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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 27, 1941     Golden Valley News
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March 27, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE SLX THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS "" THURSDAY, I AT SAM'S NEW ARCADE Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHET GRIFFIN GLENDIVE, MONTANA Veterans of Foreign Wars HIS DIXIE LANDERS ROLLER SKATING EVERY TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS t J t I .... lit[ The lucky winners of the Pot of~tueuora atOClmlen I N. D --Slhave sold it ~ Oold drawing on Saturday were Win. T;la:;Gi:; - l~: II1 J AND STAY Iit JTlaey also drove on to F~argo and re" [of the Medora Grazing Association {been favorable for. a survival of North J l IT S ill I I/~\ '~N I||]turned Sunday evening. ' [will be awarded to 4-H club memIDaK°m wild liie. As a resul~ exceuen~, I ' F [~1~', "\ [|J[Mr and Mrs Ray Zinsli are the bets in Stearns county Minnesota [hunting isexpected for the coming[ | .... . • .......... L.~ ~_t _if. whi._ ace 1 HL~kL-IHI at the Beach hospital Friday.. •calves purchased in this area last]state, Game. ¢, & Fish Commissionlh n theIJ --'-" '~' ' It| ~~ ]Jll MLSSes Esther Kofoid and Vivmn,fall. The calves were purchased from,w°rk bem~, done in establs 1 g re- ,, Pt t|[ ' | r t|l|Holt were guests of Mrs. Oscar Gig-IC A. Geesaman of Fairfield North fuges for game birds, the construction J | ~'~][-~'~I A'~ || ................. ]|[/stad and family on Sunday evening. :E)akota The selection was made b,, Iof dams and continued efforts to rid[ ~ ~|l~J~,~flJ£~: [|J MEN'S HIGH SCORE LADLES HIGH ~iCUI~I~ j|J| Mrs. Marguerite Boisen and family. ~. ~. "T.~n~m~ipr rnunt .... nt ~[the state of predatory animals 9reJ| " 17 [Jj pSU_L _RApUNS24! ..... ?L?A M??SR 19! lJJ[Y:d TndT~:r~t:;eL:~:t~r~d/:Tfl~. 'aStne;r'nEd-C.°nU'--n~i:zat ~:i:~l:::~'-:Mith-i tqab'leCkltYo ~hx~tgt~:tUlat~onIttin~at72°nf i J TIME l|! ART INELLERMOE Z3~ tilbDA WAIA~tSII~ ItJ [1[ Philip visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe St~r-~ ~,,,wv Farm Bureau who this program will result in a restor- I I ' J|l RALPH NISTLER 235 DOLLY OAS 175 iJl JKahl and family. They also h peS, were out here in August. JaUon toWiltdh e:?a io SeSeOrmdW at j | ..... [| ' , IUlMtke B. Laray eemorate his trgnal ...................... [compa at) P Y- t1 ~|. ~.~¢ A 1~ Ill ................... J|Jjbirthday at the Kahl home. Imeie- +hi° - eek ~" Vern~'*" TAG"~" [ J ] ~qJk~]~k ][~J Ill LADII~ DtI~II'I" I~V~KI WbU. I1[ The Homemakers met at the home "_f.:. ° "_ ~/ ___ v,., _ "'~1 THANK YOU I| r~ffi~ I son l~lulngs ~oun~y ~.-x~nslon ~gen~ f FU 1[ BEACH'S BOWLING ALLEY [ Tt~alshmaw~ t~n sM2na~ atThM:df:;loNwi:t,h D=e°d~o'ra -razin IT° the Voters of the Village of en -!l NESTI£ , [[ [|1 ! meeting and the guests enjoyed five . .. g . . o g [ inel Butte: I | T] ||I ............... J~]games of bridge. High scores went Assocmuon offi.cers ana re.embers con-I I want to take this means of ex-i| I, = • , li ~ributed to maze the pr~e possible I to Mrs Norman Haugse hrst Mrs i ncere reciation o, 111 I I '1-I_ " • " '-- " (2 E C~esaman Fairfield :]pre~ng my si app I1 the health ¢ ,- .................. I ~.;rnest Ne~son second Mrs donn " " ' I ST. PAUL'8 LUTRERAN CHUEC~ ! L'~ ," _ I rid ,-- t Jordan honor and ~Irs Norman 1 Page Myers, Medora I the splendid vote of confidence which [ | A v. a. m--,, r,,,, I 3entlnel butte [Haugse deuce Mrs Mike The|sen J r. V. Porter, Belfield [I received at the election last week. I~ , .