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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 23, 1939     Golden Valley News
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March 23, 1939
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P~GE 2 ........ ~ THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 23. The Golden Valley News A continuation of The Beach Advance and The Beach Review W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle Editors and Publishers A weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. Entered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beaclq North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of Marc~ 3, 1897 Advertising rates furnished upon request Bubscription price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak., Elsewhere $2.50 Student Cry ° =: ! Wednesday, March 22, the North M1asouri Slope declamation contest be held in the Beach I-£1gh SChOOl Auditorium. There will also be a pro- gram that evening in the auditorium at 7:30. The Girl's Glee Club will l~wnish the special music. The pub- ltc is welcome to attend both of these programs. The Student Cry will be issued on Friday of this week. Next Friday afternoon the high ~ool assembly will be entertained by the Junior Dramatists, who will present "Luncheon for Six." The pro- gram is to open with community rang- tug. The Serdor Class Play cast has been chosen for "Thru the Keyhole" by William Davidson. The cast is listed according to their appearance on the stage. William, the Butler--Herlin Geyer Grandma Tterney--Margaret Hardy Joan, the French Maid--Florence Ra~ler Mary Tlerney--Audrey Walker Jim Tlerney~Eugene Hatl~way Genevieve Van Camp ~ Annabelle Michels Archie Van Camp-Jack I~vons George AllenmVernon Hathaway. Rehearsals beam l~t Monday. The date has been set for April 28. The Home Economics If class have been studying meal planning and mar- kettng. Last Thursday they prepared second meal, with Mr. and Mrs. Mlller and Miss Shelland as their guests. They are now making plans for the evening meal they are prepar- h2g for the guests of the declamation contest on Wednesday. CARLYLE (Omitted Last Week) George Hammmld attended the Fed- eral loan association meeting at Dick- tnson Thursday, returning Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher, Mr. and Mrs, George Oearey, Mrs. Claude Lund and Connie Pratt were sho~plng tn Beach Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Narum, Jr. were Baker callers the past week. Mrs. Conrad Pratt of Carlyle left Friday for Mlssoula where she will vis- It with her brother Bobby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hammond re- turned the past week from their trip to Helena. Mrs. A. E. Scheffer received a fine full blooded bronze turkey tom Monday. Evelyn Welnreis, teacher at Cripps school, has ~ on the sick list the past week and Mrs, Chas. Hayden as- atsted with her school duties. John Rarthel was a caller at the FTank Susa home Thursday. Word from Mr. and Mrs. Guy Curl states that they are enjoYing the sun- shine in Phoenix, Arizona, and after about two weeks sight seeing along the road they will be wending their way homeward. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Rising enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Fete Weinreis, Lloyd, Evelyn, Isadora and Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmeling and babe, Mr. an Mrs. Leo Rising at a one o'- clock dinner Sunday. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH W. A. Smith, lhud~ Sunday School. I0 a. m. Last day of contest. Morning Worship, II a. m. °'Des- pair and Faith Contrasted," Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Pastor's Training Class each Tues- day at 4p.m. Recreation evening this week on Friday at 7:30 p. m. SENTINEL BUTTE Sunday School, 2:15 p. m. Church Service, $ p. m. Beginning Sunday, April 2. Sunday School will be at 9:30 a. m. and Church Services at 9:55 a., m. BONNIE VIEW Omitted IAmt Week Anton Vleth arrived in Beach Thurs- day afternoon from Plerz, Minn., for an indefinite visit at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. S. Schauer, Mr, and Mrs. Olaf Abrs2m~ are the parents of a baby boy born to them Saturday, March 5, at the Beach hos- pital. Floyd Braden and John McCaskey arrived in Beach last week MondaY for a week's visit at their respective homes They and Elmer Allen of Beach came do~wn from Sidney where they are stationed at a CCC camp. Alex Strzywski is still confined to Ibis home following an accident ~bout two weeks ago when a gun which he was carrying, discharged, the shot go- ing trough his left foot. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehls were in Beach Saturday. J. P .Reeve of Minot was a busines caller at his ranch home and in Beach over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Reeve returned to Minor a month ago from a trip to California where they spent several weeks this winter. BEACH LUTHEK&N CHURG'H Oliver Everette, Beach: SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Midweek Lenten services Wednes- days 7:30 p. m. Choir practice following Lenten ser- vice. Senior League Sunday evening at the Ted Thompson home; Mrs. Ted Thompson and Mrs. Richard Thomp- son serving. Carlyle: Services 2:30 p. m. Sentinel Butte: Midweek Ler~ten Services Thursday 7:30 p. m. CLASSIFIED ADS VANT~onvalescing patients, $1.00 day. Julia Kalkman. 2~2tp FOR SAIdg--Pure Thatcher Wheat and pure rainbow oats. M.M. Hogo- boom, Alpha, N.D. 22-tf FOR S~ord V-8, 1935, l~Jrfect co~ditlon. Real buy. IA)gan Auto Servlc~. ~-tf FOR SALE--Two 4-wheeled trailers. Inquire IA)gan Auto Service, 20-tt I,(~R RENT--Medern dQWlastah~ ap artment In f ve Beach home. MrL Clara Moulton, 14 Vmard Street West, Dickinson, N.D. 22-2t FOR SALE--I Registered Hereford Bull, 2 years old. Several heavy work horses.. Henry Zopfi, Wibaux, Montana. 