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Beach, North Dakota
March 22, 2012     Golden Valley News
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March 22, 2012
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Page 4 March 22, 2012 must be forfeited to the governing in twenty-one (21} days after the serv- Dody and the project awarded to the ice of this Summons upon you. exctu- next lowest responsible bidder, swe of the any of service, If you fail to All bidders, except a bidder on a do so, judgment by default will be municipal, rural, and industrial water supply project using funds provided taken against you for the relief under Public Law No. 99-294 [100 demanded in the Complaint Stat, 426 43 US.C. 390a], must be Dated th~s 2nd day of February, 2012 licensed for the full amount of the bid MAUS & NORDSVEN as required by Section 43-07-05 and Attorney for Plaintiffs 43-07-12 of the North Dakota Century 137 First Avenue West. Code. For projects using funds pro- P.O. Box 570 Bids v~ded under Public Law No. 99-294 [100 Stat. 426, 43 U.S.C. 390a], the 0570 Dickinson, ND 58602- Call for bids for Golden ValleyBidder shall obtain a contractor's Recycle and Armor Coat Project license for the full amount of its Bid 4500 Telephone: (70t) 483- within twenty days after it is deter- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that mined the Bidder is the lowest By: /s/ Patrick D. Hope bids will be received for the County of responsible Bidder. Should the Bidder #06856 Golden ~,%liey at the Office of the fail to obtain the license within the NOTICE OF NO PERSONAL CLAIM County Auditor for the GOLDEN VAL- specified period the Bid will be reject- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LEY RECYCLE AND ARMOR COAT ed and awarded to the next lowest this action has been brought for the PROJECT. The locations and specifi- responsible Bidder. purpose of quieting title in the Plaintiffs cations are on file at the County The successful Bidder will be Auditor's Office and may be obtained required to furnish Contract in and to an interest in oil, gas, and all at Brosz Engineering. Inc.. upon Performance and Payment Bonds in other minerals lying on, in or under requesL " the full amount of the contract, and that have been or may be pro- All of the above Bids will be Contracts shall be awarded on the duced from the following described received and opened at the Office of basis of the low bid submitted by a real estate: the Auditor at 1:00 P.M. MDT. on responsible and responsive bidder for Township 137 North, Range 105 Thursday, April 5, 2012. " the aggregate sum of all bid items. A The Board of County single contract will be awarded for the West, 5th P.M. Commissioners reserves the right to work. Section 24: NW 1/4 reject any or all Bids and waive any All bids wilt be contained in a and no personal claim is made defects therein, sealed envelope, as above provided; against the Defendants above named. Disabled persons needing assis- plainly marked showing that such Dated this 29th day of February tance, please contact the County envelope contains a bid for the above 2012. Auditor at least 72 hours before the project. In addition, the bidder shall MAUS & NORDSVEN services are required. For more infor- place upon the exterior of such enve- marion or for complaints about ADA lope the following information: Attorney for Plaintiffs compliance, call 701-872-4331. 1. The work covered by the 137 First Avenue West, Dated at Beach, North Dakota, bidder P.O. Box 570 this 6th day of March, 2012. 2. The name of the bidder 570 Dickinson, ND 58602- Ceil Stedman, Auditor 3. Separate envelope con- 0 Golden Valley County taining bid bond and a copy of 4500 Telephone:(701) 483- Beach, North Dakota Contractor's License or certificate of (March 15, 22 and 29) renewal. 