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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 21, 2013     Golden Valley News
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March 21, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 Golden Valley News March 21, 2013 Febru Belfield Police Department report for February: City/state attorney/court/docu- ments, 11; motorist assists, 3; traffic accidents, 2; welfare checks and medical, 8; dog calls, 6; smoking,l; jake brakes, 1; parking violations, 2; -bulb warnings, 7; exp~ed tabs, 1; no driver's license, 1; stop sign, 9; ice rt speeding, 58; warrants, 4; driving under suspension, 3; domestic, 1; do- mestic assist, 2; drug case, 1; drug case assist, 2; detoxification, 1; driv- ing under the influence of alcohol, 3; DUI assist, 4; minor in consumption of alcohol assist, 1; bar escort/public relations, 3; bar checks, 78, other agency assist, 2. Area oil The folMwing relates to oil and gas well activity from March 11- 15, for Stark, Billings and Golden Valley counties and is-from reports of the N.D. Industrial Commis- sion's Oil and Gas Division: WELLS RELEASED FROM "TIGHT HOLE" STATUS: #23273 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION, FROEHLICH "34-9PH. SWSE 9- 139N-99W, STARK CO., 426 bopd. 910 bwpd - BAKKEN #23330 - WHITING OIL AND GAS'CORPORATION, SAMUEL- SON 23-32. NESW 32-142N- 105W. GOLDEN VALLEY CO., 195 bopd, 238 bwpd RED RIVER #22949 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION, LYDIA ll-14PH, SWSW ll-140N-99W, STARK CO.. 993 bopd, 1803 bwpd - BAKKEN #22950 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION, SOL- BERG 14-11PH,--SWSW ll- 149N-99W, STARK CO., 1494 bopd: 1627 bwpd - BAKKEN #23179 - FIDELITY EXPLO- RATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY. PAVLISH 19-20H, LOT3 19-140N-97W, STARK CO., 754 bopd, 590 bwpd BAKKEN OPERTATOR TRANSFER: #09144 - AMERADA FED- ERAL 32-22. SWNE 22-143N- 103W, GOLDEN VALLEY CO. #13219 - CONNELL TRUST 1- 2. NWNE 2-143N-102W. BILLINGS CO. PERMITS: #25193 - FIDELITY EXPLO- RATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY. ECKO 12-1 H, NWNE 13-140N-97W, STARK CO., 316' FNL and 1948' FEL, DEVELOPMENT. DUTCH HENRY BUTTE. 22064', 9-625 inch, 2570' Ground. API #33-089- 00774 #25194 - FIDELITY EXPLO- RATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY, DIESEL 12-1 H, NWNE 13-140N-97W, STARK CO., 316' FNL and 1998' FEL, DEVELOPMENT, DUTCH HENRY BUTTE, 21984',9-625 incfi, 2569' Ground, API #33-089- 00775 CONFIDENTIAL WELL PLUGGED OR PRODUCING: #23435 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION, MARSH 44-9PH, SESE 9-140N-97W, STARK CO. #23436 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION, MARSH 41-16PH, SESE 9-140N-97W, STARK CO. #23576 - WHITING OIL AI~D GAS CORPORATION, HAVELKA 11-15PH, NWNW 15- 140N-97W, STARK CO. #23577 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION, HAVELKA 21-15PH,NWNW 15- 140N-97W, STARK CO. #23579 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION. HAVELKA 14-10PH, NWNW 15- 140N-97W, STARK CO. WELLS APPROVED FOR "TIGHT HOLE" STATUS: #23031 - WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION. KUBAS 14-7PH, NENW 18-140N.98W, STARK CO'., #23032 - WHITING OIL'AND GAS CORPORATION, MANN II-18PH. NENW 18-140N-98W, STARK CO.. #23712 - FIDELITY EXPLO- RATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY, BMP 19-20H, LOT4 19-140N-97W, STARK CO. #23272 - CONTINENTAL RE- SOURCES, INC., CARETAN 1- 28H, NWNE" 28-141N-99W. BILLINGS CO., #23727 - FIDELITY EXPLO- RATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY, PEACEFUL VAL- LEY 13-24H, NENW 13-140N- 97W, STARK CO. Auxiliary to meet on April 3 The spring meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary, Dis- trict 8, will be held on April 3, in Regent. Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Legion club on Main Street. The Auxiliary meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church on Main Street across from Legion. Lunch will be served after the meeting at the American Legion. Sandra Petermann, Dickinson, will preside at the meeting. Dis- trict 8 vice president is Beverly Wolff, Beach, who is also state chaplain. The main speaker for the meet- ing will be Linda Juntunen, Rolla, State American Legion Auxiliary Judges in the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Contest taste water samples. (Courtesy Photo) Southwest Water Authority places sixth internationally BERKELEY SPRINGS. W.V.