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Flooding ............... Page 2
Opinion ................ Page 3 • • • • ;:
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Public notices ....... Page 6
News .................... Page 7
By Richard Volesky
Dr. Kylie (Ross) Simnioniw has
joined the Holkup Chiropractic
Clinic in Beach.
Simnioniw is a 2008 graduate of
Northwestern College of
Chiropractic in Bloomington,
Minn.. and 2005 graduate of North
Dakota State University. She is a
Beach native, who graduated from
Beach High School in 2001.
"I just like the more natural way
Flooding, page 2 of the body healing itself,"
Simnioniw said, referring to how
she decided to become a chiroprac-
State tor.
Her chiropractic education
receives involved 10 trimesters Of study over
$65,000 for in3 ½theYearS,Twin includingcities, an internship Dr. Kylie (Ross) Simnioniw
big Simnioniw said her special chi- Holkup and of his practice in
horn ropractic interests include pedi- Beach, which helped lead her to
atrics and the care of pregnant join the Beach office. Simnioniw
management women. She completed most of the lives in Dickinson and is the
available classes for that area. ter of Cheryl and Bruce Ross of
Two checks totaling Simnioniw has also completed Beach. She is married to Cole
$65,000 were given to the training for the care of sports Simnioniw, a native of Belfield.
North Dakota Game and Fish injuries and foot disorders, who is the son of Les and Tammy
Department at the March 14 She is completing her training in Simnioniw.
M i n n e s o t a - W i s c o n s i n acupuncture and will be returning to. Holkup Chiropracti9 Clinic is a
Chapter of the Foundation for the Twin Cities for a few weekends - holistic natural health Clinic. Other
North American Wild Sheep to complete her education for that services offered at the clinic include
annual meeting in area. nutritional counseling and foot
Bloomington, Minn. She previously knew Dr. Jake orthodics.
North Dakota's 2009
bighorn sheep auction license,
which allows the winning bid- Fitness challenge planned
der the r~e Privilege.of pur-
suing a North Dakota bighorn '" ............... ' ......
onaself-guidedhunt, soldfor In advance of centennial
$40,000. In addition, the
department received an annu- By Richard Voleskyhad been discussing the idea of an
IAI & .........JI
al grant of $25,000. Editor/Reporter ' organized fitness event for Beach, vvater-uu-rounu
The grant and license auc- In a"run up" to this year's Beach and then the thought was that they Water from melting snow temporarily surrounds a merry-go-round in a Beach park, creat-
tion are part of a 10-year Centennial, some residents arecould tie it into the centennial, ing this recent spring scene. But a temporary return to winter was expected with a Monday
agreement signed between the planning an ongoing fitness chal- Every participant in the upcom-and Tuesday blizzard. (Photo by Richard Volesky)
department and Minnesota- lenge titled "Let's Get Moving." ing training is to receive a training
Wisconsin FNAWS. The kickoff event for the fitness log and a pedometer from Blue
challenge is scheduled for 6:30 Cross Blue Shield, said Steffen.
p.m., Monday, March 30, in the"Participants are encouraged to •
basement ofthemini-mall in down- set fitness goals and weight-loss
town Beach. It will include a half- goals," said Steffen. "We will have
hour presentation from Blue Cross weekly progress checks at the mini-
, Blue Shield. mall, where people can track their
The centennial celebration is hours of exercise for the week and •
planned for July 29-Aug. 2. Plans their weight loss."
L for Aug. t include 5K and 10K Steffen said they want people
walks and runs and a ½ marathon, ranging in age from children to sen-
which would cover a distance of 13 ior citizens to~ take part. "So the
miles. At the kickoff meeting, Jim exercise can by any type of activity, BISMARCK - Most of the coun-
Wosepka and Pastor Paul Peterson such as walking, running, yoga, ties in southwestern North Dakota Statewide, 18 counties experienced pop-
. County health clinic, court-will speak regarding what training working in a yard or garden, etc." have seen their populations increase ulation growth. The largest numeric
house, Medora, 9-noon, 1-3 for these races will involve, said said Steffen. in recent months.
p.m., March 6, 13, 27 (Please Karla Steffen, an organizer of the The training is scheduled to start TheUnited States Census Bureau growth was 2,583 in Cass County followed
call for appointment scheduling), kickoff meeting. Also organizing April 1 and will continue until Aug. on March 19 released figures related
• Choirfest, hosted by the event is Karen Maus. 1. The training is intended to be to changes in 2008 population esti- by Burleigh with 1,433, Grand Forks
Belfield School, 7 p.m., Friday, Steffan said that she and Maus non-competitive, mates by county. The numbers are County 559, Morton 384, and Williams 287.
