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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 23, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 23, 1944
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+ PAGE EI(~IT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, March 23, Have You Made Your Contribution Y Golden Valley county has only raised $2013.61. Won't you help the RED / i ,- ,% LOCAL NEWS Items of interest picked up het~ and there by our News reporters. We are always glad to get your news items. PHONE S$ Mrs. R. B. McDonald went to Dickinson on Saturday of last week. Mrs. A. C. Stone was a Miles ~ty visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schmitz were ~lendlve callers on Monday. W. S. Stutsman was a Dickinson business visitor on Tuesday. Mrs. J. WlisoR of Glendive was a Beach shopper Tuesday. Money talks, but all it sa~s to a~ost people is "goodby." Joe Stuart of Slmar was a Beach visitor on Tuesday of this week. Raymond Still of Carlyle was a :Beach visitor Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Rozina Fasching moved back ~o her farm at Alpha on Wednes- ~lay of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jo~hnson ~} 8outh Heart were Beach visitors ~n Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Susan Pomeroy of Olendlve was a Beach visitor on Wednesday ~f last week, Donald Metcalf of Trotters was :a Beach visitor Thursday of last week. Mrs. Lydia Harp and Pearl Harp went to Wlbaux Sunday to spend day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Oston of T)lckinson were in Beach on official business Saturday. Natalla Hlebichuak of Belfleld has been in Beach for the past week havl-_g medical care. Mr. and M~, Ed Shenko of Beach wereMil'es City visitors on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. CharUe Kundman ~f Glendtve were Beach visitors on Monday. Phmlc Kent Arnold left Sunday for the west coast, where he will resume his duties in the Navy, Miss Mary Kremer of the Golva • "ommunity has been visiting in Beach for the past week. Earl 6chmits of Golva received new shipment of sheep the past week. Lieutenant AI Decker of Sentinel :Butte is home on a short furlough from Camp Campbell, Ky., visiting his paxents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Decker. I Mr. and Mrs. Mutt Krause of Sentinel Butte were Beach shop- pers Tuesday. John Ackerman of Minnesota was in Beach on official business Tuesday of last week. J. J. Conner of Dickinson was a business visitor in Beach on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Art Conway of Wibaux was in Beach Tuesday having dental work done. Bobby courts returned from Bill- ings Saturday to be with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Coutts. Miss Lorraine Pendleton of Sen- tinel Butte was a Beach shopper on Tuesday. Mrs. Eva Borth was a dinner guest at the home of Mrs~ Minnie Smith Monday nl~nt. Donald MeDanold returned on Wednesduy of last week'~from Utah, where he has been employed for ~he past few months. Pfc. Raymond Erickson left Tues- day for Fort Snelling after enjoy- ing a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Erickson. Eva Borth returned Tuesday to Minneapolis after spending some time visiting friends and relatives ~ Beach. ~*~. Dll~~ ~i21e ,snow--that has ~ilen in the past week the snow plow had to be used around the Golva community. Miss Joyce Noyes of Livingston, Mont. arrived Monday morning to spend two weeks visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Noyes. Mrs. Allen Woodward returned Monday from California, where she has spent ~he past three months visiting friends and relatives. Mildred Se2amitz, Vic Renstrem and Knute l~arstveet went to Bis- marck Thursday of kLst week to attend a district meeting of selec- tive service officials. Staff Sergeant Clarence Evenson of Carlyle is home on furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, tars Evenson. While hon~. he sub- scribed to the paper. Mrs. Katherine Belmont, Harold Belmont and Miss Katherine Bel- mont left Monday morning for Spokane, Wash. to visit Raymond Belmont, Mrs. B. T. Piesik is doing nicely and expects to return to her home l~ere on Wednesday of next week. Mrs. Fieslk recently submitted to an operation at Rochester, Minn. In the last issue of the paper we erroneously stated that Dorothy Sill has been taking over the duties as librarian in Mrs. Arnold's absence. We should have stated that it was Clara Jean Logan. II ~CV OO., INO, 1.98 Add e ~dl of ~ FOOD SALE The Pilgrim Fellowship of the Congregational Church will serve lunches and have a food sale at the Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. office Saturday, March 25. 