25-tf. PURE THATCHER WHEAT for sale. Call or write Howard Wenberg, Beach. 23-tf. WILL SELL CHEAP--~omplete line of farm machinery including J o h n Dcere Model D tractor, tools, etc. Buyer to rent farm. Good heavy soil, does not blow. Northeast of Rugby. Write for particulars, to Edward Stephens, Box 434, Rugby, N.D. 24-2tp. FOR SALE--Durum Wheat. Your best bet for a 1939 crop..See or write Ed Kremers, Golva, N. D. 25-if. I FOlg SALE--MIxegl feed, gro~, $1.~ per hundred, or $18.00 per ~on, E, D. Logan. 23-2tp. F~R sAL-F~-Household l~lrnlt~ro, in--: eluding dining room, living room and bed room sets. Also gasoline range. R. C. Kramer, Sentinel Butte, N. D. Phone 13-F-310. 25-1tp. CATTLE FOR SALE-MIxed young stock. Emil Kunick, Sentinel Butte, N.D. 25-1tp, FOR RENT---Store buiMing and fix- tures, also five room house. Tony Kreitinger, Golva, N. D, 25-1tp. As I am closing out my machine business, I still have FOR SALE the following implements, at the right price 1 McCormick.Deering Tractor, 15-30, in good running condition. 1 Model L Case Tractor, in running condi- tion. 1 Ten-foot McCormick - Deering Double Disc Drill REMEMBER, THESE MACHINES ARE PRICED TO SELL F. D. Golva, North Dakota LOCALS Marshall Miller and son Bruce, were Bismarck visitors, going down Sunday and returning Monday evening. Carl Halvorson moved the first of the week to an apartment over the Birmlngh~m barber shop. Mr. Hal- vorson recently sold his residence to the C. O. Carlson family who will move into their new home in the near future. Mrs. John Keohane spent several days last week in Dickinson visiting at the Frank Cooper home. While there Mrs. Keohane attended a party honoring Mrs. Museus, former real: dent of Beach. Howard Hardy, manager of the Phflips '216" bulk station and Jack Callahan have been kept busy the past week decorating the interior of the station which is a fine improve- ment. Bob Jones left Saturday evening for Bismarck where he remained until Sunday night to visit friends. IT'S NOT TOO LATE YET to get in on that big special magazine offer of the News. But youql have J~ hurry ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN V. H. Dlssen, Pastor Divine services 10 a. m. Sunday school after services. Midweek Lenten services Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. The Ladies Aid meets wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m. The National Lutheran Hour, with Dr. Walter A. Maier as the speaker, may be heard every sunday over KFYR, Bismarck at 9:30 p. m. (M~q.T.). SPRING'S WORK WILL SOON BE HERE SAVE MONEY THIS YEAR BY USING NAKOTA TRACTOR FUEL As Well As Other Standard Products GAS--LUBRICATING OIL--GREASES STANDARD BULK STATION FRED BULDHAUPT, Agent ......... evening, hauled cotton cake from Beach Square Butte I Gene Evans and Berlner Peliserlnesday for Loule Peliser. I I III LI ~ ] J. V. Klein was a caller at the Bill McCarty home Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Oistad were callers in Sentinel Butte and Beach on Saturday and returned home on Sunday morning. Donald Waidal was a weekend gues~ a~ the Klein home, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ridenhower left for Wyoming points Tuesday morning where Bob is planning to go to work on a ranch. Mr. and Mrs, Pete Meyers were at Harmon Olstad's while he was away working. They returned to their home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Meyers were sup- per guests of Louie Peliser Monday Repair Service Bring your Repair Jobs, small or large, to the Community Garage, where it will be given the most care- ful attention. We are also in posi- tion to take care of your welding needs, both electric and acetyline. Our welding outfit is protable to jobs where it is inconvenient to bring them to the shop. Cylinder reboring, reseating and grinding valves is also another fea- ture of our service. John Deere TractOr Owners: If your tractor needs any recon- ditioning before you start your spring work, now is the time to have it done. Come in and let us give you an estim- ate. We are well equipped to do good work. Only Genuine John Deere Tractor parts will be used.DON'T DELAY.* .See us at once. Our New Welder Guarantees Satisfaction Your John Deere Dealer COMMUNITY GARAGE New Seats--. Air-Conditioned FRIDAY-SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p. m. "Snow White and the Seven Here is .an opportunity for those haven't seen this greatly advertised ture to see it and for those who have it to see it again. NEWS Sunday- Monday - Tuesday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. "CAREFREE" Cast: GINGER ROGERS, FRED and RALPH BELLAMY. A "Best-o Month" when released. The team of Ro and Astaire is back as light on their feet ever in their best dance routines to Guaranteed to put you in good humor. DISNEY CARTOON Wednesday- Thursday Don't Forget The Cash "BREAKING THE ICE" Cast: BOBBY BREEN, IRENE DOLORES COSTELLO, CHARLIE GLES. Irene Dare, a five year old fi skater, makes her debut in this latest Bobby Breen's singing pictures. DISNEY CARTOON AS AN TEETH RUBBED AND POU$11ED m gleaming at the factory, the innards of your motor stay clean longer.., will resist premature wear • . • will keep quiet and efficient... and use a lubricant noted for its clean That is why so many car-owners Pl~.illips 66 Motor Oil. Modern, minute refining scientifically removes and chemical impurities. So this lubricant is a I00~o Phillips value, Rich, tough-bodied, long-hsting.., the fira~ kind of protection against costly repair bills. query, highest grade and greatest val~: ~°ngd~.~ the oils we refine. Try it the next tin~ GILMAN 0IL COMPANY