|_ ~ /q[ lne the e et ' KolbJorn Bye. Medom R L Zll~lt ] a~ [n~ ~ v-~,,, .... ~,~"~n.... J Kenneth Shoen was a visitor in I JO" d Horn makers at this me -'. ....... ] " " I 1 -i!~ o "~"~" ~" "~° "= "~" "'" ~ ~in- After ~.~o ~ vo... ~;.;~,,= l~on ~nor~meaora I 11 "~ ~1~, un h l vi town Wednesday. ~ ......... s ........ . • llJll S day sc GO after ser ees. { ........... I lunch was served b,, tho h,.o~essA.L. Martin, Sentinel Butte [ 1| ~r'~zr~r~'~ra'~ A[ The Y P S meets Monday 8 p m I ~r. anc~ Mrs. Nell ttogooooom ~ r - . ~ ~ . "~ " . I Wm MeCarty Medora l , ! || | N.~ | ~II~ ..... drove to Olendive Wednesda where M s. t~ewali ~ason an~ sons oi • . ~.~tJL~l ~..2I~: Midweek Lenten services Wednes-J .... Y }Grand Forks s~,,mt Saturday, and] These ranchers all have herds oil ~'InA ' DIL IVIA]D] t J| da at • m they spent me Gay snopping ~'~ " l h r y 7.30 p. . [ .............. " ... l Sunday visit|n,, with Mrs Elsie Ma iigh quality Herefo d cattle at prc-I IOll ~t]P_~W/~klll) I| [ ~xss r~ua ~ateme enjoyea aWSl~I - ~, " " 'sen" -tth th- exce-tl-n " "" "" ' ~ ...... "~ ~'~ son ~, w e p o oz ~r. nab- ~ ~ - _ i Jwlth a brother on Thursday. J " l l2.,vtv w,, t~ , horn, hr,~l.. Wo I j ~ ~lr~ ~rll~~ i Mrs Hugh Bolton and children J Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehls of Trot- sS";' ...... .': ,'-- ---/--~.-/:" I FOR INFORMATION LEAD- I • ' " 'ters s nt Sunda . .. ja~so nas a smau nera oz buffalo Mr I __1-;:::--:- -:=:-- :-'~: | DDg'tl~.~O{~Ig'It~TAT ! Ispent Thursday at the Charles Bohn pe v evening at the Martin has a flock of hi h " "" 'ING TO THE ARREST AND ~ larm ox,e turn. uzga ~aruy ann ia - sh ! _ ! I . it I eep In addition to his Hereford J CONVICTION OF ANYONE! | I DIRECTORY l I No n aaugse drove to e fie d on Y" cattle I .................... . _~ 1 _ -- -. [ IThursday where he attended a grain:laM:S.clrOyaof L~rdy entertained a I The" Medora Grazing Association I J ~alen~ j ::- ....... -::-j igrowers meeting. ! g~ ri nds at her home,controls a fivehundred thousand! [j "-'~ The Misses Mary Johnson and Pa on ~unday evening at a progressive a I " | r~_ ~. .... ~, | [ " ; " I ere area in Billings and Golden Val-, ASSOCIATION. [ | CURRENT | a~,t. ~n~:x~au,~ i I tricta LaMeres spent the weekend at lwhist party. Nine games with eight le,, counties Nearly, all of the ,'~ tm~l [ | :~ | ~'~'~r~ ~" 12,,mn~,, j [their parental homes, !tables were played. Those winning!heXad of cattle now in this L~ttl~e] ---- ,. [J ~~ \ | ""~ ...... ~*"~ | ] The St. Mary's Altar society met at!Prizes were Mrs. Margarete Boisen lMissouri river tract a/'e Purebred or [ ~/~t~'~ J | ~,P~E~ ~EYES TF-~-~ lwrr'r~D| [the home of Mrs. Chas Bohn Thurs- i first, Mrs. Norman Haugse second ~rade Herefords Only l I IGLENDIVE. MOlq a aftern 'and Mrs Ernest Nelson the all cut' .... " .... ~ ..... ~ - 1 Walton Block I1d y oon. After a business meet- . -- • _ - - • registered Hereford bulls as approved [¢~-,~,~|,- .......