4. Acknowledgement of the #06856 By: Is~ Patrick D. Hope Bids ,. Addenda. No Bid will be read or considered (March 15, 22 and 29) which does not fully comply with the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS above provisions as to Bond and Bids 0P-1713(11)02 licenses and any deficient Bid submit- GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY ted will be resealed and returned to BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA the Bidder immediately. CALL FOR BIDS ON The work on the improvement will USED FUEL TANKS Scaled bids will be received by be completed by October 19, 2012. the Golden Valley County The Owner reserves the right to Notice is hereby given that the Commission, at the office of the reject any and all bids, to waive any Billings County Board of Golden Valley County Courthouse, informality in any bid, to hold all bids Commissioners will receive and open 150 1st Avenue SE, Beach, ND for a period not to exceed 30 days . sealed bids to sell one (1) 2000 gal- 58621, until 1:30 PM MT, April 5, from the date of opening bids, and to Ion fuel tank for cash as is. The tank 2012, at which time they will be publi- accept the bid deemed most favor- can be seen at Billings County District cally opened and read aloud for the able to the interest of the Owner. 2 shop at 12811 20th St. SW, Fairfield furnishing of materials, labor, equip- Should the Contractor fail to cam- ND 58627. ment and skill required for the con- plete the work within the time Please contact Roy Krivoruchka at struction of Grading and Aggregate required herein or within such extra 701-260-4782 with questions and for Surface and incidental items in and time as may have been granted by more information. for said Golden Valley County, as is formal extensions of time approved Bids can be mailed to the Billings more fully described and set forth in by the Owner, there will be deducted County Auditors Office at PC Box the plans and specifications therefore, from any amount due the Contractor 168, Medora ND 58645, or dropped which are now on file in the office of the sum of $1,300 per day and every off at the Billings County Courthouse, the Golden Valley County Auditor. day that the completion of the work is Auditor's Office. The deadline for bid Bids shall be upon cash payment delayed. The Contractor and his sure- acceptance is April 3rd, 2012 at 10:00 on the following estimated quantities ty will be liable fo'r any excess. Such A.M. and types of work: payment will be as and for liquidated Bids will be opened in the 1 L S~JM CONTRACT BOND; 1 L damages. Commissioner's Room at the Courthouse in Medora. ND at 10:00 SUM CLEARING & GRUBBING: If special accommodations areAM. on April 3, 2012. "Successful 264.293 CY COMMON EXCAVA- needed, please notify the auditor so TION; 40.268 CY TOPSOIL: 1,000 that appropriate aids can be made bidder will be contacted by Roy CY 4;~OC-;K,.EXC,#VATK3N;.4,080 LF Krivoruchka to schedule a time to ROADWAY OBLITER~TI~I,746 available.' , ." ~ ..... 4 ~:.. pick up your item. L .... , Dated, this eth day;of March, 2012 The board sfiall reserve the right CY FOUNDATION F~4~M GOLDEN. VALLEY COMNT.YJ,. to accept or reject any or-all bids. GAL WATER; 16.8~I3~A~I(]~E- ] BEACH;:NOI~TH-DAKOTA:., GATE SURFACEC~)t]RSE~I ~L SUI~I s/Cecilia Dated at Medora, ND this 6th day MOBILIZATION; 522 UNIT TRAFFIC Stedman of March, 2012 by order of the Board CONTROL SIGNS: 6 EA TYPE III Golden Valley County Auditor of County Commissioners. (March 15, 22 and 29) Notice FILING DEADLINE FOR SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES Joan Jurgens Billings County Auditor (March 15, 22 and 29) Election Notice SCHOOL ELECTION SET Anyone wishing to file as a candi- date for the Billings County School Notice is hereby given that the Board from director districts One or annual election of Belfield Public two must file a "Statement of School District #13. Belfield, ND is set Candidacy" form and a completed for Tuesday, June 12, 2012 for the "Statement of Interest" form with the purpose of electing one rural board District Business Manager prior to member for a three year term and 4:00 p.m. MT Thursday, April 5, 2012. one at-large board member to fil out Forms are available at the district a two year term. The polls will be office in Medora (623-4363) and on open 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and the the district's website at election will be in conj unction with the county and city elections. Candidates must be a resident of Any person who is a q Jalified d~rector district #1 or #2, but will be elector of this district is qualified to be voted upon at- large in the entire a member of the school board. school district. Director district # 1 is Candidates must file a Statement of comprised of all of townships 137- Candidacy and a Statement of 102 138-102, 139-102. and 140-102. Interest with the business manager's Director district # 2 is comprised of all office prior to 4:00 pm on April 13. of townships 137-100 and 101. 138- 2012. These forms may ae picked up 100 and 101 139-100 and 101. and in the business manager's office 140-100 and 101 If you are unsure if located within the elementary school you qualify as a candidate from these building. areas, please contact the business By order of the Board of Education manager at 623-4363 for assistance Belfield Public School Both positions are for a three year Betfield ND 58622 term. Alice Berger, Business Manager Anyone needing special accom- (March 8, 22 and April 5) modations to complete the filing process should contact the District Summons and Notice Office at 623-4363 or Relay North Dakota at 1-800-366-6888 (TTY) or 1- 800-366-6889 (Voice). (March 15 and 22) Summons and Notice IN DISTRICT COUR£ COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA John Wise, SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF NO PERSONAL CLAIM Plaintiff, VS. nosey Goyne. aka Rose Goyne. RA. Goyne. Albert Fandrich. Theodore Wise. Margaret E. Wise. Veronica Wise. Lynn Goyne. Alvin Goyne, Linda Weigum aka Linda Goyne. Janice Goyne. Arthur Goyne, and David Goyne, ao so, Judgment by default wil be taken against ~'ou for the relief demanded ~n the Complaint. Dated this 5th day of March, 2012. MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Attorneys for the Plaintiffs 38 Second Ave E Dickinson. North Dakota 58601 By: Charles J. Peterson. Attorney #04009 NOTICE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY IN DISTRICT COURT SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DIS- TRICT Elaine Bares, Colleen Clark & Joanne D. Peterson, Co-Trustees of the Restated Donald and Esther Kittelson Trust. Plaintiffs -VS- William R. Ewert and Mate Molinarro. and all other persons known and unknown having or claim- ing any right, title, estate or ~nterest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the complaint. whether as heirs, dewsees ~egatees or Personal Representatives of the aforementioned parties or as holding any claim adverse to Plaintiffs' owner- shi p or any cloud upon Plaintiff's title thereto. Defendants. Civil No. 17-2012-CV-00008 SUMMONS AND NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTP. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFEN- DANTS: 1. You anc~ ~ach of you, are hereby summoned and required to appear and defend against the Complaint in this action, which is or will be filed with the Clerk of this Court, by serving upon the under- signed an Answer or other proper response within twenty-one (21) days after the service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to BARRICADE: 32 EA VERTICAL PAN- ELS-BACK TO BACK: 41 CY RIPRAP-LOOSE RocK; 7.270 LF FIBER ROLLS 12tN: 5 MILE SEED- ING-TYPE B - CL I1: 5MILE-SEED- ING - TYPE B- CL IV; 3,578 SY ECB