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March 23, 1939 Golden Valley News | |
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March 23, 1939 |
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cond prizes were won by Mrs. Ueckert and was either team's game until the
and Mr. Roesler. if]hal whistle blew.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom are These teams met again on Wednes-
the proud parents of a baby daughter day evening on the Sentinel Butte
by High School Journalism born Sunday afternoon at the Beach floor, but due to the fact that the
hospital. News goes to press that afternoon,
Miss Oleda Thorson spent the week the outcome is not known.
inqutre ~ Farmers Union meeting was held end with her parents in Bell]old..i PlansentineltO takeButtein theFriday,big EasterAprildancel4th.
the Sentinel Butte hall Wednesday Mrs. Duane Muth left for St. Paul i at
Don't miss it. Swell music and every-
LOCALS We have the equipment to repairI 1937 DeLux Town Sedan in goo~
your fenders or any kind of wreck', condition. Clean. W. C. Schulz.
'~ and guarantee our work. W. C. Schulz. A. Risng of Golva was a business
Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf and sister, Missi Charlte Robinson, one of the oper- caller in town Wednesday and willie
Rose Turnbull. left last Thursday for ' ators of the local bakery, returned to here stopped at the News office to ad-
Ann•dose, called there by the illness Beach Monday evening after having vance is subscription another year.
of their mother. Miss Rose Turn~ull ~ sent a~out a week at his old home in FOR sALE--Electric incubator. Phone
was employed at the Howard Stock- i Volvo, North Dakota. f lll-R. 25-~t~
well home in this city, and the Stock- '
wells received word that Mrs. Turn-itlImmmmmmmmmImmmnmmllmBllllllllllillllWllmDllllllllllli
" 3
for the purpose of organ]z- Monday morning for a visit, thing. Remember, at Sentinel Butte bull had passed away Saturday morn- •
a county local The following of- Bert Fasching went through the April 14th lip in~, ~lli i
• s were elected: president Charles clinic in Dickinson last week. " °' 1• 1
• ' Kodak Films, M. P. Lovgren, Jewel- ill •
n vice president, Win. Ueckert; . The ~tudy ehib met with Mrs. Paul SCHOOL NEWS er ll l
~tiry and treasurer M A Tovey' Wagner Tuesday night .rh~ who were on the A honor roll W.W. Woods of Glendive district '.~ i
~iP:l~rdl~nglsecretary, Oscar.Glgstad Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mar~in went to+for the past six weeks are: auditor for the Occident Elevator Co., ii mill
gs wm De nero me i~rs~ Dickinson Monday ~eniors Mary Johnson, Patricia was a business caller in our city Mort- • •1
n.~sda of ever month Coff e g day of this week. t l i
~ ][~ ]L.~.y~society, ~k]'ll~i| l~Yheld witha meeting" ate l~:l'•m Mrs.~,~~!~~~~andBert Waldal went throu h the [ medalsthe.:.~:. LaMereS.whichDorothe~they~WlschOW.s received for onthe•l• I i/|l/~ll. Come.,,in andseasonGlrls,HelPslldeUS Openfast l/l/Illi = |i•|__ ringless, ,~. CompletelisW~,,,.......... and' Smeprints9 Range! Sizes 44.! =!!s=_i" _at
..sanawicnes were served at the clinic in Dickinson saturday. ] Juniors, Jeanne Martin. We do all kinds of Engine worla,~ •
ung. Phil Lardy and Mrs. Peter Lardy l Sophomores, Billy LaMeres. W.C. Schulzo iI i
r. and Mrs. Cecil Wangen and and children journeyed to D'ekinson [ Freshmen John Nelson, George The Beach Woman's Club will meet lg m
ily were Sentinel Butte visitors Monday to see Peter Lardy who is[Shoen, next Monday evening at the home of ill !
nesday, in the hospital there. They report that I The Girls humorou declamation c - Mrs. L. A. Kirst. tl m
cry Margaret Reinholz was taken he is getting along nicely. I test was held in the assembly Mort- Have you tried the hew Krisy Frizz •
the Beach hospital last Wednesday After the regular meeting Monday[day afternoon. Lorraine Peters]lie won ice cream bar. Cozy Cote. t l R
ning suffering from a boil infec- evening the Boy Scouts were guests t first with the selection, "Betty at the Mrs. P. H. Yon, who has been visit- I Ii
a. She returned to school again on at the E. O. Busch home for lunch. I Baseball Game". Ora Gigsad also gave here for quite some time' returned tol•I m--
nday. I Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tescher and I a selection. Dorothy Wosepka went out her home in Forrest River, North Do- • m
Mrs. John Rathbun returned home ] son, and Doris Franzen were Sunday I for declamation also .but was ill at the kota by train a week ago Sunday. l~l
st week after recovering from a re- I afternoon and evening guests of Mr. It]me of the contest• ~ nl
mtillness, andMrs. HarrySmith ] Ashort program was heldafterthe ~li !
Charles Davids°n returned to Wat-I L°st: Tw°basketballs" One the nite]declamati°n e°ntestM°ndayafternoon ] SPECIAL ]I
a'd City Sunday afternoon after ~. of Feb. 3 at the Sentinel Butte-Beach I to present the football boys with their i •
rending the weekend his par- game, another the night of •~ I
its. t independent tourney. Please return. If]no work they last fall. Coach
A surprise party was held at the! Mrs. Marguerite Bo'sen was a Dick- , Muth was also presented with a medal t--I !I,
. C. Cook home Sunday. AnumbeIiinson visitorseveraldayslastweek. [for his work in coaching the boys ] [:
7 invited guests were present to help~ On~ Friday, March 31, the Boy I through their successful season. ~ i 1
a celebratehisbirthday. A delicious J SCOUts will present l8 rounds of box- I The regular bi-weekly educational SATURDAY ONLY. | |
le o'clock dinner was served, ling at the Sentinel Butte hall. lfilms were shown to the students on
Mr. and Mrs. H Olson and Helen I The Pmughriders defeated the Sent- ]Monday. There were eight reels, theI I/-= , i
Ushman were Sunclay afternoon vis-inel Butte Warlords in a hotly con- i feature film being"Grass. I~/l• ~ !!
~rs at the J. W. Gardner home. ! tested battle at Medora last Wednes- | Both the U. S. History and Chem- •
P, xxiney Shoen and Orville Dodge Iday night. The Warlords got off too ]istry classes have started writing their i |/ |
~-nt the weekend with home folks. I fine start l~y outscoring the Rough- | term themes. Ill II
Mr. and Mrs. Math Decker and ' riders the firsthalf 19to4, but fail-I ~ / Our Ice Cream lira. ~r~=-~rr~ .~,,, SPRING "
molly were Sunday visitors at the'fag to hold their lead, were defeatedl Let usDueo yourear. Seeusabout/ i/m ""Ai~" ~ !
harles Nistler home. i30 to 26. The last quarter was close i prices. W. C. Sehulz.