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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 23, 1939     Golden Valley News
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March 23, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7 23, I~HURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 arquillo Wheat Not Recommended ! By NDAC Service Marqulllo wheat is not being rec- ~¢~ended to North Dakota growers, W. J. Leafy, lqDAc extension service ag- tanomist, made known this week• In- iflerior qualities of the flour produced by this variety are pointed to as the ~e 'a~on for ,,his stand. Marquillo wheat was included in t}.c i~fficial variety tests of the NDAC ex- ~riment station in 1930 and was drop- from the tests in 1933. It failed i~ show advantages in yield and prov- ~*ed to be of a very unsatisfactory mar- ~ket quality. ~'i Leary points out that "on basis of each w~com- • parative test results, Thatcher is ~referred over Marquillo because of a ~igher yielding capacity, superior mar- ~et quality and equal protection again- ~t stem rust. "According to Fargo experimental data, these two varieties mature in ah~ut the same period, and are of .si~lar heighth, so Marquillo would ~ave no advantage in time of matur- Ity nor in length or strength of straw. ~Iowever, Marquillo is more resistant ~o leaf rust. Seed of the Marquillo variety is be- :ing offered for sale in the central part the state "under no name" with of superiority over all present ~'arieties. Investigation has shown that ~he seed was Marquillo. Under heavy stem rust conditions Marquillo would be superior to Ceres or Marquis, but Present facts show it to be inferior to Thatcher. III Wibaux News I IIIIPIlll Illl II II Mrs. Peoples was a passenger to Glendive Saturday. I~ Roy Carter came home from the Beach hospital Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bold and child- were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sig Pederson Sunday. Frank Fessenden and George Hart- sen were business visitors in Glendive Monday. Mrs. Schuett and Mrs. Samson were shopping in Beach Saturday. W. A. Scott was up from the St.. Philip country Saturday. Mrs. John Presthus and grand- daughter of Glendive visited relatives here between trains Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brenneise and children autoed to Beach Saturday ev- ening. Rev• Grant Moore of Beach was a diner guest at the Dr. Keller homeI Wednesday. ' ork t The Senior Class are hard ,at w I on their play, "Peter Beware, which t is scheduled for March 31st. Mrs. Art Hartse and baby daughter returned to Carlyle Monday. Mrs. Hartse has been a patient at the J. E. Trollope home• George Meek was Glendive visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Peterman and children spent the week end at the George Peterman home south of town. Mr• and Mrs. E. B. Shernmn were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. i Welliver Sunday. George Griffith left Wednesday for Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Melrose were called to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, by the death of Mr. Melrose's father last week. (Omitted Last Week) Miss Louise Otremba of Dickinson ~Pent the week end with home folks. Cole Mattfe was a caller at Albert +'GU~tafson's Wednesday. Leslie Howard spent a few days last Week visiting at the Otto Johnson :home. -Mrs. p. j. Hagen was a Dickinson ~'isitor Thursday. John Irons, Elmer Kouba, Warren :~ Nistler, Carl Otremba, Warren Irons, and l~ichard Knopp attended the bas- !