TYPE 3; 77 SY GEOTEXTILE FAB- RIC - TYPE RR: 332 LF PIPE CORn STEEL .0641N 181N; 868 LF PIPE CORn STEF-,L .0791N 241N; 80 LF PIPE CORn STEEL .0791N 30IN: 118 LF PIPE CORn STEEL .079IN 361N: 236 LF PIPE CORn STEEL .0791N 421N; 232 LF PIPE CORn STEEL .0791N 481N; 268 LF PIPE CORn STEEL .0791N 541N: 10 EA END SECT CORn STEEL .0641N 181N: 18 EA END SECT CORn STEEL .0641N 241N: 2 EA END SECT CORn STEEL ,0791N 30IN: 2 EA END SECT CORn STEEL .079tN 361N: 6 EA END SECT CORn STEEL ,1091N 421N 4 EA END SECT CORn STEEL .109IN 48IN: 8 EA END SECT CORn STEEL .1091N 541N: 400 LF SAFETY FENCE: 68.2 SF FLAT SHEET FOR SIGNS-TYPE 3A REFL SHEETING; 189.3 STEEL GALV POSTS-TELE- SCOPING PERFORATED TUBE; 1 EA RESET SIGN PANEL; 1 EA RESET SIGN: 1 EA MAILBOX-ALL TYPES The contract documents are on file and may be examined at the fol* lowing: Golden Valley County 150 I st Avenue SE. Beach ND Kadrmas. Lee and Jackson, 204 N Sims St. Suite 201. Dickinson North Dakota Complete digital project bidding documents are available at "Client Zone" or You may down- load the digital plan documents for $24.00 by inputting Quest project #1933544 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN at (952) 233-t632 or for assistance in free membership registration, down- loading, and working with this digital project information. Please contact us at (701) 483-1284 if you have any questions. All bids are to be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work and materials, and each bid shall be accompanied by a separate envelope containing the contractor's license and bid security. The bid security must be in a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the full amount of the bid and must be in the form of a bidder's bond. A bidder's bond must be exe- cuted by the bidder as principal and by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, conditioned that if the principal's bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the prin- cipal, the prinpipal, within ten (10) days after notice of award, will exe- cute and effect a contract in accor- dance with the terms of his bid and the bid bond as required by the laws of the State of North Dakota and the regulations and determinations of the governing body. If a successful bidder does not execute a contract within ten (10) days allowed, the bidder's bond 27320 PRAXAIR 376.45 27321 PROBUILD 54 37 27322 REMINGTON, DARNEL285.60 27323 RUDY'S LOCK & KEY 405.00 27324 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC. 200.44 27325 TOM'S SERVICE STATION 81.00 27326 US FOODSERVlCE, Inc. 5383.64 27327 VANDERESCH IVAN 500.00 30424 ND TFFR 8.74 30396 NDCEL 50.00 30443 Mistier, Mary 90.33 30398 ND Tax Commission 152.00 30422 ND Tax Commission 156.00 30444 NW Evaluation Assoc. 1500.00 30445 RESP 300.00 30446 SBM 119.04 30447 Schulte, Jim 375.00 30448 Summit Learning 198.00 30455 Total Control Inc. 300.00 TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFEN- 27328 WEST RIVER 30456 Valley Dairy 290.31 DANTS: STUDENT SERVICES 100.00 30457 West River Student 2. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE STUDENT ACTIVITY 633.33 that the above-entitled action is 6559 BELFIELD THEATER 234.00 Se;Vo 20415.62 brought to quiet title in the Plaintiffs to 6560 BERGLUND, TABITHA 33.30 Open Enrollment: Motion by Maus that certain mineral interest under 6561 CAPITAL ONE ' 257.50 and second by Sarsland to approve property situated within the County of 6562 CITY OF BELFtELD 137.50 an open enrollment application from Golden Valley and State of North 6563 JOHNSON. LARRY 60.00 Schneiders requesting their Beach Dakota, described as: 6564 LARGE, LOUISE 82.28 School District second grade student Township 141 North, Range 105 6565 ND HS ACTIVITES to continue to go to school in Golva West ASSOCIATION 30.00 for the remainder of the 2011-12 Section 27: All 6566 VAL'S SANITATION 700.00 school year. Motion carried unani- Dated this 5th day of March, 2012. 