26-Ite ~V-~ Give to the Red Cross War Fund! Dick Sunder of Forsyth was a Beach visitor on Tuesday of tltis week, purchasing some sheep. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hudson left Monday evening for Portland, Ore., where they will visit their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Keohane re- turned from the west coast Mon- day evening, where they have been visiting their sons• Private First Class C. J. Thill, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thill of Beach, has recently been promoted to corporal. All areas of North Dakota, with the exception of Ward, Burke and McLean counties, and the city of Fargo, lack adequate health facili- ties and .services. The cash farm income for North Dakota in 1943 was approximately 400 million dollars. This figure represents an increase of two-thirds over 1942. The Beach~ Womans Club will meet with Mrs. Henry Thompson Monday evening, March 27th. Roll call will be "Ideas for Next Year's Program." It will also be stunt night. Second Lieutenant William Ed- kins was a graduate offlhe advanc- ed navigation school at Selman Field, La. March 18th and will complete his training at a bomber base in Boise, Idaho. Crates, baskets, bags, planters, diggers and storage bins that have been smeared with ooze from ring- rot-dlseased potatoes may spread the disease to healthy potatoes even months after the original contact. Miss Margaret Hardy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hardy, of Beach, took part in a convocation, "An Hour of song," on March 16, in Rockhurst Auditorium, at the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota. RATION CALENDAR Sug~r----Stamp No. 30 in Book IV good for five pounds, Stamp No. 31 in Book IV valid for five pounds April 1, ,both are good an indefin- ite period. Stamp No. 40 for can- ning sugar only, good for five pounds February i, 1944 through February 28, 1945. Meats and Fats--Brown Stamps Y and Z in Book III expired on March 20. Red Stamps A8, BS, C8, DS, E8 and F8 in Book IV are valid through May 20 for ten points each. Red Stamps No. 8 from A to M in Book IV good for ten points each, may be used in ad- vance of their valid dates for the purchase of large quantities of meat from farm slaughterers only. Enough stamps for purchasing of other requirements should be re- tained to take care of such items LETTERS FROM i BOYS IN SF VICE M-Sgt. Adrian B. Wicka 17012784 Headquarters, Advance Echelon, Fifth Air Force, APO 713, % Postmaster San Francisco, California. February 24, 1944 Dear Staff: I realize that it has been quite some ~ime since I wrote to you people, but I am sorry indeed. It's rather hard finding time to write to other people, other than my own family. You know how large that "Wicka tribe" is• I want to thank you for sending the "Home Town Paper" to me. You can't realize how much I ap- preciate getting it. I enjoy the locals very much. It is very nice to know what all the people I know are doing back there, who has gone into the Service, who is getting married or who is expecting another "Blessed Event." It's the little things that .the folks and my brothers and sister fail to include in their letters that are very in- teresting to me. I think it's those little things that make the Golden Valley News the wonderful little home town paper it is. My papers arrive here rather irregularly, but that was due to you people not knowing my present address. I can't blame that on to anyone else but myself, can I? Once again I say, t~anks a million for cheering up my lonely hours many, many times. In case you put this in the paper I want to say to Captain Joe Niece: Was sorry I missed you when you left. I thought you told me that you were going to write. I am still waiting for a letter. I would like to visit you again but under different circumstancesI Congratulations on your marriage, Joe. I wish you both all the hap- piness in the world. We have mov- ed and I guess you can guess as to where we might be. Further up the coast from where we both saw Rut Noyes. I see by the paper that Al