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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 23, 1939     Golden Valley News
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March 23, 1939
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~URSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 Olstad Paintings Re. ceive Favorable Publicity INAR 0LSTAD PAINTING, Einar Olstad, Bad lands rancher has received considerable favor- Publicity recently for his excel- off Painting works, will have some his Work exhibited at the Univer- of North Dakota early in May, to a recent Grand Porks release. Olstad, a self-taught artist, has many pictures of animals and in the Little Missouri riv- badlands. He is one of the three Dakotans to have works dis- at the New York World's Fair. Paul Bert, head of the University Department, last summer spent 2 in the badlands with Olstad, terms his Painting as "unique outstanding.,, Barr feels that the portrayal of the western Dakota out-of-doors will re- mucn recognition in the future. "BULL OF THE BADLANDS" has been selected by the Kansas City YorkArt Institute World's for Fair. exhibition at the New At present the News office has a num~r of Mr. Oistad's painting on ex- ' hibit in its office, and anyone inter- ested In seeing these fine works of art are urged to come in and look them over for themselves. Included in the group now at the News office is Mr. l Olstad's highly publicized 'Kaffee Lag,'i a painting which he did more than 40 years ago. Unified worship service at 10:15. C. E. at 6:30; evening preaching service at 7~0. The pastor will speak l~tctured above is one of his paint- Montana, from March 7 to 19. " Bull of the Bad Lands," which meetings were a success. Courtesy of Fargo Forum LOCALS at both services after conducting an Evangelical campaign at Absarokee, Harry '~Spit~" Spiegelberg was seen on the streets of Dickinson Sunday. The] Protect yourself with a mel~Derahlp In the Golden Valley Mutual Aid So- NOW YOU KNOW IT'S SPRING Beck Beer is ready--and that's one of the most •welcome signs that it's really Spring. A nourishing, flavorful bever- age that will tone you up for the new season that will refresh you at all times. Phone for a supply at once! CALL 60-M COZY CAFE Mrs. Roy Noyes returned to Beach 6unday evening from Medora whereI she has been the past several weeksI aiding in the care of her mother who has been in ill health. Kerman Brunsgard of Wibaux was err last week end and took home a new CC-3 Case tractor whchi he pur- chased from the local dealer, A1 Long- bottom. Glen Wolf motored to Miles City on Monday afternoon where h attended a meeting of J. C. Penney managers that evening. E. F. Hasbreok is the proud posses- or of a new Chevrolet car, purchased from the Schulz agency here. "Where The Boys Meet" cicty, a local organization under reg- ulation of the State Insurance Depart- ment. N. Kirst, seCY. 13-tf. Miss Ions Herr left for Miles City, Montana, Sunday evening after hav- ing spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. , Herr. ! Mrs. W. Wallace returned home by ~train from Dickinson where she had :spent a week assisting in the care of i Mrs. Russell, mother of Mrs. I. I. 'Grtndstuen, who is seriously ill. Mrs. C. C. Honstein went to Dick- lnson by bus Tuesday morning of this week, spending the clay there on btml- 'ness and returning that evening. Dr. Rlesland, the eye sight ~cial- ist may be consulted at the Golden alley Hotel April 17 to 21. 25-tf Mr. J. S. Ulfers, who has been quite ill for the past six weeks, is slightly improved, and on Monday of this week celebrated his 80th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. ~VIogle, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hildebrandt and son George, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Holstein were those who helped to celebrate the occasion. The folks brought a delicious birthday lunch with them and Mr. Ulfers was presented with several nice gifts. "The Mermaid and the Pearl"~A Colorful Painting gy the Well Known Artist, llenry Clive. One of She Many Interesting Features in the American Weekly, the Magazine Dirtributed with #.he ~UNDAY CHICAGO HERAI~ AM) EXAMINER~ Hiss Vera Hesch was ill several days last week with an attack of the flu, but was able to return to her school duties the first of the week. New llnoleum has been put down in the lobby of the Golden Valley Hotel which is one of the several fine im- provements made there this spring. NOTICE, FARMERS! SPRING'S WORK WILL SOON BE HERE! LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH 01LS - - GREASES - - FUELS OUR PRODUCTS AND PRICES ARE RIGHT Come in and see us before purchasing spring supplies FARMERS UNION OIL CO. Floyd Houck, Mgr. Beach, N. Dak. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS GOLVA By mistake we omitted sending the I report of the delightful dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Clarin and daughter Ruth, Sunday of last week. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Allan Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kane, Prof. Dooley, Miss Cecelia Mil- ler, Miss Allison, Shirley Schafer and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clarin. Mrs. Clar- in, who is noted for her excellent cooking, served a banquet which all enjoyed. Get your CERESAN and treat your grain now. Golva Drug Store. 24-2t These balmy days are making the farmers thing of spring work. Most of the snow has disappeared. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Halgh entertained very pleasantly Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haigh of Beach, Duncan and Flora McPhee and Frank Haigh. The dinner was in honor of Prank Haigh who expects to leave soon for Winona, Minnesota. Karnes Johnson was a Golva visitor ,+he first of the week. Irene Moen was a week end visitor at Lhe hLme of her friend, Isadora Weinreis. The young folks attended the show in BeaCh Sunday night. A. J. Nist/er, who spent most of the wh.,tcr in Minnesota visiting relatives, relurncd to Golva the first of the week. Harold Larsen returned home from South Dakota the past week. Harold spent about six weeks there visiting his parents. Eernard Majurus, who attenled b~.,eball school in California for t.~e the winter, nas returned to GoDa for a short vacation before going else- wn~re. A lmge number of classm~t~ ~t- tended a birthday party honoring Isado" a Weinreis and her broth~.r Lyle at their home Friday night, Cards were played and delicious refreshments served. Ernest schmitz received the appoint- ment as marl carrier for the south route out of Golva taking the place of Win. carew who was temporarily employed last winter. Ernie com- menced his new work the first of the week. Marguerite Kreitinger and Florence Fischer were Beach visitors Saturday. The ladies of the Altar Society real- ized a neat little sum from their Oy- I ster Supper Friday night. Cards were l )layed during the evening. See us for your home remedies, etc. 3olva Drug Store. 24-2t Frank Haigh was a Wibaux caller Thursday. John Fischer accompanied Frank to Beach. John Raisler of Thelan was a caller in Golva Friday. Frnk Schouboe has been on the sick list the past week suffering from a bad cold. The many friends of Mrs. George Oldis were sorry to hear of her acci- dent Friday (vening when she fell and broke her arm. she had it set at Beach and returned home Saturday. A. M. Peterson was a Beach caller on business Thursday, Mr. and Mrs, John Tschida, Mrs. Flora Funk and Miss Cecelia Miller were Dickinson visitors Saturday. ~~ ,- . ~ -~J~ : TROTTERS Hazel Nelson left recently for Idaho where her sister Carrie. lives. Ray ~ Tasker has returned to his home now, having recovered from the measles. We have been informed recently that Wendall Tasker did not have the measles after all. as was stated in these items last week. Bill Gifford spent a few days of [last week at the Nelson home. The Township Board of Pearl town- ship met at the J, F. Crook home on Tuesday to audit the clerk's and treasurer's books. Alice Sperry returned home from Bismarck to attend to hou~hold du- ties at her parental home until her mother recovers from her illness. Alice has been employed in Bismarck since last fall. Our Spring weather seems to have arrived and the snow is rapidly dis- appearing. A. J. Nellermoe has Just recovered from the flu. Bill Gifford and Nels Nelson were busy wrangling horses last Sunday. The Red Owl auditor, Jack Jackson. was a caller in town last Friday after- noon. COt4HISSION[RS' PRO' C[[DIN6$ State ot North Dakota) ) ss Coonty of Golden Valley) March 14, 1939, 9:00 A. M. The Board of County Commissioners met Pursuant to adjournment with all members present. Oscar Olson appeared before the Board regarding a farm contract for seCtions 25 and 35 in 140-104. No action was taken at this time, T. E. Hudson appeared before the Board and purchased all of Section 21 In 144-104 under contract. 