~r~ J[ -~' mg a very delicious lunch was served~nar ~,'rank ~ehls won first for men b t Dickinson North Dakota| I , I Fred Oabel seeon" , y he grazing association directorsI k.~L~JM[~k~|U~[)ID I l l . I I by the hostess Mrs HUgh Boltoa a and Eddie Cook are permitted in the area , ~:~ l JNow Showing | ..... _ __=_=:_ ........ J lwas an !nv!te.d guest. I recieved the all-cut prize. After the I Many buyers of calves and feeder '! A~ne[at]an I t l I [ mzss wrgxnm Young visited Patrteta ! games a very aencmus tuncn was ser- cattle secure their stock in this area I "~*-''~'**~'~'"~ I I " " " j LaMeres at her home Sunda ved by the hostess ~her ! " ' | GUY LEE | [ Y. • . e high quality feeders are avail- I J| ANDY HARDY S PR.~ | | { Mrs. A. L. Martin Sr. Lyle Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cook and Mr. |able in large" uniform lots [ | RETARY" ~ | ATTORN]~Pff | I tln and daughter returned Wednesday Iand Mrs. C. P. Reed were dinner I " I l A l i l rom Jamestown wllere they attended guests cf Mr. and Mrs Eddie Cook l ,d~a~'~$r,~w#~'~r,~'~ff~F'~F'~F'~[~.~r~~~~ I Istarri~ Mickey RoOl~, | Se ! I Rate, N. ~ llto business matters and also visited on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. TangenJ~ ~llStone. Kathryn Gray~ | . | I relaUves. , and family also visited the Cook I a~ ~ I I Rutherford. You'l vote | :---:--=-" - --: ......... j ] Mrs. Paul Wagner has been on the family on Sunday. ~ -aT 1, ~ v 1, ~1 |of the Hardy pictures. ' ! KEOHANE&KUHFELD tl c i S r : :k::Ys'droveto Bow-!''O ; New and Used .... J Arro mrs AT LAW | Iman Saturday. U~ t~krlllv 10 l~UV ~ ............. ~1~ J | qUN. - MON.- TUES. 1 m 11 Mrs. Margaret Boisen and TonyI .. " .r I' [[4 II N 11" l|mau ht Show'S*tur t Lazdy drove to St Philip Monday to J.¥1 L~k 11 I J. ~ l~ [ Beaett. N~rth Dakotajibe "with their lath'el Mike B LaZrdy, I ]t-lorses very oonl "'" lit - ~o~ t t Iwh0 has been very 111. " [ -- 1~ .... ~J j starring Claudette ColI~I~i l .... }' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lowman had! J. Wilbur Annear of Oorham some [~ l~l|MlUand with Walter [ r~m, ~ ,c, ~, | ~as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd |tme ago received a bulletin from the l ~ /It | ~-~ I" /~. C~ "| r~][ K~ [ |.Purcell and Dennis O~ | Ua~ t~. ~. ~" s~ | ]Yates, Mr. anh Mrs. Harmon Olstad, JU. S. War department regarding the [~ ~nc uses ~asc 0-IL ~lue flOW N ltof the truly great 1~, [ ~ I I"nd daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Jpurehase of horses for cavalry use. I • ~ I I venture pictures of all rio [ ~ [ Harold Lowman. [ The rigidness of government in- I h~ k~ [ | [ 8F~tCH NOt~TH DAKOTA j J Mr. Dunham and ]Fed Oberg from ' pectlon h~s been somewhat relaxed [ ~ ti I | -'.* [ " I [Blnmarck spent Tuesday attending r,o .nd now there are possibly some[~ ~___ I][ ..... ][] ][~_]|_._ ][~___] ~[~[_~]] K~]| WEDNF.SII.$~ [ .... - .....--:::- ....... -.J [business matters, horses that were rejected last year[~ IUIH~ llOWCll l/oiler rceu Mill I "FREE AND !~,~11~' [ D • 11¢ A N E M & N [ [ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wischow and that might be accepted now, accord- | it ~ [ | starring Robert Cure l~ [ " --_.'