6567 WAL-MART STORE mously. MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM #1567 " 584.94 Substitute Teachers: Discussion Attorneys for the Plaintiffs 6574 ANDERSON:S 267.77 regarding procedure of hiring substi- Office Address: 6575 ANDERSON S t517.46 tutes. 38•Second Ave E 6576 COCA-COLA Principal Evaluation: Weinreis Dickinson, North Dakota $8601" BOTTLING 542.61 removed himself from principal evalu- Charles J. Peterson, Attorney #04009 6577 DAN S SUPERMARKET 53.88 ation discussion based on conflict of (March 22) 6578 DORVAL, PAULETTE 15.62 interest. Weinreis and Principal Zook 6579 EXPRESSWAY SUITES 245.85 left the room. Discussion ensued Belfield Public School 6580 FOUR SEASONS regarding the evaluation. Principal TROPHIES 33.00 evaluation was completed 2/15/2012 6581 1-94 CONFERENCE 125.00 and given to J. Zook. SPECIAL MEETING, BOARD 6582 KDXN-FM 25.00 Correspondence: • OF EDUCATION, 6583 LAMPRECHT. JEFFREY 56.10 Homework Academy - School BELFIELD PUBLIC 6584 LOGO MAGIC 537.00 Board was given a copy of the SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 6585 PEPSt COLA BOTTLING106.42 Homework Academy rules. Parent March 8, 2012 6:00 p.m. 6586 POOL, CRAIG 20.69 must arrange for transportation of any Library 6587 RADIO TIME BILLING162.00 child who stays for Homework 6588 THE COSTUMER 39.85 Academy after school. Meeting was called to order by 6589 WORKPLACE PRO 554.80 Policy KACB - Patron Complaints board president Ed Procive 6:00 p.m.. The 2012-13 school year calendar about Personnel- Policy KACB was Present: Tony Krebs, Ernie was presented. M/S Kadrmas/Krebs handed out to board members. This Buckman, Delbert Kadrmas, Ed to approve the 2012-13 school year policy is recommended from ND Procive, Annette Steffan calendar as presented. Motion car- School Board Association. No patrons were present for theried unanimously. City of Golva requested a donation meeting. Supt. Remington presented the for their get-together over the Fourth Superintendent Remington Bullying Policy ACEA. M/S of July for fireworks. School will not reviewed the school district's demo- Steffan/Buckman to approve the first donate. graphic plan. reading of Bullying Policy ACEA. Mrs. Resler requested seven days The meeting was adjourned the Motion carried unanimously, of leave (some without pay) to go meeting at 6:27 RM. Procive reviewed the superinten- home because of her mother-in-law's Alice Berger, Business Manager dent's evaluations and noted every- passing. School board approved her Edward Procive. Board Presidentthing is satisfactory. M/S request. Date " Krebs/Kadrmas to accept the superin- Bus Grant - Discussion regarding (March 22) tendent's evaluation and to thank pursuing the bus grdnt. Supt. Remington for his good works. Principal's Report: Belfield Public School Motion carried unanimously. Gymnastics are going well. Discussion was held on MeasureMathCounts are today in Beach. REGULAR MEETING, 2. . Spelling Bee is February 28, 2012. BOARD OF EDUCATION, The next meeting is scheduled for Science Fair is coming up. BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL April 12, 7:00 pm. Teacher contracts can be given DISTRICT #13 Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. out starting March 1st. Board gave MARCH 8, 2012 Alice Berger, Business Manager permission to send out contracts Edward Procive, Board President then. ELEMENTARY LIBRARY (subject to Board approval) (March 22) Principal position is open until filled. The meeting was called to order Golva Stool Principal recommends hiring prin- cipal up to four full days a week. by board president Procive at 7:00 Principal openingwill be adver- p.m . MINUTES tised in the Golden Valley News (4 Present: Ernie Buckman. Delbert COMMITTEE MEETING weeks) and Job Service. Principal to Kadrmas, Tony