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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 23, 1939     Golden Valley News
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March 23, 1939
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:PAGE 6 , THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 23, t DANCING NOT BAD AI Irons of the south country submits the f~llawing bit of poetry, evldently Izmpired by the recealt independent bake!ball tournament held at Sentinel Butte: I~ B. ECHOES FROM THE SOUTH OOUNTRY They come ft'om the wide open The boys with halr on their chests; No fancy suits or re~ Just in there, doing their besL There wasn't no bets on that bunch of rubes; To the crscg teams they surely looked small ]~t, oh, what a soul rendering cry was choked down When the good teams took that downfall. We wore the seat all out of our l~nts, We eouldn't sit atill~not at alia My throat is still sore: oh, boy, did I yell For the preacher, the cowboys and all. I~n sure glad its's over, so hard on the nerves. I hope it soon quiets down, Some of the boys will crawl on my neck The first time I go to town. Here's luck to the boys way down in the sticks! You took them to camp, sure, whoopeeeeeee! We can sleep and dream of thai playing bunchw The preacher, the cowboys and Ollieeeeeeeeeee! ~AI Irons. COME OUT AND ENJOY YOURSELF- Good ,Music - - - Tickets 25c. Sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. SATURDAY NIG AT Sam's Arcade, ROLLER SKATING TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SUNDAY NIGHTS Eleven Cent Pay- ment Is Offered To N. D. Farmerst Wheat growers who cooperate in the~ .~ricultural Conservation program thhI year will receive a special price ad- justment payment of I1 cents a C)ush- el on their normal yield of wheat per acre, based on the~ 1939 wheat acreage allotments, the State Agricultural Con- ~er', ation Committee ma~e known this week. Official info~v, ation roccved from ~:he AAA in Washh~]~o:~ stated that ~uch paymeats weuld be made to ~l|gible wheat growers who comply with ~Lhe regular:on of th:s year's program. The State AAA committee explained l ~hat farms on which payment is made lnust qualify as follows: (1) The farm l • ~nust have an acreage allotment es-i', ~tablished for wheat under the 1939 ~,gricultural Conservation pl~)gram. (2) ~The acreage planted to wheat for har- ~¢est in 1939 must not be in excess of • he wheat acreage allotment. (3) The •arm must be one on which wheat was 7planted for harvest in 1938 or 1939. In qorder to be eligible for s price adjust- • "~aent payment, a person must have an ~interest in the farm as a landlord. ~enant or share-cropper. It Js m~de clear by the North Da- ~kota AAA committee that "the price ".adjustment payment is in addition to ~nd separate from the payment made ~mder the regular Agricultural Con- ~ervation program." North Dakot~ wheat growers also cautioned by the con~raittee to rememo bet that "over-seeding the wheat acre- age allotment on a farm by any amount will cancel the ll-cent price ~dju~tment payment." l ~S NOT TOO LATE YET to get tin on tha~ big special ma~.zine offer ~f the News, But you'll have to hurry PLEASANT V~ I IU I I I Ill I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kannenberg visited at the Prank Kannenberg home Tuesday. Austin Slocomb called on the Chas. Socomb family Tuesday. Fayne Kannenberg was employed at the Ernie Johnson home for a few da~s. Burns Abernathy and Sumner John- ston were callers in the neighborhood Tuesday. Cattle May Need More Phosphorus If milk cows and beef animals chew special steamed bone meal, finely ground and mixed with salt, will pro- vide the needed phosphorus, Christen- sen says. Free access to regular stock salt is also advised. When low protein feeds like prairle hay, corn silage, sorghum and ordln- on bones, sticks or even fence poets, ary grains are fed, the rations can be the chances are they need phosphorus improved by balancing with wheat bran added to their rations, says F. W. or other protein-rich supplements such also provide more phosphorus, l SOFT BALL MEETING VFaere there is a phosphorus deft- ] The churches in Beach that ciency, marked benefits have resulted!enter the Soft Ball League that from feeding bone meal or protein con- lng formed will please select thv centrates, Christensen states. : ager of their team and have him lwith the m~magers of the other TOWNSEND MEETING POSTPONED '~ at the United Lutheran church -[ Sunday School room at 7:30 Due to Door road conditions, the evening of Tuesday, March Townsend meeting scheduled to be ! you wish any other lnfornmtion Chrk~tensen, animal nutritionist of the as cottonseed meal, soybean oll meal held last week was postponed until ithe meeting of m~nagers, and roads improve, tact Rev. Grove. NDAC experiment station. Cattle get- or linseed meal. These concentrates weather ting insufficient phosphorus usually not only furnish additional proteins but become thin and restless. Giving the animals free access to _, What does a farmer want IN A TRACTOR? FOR EASTER Candy and Flowers BUTTE DRUG DON'T MISS ROLLER SKATING At the BEACH CITY AUDITORIUM SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 25th First Session, 7:00-9:30 Second Session, Sentinel Butte, N. Dak.! ACT AT 10:30 SPECTATORS ~' ~ ~i:~:=, NOVELTY ADMISSION 25c i nly Days Left a April 1, is the LAST DAY to take advantage of S turday, the SPECIAL MAGAZINE OFFER which has been avail- What the Farmer Actually Wants in a Tractor, in Our Opinion, Can Be Summarized as Follow: 1. ADAPTABILITY . .. To the widest possible range of power requirements on the owners farm~belt, drawbar, power take-off, row-crop and motor-lift; For use on land from level to slopes; soft marsh to tough gumbo; Under low and high temperatures~from below freez- ing to temperatures over 100. 