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Beach, North Dakota
March 21, 2013     Golden Valley News
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March 21, 2013
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Page . t 4 Golden Valley News March 21, 2013 Summons COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY, IN DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT : Civil No. 17-2013-CV-00012 ' Velvet Craigo, Plaintiff, -vs- Evelyn Weinreis, Peter Weinreis, Evelyn S. Golde, Dora Bostyn, T&T In- vestments, Inc., and all persons un- known having or claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the property described in the complaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in pos- session nor appearing of record in the office of register of deeds, the clerk of the district court, or the county auditor of the county in which the real property is situated, to have a claim, title or in- terest in the property; and any person in possession, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS. You are hereby summoned and re- quired to appear and defend against the Complaint in this action which is herewith served upon you, by serving upon the undersigned an Answer or other proper response within twenty (21) days after service upon you, ex- clusive of the date of service. If you fail to do so, Judgment by default Will . be taken against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. Dated this 15th day'of February, 2013. MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Attorneys for Plaintiffs 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, ND 58601 301-456-3210 By: Elizabeth A. Ebert, Attoi'ney #07326 AFFIDAVIT FOR PUBLICATION COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY, IN DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Civil No. 17-2013-CV-00012 Velvet Craigo, Plaintiff, -vs- Evelyn Weinreis, Peter Weinreis, Evelyn S. Golde, Dora Bostyn, T&T In- vestments, Inc., and all persons un- known having or claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the property described in the complaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in pos- session nor appearing of record in the office of register of deeds, the clerk of the district court, or the county auditor of the county in which the real property is situated, to have a claim, title or in- terest in the property; and any person in possession, Defendants. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF STARK 1. Elizabeth A. Ebert, being first duly sworn, deposes and says as fol- lows: That she is one of the attorneys for the Plaintiff in the above-entitled action, and that she makes this Affi- davit on behalf of said Plaintiff. Affiant further states: 2. That the Summons and veri- fied Complaint in the above-entitled action were duly filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court in and• for the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, the County where said action was commenced and is now pending, setting forth a cause of action for quieting of title to real estate situated in said County, and more specifically hereinafter de- scribed, which said real estate is also described in said verified Complaint, which Complaint is hereby referred to and made a part hereof by reference as though the same were set forth herewith in full. 3. That the subject of the above-entitled action is real property situated within this State, described as follows: Hunter's Fifth Addition to the City of Beach, North Dakota; Block 1 : Lot 9 and the North 3 feet of Lot 8 and that the Defendants, and each of them, claim a lien thereon or other interests therein, either vested or contingent, and that the relief demanded against such Defendants, and each of them, consists Wholly or partially in excluding such Defendants from such lien or in- terest, and that said above-entitled ac- tion affects the title to real property. 4. That all persons having or claiming an estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real prop- erty hereinabove described and de- scribed in the Complaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in possession, nor appearing of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the District Court, or the County Auditor of Golden Valley County, the County in which the real property is situated, to have such claim, title, or interest therein, are pro- ceeded against as unknown persons defendant pursuant to Chapter 32-17 of the North Dakota Century Code; and that the interests of such unknown persons defendant in the land de- "scribed in the Complaint, "and all other persons known and unknown having or claiming any right, title, estate or in- terest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the com- plaint, whether as heirs, deyisees, legatees or Personal Representatives of the aforementioned parties or as holding any claim adverse to Plaintiffs' ownership or any cloud upon