Krebs, Edward February 24, 2012 also check with Statewide Classifieds, Procive, Annette Steffan, Supt. 3:00 PM ND School Board Association and the Remington, HS Prin. Lamprecht and PRESENT: Susan Sarsland, ND List Serve for advertising. Bus. Mgr. Berger Paul Schmitz, Brad Maus. and Julie Adjourn: Board meeting was M/S Buckman/Kadrmas to Zook, adjourned at 8:28 PM. approve the minutes of the February ABSENT: Next School Board Meeting: 9, 2012~ s~hoo|,Ja£~, r,¢. ~eting. ......... VISITORS: Cathy Zook, ' March'S3, 2012 - 6:30 PM. Motion carried ur~a~qim0usly, " Committee meeting: The c,omr~t-. ATTEST: Leah Zook, Business M/S Kadrmas/Kr'ebs to app~ve tee meeting was held for the~purpose Manager the agenda. Motion carried unani- of interviewing a candidate for the Gone Weinreis, Golva Scilool mously. ' head cook position. Cathy Zook was Board President HS Prin. Lamprecht reported on interviewed for this position. (March 22) student activities. Discussion. Bus. Mgr. Berger gave the board ATTEST: Julie Zook, Principal Paul Schmitz, Vice President (March 22) financial reports for February 2012 Supt. Remington presented two no-charge tuition agreements from Dickinson Schools. M/S Kadrmas/Steffan to approve a no- charge tuition agreement for Serenity Wortham to attend Dickinson Public School. Motion carried unanimously. M/S Buckman/Kadrmas to approve a no-charge tuition agreement for Kayoed Saladin to attend Dickinson Public School. Motion carried unani- mously. Supt Remington also presented a list of seniors on track to graduate, the ND Assessment Scores and dis- cussed the neec of a tech coordina- tor. Procive gave report on the RACTC meeting and Krebs gave a report on RESP. M/S Krebs/Steffan to approve pay- ment of the bills. Motion carried unanimously. 27283 HUTZENBILER, KENNETH 4389.00 27284 SCHUMACHER, TAMMY 3577.89 27285 CAPITAL ONE 403.76 27286 CENTURY LINK 61.18 27287 CENTURY LINK 273.50 27288 DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 122.00 27289 SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES 191.12 27290 ACME TOOLS 73.95 27291 ACTIVITY FUND BHS 45.60 27292 ALTERNATIVE SANITATION 265.00 27293 AT & T 315.87 27294 B&K ELECTRIC 1881.40 27295 BELFIELD AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY 12.49 27296 BISMARCK TRIBUNE, THE 21.60 27297 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. 45.00 27298 CASS CLAY CREAMERY, INC 846.40 27299 CITY OF BELFIELD 354.01 27300 CREATIVE ENERGY 1049.04 27301 DAKOTA BOYS AND GIRLS RANCH 1422.00 27302 DAN'S SUPERMARKET 218.79 27303 DICKINSON NEWSPAPERS INC. 28.00 27304 DORVAL, PAULETTE 142.80 27305 DR. MARY'S BOOKS 38.91 27306 DUTTENHEFER, ROBERTA 40.80 27307 ESP COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE 59.95 27308 FLOWERS 4U 50.00 27309 GEIGER, ALAN 211.26 27310 HAL-LEONARD CORPORATION 245.00 27311 INTERSTATE BRANDS 211.99 27312 JACOBSEN MUSIC 486.18 27313 JOHNSON, ELAINE 20.40 27314 JW PEPPER & SON INC82.46 27315 MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES 6123.36 27316 NATIONAL P EN 129.40 27317 NCS PEARSON INC. 675.12 27318 ND INSURANCE DEPARTMENT 40.00 27319 NEWBY'S ACE HARDWARE 235.32 Golva Scool MINUTES GOLVA PUBLIC SCHOOL REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEET- ING 6:30 PM - February 15, 2012 PRESENT: Susan Sarsland, Pau Schmitz Brad Maus, Jason Bosserman, Gone Weinreis. Julie Zook and Leah Zook. ABSENT: VISITORS: Beth Justesen, Brian Sarsland, Karen Goldsberry, Cliff & Lana Maychrzak, Kristi Fischer and Mike Steiner. Call Meeting to Order: The regu- lar school board meeting of Lone Tree School District #6 was called to order Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 6:31 PM by President Gone Weinreis. Agenda: On a motion by Bosserman and second by Maus, the agenda was approved unanimously with one addition: Substitute Teachers. Maychrzaks: Lana and Cliff Maychrzak addressed the board with their concerns in the 4-5-6 grade classroom. Discussion. Weinreis would take the issue under advise- ment. At this time (6:50 PM), Maychrzaks, Brian Sarsland, Karen Goldsberry, Kristi Fischer and Mike Steiner left the school board meeting. Minutes: On a motion by Schmitz and second by Sarsland. the minutes of the January 11. 