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March 23, 1939 Golden Valley News | |
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March 23, 1939 |
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~:'~TWe clo ~ ~*of En~ne work.
group of friends and the hospital
~orce pleasantly surprised Mrs. Tom
~ader Monday evening of this week
,ran her birthday anniversary. Mrs.
;Rader had taken ill with the flu and
,could not partake of the activities, but
,~ld enjoy the luncheon in spite of
the fact that she was confined to bed
,~t the Beach hospital. The remainder
of the evening was spent at the Turn-
bull home where a social time was
We now have Cioverdale lee Cream
Some 30 friends surprised Miss
Grace Rader on her birthday Monday
~vening of last week. The party of
friends gathered at the Dr. Johnstone
The March meeting of the Valley
Homemakers club was held on Wed-
served a delicious luncheon, which was
followed bY the imsiness meeting and
the lesson on "Plants for the Home,"
given by Mrs. Netzer, ~ next meet-
ing will be April 19, with Mrs. Ed
Stull entertaining.
Mrs. Lenora Stecker,
Club Reporter.
ties at school at Beach Monday. I eat. The afternoon was spent in visit-
Karnes Johnson and ~ Howard~ing The next meetlnz will be with
attended the dance in Beach Friday. ~hT; Daisy Wassman.- --
,,Mr ,and ~++~ +lgl#¢hlr~+ + en- " "
"" ~ ,~~e .~,-P~" ~. [ About 45 neighbors and friends ga-
,~..+ .Z a~M~.~ ~,.~.~8~%.~.~.,,,~,=, ~ / ~ ......... '
• meres at me ~'rea wassman l~ome on
l~lday evening. Whist was played at .......
four tables. Those present were Mr. Ie~aay mgnt mr a St. Patrick's party.
and Mrs. Robert Sonnek, Mr. and fA very enjoyable evening was spent
Mrs. Carl Otremba, Daisy Wassman, in card playing and dancing. The oc-
casion was also the Wassman's 26th
Daisy Wassman will entertain the
man and her mother, Mrs. Grimes
Birthday club on Thursday, March 23. out to the farm Sunday.
Geo. Wosepka brought out a load
~+~' - = ~ "' :"' ' of fm'niture for Lowman's Sunday.
DIVIDE NEWS Jennie Phillips spent saturday and
" - " ~ • ~ ~ " : ~ - ~ Sunday in Sentinel Butte. She also
A card party was held Friday night had dental work done in Beach,
at the Taylor Cook home in celebra- Oeo. Wright attended the township
tion of St. Patrick's birthday. Those meeting hel at the township clerk's
attending were Mr. and Mrs, Math office Tuesday.
Brown and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Quite a few coyotes have I~
Harold Hollar and children, in this vicinity recently.
Harold HoUar and J. E. Cook and ,_~rs,_,D~+Pendleton is
family were Sentinel Butte and Beach covering from her recent sligh~.h$
shoppers Saturday. of pneumonia.
David Dmtz came out to 1~
Math Brown and son Arthur. John from his home in Belfleld SUJ
Will and Taylor Cook were attending
to ~usiness matters in Beach Wednes-
Harry Lowman brought Mrs. Low-
Andrew Kohler, Edith Carew, A. F.
Iro~s, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn, M. B.
Hogoboom and Maurice, and Ed Eide.
Lunch was served and a very pleasant
t~llllW$ ~ . --- ---. __= ~ ~ ~ evening spent.
ALPHA Adellne Schouboe and Ernie Stark
._ _ .... = j _ were visitors at Oloyd Bury's Sunday.
A. A. White spent several days last t +- ~ - + ~ = " ;
! week visiting his brother John White I GARNER
and family of Forsyth, Montana.
The Alpha Ladies Aid met with II II
Mrs. Fred Wassman Thursday. A fine Mr. and Mrs. George Stull, Dick
dinner was enjoyed at noon. There and Pal were Beach visitors Thursday.
farm south of town where a bount- were eight members and several visit- Mr. and Mrs. J~e Dietz and Mrs.