- The judges of the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Contest recently declared Southwest Water Authority as having the fourth best tasting of the tap waters in the United States and sixth best tasting interna- tionally for Best Tasting Water. The 23rd Annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting welcomes waters from across the country and around the globe. Held in Berkeley Springs, it is the largest and longest-running water-tasting competition in the world. Judges are trained to rate the wa- ters on attributes of taste, smell and clarity by founding water master and internationally recognized water ex- pert. Arthur yon Wiesenberger. Judges for the 2013 water tasting in- clude freelance journalists and repre- sentatives from a-variety of media outlets including NBC-TV and VA Public Radio. .This was the first time North Dakota was represented in the con, "We consider it the Academy Awards of Water." Jill Klein Rone test and now there are only three states that have not-entered - one being South Dakota. Among the en- tries were former gold medal win- ners from Los Angeles and Desert Hot Springs, as well as a long list of Ohio water systems hoping to dupli- cate their state's success in past years. International waters include Bosnia. Japan, Canada and South Korea. as well as first-ever entries from Chile. Georgia and Thailand. "'Over the life of the water tasting, we've had entrants from 45 countries representing every continent but Africa." said Jill Klein Rone, long- time staff producer of the event. "We consider it the Academy Awards of Water." Alcohol saturation patrol results The southwest region of the North Dakota Highway Patrol conducted alcohol saturation patrols on March president. 15 and March 16 in Stark County. This was an effort to deter drunk State chairmen in District 8 are.: Sandra Petermann, Dickinson. driving by increasing the awareness Constitution and legislation chair- of the dangers associated with drink- man: Betty Malkowski. Belfield. ing and driving. Additional officers national security and NEC: Sandra saturated the area with one goal, to Erdman, Reeder, finance state remove drunk drivers from the road- chairman, way. Units in District 8 are: Beach. Troopers from the North Dakota Belfield, Bowman. Dickinson, Highway Patrol issued 19 citations. Halliday, Hettinger, Killdeer. Molt, 25 warnings, and made arrests for: New England. Reeder, Regent, four for driving under the influence Rhame, Richardton and Scranton. of alcohol, one for driving while li- cense is suspended, and one for no t Put Your Money Where Your House £s! kgCal independent A~ strengme~ our bo~nesse$ are~ communffy your best value and our ecc~ocay 866-483- 7900 o r 701-483- 7900 ~r Java Application Developers " • Proficient In analysis, design, & development. Multiple openings. ~r Project Manager - Manage large scale IT projects. ~. ~r BI Team Leader • Manage a team of Data Warehouse Developers for business intelligence projects, IT Program Administrator • Serve as enterprise IT procurement coordinator and/oY consultant to ITD and state agencies, Benefits include: Family Paid Health Care, Pension Plan,I@ Sick & Holiday Pay, & Flexible Work Schedule. Contact us at www.nd.govBTDI - 701.328.1004 or TTY 1.800.366.68~ ] INTERNET AUCTION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 Bidding starts to close at 10 a.m. CDT 75+ assets selling without reserves! In- cluding: combines, tractors, sprayer, plant- ers. air seeder, tillage,, hvy trks, balers, headers, mowers and more. 10% premium applies. 866.608.9283 purple insurance. The North Dakota Highway Pa- trol again reminds everyone that if you choose to drir&, you should have a designated driver or call someone fdr a ride. Please support your local Locally Owned and Family Operated Serving Southwestern North Dakota and Southeastern Montana Funeral Directors Jon Stevenson Nic Stevenson ,N $0N Tom Muckle Bill Myers MAKN::H 1.8TH through April 1st, 013 In Beach, ND - FILTER SALE Oil Filters, Hydraulic Filters, Fuel Filters & Air Filters on " whatever you drive. 