2012, Regular School Board Meeting were approved. Motion carried unanimous- ly. Bills: Maus made a motion to approve payment of the February 2012 district bills. Bosserman second- ed the motion and motion carried unanimously. 30416 AFLAC 49.57 30426 Beach Floral 38.00 30427 Beach Public School 76822.20 30397 Blue Cross 2299.22 30419 Blue Cross 77.32 30428 Boss Office Supply 30.30 30429 City of Golva 115.50 30430 Coca Cola 50.75 30431 Dacotah Paper 52.88 30432 Dakota Farm 32.22 30420 Discovery Benefit 372.22 30433 Discovery Benefit 3225.00 30417 EFTPS 5486.89 30425 First State Bank/Golva 20.00 30434 Food Services of Amer. 30435 Golden Valley News 30436 Goldenwest 30437 Golva Grocery 2619.07 176.88 Defendants. 701.60 THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO 23.10 THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: 30438 Golva Repair 2096.35 You are hereby summoned and 30439 Gopher 20.90 30440 Industrial Towel83.21 required to appear and defend against 30441 MDU 426.32 the Complaint in this action, which will 30442 Midstate Communic. 119.36 be filed with the Clerk of this Court. by 30418 MT Dept. of Revenue 230.00 serving upon the undersigned an 30421 NDTFFR 1164.13 Answer or other proper response with- 30423 ND TFFR 1314.33 Golva Scool MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 2012 3:30 PM PRESENT: Susan Sarsland, Brad Maus. Paul Schmitz, Jason Bosserman. Gone Weinreis, Julie Zook, and Leah Zook. ABSENT: VISITORS: Mary Mistier. Call meeting to order: Weinreis called the special school board meet- ing to order at 3:30 PM. Resignation: A resignation letter was read by Weinreis from Mary Mistier resigning her head cook posi- tion as of March 5, 2012. Motion to accept resignation was made by Maus and seconded by Bosserman. Motion passed unanimously. NR Catering: Discussion regarding stove/oven repairs in the kitchen. Sick leave for Mary Mistier was discussed. School will not pay out sick leave, Personal leave for Mary Mistier was discussed. Motion by Maus to pay out personal leave same as for teachers. Schmitz seconded the motion and motion passed unani- mously. Catering events: Mistier requested the use of Golva School kitchen for catering events still remaining on her calendar for $45 per event. Dates she has on her calendar to complete catering events are May 5, 11; June 9, 22, 23 (2); and September 1st. Discussion. Motion by Bosserman to charge $130 per event. Motion was seconded by Maus and motion passed unanimously. Mistier would also like to use the school as a drop off point for her catering groceries. School board approved the grocery drop off. Schmitz thanked Mistier for her help with the interview and thanked her for her 12 years at Golva School. Mistier left the meeting at 4:04 PM. Bus Grant: Discussion was held regarding the bus grant. Maus had sent out bid requests for a bus. Golva School will fill out grant request to replace the backup bus. Bus bids were reviewed. Interview Discussion: Discussion regarding head cook position interview. Schmitz made a motion to offer the position to Cathy Zook at $16.71/hour and one-half day sick leave per month. Sarsland sec- onded the motion. Weinreis abstained from voting due to a con- flict of interest. Motion passed with aye votes by Sarsland, Schmitz. Maus and Bosserman. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 4:43 PM. ATTEST: Leah Zook. Business Manager Gone Weinreis, Golva School Board President (March 22) - ii " !J " ' i " 'im', mlmimmpilltili lnHiiigil:' "l lNi