2. DEPENDABILITY . . . Ready to go when wanted~hourly, daily, monthly and year after year. Dependability in hourly, daily and monthly operation means durability for a long period of time--in other words, LONG LIFE. 3. ECONOMY... In fuel, lubricants, repairs, upkeep, maintenance and depreciation. 4. EASE OF HANDLING . . . In starting, steering, servicing, maintaining. A tractor to be of maximum value to owner, must be ADAPTABLE to the conditions under which it will be used, DEPENDABLE in performance, ECONOMICAL in opera- tion over a long period of time, and EASY TO HANDLE. These Four Major Requirements of a Tractor Can Be Reduced To Only One--ECONOMY Case Tractors permit owners to do MORE WORK, in LESS TIME, at LOWER COST, and for a LONGER PER- IOD OF YEARS. AL LONGBOTTOM Beach CASE DEALER N. Dak. FARMERS ATTENTION! SOLVE YOUR LUBRICATION PROBLEMS By Using Mobiloil- Mobilgrease- Mobilgas "it Pays To Use The, Best" Drop in and see me before starting your spring work CARL R. DAVIS, Agent HURRY ! able to News subscribers. HURRY! HURRY! THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS OFFERS GREAT MONEY SAVING BARGAINS ON THIS NEWSPAPER AND AMERICA'S FINEST MAGAZINES Here's the thr/fty, econem/ca/way to ",u/~cr/be for t/~s newspaper and your favor/re magadnes at prices that are r,m/Iy sensational. These cWert are good either for new or renewa/ord~ws. It will pay you to look them ov#r and send us the coupon today. FAMILY OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER--I YEAR 2 MA~IZINES FROM GROUP A ALL FIVE 2 lWAZmES FROM GROUP B S300 Cbe¢~ 4 ma&azi#es desired (X). Clip list ~ re!sifts wish co~po~ &#low. GROUP A--SELECT 2 MAGAZINES f'l Americaa Boy .................. S Mc~ I"1 American Girl .................. 8 Moa ~ McCAll's Magazine .............. t Yr. Cbdstlan Herald ............... 6 Mos. ~[~] Parems' Magazine .............. 6 Mos. Pa~er (XVeekly) ............ 1 Yr. [:] Pictorial Review ................ 1 Yr. I"1 Romantic Story .................. 1 Yr. [] Screen Book .................... 1 Yr. 0 Tree Confessions ................ l Yr. [] Open Road (Boys) ............... 1 Yr. t-1 Woman's World ................ 2 Yrs. [] Better Homes & Gardens .......... 1 Yr. Home Aru-Needlecraft .......... 2 Yrs: f'] Motion Picture Magazine ......... ! Yr. GROUP B--SELECT 2 MAGAZINES O American Fruit Grower ........... t Yr. OO American Poultry Journal ...... ,... 1 Yr. Breeder's Gazeue ................ t Yr. 0 Cloverleaf Ameri~m Review ....... 1 Yr. O Country Home .................. I Yr. B Farm Journal ................... l Yr. Home Am Needlecrd¢ .......... I Yr. Home Friend .......... , ........ t Yr. Leghorn WoHd ............ • ....1 Yr. i Mother's Home Life .............. 1 Yr. Pmhf~ler (Weokly) .......... Z6 Issues B Pl~mou~ Rock Mc~ddy ......... ". I Yr. Su~ Farming ........ , ..... 'I Yr. I"I Poultry Tribune ................. 1 Yr. B''s World ............ ...,.t Yr. Natiomd Live Stock Producer..'...., • Yr. TRUE VALUE OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER-- ! YEAR AND 3 Blfl MAGAZINES AtL FOUR c~,a ,~, , ~.~,.~.,, ,0.$2fi mat d,m (X) md ~clos# wlt~ co~po~ Sdow, Amerlcan Fruit Grower ........... 1 Yr. American Poultry Jourmd. . .t Yr, B Breeder's Gazette ............... 2 Ym Cloverleaf American Review ....... t Yr. r-I Country Home ................. 2 Yrs. B Fsrm Journal ................... 2 Yn, Good Smdes ................... 1 Yr. 0 Home Cirde .................... 1 Yr. Capper's Farmer ................. 1 Yr. Home Friend ................... 1 Yr. Home Arts Needlecrdt ........... 1 Yr. Leghorn World ................. l Yr. ~ Mother s Home Life .............. I Yr, Pathfinder (Weekly) .......... 26 Issttes O Rhode Island Red Journal ......... t Yr. I"1 Successful Farmiog .............. 1 Yr. ['7 Woman's World ................ i Yr. [] National Live Stock Producer ...... 1 Yr. /-1 Hmasehold Magazine ............. 1 Yr. FAVORITE OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER.--.1 ALL FIve YEAR AND 4 BIG $2~_55 MAGAZINES .... er'l True Stow .................. ,.,.t Yr. {~ Good Stories .................. ;I Yr. Homdadd ...................... I Yr. ~] Farm Journal .................... 1 Yr. " | ~zr.; ~3,M,~m~ tYe.t ELI"~ m . t | ALL OFFERS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED FILL OUT AND MAIL COUPON.NOW/ Clip li~t of m~&~k~s ~/t~r clwc~i~g rows dedr~d r#tmi$ with this coupon, C~ntlemea: I enclose $ ........................ 1 am checking below the offer d~red with a year's subscription to your paper. True Value Offer 0 Family Offer 8 Favorite Offer PO~t O~r ............................................... R.P.D ........ SATURDAY, APRIL I IS THE LAST DAY!!