Plaintiffs' title thereto," are not shown of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the District Court, or the County Auditor of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, the County in which such land ties, and that Affiant does not know and is unable to ascer- manded against such Defendants, and The Golden Valley County Plan- tain the names, residences, or post of- each of them, consists wholly or par- ning and Zoning Commission will hold rice addresses of any of the persons tially in excluding such Defendants a public hearing on Monday, April 1, who are proceeded against as un- ., from such lien or interest, and that (this a date change from the 25th of known persons Defendant. said above-entitled action affects the March), at 3:00 p.m. in the Commis- 5. That the relief sought in this title to real property. ' sioners' Room at the courthouse. action consists wholly or partly in ex- 4. That after diligent inquiry The Agenda for the meeting is as clud[ng the Defendants from any inter- person service of the summons cannot follows: est in or lien upon specific real be made on the defendants in this New Business: property in this State,..the same being state to my best knowledge, informa- - 4 Boots Investments LLC (Tanner the real property hereinabove de- tion, and belief. Bang) Request to change the Whiskey scribed at Paragraph Three (3) above. 5. That all persons having or Springs Subdivision Covenants; This 6. The last reasonably ascer- claimin an estate or interest in or lien will impact lots 2-12 of the subdivision, tainable post office addresses of such or encumbrance upon, the real prop- with a legal description of Sec 23-140- Defendant are as set out below imme- erty hereinabove described and de- 103 diately following the names of such " scribed in the Complaint, whether as - Knife River Corporation - North Defendant: heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal Central request a Conditional use per- T & T Investments mit fer the N1/2SW1/4 Sec 29-141- Beach, ND 58621 103 for the establishment of new 7. That in the event any of the gravel pit above and foregoing post office ad- - Ken and Cecila Stedman request dresses shown for the Defendants two conditional use permits for the first named in the immediately preceding permit is for scoria and the.second for paragraph are not in fact the post of- gravel. The first request is for rice addresses of such Defendants, NWl/4NWl/4 SEC 16 and that then the Plaintiff and your Affiant NEI/4SWl/4 SEC 8 141-105 for a do not know and are not able to ascer- scoria pit. tain the post office addresses of such The second permit is for the $1/2 Defendants. sec 17-141-105 for a gravel pit. Dated this 1st day of March, 2013. (March 21 and 28) Elizabeth A. Ebert, Attorney • 07328 Bids Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of March, 2013, Gina Powers Barnes, Notary Public CALL FOR BIDS ON USED State of North Dakota EQUIPMENT My Commission Expires March 28, 2018 (March 7, 14 and 21) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN DIS- TRICT COURT COUNTY OF BILLINGS SOUTH- WEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALVIN W. KROGH, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Marionette Krogh has filed herein a Petition for formal probate of will. Hearing has been set upon said petition on the 3rd day of April, 2013, at 8:30 o'clock A.M. (Mountain Time), at the Courtroom of the above-named Court in the City of Dickinson, County of Stark, State of North Dakota. Dated this 25th day of February, 2013. Ebeltoft. Sickler. Kolling. Grosz. Bouray. PLLC Lawyers for the Petitioner P.O. Box 1598 46 West Second Street Dickinson, ND 58601 701.225. LAWS (5297) 701.225.9650 fax By: Nicholas C. Grant, Lawyer #07102 (March 7, 14 and 21) Summons COUNTY OF GOLEN VALLEY, IN DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JU- DICIAL DISTRICT William Szudera and Cassandra Szudera, Plaintiffs, -vs- Gordon Lee Simpson, Anastasia Earkas Simpson, and all persons un- known claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the property described in the complaint; and any person in possession, Defendants• THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA" TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS.. You are hereby summoned and re- quired to appear and defend against the Complaint in this action which is herewith served upon you, by serving upon the undersigned an Answer or other proper response within twenty (21) days after service upon you, ex- clusive of the date of service. If you fail to do se, Judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. Dated this 6th day of March, 2013. MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Attorneys for Plaintiffs 38Second Avenue East Dickinson, ND 58601 701-456:3210 By:/s/Elizabeth A. Ebert, Attorney #07326 AFFIDAVIT FOR PUBLICATION COUNTY OF GOLEN VALLEY, IN DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JU- DICIAL DISTRICT William Szudera and Cassandra Szudera, Plaintiffs, -vs- Gordon Lee Simpson, Anastasia Farkas Simpson, and all persons un- known claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the property described in the complaint; and any person in possession, Defendants. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF STARK 1. Elizabeth A. Ebert, being first duly sworn, deposes and says as fol- lows: That she is one of the attorneys for the Plaintiff in the above-entitled action, and that she makes this Affi- davit on behalf of said Plaintiff pur- suant to North Dakota Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 4(e). Affiant further states: 2. That Summons and the veri- fied Complaint in the above-entitled action were duly filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, the County were said action ~NaS commenced and is now pending, setting forth a cause of action for quieting of title to real es- tate situated in said County, and more specifically hereinafter described, which said real estat~ is also de- scribed in said verified Complaint, which Complaint is hereby referred to and made a part hereof by reference as though the same were set forth herewith in full. 3. That the subject Of the above-entitled action is real property situated within this State, described as follows: Woodhull's Second Addition to the City of Beach, North Dakota; Block 11 : Lots 1 & 2 and that the Defendants, and each of them, claim a lien thereon or other interests therein, either vested or contingent, and that the relief de- representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in possession, nor appearing of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the District Court, or the County Auditor of Golden Valley County, the County in which the real property is situated, to have such claim, title, or ir~terest therein, are pro- ceeded against as unknown persons defendant pursuant to Chapter 32-17 or 32-19 of the North Dakota Century Code; and that the interests of such unknown persons defendant in the land described in the Complaint, "and all ether persons known and unknown having or claiming any right, title, es- tate or interest in or lien or encum- brance upon the real property described in the complaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees or Personal Representatives of the aforemen- tioned parties or as holding any claim adverse to Plaintiffs' ownership or any I II cloud upon Plaintiffs "title thereto, are not shown of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the Dis- trict Court, or the County Auditor of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, the County in which such land lies, and that Affiant does not know and is unable to ascertain the names, resi- dences, or post office addresses of any of the persons who are proceeded against as unknown persons Defen- dant. 6. That the relief sought in this action consists wholly or partly in ex- cluding the Defendants from any inter- est in or lien upon specific real property in this State, the same being . the real property hereinabove de- scribed at Paragraph Three (3) above. i 7. The last reasonably ascer- tainable post office addresses of such Defendants are as set out below im- mediately following the names of such Defendants: Gordon Lee Simpson Beach, ND 58621 Anastasia Farkas Simpson Beach, ND 58621 8. 'That in the event any of the above and foregoing post office ad- dresses shown for the Defendants named in the imn3ediately preceding paragraph are not in fact the post of- rice addresses of such Defendants, that then the Plaintiffs and your Affiant do not know and are not able to ascer- tain the post office addresses of such Defendants. . Dated this 6th day of March, 2013. /s/Elizabeth A. Ebert, Attorney #07326 Subscribed and sworn to before me this of March, 2013. Gina Powers Barnes Notary Public State of N.D. My Commission expires March 28, 2018 (March 14, 21 and 28) Summons COUNTY OF GOLEN VALLEY, IN DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JU- DICIAL DISTRICT Robert Schmeling, Plaintiff, -VS- Katherine Haigh, Jerry Haigh, Pa- tricia Haigh Madrid, Bradley P. Haigh, Brent A. Ecklund, Annette Sorenson, C(2rey A. Ecklund, and Linda Bethke Carefel Haigh, all persons unknowrr claiming any estate of interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the prop- erty described in the corfiplaint; any person in possession; any Unknown Heirs; Devisees; Legatees; Adminis- trators; Executors; Creditors of Kather- ine Haigh, Jerry Haigh, Patricia Haigh Madrid, and/or Bradley P. Haigh; and Other Unknown Persons Who Might Have a Right to the Property. Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS• You are hereby summoned and re- quired to appear and defend against the Complaint in this action which• is herewith served upon you, by serving upon the undersigned an Answer or other proper response within twenty (21) days after service upon you, ex- clusive of the date of service. If you fail to do so, Judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief de- manded in the Complaint. Dated this 6th day of March, 2013. MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Attorneys for Plaintiffs 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson; ND 58601 701-456-3210 eebert@ By:/s/Elizabeth A. Ebert, Attorney #07326 AFFIDAVIT FOR PUBLICATION COUNTY OF GOLEN VALLEY, IN DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JU- DICIAL DISTRICT Robert Schmeling, Plaintiff, -vs- Katherine Haigh, Jerry Haigh, Pa- tricia Haigh Madrid, Bradley P. Haigh, Brent A. Ecklund, Annette Sorenson, Corey A. Ecklund, and Linda Bethke Carefel Haigh, all persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the prop- erty described in the complaint; any person in possession; any Unknown Heirs; Devisees; Legatees; Adminis- trat()rs; Executors;,Creditors of Kather- ine Haigh, Jerry Haigh, Patricia Haigh Madrid, and/or Bradley P. I-~aigh; and Other Unknown Persons Who Might Have a Right to the Property. Defendants. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF STARK 1. Elizabeth A. Ebert, being first duJy sworn, deposes and says as fol- lows: That she is one of the attorneys for the Plaintiff in the above-entitled action, and that she makes this Affi- davit on behalf of said Plaintiff. Affiant further states: 2. That the Summons and veri- fied Complaint in the above-entitled action were duly filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, the County where said action was commenced and is now pending, setting forth a cause of action for quieting Of title to real estate situated in said County, and more specifically hereinafter de- scribed, which said real estate is also described in said verified Complaint, which Complaint is hereby referred to and made a part hereof by reference as though the same were .set forth herewith in full. 3. That the subject of the abo~,e-entitled action is real property situated within this State, described as follows: All that part of Lot Two (2) in Block Twelve (12) of Hunter's First Addition to the City of Beach, North Dakota, de- scribed by metes and bounds as fol- lows, to wit: Commencing at the point on the East line of said Lot Two (2) 82.4 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof, thence running due South along and upon said East line of said.Lot Two (2) a distance of 72 feet, thence running West at right angles parallel to and distant 50 feet from the South line of said Lot Two (2) a distance of 141 feet , to the West line of said Lot Two (2), thence running North along and upon the West line of Lot Two (2) a distance of 72 feet, thence running East at right angles parallel to and distant 122 feet from the South line of said Lot Two (2) a distance of 141 feet to the East line thereof, to the point of beginning, being a part of Auditor's Tract A-37. and that the Defendants, and each of them, claim a lien thereon or other interests therein, either vested or con- tingent, and that the relief demanded against such Defendants, and each of them, consists wholly or partially in ex- cluding such Defendants from such lien or interest, and that said above- entitled action affects the title to real property. 4. That all persons ha.ving or claiming an estate or interest in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real prop- erty hereinabove described and de- scribed in the Complaint, whether as heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of a deceased person, or under any other title or interest, and not in possession, nor appearing of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the District Court, or the County Auditor of Golden Valley County, the County in which the real property is situated, to have such claim, title, or interest therein, are pro- ceeded against as unknown persons defendant pursuant to Chapter 32-17 of the North Dakota Century Code; and that the interests of such unknown persons defendant in the land de- scribed in the 'Complaint, "and all other persons known and unknown having or claiming any right, title, estate or in- terest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the com- plaint, whether as Iheirs, devisees, legatees or Personal Representatives of the aforementioned parties or as holding any claim adverse to Plaintiffs' ownership or any cloud upon Plaintiffs' title thereto," are not shown of record in the Office of the County Recorder, the Clerk of the District Court, oI" the County Auditor of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, the County in which such land lies, and that Affiant does not know and is unable to ascer- tain the names, residences, or post of- fice addresses of any of the persons who ale proceeded against as un- known persons Defendant. 5. That the relief sought in this action consists wholly or partly in ex- cluding the Defendants from any inter- est in or lien upon specific real property in this State, the same being the real property hereinabove de- scribed at Paragraph Three (3) above. 