. of 8. 27 ft. of l,ot 1, Blk. ]. Rlchards Heights Add. to Beach. N. D, own6d by Mrs. Fran- ces I~'os~hnnn; Parcel No. 30. beln~ I~t 12, BIk. ~, Glenhaven Park Add. to Beach. N. D. owned by Mrs. DOn', 13oeh;ke: P:,roel 1%'o. 13. helq~ S. 17 ft. of Lots L 2, 10. 11, & 12 in Btk. 14, Woodull's 1st Add. to ~each. N D. owt~ed by Myrtle Vaughn; and T.ot 3, IT~ Elk. 14, Wooq- hull's ]st Add, to Beach. N. D. owned by Michael Murphy. l'arceh~ deslgn,~ted by number on- lY designate lands required for high- way purpo~ca to which tttle must bc obtained. Parcels designated by nu~n- her a~d the letter "A" designate lands required for borrow pit pur- poses only. Dated at Bench North DaLota. this l.qth day of March. A. D. 19a~. CIIAS. KIRKPATRICK. Chalrm~n, 14octrd of County COmmissioners. Attest: C2iAS. Cr~[RISTIA NS}LN. Count)- Auditor. (Seal) Appa-~ved a~ to form: ~. M. KUHIPKL~, ~ta~t~'s Attorn~. Pub. Mar. 14-t1-~. [IDr. w' c. B hyl PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON 0ffice Phone 13 ll~ldence 185 BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA I! ii • i~1 .J. ,, , , Dr. O. R. Niece DENTIST Medern X-Ray Equipment BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA Dr. V. G. Morris BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA PHONES HOUSE-56 (~FFIOE-40 t =, J ,,L i I I I I The filling of your PRESCRIPTION is oUr most Important buslnoas. YOU CAN GET IT AT KENNEDY'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sentinel Butte, N. Dak, H I GAINS 2S% I,,BS, IN TWO MOImrHs COCO COD rmOod ~11mtlrsMosLtke *~Jmeok~ i lit .... c_~ i _ _ J I I I TIRED, wonN OUT, I10 AMBITIOII Help l(3dneys d [Iorders