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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 21, 2013     Golden Valley News
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March 21, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t March 2t, 2013 _ G°lde n Valleyi News i i ..... °I Page7 : I[ III I CORPORATIONIII u c : ,,cense0 ea, III I II Estate Agent in [ IllTruckmg'Inc" l'L a'e PZeetVehicte I' "' a.g. andMm. [ [ Remarketing Ill 305 N Merrill Ave. i II/" Custom Hauling [ • Wholesale & Retail III Glendive, MT 112 years of experience! I |11• Grain or Feed / ' ° Cars & Trucks III Guns Bought, Sold, 1(701) 260-5087 or / III Repaired, and Traded 1(701)872-4674 / News/Pioneer Classified Ads: Iit" Livestock Ill" Local & Long . il GARY BRENGLE Ill FFH Licensed I c,?,3!f;!7/,% " / A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words III Distance / III "Ernie Huether, Pres. 1 / and 10 cents per word thereafter. I1[ ehTmm@mcn'net377-3969 / Card of Thanks: Minimum charge of II/ Ro ,errvedt I I GLENDIVE, MT59330 III II/ wiba,=, MT IIIF rearrns Safes Homei;5 Land I ,..0NE;406-365-4407 IIISmart Wool Ammunition / i i'< i .............. / I HOME: 406-365-8104 $7.00 for 75 words and 10 cents per word IU 406:796-2968 thereafter.Deadline for Classifieds & Display Ads: ITOLL FREE: l-800-726-6763 lit Reloading Equipment L Rc~l F:s{ate. PrJfessionals. J 12:00 plm. Friday preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: A correspondent's position for the Golden Valley News is vacant. This part-time, work- from-home position can involve attending community events, meetings and develop- ing story ideas, depending upon the wntar's skills and interests. For more information, or for an application, call (701) 872-3755. The advertising manager position for the Golden Valley News and Billings County Pi- oneer is vacant. For more information orfor an application for this part-time position, please call (701) 872-3755. Immediate opening for Pipe Inspector: Pipe Renewal Service Inc. (PRS) is an estab- lished and aggressively growing oilfield 2010 schulte 3-point snowblower. Model SDX960 $5500.00 call 701-550-9328. KEY Janitorial Service * Carpet andUpho tbry , C aning * Strip andWax Floors * Disaster C eanup * Res ent land Commercial Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive, MT Call 406-377-3597 Contact me for all your Farm, Ranch, Residential, or Commercial Real Estate needs! ABR,CRS,GRI Don Schmeling Continental Real Estate Dickinson, ND Office: 483-4400 ,FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701-872-3317 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing F~mace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations! Beach. ND 58621 Your local telephone company Serving ihe Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte & Medora areas For service please call 1-800,523-5436 sece--wito.esnU h --__ --. " II I Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and Registered Angus bulls. Call Terry Week Colorado. We provide electronic tubing in- 872-1104 I~lllil~l~ Hen American West spection services for oil production compa-m~~1~/ nies. PRS has been able to deliver tile ~Li~ h, llCy Real Estate highest quality service to the industry for P.O. BOX 263 over 20 years. .. All Risk Crop & Hail Insurance PRS is seeking an Inspector to support its Clean and comfortable fumished rentals, • New Construction 112 4th St. NW, Suite 3 c,.ontinued growth. PRS will offer strong nightly and weekly rates; weekly cleaning, 2.11 West Main Street I'I' Trenching , Beach, ND ' compensation packages. This position will cableTV, WiFi, kitchenettes available; stu- Add, MN 56510 BUSINESS , , l, Ce11#(701)690-7847 Agricultural require travel to oilfield locations in Mon- dios 1, 2, and 3 bedroom monte homes; P.O. Box 157 BUDDY I I I tana and North Dakota, normal work days Rooms starting from $245/week; RV 16201 Old Highway 10 i[R i e-mail krullc°@gmail.c°m are Monday thru Friday. PRS is a Drug spaces from $380/month. (406) Sentinel. Butte, ND 58654 • Certified Quickbooks esidential I ~ Kim Free Work Place and an Equal Opportunity 253-0451 or (406) 939-1720 www.glendi- " ProAdvisor Employer. • • 1-800-784-2106 •Bookkeeping I I "Forall your Electrical Needs" l Krull Qualifications: No previous experience re- hougtum@toreteLnet • I I I ' quired, Pass Drug Screening, Current dri- Rental Units Available: 2-bedroom apart- Website & Social Media I l cliff Maychrzak ' I •., :- Sales ver's license, ability to lift 100 Ibs. ments w/appliances, washer & dryer in- • NotaryDeVel°pmentpublic & More ~. Associate Benefits Include: cluded. Located in Beach, ND. Call John Germolus I 1701-872-2060 5370Van Daele RdI • Profit Shanng 701-391-1232 • Wayne Lee Cory McCaskey, Owner Ii Ii701-206-0067 Sentinel Butte, NDII ::; • Life