350th 4th ST NE BEACH ND 701-872-4766 II The following awards were an- nounced at the Region 7 Girls Bas- ketball Tournament in Dickinson on March 14: All-Region 7 Girls Basketball Team: Ashton Carter - Hazen Bailey Waldal - Beach Cydni Stedman - Beach Gabbi Hanson - New England Hailee Farstveet - Beach Haley Sabe - Bowman County Halle Olson - Richardton/Taylor Hannah Nordby - New England Katelyn Grinsteinner - Trinity Mary Hlebechuk L Heart River Morgan Mieux'L Killdeer Rachel HansanaI~ Hazen Rachel Jahner, Dickinson Trinity Region 7 Senior'Athlete: Mary Hle~uk - Heart River Region 7 Co-Coaches of Year: John Wax~ ~Ha~e~ :? Jason Juhg(~ ~i~g~d Region 7 Athletic Director of the Year: Kevin Mor0st 2 HettingeffScran- ton er obse in The National Weather Service in Bismarck has partnered with the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network and are looking for volunteer weather ob- servers in North Dakota. This is a non-profit, domrhunity- based network of. volunteers of all ages and backgrounds working to- gether to measure and report precip- itation amounts (rain, hail, and snow). By using low-cost measure- ment tools, stressing training and ed- ucation, and utilizing an interactive website (, the goal is to provide quality precip- itation data for natural resource, ed- ucation and research applications. Anybody can join, whether they're a farmer, rancher, 9 The Billings County Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertising, and have been sharing the news for some of their inside pages for about 40 years. This means the coverage of your ad isn "t limited to just either county/Ourprimary coverage area is western Stark County and west to the Montana border. It pays to advertise/ W groundskeeper, gardener, student, or just have a general interest in weather. Contact TonyNlerrim~ or at (701) 250-4452 for more infor-- marion. I Put Your/Honey Where Your House Is~ ,~c~ mcleoenclet~t ~ s~oa~er~ our ~u~ezses are comm,mm ~out oesr va~oe aria c~,t eco,~om, Golden Valley News P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 (U.S.P.S. Pub. No. 221-280) Staff: Richard Volesky, edi- tor/ reporter, and Jane Cook, office and news assistant. The Golden Valley News is published each Thursday, 22 Central Ave.. Suite 1, Beach, ND 58621 by Nordmark Publishing. Periodicals postage paid at Beach, ND and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send ad- dress changes to: Golden Valley News, P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621. Please allow two to three weeks for new subscriptions, re- newal of expired subscriptions and for address changes. Contact Information • Phone: 701-872-3755 • Fax: 701-872-3756 Email: goldenandbillings@ • Subscriptions: • 1 year: $34 Golden Valley County • 1 year: $38 elsewhere in North Dakota • 1 year: $42 out-of-state and snowbirds • 9 months: $25 In-state college rate The Golden Valley News is a proud member of the North Dakota Newspaper Association. All content is copyrighted. Near Sentinel Butte The dirt and gravel skip into the air, clicking against the windshield, and mixing with the blowing snow before scattering to the southeast and settling in the emptiness of prairie. lt's two miles back to the Interstate, close enough that people should care about the land, and how we loved it. There ahead & Sentinel Butte With its blue stone running through the middle and agates gathering at its feet. They are burying me there today in a hole I asked them to dig before the ground froze so I wouldn't have to wait 'til the Spring to join Ben under our chiseled granite. It's a day that I would even say was cold It seems we "re in a snow globe. My children, their children and theirs. Their long coats aren "t pulled tight, the wind isn "t moving their hair, and there is nothing to cover their ears except the sound of God. And they listen as my casket is lowered, those green straps easing me back to heaven. Mark In memory of Marie Maus who died on January 7, 2007. This Week's Local Forecast Weather Trivia OUR E~Y Farmers Union Oil Co. 701-872-4471 Interstate Cenex 701-872-3590 \llmlW/ lift[ STliffl Hot Stuff Pizza 701-872-3190 . Thursday Friday Saturday 'Sunday Snow Possible Snow Possible Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy 30/16 29/16 36/18 37/14 Precip Chance: 40% Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 10% • • ,O Monday Tuesday Wednesday Rain/Snow Mostly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 37/15 36/18 39/21 Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 20% Precip Chance: 10% Why does lightning seem to flicker as it flashes in the sky? • so:,IOJaS £uetu jo uotssooons e mq 'o~IOalS Ol~U!S sn[ lou s! u!ulqffIq :JaA suv