Kuh- feld is in this part of the world. I wish I could have known he was in this part. If I had, I could have looked him up while through his station. I plan on dropping him a llne soon. I suppose you are interested in what I am doing. Well, to tell you the truth, I have three jobs: first, I am a Technical Inspector of air- craft and ammunition; second, I am an Armorer (machine gun maintenance); and third, I am a Technical Observer. The last job compels me to fly very often. About four months ago I was put on flying status so now I am very proud to wear my observer's wings. :I like my work fine, especially the !flying. I usually fly in the B-24 as butter, salad oil, canned fish, etc. or the B-25. Very interesting at Processed Fo~Is--Green Stamps times, believe me. K L and M in Book IV expire If everything goes as planned I March 20. Blue Stamps A8, B8, will be back home soon. You see, C8 D8 and E8 in Book IV are lI have completed my second year valid through May 20. lover here so I expect to be rotated Shoes---Stamp No. lg in Book I I back ,to the states in the spring expires April 30 1944. Airplane ~ It sure will be swell to be back Stamp No. 1 in War Book III~there. er,~d~ -~of-~u~d~ l~t~ "U,t~".,~tit~" ! - Ll2~J~t~-~:)~e~f~r-~'*Liu?~ ~ finitely. A new shoe ration stamp will become valid May 1. Off--Period Four an~ Five ~ou~. good for ten gallons per unit: through September 30, 1944. Stovee~-Appllc~tions for purchase ce~fleat~ on an gas, oil or e0al heating and cooking stoves must be made ,to local War Price and as- Board& 10 coupons in "A" invalid mld__~nt~ht A-II ~oupo~ valid on through June 21 for three gallons each. ]32 and G~ ration coupons each. bearing words to everyone. Hope to see you soon. "Skeet". P. S. Even though Beach is no longer my home town, I still will re~ga~ it as such. You can rest assured that I will be back some day to see the most wonderful com- munity I have ever known. I want ~o thank all you people for giving my mother and dad a wonderful sen~off. I believe in wha~ dad said. "I quote, '~l~he wonderful people in the world r~ht here in Beach." How about some of you good peop~ drop, pt~ me a short Rue when you find the time. Letters mean so much to a fellow over ~ation" and BI and Cl here, remain good for two gal- .Skeet~ and ~:~ supplem~- --V - coupons good~ for five UNITED ~ CHURCH each. For your prot~ti~n D.E. Kenney, m~ N~m Da~a ~k ~ the ra- e~r ,hb ~ number Sm~d~, en all* g~. 10:15 A. ~+ Worship A provide cemI~eted Also, a ~ tea- whichever special service in l%ev, Roberts CHURCH UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Trotters, North Dakota Services every first, third and flft~h Sundays. Sund~y School at 2 P. M., and preaching service at 3P.M. ~V~ FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Oisrud, pastor Tel. 154 Beach: Sunday School 10 A. M. Services at 11 A. M. Sermon theme: "Jesus Christ and Caiaphas." Lutheran Brotherhood meeting at the Randal Thompson home this Thursday at 8 P. M. Sentinel Butte: Sunday School 1:30 P. M. Services at 2:30 P. M. ~EVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School 11:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon Prayer meeting 7:30 P. M. ~-V~ The wisdom of paying as depends upon where you are 'Pin Easy to apply. Quick te Stop~ "pink eye" losses. A bottle--~nov4h to tz~t ~ cams-~l.O0. For ~ bp-- SLEIGHT'S CITY Beach, N. D. IT'S FUN TO SEU. THE R~mnmg a grocery ~tc~e is no "cinch** the~e day~, built still make~ us proud ~arebuy- tng the freest food~ the nation affc~d~ Here, you am buy with eonfidonee, kno~ag that everything is MoIq~Y-BACK GUARANTEED. size 25Z DOZ. CELERY CABBAGE LEMONS CARROTS REi) OWL FLOUR WXZDOM MRAND PEAS-CORN YOUR CHOICE ~O-OZ, PEAS-$ POINTS CAN CO~-8 POINTS GRIDDLE MIX ,,~OL~E. so~,, ~o-oz ~ ~¢ FORWAI'FI.ES, ETC. PKG 11~ "SURE-MIX" CmSC0 CRISP, T~DI~I 2 C,U~. GRI~NTOP8 BellS. WHITE NAVY 6 for 1 BEANS IO,B 3 25' (~ POINTS) was~sua~-~ ~ DRIED PEAS SPLt~' Og d WHOLE. GREEN OR YELLOW P .RL IN BULK- LB. THIS IS MaTIOM~ DO-NUT WZH .... ENJOY DELICIOUS TASTING GORDON'S PLAIN DOZ. OR e~~ SUGARED LAND O%Am Evaporated MILK +.69 JAR CANS (~ POINT) (15 POINTS) CLAPP'S FOOD ~%-oz3( CAN SANTA CLARA PRUNES 2-LB. CELLO 8WIF'r*s NEW SIIORTE~HG CUT ~ OR WAX at 10:00 A. M, ) sonl~e at l meeting ~t ~:a0 i at 9:8{} P. M.- ++ V-- - ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN ~ NO M, Mten ~+ Wed-