Insurance Marisa Carlsrud . Phone: 701-290-9006 • Medical Insurance :" ~ ] ~l Website: • Bonuses This entity is an equal opportunity provider • 401(k) If you would like to join our team please call The family of Kaylene Jaeger thanks all = 406/796-6234 who share in our sorrow, give us support in prayers and visits. Thank you to Pastor Full-time opening (with full benefit package) Bruce Schmldt and members of the or part-time openings at Golden Valley Nazarene Church in Beulah for the memo- Manor in our Assisted Living Department. nalservice, special musicand lunch.Thank S d -' ee-s CNA experience preferred but not required, you to all who gave flowers/plants and gifts Various 8 hour shifts including nights and of money. It will be given to several organ- weekends. Call Vicki at 701-872-4282 or izations ira Kaylene's memory. We appreci- stop by the Manor to apply. The Golden ate all those who brought food, hugs and Valley Manor,is an equal opportunity em- help. Thank you to Joe garlot and staff of Travis Hauck "Where you ployer. Badot-Seibel Funeral Home. Thank you to ~ can get all the Ukrainian dance association friends Master Electrician • I 1 of your farm The Wibaux Museum Complex is advertis- who came and comforted us with photos Cell 701-872-6063 II ,111= seed ing for a full-time supervisor and 1 full-time and remembrances. IIk ~1 iI employee or 2 part-time employees. Su- May God bless all of you. Office: 701-872-4083 I needs." I pervisor will work 40 hours a eek. May in- - Shed Leistikow I clude some weekends. FulWor part-time 4131 166th Ave. SW • employee or employees will work some ~ Beach, ND 58621 •I Andrew Smith weekends and evenings. All employees must be over 18 years of age. Be a self- ~ I Phone (701) 872-3248 starter, motivated and to work unsuper- Licensed in M.D. and MT • vised. Must be willing to leam the History of ney for Nelson County starting ASAP. I ,t Pierre Wibaux and of Wibaux County. Will Wages negotiable. Resumes accepted Newton Corporation Carl Newton General Contractor/0wner Excavation, Foundations Flatwork, Sidewalks, Basements Residential & Commercial P.O. Box 507° Beach. ND 58621 (360) 903-4033 N.D. Licensed #43216 give tours and assist with events at the mu- until Apnl 1,2013. For information call (701) scum. Duties of the supervisor include 247-2463. overseeing other employees. Must have computer knowledge. Communicat~ with SALES AGRONOMIST/LOCATION MAN- people and help keep grounds and build- AGER wanted. Position requires strong ings clean and maintained. Other employ- agronomic background and sales expen- ees should be knowledgable about ground once with interest in management. This and building maintenance, to be able to north central North Dakota location has communicate with people and give tours, sales of $3.5M of fertilizer, chemical, and These are sessional jobs. From May 1 seed. Contact1-(701)263-1754. through Sept. 30. Pick up application and job description at the Clerk and Recorder's SERVICE TECHNICIAN WANTED. Per- Office and return application byApri115, son will have responsibility for.automotive service, tire sales, and repair including op- Golden Valley recorder is now hinng for a oration of tire truck for both farm and corn- part-time position.. Applications may be mercial tire service. Competitive salary and picked up at the Clerk of Court or benefits provided. ContactSounsRiverCo- Recorder's Office, Monday thru Fnday 8:00 operative at1-(701 ) 272-6158. to 4:00. We are accepting applications or resumes until position is filled. Any ques- tions, please contact Clerk of Court/Recorder Patty Thompson. RAILROAD VEGETATION CONTROL: Full-time traveling opportunity, 60-80 hours/week $11-$15/hour, meal al-, Iowance, paid lodging & benefit package. Billings County School District has open- RAW, Inc. in Cooperstown, ND fi ings for a first grade teacher at Prairie 888.700.0292 [ School north of Belfield and a second in{ grade teacher at DeMores School in Medora for the 2013-14 school year. ROAD SUPERINTENDENT position open ND teacher certification is required. Salary in Benson County. Position bas mandatory will be according to the district's salary minimum requirements and entails wide schedule for teachers. To apply, send cover variety of duties. Position questions, appli- letter, application (available on school web- cations and resumes should be submitted s i t e : to Benson CountyAuditoris Office, PC Box http:liwww.billingscounty.k12.nd.uslpagesl 206, Minnewaukan, ND 58351 (telephone Billings_CO_l ), and resume listing qualifi- 701-473-5340). Deadline to submit appli- cations, experience, and references to: cations/resumes: Apdl 1, 2013, 4 p.m Billings County School District. Box 307, Medora, ND 58645 or email to H & H ELECTRIC, Inc. a local established Ap- electncal company in Williston, ND is