~ ketball tournament at Wibaux Friday ~tght. R~ ~olland Oronning spent Monday ihe- ~ith Warren Irons. Len Meyers returned home last w-ek after several weeks spent with re~a- tires and friends in Aurora, Ill. Andrew Johnston returned Sunday Item San Francsico where he atteud- Mrs. C. E. ~Vhite went to Terry on Friday to visit her son Wesley and famliy. She returned Tuesday evening. Misses Betty Bryce and Emma Jean Peterson were shopping in Beach on Friday. Mr. Neilson came from Los Angeles, California, Monday and visited with his d~ughter, Mrs. Frank Fessenden until Thursday when he left for his home at Valley City, North Dakota. Mrs. Ballard and Jackie, Mrs. Bren- neisa and Mr. and Mrs. B. Welsh auto- ed to Beach Tuesday afternoon• Misses Margie Faltermeyer and Dor- othy Manning of Glendlve spent the week end at their parental home. Miss Mary Ba:-l~y returned to Glen- clive with them to visit friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Welliver were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beaman Sher- THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE is ed the stoekmen's association gather- ing ~l"l~l:'!IiI'+iil!"!l?:~', !t]!ItI!lti'.!l!'~ ~? ! ~!!!~i,.I,!, "+ ;!!!!.''~ ';'~'r:,,,~rr.. :yl~", ,!,. ~IG FOUR I)I~,T!,~( I %~;dii~f+!il itiiitF, i]{i~::i'idil,;!llii:~i:gitliii+ii':iy :iiiE+5. ~ 3;t :;::i:i;,:~. (Cr)wded Out Last ~,VeoI-) man Monday evening. Frank DeBilzen and Mr. Lihen are patients at the locM hosp:tal. Mrs. BaEard and children spent Saturday in Miles City with Mr. Bal- lard ~nd report him to be recovering nicely from his recent operation. Mrs. Ol~nn McC~be went to the THE GREAT WALLENDA$ a Combination that has thrilled millions all over the world. coin The GREAT WALLENDAS the premier high wire artists of the world ... and the TOP Combination for more smoking pleasure is Chesterfield (the can't-be.copied blend) The sun never sets on Chesterfield's pop- ularity because Chesterfield combines • • • Ches blends together.., the world's best cigarette tobaccos in a way that's different from any [ +~]~ALTH COMMITTEE business visitors in Miles City Mort- t MET ON MARCH 6th day. Mrs. Teeters, Sr. came home on -- - Thursday from the east. She spent The County Health Advisory Corn- the winter in Illinois and Minnesota! with relatives. Her sen Frank and family were in Saturday from the north country to visit her. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simonson and baby from near Yates were in to vis- visit their daughter Dachel, Saturday afternoon. Ned Nogade left on the train Sat- More for your money SAWYER HARDWARE OSCAR H. WILL'S BULK SEEDS noon to help her celebrate her birth- Mrs. O. M. Helvik was hostess at a day. : farewell party for her niece, Mrs. Earl Mrs. Wallace Scott was hostess to Dunsworth Saturday evening. The the Sewing club at her home Saturday guests brought gifts and Mrs. Helvik afternoon. Mrs. Scott served dainty served a lovely lunch. Mr. and Mrs. refreshments to the members and two Dunsworth left Monday for their new urday afternoon for Seattle, Washing-liott.guests' Mrs. Bills and Mrs. Frank El- I homeThe atBibleGillette,studyWyOming.Club met with ton. --- -:r- The following project leaders at- Russell Welsh Monday evening. After Roland and Ruth Woo(lnouse we e +o.~ ~ meetin~ at the school house the study hour games were enJoye~ Beach visitors Saturday. S'at~lrda~" Mrs-A Christianson of and Russell was treated to a surprise Mr. and Mrs J R. Bailey accomp- ~'+~]_^_ ~o ~atkins Mrs Irv Brei- birthday party Mrs. Welsh served ice ish to r~s~, ~,- ...... " anied Eugene and Russell We ,^-,^~.+, ~r, ~+,~e ~crs Sig Peder-. cream cake and cocoa and Russell re- Olendive Monday where the latter was ~=2"='~;s;"~• +~h-~ie;:: ~l~irs Charles ceived many gifts from the guests as having dental work done. t~'~'~'-,~:"Mrs "Win Lentz and Mrs. T. lthey wished him many more happy • " • -~-l ...... er home Thursday evening - , • " ' Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stair wen~ va ,~w, ~ . ~~_~.~..~__ ATTENTION FARMERS! See me before buying your supply of Lubricating Oils- Greases- Fuels For Spring's work THE TEXAS CO. QUALITY PRODUCTS AT FAIR PRICES Stub Noyes - Agent TELEPHONE HELPED THEIR A doctor, two small chi unconscious, ically ill from ents were arrived. "The tele father said. "] in this one possibly pay Wh' the comforl and-labor phone? and order costs only SAVE LIVES NORTHWESTERN rnittee met in the School Hall in Sent- ~..el Butte on Monday, March 6, with an Unusually good attendance. Instead of the regular meeting an interesting ~°Vle entitled, "Syphilis, Its Nature, larevention and Treatment" was shown Clearly showing the cost in human s~Cfering and misery as well as in Cash. The early discovery and treat- r~ent of the disease was stressed. tipr• August C. Orr, Division of Child _~giene, from the State Health De- ~,~,+~ent gave an interesting and ed- t'.'