10:00 A. M. The bids for books, blanks, tax receipts and office sup- plies were opened by the Board In accordan~ce with advertised bids for same. Bids were submitted by .the Bis- marck Tribune. Bismarck, No. Dak., The Knight Printing Company, Fargo, No. Dak.. and The Globe Gazette Printing Company Wahpe- ton. No. Dak. The Globe-Gazette Printing Com- pany having,the lowest and best bid were awarded the contract for one year from April 1st 1939. The Board instructed the County Audi- t')r to return the checks to the un- successful bidders and retain the check from the Globc-Gazelte Printing Company until the con- tract is duty entered into and prop- er bond furnished. The EE~, of Section 22 in 14~ 105 was leased to Chester Gasho for the amount of $15.00, Amos Gasho appeared before the Board and leased the EUa of Sec- tion 13 and the NE¼ and the SW~A of Section 1.1 in 144-105 for a period of tl~re~ years on crop payments. Contract was issued and signed by the tb~:trd. An ,~ppiication for relief of aSS- essmcnt of one Farm-All F-12 was rvceived from Henry Feldbusen. The E:oard approved and signed the applicatieu as the tractor was pur- chased after April 1st, 1938. Geri~ardt Shallock o.ppeared be- fore the I~oard and purchased Lots 15 and 21 in Block 2, Hunter's F,l'st Addition to Beach. Deed for Farm contracts were approved a~,d si~ned by the Board for the N~.~ (,f Section 35 in 138-105 and the S2/~bE%. & the E½SW~., of Section 18 in 139-103. VCarrant No. 17530 which was is- seed to 1)r. L. R. Forbes on Feb. 15th for the amount of $18.00 was reduced to $6.00 for the reason that all calls on patient were not re- quested or necessary. 12:00 M. the Board adjourned and reconvened at 1:00 P, M. Paul Mogle appeared before the Boar, I and leased the S~NE% of section 11 in 139-106 for the season of 1939. BESOLUTION Commlssloner Wosepka presented the following resolution and moved tts adoption: WHEREAS. G. Eldon Longstreth, executive secretary of the County Welfare Board has requisitioned Golden Valley county for a transfer of $427.50 to the Social "Welfare Fund of Golden Valley County as the County's share of poor relief for the months of February and March, 1939. NOW THEREFORE BE RESOL- VEI), that the sum of $427.50 be and is hereby transfered from the Poor Fund to the Social Welfare Fund of Golden Valley County and that the County Auditor and County Treasurer are hereby authorized to make such transfer. Upon being put to a vote all com- missioners voted "aye" and resolu- tion was adopted. The Board appointed R. L. John- ston assessor of Unorganized Town- ships 137 and 138-103 and 136-105 and 136-106 and Ralph Mosser assessor of Townships 143 and 144- 103 for the year 1939. 2:00 P. M. the County Welfare Board met with the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners to discuss various relief cases which had previously been presented to the Welfare Board, The following bills'were audited. approved and ordered paid by the Board of County" Commissioners subject to personal property taxes due and delinouent. Dr. W. C. Bradley, Quar- antine cas~ s and mile- age .......................................... 5.70 H,oward Stockwelk Prison- er's Board ............................ 54.00 J. Clayton Russell, January Salary and expenses ........ 114.85 Northwestern Bell Tele. Co. February telephone bill .... 20.22 Hans Anderson, Coal for Court House ........................ 62.61 Golden Valley News, Print- in ..................... ~....~. o 74.17 Sentinel Butte . .'"N": h2e, Interest on funds .......... 20.00 T Globe-Gazette Print- Ing Co., Assessment sup- plies ...................................... 249.31 The Globe-Gazette Print- ing Co., office supplies . 75.17 Knight Printing Co.. office supplies ............................. 20.35 Violet Anthony, for clerk In seed loan office ............ 32.00 Glen P. Cook, Office sup- plies .................................... 3.47 Glen P. Cook, Mileage .... 9.10 Herman F. Dletz, Mlle- H,agweaiif §i:/;eEwgi'i:"i~iiie~'~g 4.407"42 Public Welfare Board of N. D. Aid dependent children ............................. 69.67 Puhlic Welfare Board of N. D. O1(1 Age Assistance 216.00 Golden Valley Lumber Yard Supplies for court house 7.19 i)avid M. Hewie. for oper- atin~ snowplow ................ 7.~0 Ted Hoeck for road drag- ging ........................................ 6.50 Herman Geyer, Six months rent for cook-car used on Odland Dam ................ 30.00 T.A. V¢osepka, Commis- sioner's Service ................ 12.94 M. C. Tescher, Commis- sioner's Service ............... 12.38 Lewis Odland. Commission- er's Service ........................ 10.84 N. I. Waldal. I~reman on WPA bridge 15.00 p. J. Schlllo, "See'(l'"'"LoaK Clerk ...................................... 30.00 The following bills were audited and approved bf the County Wel- fare Board and submttted to the Board of County Commissioners for payment zubJect to personal proper- ty taxes due and delinquent: Dr. Lor~o R. Forbes and Golden Valley County, Medical care ................. 