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March 23, 1944 |
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Thursday, March 23, 1944
A Weekly Published Every
Thursday by
Fred A. Shipman, Editor
N. C. SHIPMAN. Business Manager
$. D. MacDOUGALL, SupL
• ntered as Second Class matter at
the Postoffice at Beach, North Dakota,
October 7, 1936, under the Act of
March 3, 1897.
Display Advertising, per inch - $ .35
Local Contract. 52 weeks, inch .30
Readers, per line ...... .10
Card of Thanks, 10 lines - - - 1.00
Positively no exceptions will be
made on the above rates
To addresses wi~hln Norlh Dakola,
and Wibaux and Fallon Couniies,
in Monlana:
One Year ........ $2.50
Six Months ....... 1.50
To addresses outside of Norih Dakota:
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No subscriptions accepted for less
than six months
Spring is the most popular l
Season of the year. A new feel-
~g of hope comes over the mind
as ttie days become longer and
the sun rises higher in the hea-
ven. The increased warmth
thaws out cold, feet and chilled
desires and purposes of the
heart. People form new pro-
Jects, and branch out in new
In former years many imagin-
ative persons were so thrilled
that they wrote poems about
spring, and sent them on to the
newspapers. The editor may
have put many of them into his
wastebasket, but some got print-
ed. They expressed the joy that
People feel on being relieved
from the cold and restrictions of
The farming districts will soon
be full of activity, as the farm-
ers prepare to plant their crops.
The home gardeners are laying
out their plans, and deciding
What to do about seed and fer-
tilizer and digging up the soil.
The country will bless them if
they increase the space they cul-i
tivate, and take a hopeful view
of their ability to care for it.
Life seems on an ascending
SCale in spring. The trees will
Soon be budding and plants
sending up their little green
SProuts in the garden. The peo-
l~le look forward to pleasant life
OUtdoors, to their favorite sports
and pastimes The sap rises in
the maple trees, and the sugar
maples gather their sap and
turn out a grand products.
As the season of growth has
Come, people feel that they can
Share in that advance and de-
~iaelopment, and so may be more
ely to start new enterprises in
the spring. As the plants in
the garden and the field show
themselves above the ground, so
. plans and aspirations in
\ l~uman life appear and people
try to accomplish them.
The spring this year finds at-
tention on the tremendous un-
dertakings of the American for-
ces to invade the continent of
EUrope and free it from Nazi
• domination. If it succeeds, and
there are strong reasons to be-
lieve that it will, those countries
Will be like the land which was
COvered with deep snow in win-
ter, but which is set free by the
Warm sun, so that the soil can
SPring forth in beauty and pro-
dUctiveness again.
The prediction was made by a
high official of the Federal
Housing Administration that
some 20,000 builders will con-
struct 350,000 or more dwelling
units in the United States the
first year after the war. This
will mean a great revival of em-
ployment in these trades, and
will provide jobs for a grea~
number of workers.
It will be pleasant to hear the
sound of the hammer in all
these places where homes are
going up. The people who work
on'this construction will only be
a par~ of those benefited, as
this new building will create an
enormous demand for a variety
of materials.
The progress of the new con-i
struction will be watched with
the keenest interest by the many
families that will then be look-
ing for homes. Many families
that have been living in crowd-
ed cuarters will welconle [hese
dwellings. Many women who
want to live with their parents
while their husbands were in the
service will be candidates for
such homes when their men re-
Probably it will be quite a
number of years before the sup-
ply of new dwelling units is
equal to the demand. The con-
struetion of homes has not kept
up with the growth of the popu-
lation. The demand for new
houses will probably be greater
than it ever has been before in
the history of the United States.
The posses/on of one of these
new homes will realize the
dream that many families have
cherished. They will be happy
te feel that they can have a
home all their own, and can de-
velop it and furnish it according
to their taste. Many will plan
how they can decorate the sur-
rounding grounds, and make
these dwellings nests of beauty.
The new homes built before
the war were very attractive,
and those to be constructed after
the war will be equally so.
There will probably be new fea-
tures which modern ingenuity
has devised. The sight of all
these homes going up will
cheer the people, and give evi-
dence of a new period of hope
and prosperity.
The navy's flying boat Mars
recently brought nearly 800,000
letters from service men to
their home folks, the same being
landed at San Francisco. This
is an indication of the tremen-
dous number of letters that are
passing between these men and
their home folk.
Whether the service man's
letter was written on some roll-
ing ship, on an improvised table
in some camp, or under what-
ever circumstances, it is an ex-
pression of his love and longing
for the home people• Those
folks at home~ look eagerly for
those letters, and it is a day of
joy when one of them appears.