March 27, school gym. Free to
the public, additional details to the 2008 nation-
- Second meeting to discuss al and state population estinSates - Bowman: 3,019, an increase of Commerce Department, Job Service
the possible reprinting of the Health Fair set for March 31 released in December 2008. The77. North Dakota, and the Office of the
Golden Valley County Pioheers December estimates reported net
Bicentennial Edition, 1 p.m., WIBAUX. Mont. - The 21st need to take their medication,overall growth in North Dakota of - Dunn: 3,318, an increase of 25. Tax,,~,.,iCommissioner.
Golden Valley, 1,640,a In s, along with sales tax and
Sunday, March 29, Sentinel Annual Wibaux Health Fair will be Males may choose the optional PSA 3577 people to a new estimated
Butte Fire Hall. held on Tuesday, March' 31, at the (a screening test to detect prostate population of 641A81. decrease of 26. employment growth, is another indi-
- Hettinger: 2,378, a decrease of cation that our economic growth is
• Bingo, pool, 1-3 p.m., birth- Wibaux County High School Gym.disease) for an additional $25. The figures compare the estimat- 37. statewide," said Rod Backman,
day party following, March 30, As in the past, the Health Fair Numerous businesses and organ-ed population on July 1,2008, with
Belfield Senior Citizens Club. will be open to the public from 7 izations from southwestern North July 1 2007, -Slope: 675, an increase of 17. member of the North Dakota Census
" - Stark: 22,575, an increase of Committee.
• Medora City Council spe- a.m. to 2 p.m. The Glendive Dakota and eastern Montana areStatewide, 18 counties experi-147. Infourofthelastfiveyears,North
cial meeting, 6 p.m., Tuesday, Medical Center will be providing scheduled to participate in the fair enced population growth. The "It was nice to see the growth is Dakota has shown population growth,
March 31, Roosevelt Room, blood profiles, which will be avail- and will provide a variety of health- largest numeric growth was 2 583 in
Medora Community Center. The able from 7 a.m. to 1 p,m. (no related services and information. Cass County followed by Burleigh spread across the state," Richard up nearly 8,800 from a decade low of
agenda includes housing con- appointments are necessary). The Wibaux Health Fair is alsowith 1,433, Grand Forks County Rathge, director of the North Dakota 632,689 reported for 2003. Statewide
State Data Center, said in a prepared births exceeded deaths by 3,665 and
struction bids. The blood profiles will include a providing two informational pro- 559, Morton 384, and Williams
• Southwest Water Authority CBC (complete blood count - with- grams beginning at 9 a.m. 287. The largest percentage growth statement. "When you analyze the net in-migration added 122. Fourteen
board meeting, Monday,April 6, out WBC differential), lipid profiles Carleen Gaub of the Glendive was in Bowman and Slope counties growth within those 18 counties, 55 of the 18 counties with population
9 a.m.. Elks Lodge, Dickinson. with "good" and "bad" cholesterol, Medical Center will be presenting a at 2.6 percent followed by Billings, percent of the population increase growth had net in-migration. '
• ' was in the East and 45 percent was "The population increases the
• City of Medora Board of a TSH thyroid test and a chemistry program at 9 a.m. titled; Vitamin D Burleigh, and Cass at 1.9 percent in the West." state realized since 2003 is consis-
Equalization meeting, 6 p.m., profile. The cost of the blood pro- and Living in Big, Beautiful Sky each. The other counties showing The North Dakota Census tent with labor force trends," said
Tuesday, April 14, Medora file will be $29. For accurate Country. Tara Andrews, Custer growth were Benson, Dunn, Committee analyzed the population Michael Ziesch of Job Service
Community Center. results, blood profiles do require a County extension agent, will be McKenzie, McLean, Mountrail, estimate for the state. The commit- North Dakota, also a member of the
• Prairie and DeMores t2-hour fasting period. A person presenting a program at 9:30 a.m. Ramsey, Rolette, Sioux, Stark and tee is made up of representatives N.D. Census Committee, "Over this
schools music program (5:30 should not eat or drink anything titled, Brain Blitz. Both programs Ward. from the State Data Center at period, the state's labor force has
Figures for area counties include:
p.m. potluck. 7 p.m. program)except water 12 hours prior to test- Fair Adams: 2,244, a decrease of 23. NDSU, the North Dakota Office of increased by nearly 4300 persons a
March 31, at Fryburg School. ing, with the exception of people on - -
prescribed medications who will (Continued on Page 8) - Billings: 811,an increase of 15. Management and Budget, the year."
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