6.00 Mrs. Emil Smith. ('are of Marie. Evelyn and Elsie Falstad for February - 42.50 .Mrs. F. ~V. Pelton. care of Margaret Hughes ............ 15.00 Adam Hoffman. care of Rose Marie Falstad for for February .................... 10.00 Sarah Brendemuhl, care of H u gh,:,s children ........... ,22.76 Sarah Brendemutfl, care of Hughes children .............. 33.15 Han.s Anderson. hauling coal .................................. 1~.00 J. C. PenneT Co.. clothing 1~,.35 Sentinel Market, groceries 46.05 B,dsen's Store, groceries ... 29.58 Red Owl Store No. 162. gro- ceries 28.56 Ted Thompson. grocemes 12.24 Miller & VViet,ng. groceries 'a,2,64 Paul Horn. hauling coal .... 10.00 J. M. Still, Welfare Board meetinL~ .......................... 2.68 T. A. ~.Vosepka, Welfare Board meeting .................... 3.94 Mrs. H. R. Thompson. Wel- fare Board meeting "'a'I'~i 1.00 Bert Mogle, March cash 10.00 Mrs. Alice Shaefer, March cash aid ................................ 15.00 Mrs. Kathrina Strohmeyer, Mareh cash aid ................ 10.00 Mrs. Ida Latterai, March cash aid ................................ 15.00 Mrs. Ura ~,Vyckoff, March cash aid ................................ 10.00 Chas. P. Reed. gas and oil 1.72 Sawyer Hardware. Dyna- mite and fuse for relief coal mine ............................ 21.17 Culp Truck Line, Freight on surplus commodities 19.69 E. C. Kinney, repair work for relief coal mine .... 3.80 Clifford Bartlmlomew, $1ellv- erzng commodities ............ 1.00 Edward Hale and Golden Valley County, supple- mentary salary for Feb- 10.b0 ruar .................................... The G~be-Gazette Printing Co.. office supplies .......... 14.07 Northwestern Bell Tclephon(~ Co., service for February 3.93 Wall Drug Co., drugs ........ 1.21, Woodward Drug Co., drugs 15.12 Dr. V. G. Morri.% medical care ....................... 4.00 Dr. W. C. Bradley. ~mdical care ................... 17.~} .Golden Valley Lumber"Ya'r'd. Lumber and supplies for Lewis house 9.48 Olau,s Rlshovd r;iu~gi~'g .... work at E] Willis house 3.30 Glenn P. Cook. house rent for Jan. 23 to Feb. 23 .... 12.00 M. E. Northrop, house ren¢ for February, 1939 ........... 5.00 Albin ~)minskl, house rent forFe ebruary. 1939 ........... 5.00 b'armers & Merchants Bank. by order of Ruby E. I)Oerner hoard, roowl and I e:tre of Agn(.~ Dunnigan 62.40 CO Illty Tre&stlrer. transpor- tation $15.9q1 stamps $3.00; freight $'i0.20 ................... 59.10 (1. P]hhm l.ongstreth, mite- 63.84 ~t~e ..................... G. l'~Idpn L,.nEstreth. salary f{*r February ........ 135.00 June Mill~. ~ab~rY for Feb- ruarv ................... ~0.00 5:30 i). m. The Board adjotlrned to me~t (m %'ednesday. Marei~ 15. March 15th. 1939. 9:00 A. M. The l,~oard of {]OUUt y (~orl'ilni.qs] oner~ ]net PAGE 7 pursuant to adjournment with all members present. C. G. Johnson appeared before the Board and made arrangements to purchase all of Block 22 except- ing lots 11, 12, 19 and 20. Upon payment of one fourth of appraised price a contract for deed will be is- sued to Mr. Johnson. Regular rouline business was dis- posed of until noon when the Board~ adjourned and reconvened at 1 P. M. with all members presen~t. A delegation from Sentinel Butte appeared-before the Board to dis- cuss plans for a proposed "~V. P. A. project to be opened up in the county soon. Plans will be submit- ted to ti~e WPA area engineer. ~enneth Pi,;er. The matter of holding al~ asses- sor's meeting was diseucsed hy the Board and it wa~s decided to not hold an assessor's meeting this year on account of the added expenso to the County. The following res~lution was of- fered by Mr. Tescher and upon mo- tion adopted: Whereas, It is a matter of com- men knowledge that a statewide special election t~ contemplated In referendum of certain acts of the 1939 legislative session of th~ Stat~ of North Dakota, and that such referendum will he accompanied by certain initiated measures, and Whereas, Golden Valley County will have to bear its share of the expense of such special election run- ning to several hundred dollar~, which the county cannot well af- ford, and Whereas, we deem it absolutely essential that all unnecessary ex- pense be avoided because of the straitened financial circumstan- ces of the county and the entire state at large, Therefore, Be it Resolved that this Board of County Commissioner~ make public a request to all tax- payers and voters to refrain from signing any petitions that call for any such ~pecial eletion, and tc~ discourage the circulation of sal& petitions by all legitimate means and to keep in mind that the ex- pense of such ~peclal election will far outweigh any benefits to be de- rived from it. Motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Wosepka, and upon betng put to a vote, all commissioners voted "'aye" and m~0tion wa~ de- clared carried and resolution adopt- ed. At 5:00 P. M. the Board adjourned. M, C. TESCHER, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, Oolden Valley County, North Dakota. Attest: Minnie Smith, County Auditor. NOTICE OF SPECIAL EXECUTIOI~ SALE Notlee la hereby glvcn: 'Dhat by virtue of a Judgment an(~ decree of foreclosure and sale en- tered on the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1939 in an action in tne D.s- trlct Co~lrt of f~ol~en Valley Cotl~- ty, Sixth Jud'clal D~trict of the State of North I)ak~ta, wherein The Federal Farm Mortgage Corpora° tlon, a corporation, was Plaintiff, and Albert A. Meyer and Farmers & Merchants Bank. a North Dakota banking corporation, of Beach, North Dakota, were Defendants; and a s~ecial execution issued thereon, the undersigned sheriff of Golden Valley County and State of North Dakota, for tnat purposo apolnLed will se]! at 1)ubllc uuctlon at the front door of the Court House at Beach, in the County of Golder~ Valley and State of North Dakota, on the'4th day of April A. D. 1939, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of that day, that certain real property and mortgaged premise~ situated in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, directed tn said Judgment and special execution to be sold. and more particularly des- cribed as follows: The Northeast Quarter ( N- El/4), the East Hnlf of ~he West Half (Ey~Wt/2), and Lot~ One. (]). Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4), Section Eighteen (IS)I- Also the Northeast Quarter (NEV4), the East Half of the We~t Half (E~W~2) and I,ota One (1), Two (2), Three (S),. and Four (4), ~¢etion Ntnetee~ (I9), All in Township One Hun- dred Forty-two (1421 North, Range One Hundred Five (1~ Wes/; or so much thereof as may be ne- cessary to satisfy suchI Judgment and costs amounting n all to $2701.2~, with interest thereon from the date of 8aid Judgment and the accruing COSTS of sale. Dated- 2nd day of March, A. D. 1939. GLENN P. COOK Sheriff of Golden Valley Courtly, North Dakota. Tobias D. Casey, Attorney for Plaintiff, Dickinson, N. Dak. March 9-16-23 CITATION HE'ARING PETITION TO ESTABLISH RIGHT OF HEIRSHIP TO REAL PROPli~ItT Y State of North Dakota County ,:f Colden Valley. In County Court. Before H¢,n. A. E. Kasticn. Judge IN THE MATTh]I( OF THE mS- TATE ()F ItENRY C. (}LAZIER, DE- CEASED. William E. Glazier, Petitioner. vs. Pearl H. Bundren, Mable Baughman. Alma Peter- son. Evelyn Bryson, Clar- ence Glazier, Chester (]la- zier, and all other per- sons unknown claiming any estate or in~eres~ in or llen or encumbrance upon the property des- cribed in the petition or against the estate of said deceased. Respondents. TH~ STATE OF NORTH DA- KOTA to the above named Respon- dents, and all other persons un- known clatmlng any esta'te, or I~- terest in, or lien or encumbrance upon the property described in the petition or against the estate of said deceased; You and each of you. are hereby r:otified ~bal Willia~:n 12. ~Hazler. ~,f Carlyle, Montana, has filed In the County Court of the said County of Golden Vaitey ~tate of Nor~th'Da- kota, hts duly" verified petition pray- inf for t (]~cree ascertaining andes- ~ahllshing the right of succession tO tht- r~qtl -stale within the County of Golden Valley and State of N~rth Dakota of which Henry C. Glazier, late of'the County of'Golden Val- ley and Slate of North Dakota, (lied seized; which real estate ls described as follows, to-wit: Northeast Quarter (NEVd) of Neetlon Twenty-four (24) tn Townshtp One Huudred Thir- ty-six (136t North, of Ranffe One Hundred Six (I06) West, of tke Fifth Prlaelpal Meridian In Golden Valley County, North Dakota. And that Monday, the 3rd day of April A. D. 1939 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Room of this COurt, at the Court House in the City of Beach, County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. has been set by order of this said Court, as the time and place of hearing said petition; a! which ~ime and place any per* son interested may appear and ob* Ject to 1he granting of said pe- tition. And you and each of you, are hereby ci.led and required then and there to be and appear before this said Court and show cause, if any there be, why said petition should ~mt be granted. Let the service of the above cite- ion be made in the manner Provid- ed by law. Dated this 14th day of March A. D. 1939. A. E. KASTIEN, Judg~ of the County Court, JOHN I~EO HANI~, Attorne:~ for Petitioner, Be~ch. North Dakota. March 16-23