6. The last reasonably ascer- tainable post office addresses of such Defendants are as set out below im- mediately following the names of such Defendants: Jerry Haigh San Joaquin County, CA Katherine Haigh Beach, ND 58621 Patricia Haigh Madrid San Joaquin County, CA Bradley P. Haigh Plymouth, MN 7. That in the event any of the above" and foregoing post office ad- dresses shown for the Defendants named in the immediately preceding paragraph are not in fact the post of- fice addresses of such Defendants, that then the Plaintiff and your Affiant do not know and are not able to ascer- tain the post office addresses of such Defendants. Dated this 7th day of March, 2013. Elizabeth A. Ebert, Attorney #07326 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of March, 2013. Gina Powers Barnes Notary Public State of N.D. My Commission expires March 28, 2018 (March 14, 21 and 28) Notice NOTICE OF LAPSE OF MINERAL INTEREST TO: Nick Zinsli, Sharon Zinsli, Richard E. Zinsli, Gudrun M. Zinsli, Elva Staley aka Elva M. Staley fka Elva M. Norris, Florence Sharp aka Florence Edith Sharp, Edward Sharp, Mildred L. Panagos, Gordon G. Pana- gos, Lyle V. Sharp and Lila L. Sharp The undersigned, Arnold T. Smith and Joan R.JSmith, hereby give notice of the lapse of mineral interest pur- suant to Chapter 38-18.1 of the~North Dakota Century Code and does hereby further give notice that they in- tend to succeed to the ownership of the entire mineral interest in and under the following tract of land, said owner- ship having lapsed by abandonment pnd non-use for a period of 20 years. 1. The description of land on which the minerals are located is: Township 139 North, Range 104 West of the•5th P.M., Golden Valley County Section 18: Lots 1,2 EV2SW~/~, SEI,~ Township 140 North, Range 105 West of the 5th P.M., Golden Valley County Section 33: NV2 2. The names of the record owners of the lapsed mineral interests • under some or all of the above de- scribed property are: Nick Zinsli, Sharon Zinsli, Richard E. Zinsli, Gudrun M. Zinsli, Elva Staley aka Elva M. Staley fka EIva M. Norris, Florence Sharp aka Florence Edith Sharp, Edward Sharp, Mildred L. Panagos, Gordon G. Panagos, Lyle V. Sharp and Lila L. Sharp 3. The names of the persons giving notice of lapse of mineral inter- est are: Arnold T. Smith*and Joan R. Smith, whose mailing address is 16450 36th Street SW, Beach, ND 58621. 4. Arnold T. Smith'and Joan R. Smith are the record owners of the surface estate of the above described premises and as such by giving this notice intend to succeed to the owner- ship of the above-described lapsed mineral interest. Dated this 26th day of February, 2013. Andrew H. Smith, as Power of At- torney for Arnold T. Smith as recorded in Document No.99997, and as Power of Attorney for Joan R. Smith as recorded in Document No. 99996. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF STARK On this 26th day of February, 2013, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally ap- peared Andrew H. Smith, to me known to be the person who is described in and that executed the foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. /s/Cory J. McCaskey Notary Public State of N.D. My Commission Expires Oct. 19, 2018 Attorney for Surface Owner: Charles J. Peterson, Attorney #04009 Mackoff, Kellogg Law Firm 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, ND 58601 1-701-456-3210 (March 14, 21 and 28) Hearing Notice NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF A PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN DISTRICT COURT, BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Probate No.: 04-2013-PR-00010 In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM H. KENNEDY aka WILLIAM HALVOR KENNEDY, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Florence Ruth Kennedy has filed herein a Petition for Formal Probate of Will and Appointment of a Personal Representative. Hearing has been set upon said Petition on the 25th day of April, 2013, at 8:30 o'clock a.m. before Honorable Dann Greenwood of the above-named Court in the City Medora, in the County of Billings, State of North Dakota. Dated this 5th day of March, 2013. Florence Ruth Kennedy 19 Wolfwillow Lane SW Calgary AB T3Z 1 B4 CANADA Sharon M. Reis REIS LAW OFFICE, PC PO Box 5116 Grand Forks, ND 58206-5116 (701)772-8156 (March 14, 21 and 28) Notice ATMOSPHERIC RESOURCE - NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MODIFY NATURAL PRECIPITATION Notice is given, that Weather Modi- fication, Inc. of 3802 20th Street North, Fargo, ND, a licensee (License No. 2013-1 ) of the State of North Dakota, is to engage in operations to modify precipitation by the addition of ice nu- cleating agents in the counties of Bow- man. McKenzie. Mountrail. Ward and Williams and seven townships in Slope County. Existing clouds will be selected for