Aous lunch was served and the even- ors present. The next meeting will be Herman Wassman were Beach callers
:~ng spent socially, with Mrs. Daisy Wa,ssman A~rll 20. Friday. . _ .
Just received a new lot ~.00yTj~. Mr. and Mrs Nick Oan~roth and Art Underwood and family, donn
~ld lockets and chains, at $1. • Jens Oronning were Beach visitors on Benin, Le6 Nistler, Dick St ull and
M. P. Lov~ren, Jeweler. Tuesday. • : Olaf Orstad were in Beach Saturday.
Miss Virginia Miller has-been con- ~ C~lff0rd J~ndro who has been era- Mr, and Mrs. Shoen have been sick
lined' to her home the past few days pAGed at I-Iasti~, Minn., for the with ~e flu the last week. Mrs. T. A.
,'with an attack,of flu. i~ast Year ret~lrl~ed to his l~om~ F~day Wosepka has also been on the sick
We have the' equipment to reLmir I~.+rnorning. He was accompanied.+ ~by his list.
~your fenders or +my klnd of wreel¢,l~slst~ Emma Jean'iwho has §pent some Mrs. John F~kler spent a fewdays
/amd guarantee our work. W, C. Schulz.*!~Im~ with heF sister at Little Falls, ~Ith her parents last week.
Jimmy and Punky Doerner have l~Min~rlesota.. ....... 1 Mrs. Fred Wassman entertained the
nmlssed several .day~ of school this ~ Charley Sherman spent the weekend Alpha Ladies Aid Thursday. Eight
+week due to bad 'colds and the flu. '~vitl~ home folks, returning to his du- 'members and four visitors were pres-
Dr. Wm. BoweR, Jr,, .and Pete Mc ........... ~.
~abe of Dickinson were business callers ~ ~ll
:in town Tuesday afternoon.
" Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Carl ~k~k~,l~ 1Lmlld~l~ ~P~d~J~m
Anderson of Missoula, Montana ar- VV ~~, J~llllIA~ ~I~II~I~
xived to spend a short time visiting
relatives and friends. They were ac-
~om~nied ~ ~el~ Wicks. MARCH 23 - 24 - 25
Rudy Ramstad left for Kenyon, Min-
nesota, Tuesday of last week, where POST TOASTIES, Reg. SWEET PICKLES, Qt.
~e attended the funeral of his uncle, Size pkgs.. 2 for ....... 19c Jar ......................... 23c
William Ramstad. DRY PEARS, Fancy, 2 CHILI SAUCE, Regular
Miss Edna Nelson was confined to
.her home the first of the week with Pounds ........................... 25c Size, 2 bottles ......... 35c
the flu. RAISINS, Seedless, 2 P & G SOAP, Giant
Let us DUCO your car. See us about Pound Package .......... 16c Size, 6 bars ......... 24c
~riee~ w.c. Sch.~z. VANILLA, 8 ounce ORANGES, M e d i u m
bottle ....... ~= ............ 25c Size, 2 dozen .............. 29c
Miss Henrietta Rustan of New Eng- DILL PICKLE~, Quart PORK CHOPS or PORK
land is now employed at the Park Jar ................... ~ ............. 18c Steak, Pound ............... 20c
Cafe. having begun work there last +
Regular meeting of the local Masonlc CASH & GARRY $K[T g $OC[RY
lodge was held Tuesday evening at the
Farmers with Tractors that have remov-
able sleeves will find that we can save them
money on a new set of sleeves with a liberal
trade in allowance on old set. Our products
are of the best and prices are right. See us
for all your Tractor needs. Try our 150-hr.
and get a
Complete Set of
~oodward Drug Co.
• ~~- ~ -__=- - _ _
Two $5,000 Ce,h Priz,
+Temple, preceded by a fine 6:30 dinner
~hat was greaty enjoyed.
