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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 23, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 23, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mrs. Guy Hall entertained the Letter Club Thursday afternoon. Marion Hanson returned Sunday to his home at Great Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Slg Pederson and baby were in Olendive Saturday. Mrs. Dave Baird was in Glendive Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Payne were hl O1endive Sunday. Mrs. Charles Heckaman of Beach V~dted here Saturday. MIss Beulah Keith spent Sunday visiting friends at Beach. Mrs, Guy Hall made a trip to Dickinson Saturday. Mrs. George Petcoff entertained the Lutheran Ladies ~ewing Club Wednesday afternoon. Wallace Sco~t and Wayne Marcus made a trip to Sentinel Butte on Wednesday. Miss Shirley Blxby spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ross. The Eastern Star Chapter had their regular meeting Tuesday eve- Zllng at the Masonic Hall. Mrs. Ray Scanimon entertained the So and Sew Club Wednesday afternoon. Russell Welch and his mother were business visitors in Beach Friday, Mrs. R. Amunrud and daughter and Mrs. E. Goossen were in Beach Friday, Mr. and Mrs. David Dick and son of Wolf Point visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Welliever enter- tained Mr, and Mrs. GUy Hall at Mrs. Francis Payne, Mrs. E. Ar- montrout and Mrs. L l~dtermeyer were in Beach Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall visited at the Hogoboom home at Sentinel Butte Sunday. Mrs. Peter Kramer and Mrs. Jessie Mills speDt Saturday at Olendive. The Lions Club held their regular meeting at the Sutherland Cafe on Monday evening. T. Sletton of Billings spent a few daYs here last week on busi- ness and visiting his mother and brother. Mrs. Henry Buldha~pt from near the state line fell and broke her arm Monday. Her son Edwin took her to (Hendlve for medical at- tention. ROSE Theatre Calendar GLENDIVE, MONTANA UURRENT WEEK NOW SHOWIN~-- 'THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS' •. It's got everything you want and every star you love . . Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis Eddie Cantor, John C~arfleld, Ann Sheridan, Dinah Shore and scores of others t OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M. SUN. MON. TUES.~ "PRINCESS OqgOURKE" • . It's a story so good hard to describe! It's so good because it's such a happiness maker! It's so good because it's one of those rare hits that hit the spot for everyone. And it Olivia de Havllland and Robert Cummings wl~h Charles Coburn, Jack Carson and Jane Wyman. WEDNESDAY ONLY-- ~WH.&T'S BUZZIN' COUSIN" • . A swell cOmedy story with music and superb dancing by Ann Miller . . . with songs by Rochester . . . also featuring Freddy Martin's orchestra. OPENING NEXT THURS.-- "GU&DALC.4L~AL DIARY" . . . truly a glorious tritmlph! Starrlv~ William Bendix, Lloyd Nalan, Preston Foeter and An- thony ~uun. UFr0WN THEATRE FRIDAY SATURDAY-- ~ne Autry in ~ROOTIN' TOOTIN' RHYTHM" Also Tom Conway in "SEVENTH VICTIm", PluS Chapter 2 of that exciting new serial " WNTURES or F£Y" ING CADETS." MONDAY-- E1liobt in ~IOJAVE FIREBRAND" Also John Craven in "SOME- ONE TO REMF2KBER." THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEW~ Thursday, March 23, 1944: British CoedStudiesAmerican Building Materials and Methods Jean Goult, above, winsome 18-year-old eoed at Northwestern Uni- ~ersity's Technological Institute , theUnited S ta_te..s_ studying ma- terials best suited to moaern oU~tamg ana recons~ruc~mm ~,~r her graduation and the termination of the v~ar, she will return to her home, Burysteds, Suffolk, England, where her knowledge wih add ~o the excellence of British post-war building. Miss Goult is here shown in the research laboratories of the U. S. Gypsum Company observing extensi .re. tests constantly under way learn more facts about the, fl~e-resis~ing quad~ies oz gTpsum, ann ~o develop ways to use th~ advantageously and economically. Of par- ticular interest to Jean in her studies are ths fire-resisting