They watch anxiously to see if
the postman is going to leave
The eagerness with which they
are received teaches them the
eagerness which he feels to get
them, and is a reminder to write
to him just as often as possible.
Even if there seems absolutely
no news to give him, just the
to make him happy.
letter from home is enough
The folks who think the old
home burg is the best place on
earth are apt to make it still
better by taking hold to help
good movements.
by Nat
"~e cortr&seO~L$.
~'~De as brztve ~s ~o~r f~thers before 9ou.
GO forwzLrb."
The prediction is made that
the war will increase the ten-
dency toward religious unity.
There has been for many years
a distinct growth of such unity.
The divisions that separate the
Christian denominations are not
quite as sharp as they were.
People have grown more toler-
ant of differences of opinion.
When a country is at war, all
elements are drawn together in
the common effort. There is an
increased tendency to respect
those who hold differing opin-
ions. The young people do not
seem to take their religious dif-
ferences quite as strongly as
their elders did.
Some people look forward to
the time when the Christian
church will all be united in one
great organization. That time is
probably far distant, for there
are still important differences
between the various religious
bodies. The various rerlgious or-
ganizations represent to some
extent different types of per-i
sonality. People often work'be~-
ter among their own type ,.f
personality than they would if
submerged in some big group
including all kinds.
Out on the battlefronts where
the men are encouraged l~y the
chaplain of all faiths, the de-
nominational fines at home are
largely forgotten or they seem
I less important.
In the home field it would
seem as if many of the smaller
denominational bodies c o u I d
!consolidate and join together,
One of the reasons for gener-
ous contributions to the Ameri-
can Red Cross, is the wonderful
service it gives in sending sup-
plies to the Americans who are
prisoners of war. The men who
are confined in German prison
camps probably have very plain
and limited fare. It is a grand
day for them when they get
packages from the Red Cross.
The package will bring tears to
their eyes, with the conscious-
ness that the nation at home
has not forgotten them. If they
are despondent, it will revive
their courage.
The Red Cross supplies make
up for many lacks in their food,
md make them stronger and
)etter able to stand the hard-
ships of their confined life.
Business people otten ask
what is the best way to write ad-
and accomplish greater results.
There are many towns in which
there are too many churches
and more than can be well sus-
tained, and they would promote
the Christian cause if some of
them would unite.
Religious Unity can be obtain-
ed even if such unions are not
brought about. It exists when
church people respect the rellg-
lous convictions of neighbor
churches, ~and where a thor-
oughly friendly feeling exists be-
tween the various churches. All
forms of religion in this country
represent the honest aspiration
of the human soul, and any sin-
vertising notices for a news-
paper. Perhaps the best way to
ido it Is to keep in mind that ad-
vertising is essentially news. It
gives people information that
they want to get, and it tells
about what is happening in the
stores. It tells of business places
that have obtained lots at spec-
ial values, which they offer be-
low the usual price. And it tells
of stores that have surplus
stocks that they want to clean
out and will cut prices to do it.
It is a story of what the stores
are doing to please the public,
and all the advertiser has to do
is to tell the story in. plain
cere belief is entitled to respect, language.
V An advertisement in that way
time a store clerk is read with the keenest inter-
Every ........ t ~ est and may get more attention
customer xru,- ,,-- ,
pleases some .... ..... *-wnlthan any news Item In the
of town, he helps ms Lxu,,,~ ~ I ....
secure more business. Iv~'"
, omie wizards juggle astronomic sums
V~rhen the econ -- - .Uat bedazzles and benumbs, .
~rd from the roof,
I It's bologny!
all hoD at Coney~
Like a b _~errminds may quit lt.witl], ac,clalm, -hrases
} And me su~ ~ ~* blazes with me iancms~ ot p ,
As It glitters anu .~
I ' It's bologny.
It's bologny !
Just the same.
.... - ....... *ic nundits vexT brilliantly contrive
wnen the u~e~%~-~her so they total up to five, - --
To add 2 anu z Los= .h~ see-ers paint a sweeter Bye and ~ye,
I And the prophets an~lin~=bootstraps we'll go soaring to zne sky.
Where by mere~y.,~ ,_ o~labor we'll have money Dy ~ne chunk,
iWthe~eli~tthfo~t l~,tl~ll~tl,~u~ol~d~lovely, its de bunk
It's holognY!
It's uto fan but phoney, rigging game.