:stead left with a truck load of fm'ni- ~.
lure for Eugene, Oregon, where the 1 • Beach, North Dakota
H~stead family are now located, i •
Mr. andMrs. HermanDietzarethea Thurs+ TUNE UPTIMEI
~arents of baby baY, born last " __ v~ -- -- ~ ~ U i
+sPA -
+ i IS HERE i iiiF. e o
*:~entinel Butte are the parents of a i . . . I,+;[ ;~|t;!~!
babYDr, glrIparrettborn Marchhasb~o.~gthiu w~m me | We will g~ve you an eshmate on your motor+ |ii:i Beach, North Dakota i~.ii~
llUMrs.fOrpaulSeveralHonldayS.of Beach was in forI~ work that will please you. Our specialty is |]!:i S H O P ii[
+testament March 16th. Ii satisfied customers. Come in and let's talk i il '+++ CHILl
M:r]ys Hahn o+B+ach Underwent uga ino b.sac i ...... $ 29
.~, a~pen~tec~omy Ma~ch ~th. i+,~ i!]i
Miss Mary ~efnholz of Beach was'l+., . It Over =,"i"'+,+ S r fly, 1001 k S. ++:++ C0H ~+~+~
+treated for an infectedf~ce iVIarch+ll..'+'++'"+ " Oc 'o " 36 :~o: 2i
'+" :" "'+ F]o sack. .....
am • st!+ '+d
Mrs. Kunick of Sen~hwl Butt+ was.l l:. .," + r, cide?t, 49 Ib $I + ++"
~+'V+[" +'e~'C+' at+++++°" M~"c+' "th"do/, Mot Co "++ N0.10'C N D FRUITS: N W
Marlyn Noll was given medical at- li ~ II [ii
,ention March 18th. : BSO~ or • :
~ i | Phone 10 Beach, N.:+~"+, i A NE BUY 0
TRADE WITH US " I I + i. Peaches, Pears or.. Apricots ....... 42c LETTUCE
Jewel Shortening, pail ..... 57c FresK, FinmHeads
Brazil Nut Fudge, fresh, 2 lbs ..... 25c
We Deliver Phone 55 Booth's Cut up Spiced Fish, gal.... 89c
SWEET PICKLES, ...... 32oz. jar39c I dreft '++
..... ,..-..doe..21c ill
Spraybrite ........... 8 oz. bottle 17c ~+'+~ ~",g~ ........ +++ Sw.e*. ~u~+,
Have Us Install -- ' j g47 New Cabbage for Slaw, Lb. 4'/~c Dozen--" 12c
that Laundry Bleach, Sno White, gal u c ....
WINCHn_ARGER ~ m m .~PHt.~w"m .... . Grapefruit, extra large, dozen... 35c
18-- ~ S O A P 5 giant bars 18c ORANGES, large juicy, 2 dozen.. 29c | 0 II F
a *d
+Let the d ~ "~er~ng,..--.......--~I-~9-~ iPPLES, Winesaps, 5 Pounds .... 25e T|S
Hankie fur le v~th IIONEY, Pure,5 Ib.Pafl... i'....". 43c
, + COFFEE, IS-K. .............. lb. 29c
I UMAY +] +. + Pabst-+tt'+alad "res~n~, Pints'.. ]7c 'AL"I
Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2 lb. box.. 15c
We C~n ,+ ~/ ' - FRIDAY&$ATURDAYONL~+I • "~. " WHITE _, +
~+e YOU ,+. ~J l ~ ILl .... IIII NAPHTHA lfl Gi.t ~+,+
' 'Money. , ~ Oranges, sweet, juicy .... . +!2 doz 29C ..... - s+O ~ P-[, Bars OlU
.... OH' ' +. 1 ~ "
Bananas, firm; ripe .... ..... 4 lbs:29c WE HAVE SULPHUR AND IODIZED 5 ~'
Farm Light Batteries
and give you quality FLOUR, IGA. .... . ,+. 1 49 lb. bag $L39 BLOCK SALT
" N. DA]L Phone-- 75 We Deliver Free