. "" "."" | |son drove to Dickinson Monday where Ing to Mr .Annear [ ~'N , '~"~[ | Husse-. with .... t~_~ [ ~n~c~ |[Mrs. Wtschow had dental work done t Horses must be"gentle. This point[~ .~[.|C. A~br"'ru, o, um.~um-m n~e. i BEACH, NORTH DTKOTA J ] Mrs. Betty Carlson spent severa'{! s strongly emphasized, and the notice [~ l .2fl IHC TRACT W ,~' I l love. and a mfllton ,IS [ | [days last week visiting her daughter I ms been sent out far enough in ad- 1~'~ ~.~la~t~1~ eft lll~k~ Iaiz lhl~LTll ] [ ~ " [ ofeu~ ~-~e a~ .-- ,,~ 1 [Mrs. Paul Wischow and family 'l ante so that prospective horses ran [ ~ ~ " . ..... [ t[ Harold Gilbert spent Tuesdav in be gentled. ,ik~ ~l~ --~ r ....... " ..... ~ , , ' OPENING NEXT |/Diclons°n " i For further information see Mr ~ ~t~l | ,-- I W It SCHELL t1 Marguerite Boisen of Medora spent :Annear, as he has all the specifica-[~ mC TRACTOR , " | [the weekend here. ions. and other perttnient informs- ] ~ • ,-,,=* ~,v ~t~.~ N ] i Henry Fondu Attarney-At-Law 11 Miss Marian Gardner entertained a riga. ~ It, ll " B~ ch ~' i'~ ||nLmber of friends at her home Sat ...... ][t~ 'IN A-1 CONDITION // r ay evening. The young people en- Phone r tr To IN i off, , l.o t _ in ~ O.a_~m i |joyed roller sk,atlng st the hall before I ~ , - ~1~ J U~dw'~L'~ v~u~? ~ B~lid/n~ l/going to the Gardner home. The re- k~ tq~l [ '/mainder of the evening was spent in II | /h~kTg~D~tr~r~t]t~[ JNOW%UHRoRENT ¥ ~[~zmting At 11 OClO k a very- delicious /-~1.2 LU±ltwDUIIUITI Wing "your Case dealer' ., ,, --s. IN ..,. . ~llton and Victory Joy -- ,-~r~,~m,~m~,~,,. I lfought drank and d "/'HE FARGO ~starring Tim Holt. and Emmett Lynn. A You couidn't buy more p~|ling iexs Ball-Bearing Steering and powor at anF prlc~, in any engine GMC's exclusive Cradle-Coil .~ats ,lz~l And these low-p~ Generalthat are "as comfortable as your Motors Trucks al~o give you ~od- car."Trya value-built (IMCtoday. Fires Payment~ through our own YMAC Plan at lowest availablo ratel i i i GOLDEN VALLEY HARVESTER CO. C. C. Oark Beach. N. D. AMEIIICA'S LOW PRICED " / TRUCKS OF VALU GASOUN$,DESEL DOROTHY ~RAY PORTRAIT MAKE-UP ~ET CONTAINS FULL-SIZE LIPSTICK, MATCH- ING COMPACT ROUGE, BOX OF HARMONIZED PORTRAIT FACE POWDER @ New--Portrait Make-up Set containing 3 exquisite Dorothy Gray preparat/ons to key your make-up to spring! Important lipstick shades, induding new rosy-pink Nosegay., Brass Band. Make-up set, $100 total value, $2.00. Only BUTTE DRUG entinel Butte, N. D. Kay Doyle, brilliant girl singer, is now starred daily at the Powers Coffee Shop in Fargo. You'll thrill to her enchanting Lullabies in Swing to a background of Lloyd C~llins' electric organ silhouettes. ~0--'- When you're in Fargo for the day, eat at the gay Powers Coffee Sholr~ Sensible prices. --4)--- The only place in Fm'go-Moorhead with entertainment in a non.alcoholie atmosphere. GOOD FOOD. of the west that was. Sunday and Monday :i: 'TEXAS RANGERS starring Ellen Drew, and Akin Tamaroff. up to the minute "LAS VEGAS starring Tommy DorseY~ band, Bert Wheeler, Moore and Phil Regan, test spot in the hottest band on earth. ~L TUESDAY and T REQUEST NIGHTS Admission 10c "OUR starring William Scott, Fay Bainter, and Thomas Mitchell. story of simple all know and recogniZe- zens of your town. COMING NEXT - FRI. - SAT. "MEET THE with Roscoe Karns "BEYOND THE with Bill ElUott.