~°nal talk on the cause preven- mn and treatment of communicable (liSeases in general. DIVIDE NEWS re_~'s. Dick Pendleton is spending a .'w days at hr brother's home near COOk and Henr~ ~,,,~ w-re Sentinel ~e and Beach shoppers Thursday. Gene Nolan came as far as Low- ~an's last Saturday, where he got his mail. ~tarold I-Iollar is slowly improving from his recent illness. other cigarette. ... the blend that can't be copied Ce~gratuiations to Mr and Mrs Galstcr home last week to help care DL:' A:~,,/ .....: on zhe ::,r:':'Jal or a new' for her mother, MrS. Galstero~VnhOla~;; + When you try them you will know why ... the RIGHT COMBINATION of the ~ ........... 111. Tney DrougnE net bO ~ W I ---~ -- ~:~ ..... ',where she is being cared for at the ! f'~+oe~'oa,.~g~o]~]e .;,,a,~illi.~ o¢ ma+, and world s bestci arette tobaccos ~'s. C. Wa!t.ers ,*.as taken to me Mceabe home. I ~,,~o,~,,j, .... &-,.-,., :,- ........ ~, ,-,,- g ~;s~:, l~mMjn S::2H"-~r2U~te M~ t Mrs. Mary Sca~mo:haSlt~u:d:ht~rs women more smoking pleasure.., why ¢,_ • " Y • " ' + " iwere snopping in ~eac ~ y. ] .............. ~ec~er where she helped to care ~orI Mr. and Mrs. A1 Welsh and children I THg¥ bAIIDP ]f ' ~arn Wait. Iwere Sunday dinner guests at the B. I Zich~krs: He.tin Brown has been on the iWelsh home• .. . .! Copyrlght 1939, Ll~=rr&MvnRsTos^ccoC~ . us~ the past weeK. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Avranam oI t MOnday of last week Mrs. O. W. I Portland Oregon spent Sunday night ~ ~~'-- ' -- - -- ~-e-~e-- YOUel s r~+ .... .~ +^ +..~ ~,~ f Ta- ! .' -' ...... ~, ~,. ~- i Beach Saturday morning• Their te est ng co t s s and games w re Elliott, Orwlle Woodhouse, Johnny Su ay. Lynette Howard accompanied Cn~ L ;~,;,,=~, ~ ...... ~ .... ;[!m~..~n [ at the home oz her ~ ........... s + da hter. Mrs Eisenbart came home played and several prizes, all in green, Greenu John Ken on Harold Pet- them and visited her parents, Mr and ~-,,~ w na~ ~--. ug . . p, y , viol*,:: as.n/, where . sue ...... • Pederson. They left Monday for Far- i with them and spent the week end. were given. Lovely refreshments were erson Ray Eisenbart and Russell Mrs. Wm. Howard and other relatives. o.~mg relatives ior ¢ne past sevwa, r h Dakota where mey were , . ' .......~,~,, I go, No t . , .. . , .I The Sunnvvale~ Homemakers Club served and the guests expressed them- Welsh i ~^. : ...... '. called by the illness of Mrs. Aoranam s [ met Tuesday with Mrs Hugh Chaffee selves as having spent a delightful i "'r ......... rtis and Mrs M .... Illlllllllllllllll~~ _'"°Y ~imeson was a caller at me --^++-~r I • " ......... i-- t ~v~ ~. what. ~ . ~e • ---~ ~llis Ayers home one day last week "'-~- .... ~ .... to-,r~nee Hartse were 1 at her home ann enjoye~ a rarely ev~, rig. - ......... ! Kramer are ill with the flu. ~ I~5~MI]SINQ AND ~Tl~I~ " mr. aug ~vx,+. ,~-,, ~ dinner and an interesting nrogram, i ~+,r. ann mrs. unarms kiOlSl;ein ano ............ ~ _ ~ev ...... t ~er~ ~arson ~s v,smng ~rmnos m m Sheet and Metal "--'- m Several members of the Woman s ~ • ann Mrs. ~ran~ tv~oore an°ttown *his week ~• "~ !Club went to Glendive Tuesday af- daughter, Della, were out-of-town ~ " _ . . ' ~ No Job Too Large Or T~ ~ a uests at th C T I Mr and Mrs ~amsm aug son of ~ ternoon where they were guests at g e W• . . U. meeting last • "- • " ! ~lub Tea week. In addition to the membership i Baker visited at the home of Mrs. _~ 01~U8 RISHOWD / i~ a few friends met at the home of tea a birthday surprise was given Mrs. i Samsel's mother, Mrs. A. V. Cowee ~111~1111~1~11~1~ i__'" -- ...... --^~-, ~ter- Sletten secretary of the union. ' ..............