It's a hPumbug and a thimble
Though its label may be tony,
he less bologny
It is none t., ~. ,.., an esoteric name.
The' they cal~.~ l~gh they price ~,
Never mma nv~I ~he slice It,
Or how wafer th n ~t's bolognyl
It's bolognY just t,he same.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
of the United States raise the
question of how many of the re-
turning service men after the
war will settle down in their
home towns. They suggest that
many may be drawn away by
the ties which they are forming
elsewhere. They recommend a
program which communities can
adopt to induce the returning
men to settle in their home
Millions of these men have
traveled widely and seen many
cities and states, and some may
be inclined to settle in some of
these places. This will be a mis-
fortune for their home towns.
These communities should be
thinking of how they can per-
suade these men to come back.
Providing them with a good job
will be the mot influentual ar-
gument. The old saying has it
lhat distant pastures look the
greenest, but there are great ad-
vantages in settling in a place
where a man is familiar with
conditions and where his friends
are located.
They are full of eagerness to
help the armed forces and bring
victory, and they know that
anything they can do on weed-
ing and hoeing and harvesting
helps defeat our enemies.
In ordinary times many boys
and girls are reluctant to do
garden work around their
homes. Things are different
now, with food shortages and
the necessity of sending vast
supplies to our armies and allies.
Millions of youngsters will heed
this appeal to help raise the
President Roosevelt has ap-
pealed to rural boys and girls to
help food production• The mes-
sage was read on a national Chaplain William D. Cleary, ColD-
broadcast launching the 4-H nel, USA, is one of twelve children
clubs' third annual wartime me- ~ of a Texas pioneer, family. Two
bilization week~ , brothers are line officers.
The countr~ will denond a l In addition to 1000 Army chap-
....... " ~:~ ,- . i lains, Methodist chaplain head-
great aeal rnls year on me netp~,,,,,,or~ ~n Wa~hlnertnn 13 .~t~
of its boys and girls to carry out i wart Patterson, secretary, reports
the food production program, i his denomination has supplied the
They gave an enormous amount': Navy and Marine Corps with 3013
of assistance last year on culti-i chaplains. "
vating and harvesting crops, and
they will do even more this year.
some would frequently go with-
1000th Army chaplain supplied by
The Methodist Church for World
War II reported for the current
session of the Chaplains' School
here at Harvard the other day,
"Pistol- packin'" parson had to
"lay his pistols down". Entering~
this non*combatant branch of the
service, the Rev. Holland ttope of
San Jon, N. M., left behind his
well-kept collection of target and
hunting weapons. Despite his local
reputation as a crack shot, he must
now be obedient to the interna-
tional law which requires that the
only armament allowed a chaplain
is "the sword of the Spirit".
Chaplain Hope, shown above as
he was welcomed by the Com-
mandant of the Chaplains' School~
The public now has a new
method to deal with under ra-
tioning, in the tokens given in
change for red and blue stamps
out. The lines of people waiting
to buy scarce things would be
far longer. While the war lasts
and as long as many things are
scarce, rationing produce~ uery
useful results.
The potato shortage of lasL
spring induced farmers to plant
a great crop of this favorite
vegetable. The potato crop was
so big that all these spuds can't
be consumed before the spring
and early summer ones reach
the market. So the government
is going to convert more than
18,000,000 bushels of lower grade
white potatoes into industrial
alcohol. Such alcohol is greatly
needed in expanding quantities
for .production of war supplies.
in Ration Book Four. The plan This will be a good use for
is simple and confidence is ex- . .......
' • • ~nose potatoes, aria uvula ~ne
pressed that it will ~mprove the ............
--~:__.. ...... ~ .... ~ ~_,.^ ~. QIIIICUlI;y OI Keeping me crop ac
rKI~lOlllllg by~;bgIlt NIIII.I lllil, l~:~ lb I t
tne prices which the farmers
easier for the public to do busi- .
hess under it. ] were supposed to receive.
The rationing system assures/ --V~
everyone his fair share of the.~ They say dirt farmers should
foods thus controlled. If it were/have important influence in the
not for that system some would ~government. Also the dough house-
get more and some less, and/wives should be very influentual.
P¢I~I-Co~ Company, l~ng l~lgnd City, N. Y.
Franchised Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Hettinget
For a girl who would like to get a start in a larger
town, there is no nicer opportunity afforded than that
presented by a leading hotel like the Powers. We
need several chambermaids to care for our lovely
rooms. The hours of work are desirable, the wages
are good, and you will find working in a hotel just like
working in a home on a large scale. Apply to Mrs.
Lucken, housekeeper,