seek- plicants selected for an interview will be no- mg full-time journeymen electricians. Corn- tiffed by telephone, petitive pay and benefits. (701) 774-1001 Billings County School District is an equal opportunity employer. HORIZON RESOURCES OF Williston is looking for the dght person to join our team as a Custom Applicator. Run new equip- ment and work in a team ~nvironment that offers endless opportunities. Our applica- tors make top wages, excellent benefit package along with one of the best bonus programs n the industry. Call (866) 572- 8654 or (701) 572-8354 today for informa- tion or to set up an interview. Golva Elementary School (K-8); Elemen- tary Principal (with possibility of part-time teaching assignment): Must have or be able to obtain a ND Elementary Principal's Credential/ND teaching license; Salary: DOE; Deadline: open until filled: apply to Leah Zook, Business Manager, PC Box 170, Golva, ND 58632; (701)872-3674 MANAGER POSITION WANTED at the APARTMENT BUILDING WITH owner liv- NewTown Marina. Seasonal fromApd115 fi ing quarters on Jamestown. ND. Renters October 30. Send inquiries to Box 607, New make the payments! Call Janet or Jackie Town, ND 58763. at1"(701 ) 252-4808 or 1-800-993-4808. HELP WANTED FOR farming & custom harvesting JD equipment, KW semiis, room and board paid. Wage DOE. Year round work possible. Can start work now. Shop (701) 395-4311, cell (701) 351-1955. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR experienced truck driver! $1000 sign on bonus and com- petitive compensation package including benefits, vacation time and performance bonuses. Freight Solutions of Hurdsfield ND specializes in hopper and liquid freight, hauling bulk ag commodities. We are seek- ing a qualified, professional driver to join our company. Tanker and NH3 experience pre- ferred. Mest be able to drive to Canada. If you are looking for reliable work with a fam- ily-owned company, call Chad or Mark at (701) 962-3302 or visit freigntsolution- snd .com EASTERN MONTANA RANCH for sale: 2120 deeded -+ acres, 440 -+ blm lease. home, shop, barns, roping arena, excellent hunting, nice ranch.l-(406) 778-2605. WANTED: MINERAL INTERESTS/Oil .8, Gas Leases - Experienced Family Owned Oil Production & Exploration Co. We[II Help You Monetize Your Mineral Assets. Send details to P.O. Box 8946. Denver, CO 80201. (877) 754-3111. NORTH DAKOTA FARMLAND values are at all time highs! Contact Kevin Pifer (701) 238-5810 ( for Free Farmland Valuation Land Auctions & Farm- land Management Services. STEEL BUILDING BUY LOCAL. Tum Key Available. Spring Specials, Build This Spring! 35'x80', 65'x105', 90'x195'. 120'x320'. Will Build to Suit. Free Quote. Call John1"(701) 365-8509 or1-(800) 741- 9262. STEEL BUILDINGS BLOW OUT SALE! Eady bird spring discounts! S~lve up to 40% off on machinery storage and shops. Lim- ited Offer! Call Jim, 1-888-782-7040. MODULAR & MANUFACTURED Homes F/S. Brand New, Starting at $34,181. Sin- , gle family, work force housing, motels, De- livered/set up. Free Brochure/floor plans. (877) 590-4591, 2-YEAR-OLD BLACK Angus Bulls, Private Treaty. Sired by Sitz Upward, SAV FinalAn- swer, Conneaty Reflection, SCR Right Cross, Sons of Total, Alliance 9126, & more. Excellent growth, maternal & dispositions. View photos at AD#796136. Lawler Angus Ranch, Linton. ND, (701) 782-42280. WASHER DRYER SETS under warranty. Will buy used washer dryer sets that are working. Stun guns - great for personal safety. Oak grandfather clock, best offer. (701) ,741-9968. LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25! Ca~(701 ) 223-6397, ND Newspaper Asso- ciapon. MJ Plumbing - MP 1192 Anthony Medina PO Box 68 Glen Ullin, ND Services: hot water heaters, sewer rotting - ---- new construction - residential & commercial, motor homes & trailers Phone: 701-301-7465 Email: anthonymedina1973 @yah00.c0m ACCEPTING BIDS for well-equipped 1973 Ford 9000 tanker truck, 3000-gallon tank on 16-foot flatbed. Contact, (701) 430-0985 or (218) 791-3558. Deadline 4/5/2013. YOUR 25-WORD classified ad can now ap- pear in every ND newspaper! Only $150! NorthSCAN is the answer. Contact your newspaper for placement: WE MAKE IT easy to place an ad in one or all 90 North Dakota newspapers. One order, one bill, one check. We provide the ad design and tearsheets. Call the North Dakota Newspaper Association, (701)223- 6397. FOR ALL OF YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! ESTATE It'TH NONE TY, ffVTEq rrY t NO PEP.~ONt~L SErVICEr. Patti Davis, Broker, At.C, GRI 701-690-7763 NDPEDE@GMAIL.COM The area's only Accredited Land Consultant! Put Your Mo, ey I Where Your Ho,se r.s! i~ca' ndep~dent ~engthen our bu;nesses are~ communib/ yourbest va!t~e and our e~on~t~y gg~g£6LL~ £L69Z~g9£ Lg£Lg£6~9 L6gLgg8£~ g#ZG6ogL~ g£9#LgZg6 #ZL6$9£~8 6~Sg~L£9r J suv --NNOONSAIHOOM