qualities that gypsum gives to idaster, All England.l~.alla the a~rie.s ~ ~t~: London fire and the more recent blitz bomomgs nave empnaszzea r~z importance o! s~y, flre.res/sting eonstractton.. .......... : Recentdiscoveries give gypsum a .new.role ~n oral.dings, l~ow~ m pos~tble to control sound, as w~U as to cnee~ nre, .pl~r~:_~om- ',bine these with the plastic chara~r of gypsum wmcn mages ~ easy 'to mold walls and ee~llinga to any shape desired, andit is_easy to ,~ demtand why Jean~ g~ts a~bl~ thrUl In planning ros~-war ure Mrs. F. E Elliott left Saturday for Vancouver, Wash., where she will spend two weeks visiting her son Frank, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stainer Pedersen and daughter have moved back to Wlbaux from Beach. They moved on Sunday. Mrs. E. L. Watkins returned last week after spending several weeks in California with her daughters and a sister in Wyoming. Mrs. Lester Zopfl entertained the Optimistic Eight Bridge Club Wed- nesday evening, with scores going to Mrs, Fred Reinecke and Mrs. Francis Payne. Abe Tennent, Jr. is home on furlough; Gordon Wheeler arrived home on furlough from Alaska Thursday; Timothy Collins left on Monday after a 15-day furlough. The Badlands Homemakers Club met at the home of Mrs. M. Wheel- er Thursday afternoon. Miss Es- ther Franz, Red Cross nurse, was present. " Mrs. M. P. Ostby arrived home Saturday from Oregon. The mem- bers of the W.C.T.U. held a sur- prise farewell party Tuesday in her honor, bringing lunch and a gi~t. Mr. and Mrs. Albian Welsh and sons and Mrs. Maude Hubbard brought their dinner and a birth- day gift for Russell Welsh and spent Sunday at the Burton Welsh home, The Womans Club met Monday afternoon at the library, with Mrs. Jessie Murphy as hostess. Mrs. Murphy also gave a paper on the "Pay Nineties." Lunch was also served by the hostess after the close of the meeting. Homer Haselhuhur arrived last week from Ashland, Wis. to be the manager at ,the Sawyer Store. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Evans left last week fpr South Dakota. Mr. Evans was former manager of the Sawyer Store. Miss Vonne Harms and Joseph Sokoloski were united in marriage Monday evening at the Catholic Church by Father Lehey. Miss Ann Fessenmter and Andrew Bruski attended them. Mr. and Mrs. Sokoloksi will leave Wednesday for Farragut, Idaho, where he will resume his training. Those who attended the cancer meeting~ at Glendive Friday Mrs. Norman Hazelwood, district commander, were Mrs. Alger Meek, captain, Mrs. Fred Reinecke and Mrs. H. Schendie. They saw two cancer films at the high school and heard a talk by Mrs. H. W. Peter- son of Blllhlg~, state regional com- mander, and attended a tea at the Elks hall given by the American n~a Auxmary ladies, and a din- t the N. P. dinl~ room. where Mrs. Hazelwood presided, and Mrs. Peterson and Dr. Dan~ gave short talks. V SADDLE BUTTE HOMEMAKERS A lovely noon lunch was served to sixteen members of the Saddle Butte Homemakers Club and two visitors at the home of Mrs. O. Moe in Beach Thursday, March 16. After a brief hU,siness meeting a very interesting lesson hemming curtains was given by the project leaders, Mrs. Carl Carlson and Mrs. Donald Ktttleson. Much discussion was given to the care of feathers and pillows and everyone was urg- ed to save all feathers as they are urgently needed at this time. The next meeting wiU be held Thursday, March 30th, at the home of Mrs. Cliff Schaal, instead of at the home of Mrs. Charles Llngk~ as previously planned. Club Reporter. V The householders m~y seem to have a hard life in wartime, but he can always have a good time ~ up t~ home srounds. Anniversary Party Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler en- tertained a group of relatives and friends at a very lovely supper on Sunday evening, March 19, in honor of Mr• and Mrs. Fred Wassmann's 31st wedding anniversary. The table was decorated in pink and white with the centerpiece being lovely cake in pink and white ~nd placed upon a pink-doiley. On each side of the cake were tall pink candles in crystal "candle holders. After supper, the evening was spent in playing cards, visiting and contests, with the prizes going to Mrs. Wal~er Wassmann and Ed Dietz. Ice cream and cake were served at midnight, after which the guests departed for home, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wassmann many more happy anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Wassmann received several nice gifts. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann, Mrs. Vera Wassmann, Lois. George, Jimmy and Alberta Mae. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dietz and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. John Stull and Davie. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry, Mrs. G. M. Brown. Mrs. John Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler and Jackie. Contribute to the Red Cross[ Mr. and Mrs. John Stull and Davie spent Monday at th~ Fred Wassmann home. Fred and Loyde Wassmann were in Golva on Monday, Johnnie Stul] wa~-in Golva on Wednesday. Walter Wassmann called at the Laura Strahon farm on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyde Wassmann called at the J Stull home on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald Vteland and Inez and Mrs. Gloria Wosepka were Beach visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Orstad and girls attended the show in Beach Sunday afternoon. Mrs, Johnny Johnson returned home on Sunday night after having spent the past week at the John Fakler home. --V- ~J~HANK YOUR LUCKY STARS' NOW AT ROSE "Thank Your Lucky Stars," War- net Bros.' star-studded musical production, opens at the Rose Theatre Thursday. Seen in the film are such top-notch players as Humphrey Bogart~ Eddie Cantor, Bette Davis, Olivia De Haviland, Errol Flynn, John Garfield, Joan Leslie, Ida Lupine, Dennis Morgan, Ann Sheridan, Dinah Shore and Alexis Smith. In add~on, the film features an outstanding supporting east headed by George Tobias, Jack Carson, Alan Hale, Edward Everett Horton, S. Z. Salmli, Hattie McDaniel and Spike Jones and his City Slickers and an impressive array of 148 Hol- lywood showgirls. Arthur ("Danc- ing in the Dark") Schwartz and Frank ("Praise the Lord and Pass , the Ammunition") Loesser wrote the twelve songs. V-- NOTICE TO DAIRY FARMERS Applications for January dairy feed payments muSt be filed in the county office before March 31. The final date for filing applica- tions for February payments shall be April 30. The rates of payment for both January and February sales are 5 ce~t~ per pound of butterfat and 35 cents per hundred- • ~ght of whole milk. WANT TWO P WORD PER ISSUE If you want to buy or s~ll somothlng: if you hoed help or want a Job. you can gez ruu~ from News Want Ad~. No ad accepted for less than 25c pmr insertion. A service chargo of 25c will bo mado for "blind" ads. FOR SALE--V-Mail stationary at the News office. 5-tf FOR SALF_~-Briggs & Straiten gasoline motor. ~red Maas. 26-1tp WANTED--A Cook and a Waitress at the Park Care. Beach. 26-1tc FOR SALE--Cow. Stener Ekre, Beach. 26-1tp FOR SALE---One Chester male pig. Bert Piesik, Beach. 25-3t~ WANTED TO BUY--Good used grain drill. Bert Piesik. 25-3tp FOR SALE--Walsh seed flax, $5 per bushel. J. E. Metcalf, Trot- ters, N.D. 23-4tp MISSING---Male Scotch Come dog. Anyone knowning whereabouts call or see Theo Tobias. FOR SALE--Registered Duroc Jer- sey male pig for $30.00. Edwin Buldhaupt, Beach. 25-2tp FOR SALE--19S6 half ton Dodge pickup with new box. Gordon S~hmeling, Sentinel Butte. 24-2tp FOR SALE--Willis 1941 half ton pickup. John Vorhies, Phone 0171~, Glendive, Mont. 24-2tp FOR SALE---~-room modern house, completely furnished with pre- war furnishings. Dr. C. A. Bush, Beach. 23-3tc FOR' "SALE~Peoria 10 ft. Double disc drill in good shape M.A. Finneman, Phone 5F22, Golva, N. Dak. 21-5tc WANTEIN--Hired girl at once. Sun- days and every other Saturday off. Write or see Mrs. Art Han- son, Wibaux, Mont. 26-2tp FOR SALE--One Hart-Parr trae- tar, 18-36, with power takeoff, in good shape. Lloyd Metcalf, Trotters. 