seeding according to the current operational procedures for en- hancing rainfall and decreasing hail damage. Nuclei will be generated by silver iodide produced in the combus- tion of flares or acetone solutions, and the dropping of dry ice pellets. Two- engine aircraft equipped for instrument flight operating under FAA airworthF ness certificates and licensed by the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission will accomplish all seeding. The operations area will include the target area and a ten-mile extension of the border in North Dakota counties for operations easement for cloud sys- tems that will affect the target area. No affect is intended for the-areas bor- dering the target areas. The target area for District I will be Bowman County and the following townships in Slope County: Conner, Hume, Carroll, Cash, Sheets; Mineral Springs, and Cedar Creek. The target area for Dis- trict II will be McKenzie, Mountrail, Ward and Williams Counties. Opera- tions will be conducted June 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013, with the pos- sibility of extension through October 2, 2013. • All persons who think they may,re- ceive harm from activities of this proj- ect should write the Director, North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board, 900 East Boulevard Avenue Depart- ment 770, Bismarck, ND 58505-0850. The Atmospheric Resource Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, Tell- glen, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services, and com- Plies with the provisions qf the North Dakota Human Rights Act. (March 14 and 21) Hearing Notice. Public Hearing Notice Notice is hereby given that the Billings County Board of Commission- ers will receive and open sealed bids to sell the following for cash "as is" Bid Number Description 1012010 Dura Patcher Model 125- DJT -85 hours on machine & 250 gallon heated emulsion tank 1022011 Dura Tank Model DT1000 on Trailer Serial #10674 -1000 gal. heated emulsion tank mounted on trailer with its own pump• For more information or to inspect equipment, contact Roy Krivoruchka at 701-260-4782. Sealed I~ids can b~ mailed to the Billings County Auditor's Office at PO Box 168, Medora, ND 58645 or dropped off at the Billings County Courthouse, Auditor's Office. Please mark "Equipment Bid" on the enve- lope. Bids must be turned in by April 2, 2013 at 1:00 P.M. Bids will be opened in the Billings . County Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Medora, ND, at 1:00P.M. on April 2, 2013. Successful bidders will be contacted by Roy Krivoruchka to schedule a time to pick up your item(s). The board shall reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Dated at Medora, ND this 7th day of March, 2013 by order of the Board of County Commissioners. Marcia Lamb Billings County Auditor Designate (March 14, 21 and 28) Notice Billings County 2013 Equalization Meetings Notice The following Boards of Equaliza- tion have been scheduled for the 2013 assessments: The City of Medora Board of Equal- ization will meet on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 7:30 pm in the Roosevelt Room at the Medora Community Cen- ter. The Unorganized Township and County Board of Equalization will meet on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 1:00 pm in the commissioner's room at the county courthouse. The State Board of Equalization will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at the Capitol building in Bis- marck. Time TBD. (March 14 and 21) Notice GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY EQUALIZATION MEETINGS 2013 ASSESSMENTS TOWNSHIP/CITY, DATE, TIME, LOCATION City of Beach, April 1,7:30 p.m., City Hall Beach Civil Twp, April 2, 7:00 p.m., Golden Valley Courthouse Delhi, April 3, 7:00 p.m., Golden Valley Courthouse Elk Creek, April 4, 3:00 p.m., Golden Valley Courthouse Bullion, April 4, 7:00 p.m., Richard & Pam Knopp's City of Sentinel Butte, April 8, 7:00 p.m., City Halt Sentinel Twp, April 9, 7:00 p.m., Sentinel Butte Fire Hall Lone Tree, April 10, 7:00 p.m., Golva Bar meeting room City of Golva, April 10, 8:00p.m., City Hall Pearl, April 11,3:00 p.m., Doug Mosser Ranch Henry, April 11, 4:00 p.m., Marcia Sperry's Garner, April 12, 7:00 p.m., Dan & Sheila Zachmann's Saddle Butte, April 15, 7:00 p.m., Vince & Eleanor Nistler's Unorganized Twps, June 4, 1:00 p.m., Golden Valley Courthouse County Equalizatk~n, June 4, 1:00 p.m., Golden Valley Courthouse State Board, August 14, TBD, State Capitol Signed and dated this 13th day of March, 2013 Henry Gerving, Director of Tax Equalization Golden Valley County '(March 21 and 28) Meeting Notice The annual meeting of Bullion Township will be held on March 26, 2013, at the home of the township clerk at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a township supervisor for a three (3) year term, and to conduct any other business that comes before the board. Pam Knopp Bullion Township Clerk (March 21)