25-3tp FOR SALE--House and almost 7 acres, the original Michelson place, in Beach. Harold Fosjard, Wibaux, Mont. 25-2tp FOR SALE--U. S. approved, pul- lorum tested chicks• Order early. Leading breeds. Write for folder and prices. Hoffman Hatchery, Washburn, N, D. 22-11tp FOR SALE--Two well broke teams, one pair of geldings and one pair of mares, coming five and six years old. Hans Haukaas, Golva. 22-4tp FOR SALE--Vlcland Seed Oats, both certified and non-certified. Certified, $1.50; non-certified, $1.25 per bushel with sacks• Ro- bert Ekre, phone 5F3, Beach, N.D. 26-2tp a limited number of Ben Huset's 1944 weather forecasts. These should be of special interest to farmers and ~tockmen. Golden 1 Valley News office. 18-if I FOR SALE--648 acres of farm and1 ranch land, about one-third til-] lable, four miles from Sentinel Butte. Priced right if taken at once. M. C. Tescher, Sentinel Butte. 24-2tp FOR SALE--One 3-year-old bull one 5-Year-old bull; one yearling )bull, all registered Herefords. 2 saddle Stallions. 2 years old, reg- istered American Remount Assn. Ralph Mosser, Trotters. 25-3~p USED CARS--We have a few used cars for sale: 1941 Plymouth coupe; 1941 tudor Ford; 1942 Deluxe Plymouth coupe, You do not need a certificate In order to buy any of these cars. Dakota Implement Co. 20-tic PERMANENT WAVE, ~9c! Do yonr own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, includ- ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Prais- ed by thousands including l~y McKenzle, glamorous movie star, Money refunded if not satis- fied. Woodward Brothers Drug, Beach. 24-10tp ~FIC][,,ANI} SEED OATS $1.65 b~, Sweet Clover Seed 12c lb. up, Timothy 8c, Bromns 17c, Timothy & Clover 12c, Pasture Mixtures, Field Peas, Early Seed Corn, Mil- lets, Sudan, Cane; Buda, Royal and Golden Flax. Write far price list and Free Samples. Grimm Alfalfa Association, 201 13th St, No., l~rgo, N.D. On U. S. High- way 81 across street from Man- chester Biscuit Company. ~4-4tc GRAIN BLOWERS, ELEVATORS-- Now is the time to put in your order for grain blowers and ele- vators. Have half carload coming through by June lst• Also Huber Threshers in 28-46 size with 14 foot feeders and Huber Tractors in the 4-plow size for July de- livery. Get that Basin Tiller now so you will have it when you start summer fallowing next sum- mer, and save that water. Keep ,it in your field where it will do you some good, C. O. Johnson, ~olva, N.D. 25-1tc FOR SALE---1 kitchen range; cir- culating heater; kerosene refrig- erator; and 33 laying hens. Fred Maas, Beach. 26-1tp WANTED--Party to operate cream and produce buying station in Beach. No previous experience necessary. For further informa- tion write to Armour Creameries, Bismarck, N.D. 26-Zip |l FOR SALE-~-room house, locate", next to Davis Service Station; also 6-room house known as Zook house. See Ernest Moore, Beach. 26-§tp FOR SALE--Brooder House, 10 x 12. One Hudson Brooder, A-1 shape. One 300-~gg MacComb incubator. H u b e r t schieffer, Beach, North Dakota. 25-3bp,- HAVE YOU SEEN Armour's Increased Production Contest? Liberal Prizes Awarded Each Month Write For Further Information ARMOUR CREAMERIES Bismarck, N. D. ATTENTION, FARMERS! Overhaul Your Tractor With BURD QUICK SEAL RING SETS For the Following-- All John Deere Tractors, large and small Allis Chalmers Case Massey Harris McCormick Deering Minneapolis-Moline All Types of Combine Motors WE ALSO HAVE-- Cylinder Gaskets Champion Spark Plugs Magneto Points Tractor Storage Batteries Motor Oils. Greases Oil Filter Elements All Your Necessary Requirements "Buy With Confidence and Save With Quality" VRANNA AUTO SUPPLY CO. PHONE 17 BEACH, N. D. BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATI DAY March 24th and 25th Will take as many hogs as you may deliver. Last week was able to pay $12.60 for Top Hogs, but will guarantee the following prices this week, paying more if the market will permit. TOP HOGS, 210 to 300 lbs. - .- $12.50 185 to 210 lb. HOGS ........ $11.50 170 to 185 lb. HOGS ........ $11.20 140 to 170 lb. HOGS - $9.50 to $11.00 SOWS, all weights ......... $11.20 Feeder hogs or hogs under 140 lbs. bought at $9.00 per hundred. You'll Always Get a Square Deal With-- JACK BAL RD PHONE 40