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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 21, 1935     Golden Valley News
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March 21, 1935
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BEACH REVIEW AMONTH AGE OFF ON FEDERAL GRAINS Need Not Pay Extra in Buying From Gov- ~rnmen t Seed Supplies Dakota farmers were notified through a message sent agents by H. O. Putnam. state director, that Secre- Wallace had removed the one a month storage charges on seeds to farmers by the government. this ruling had been made, purchasing from the govern- would have had to pay month per bushel storage for the length of time that the grain which they were purchasing been in storage. removal of this regulation seed stuff to the flat price 3, according to M. C. acting county agent for county. This amounts to the costs: and Marquis wheat, $1.35; durum, $1.60; feed barley, barley, $1.35; oats, 75c; TAKE STATE TITLE IN WIN OVER FORKS Independents Take Game, 38 to 18; Place Two on All-State Bismarck Phantoms on March the Grand Forks Y. M. quint, 38 to 18, in the final, game state independent basketball at Minor. The Forks quint third downed by the Phan- the tourney, the first being the second Grafton. Bismarck quint was hard put the first half to establish its but finished the half lead- to 8. Toward the end of the the Phantoms gained ground to With their score more than of their opponents. Arthur, forward, and Ted Mein- giant center, .were placed on the team with Harley Robertson, , forward, Bernie Smith, Grand , guard, and Onis Hovde, Kloten, the season, the Phan- dominated the independent in the state, losing games two North Dakota aggrega- Minot Elks. and the Univer- Dakota. will wind up their season tonight in a game the colored Globe-trotters. GAMEON :FRIDAY MARCH 22 Made by A. E. The@p- Class B Team Entered for First Time for the state Class A at Bismarck were an- recently by H. O. Saxvik, manager. Selection was made March 14 E. Thompson, superinten- instruction, in the pres- Saxvik, J. C. Gould, Man- other officials. will begin Friday March 22, in the World War building. Two games will in the afternoon, two the The winners will play the following morning, losers in a consolation tour- next afternoon. The finals Saturday night. :~1~ Friday, $ p. m• • : . Forks or Grafton vs. Fargo. Friday, 4 p. m. vL Valley City. ~ak Fr|day, 7:$0 p. m• "roPe,on vL Mlnot. ~m~DevlFrlday, 8:30 p. m. ek, Dickinson or St• Mary's Is Lake. ~e,~_(~. d Forks-Grafton game will Friday night. Bismarck and ,~on play Friday also with the ~rl~n~ ~eting St. Mary's the fol- l~'~Lt~ night. Wahpeton defeated ~,_L~--~w~,_ last night to be the first to enter the Class A .~~ O~LCia~8 for the tourna- m~ljz ~ F. E. Wyttonbach, Aberdeen • ~g" Nich__ols, Minneapolis. A • Ppointment Is by We[ford New Car Models at Bismarck Auto Show, March 28, 29, 30 Adding to the proven features on previous models, Oldsmobile in 1935 adds new engineering developments which contribute to the comfort and safety of the passengers, and the perforntance and economy of the ear. Pictured above is a 1935 Oldsmobile Six Five-Pauengee Coupe. Roominess has been added to the new Oldsmobile@ for 1935 by widen- lug the seats, lengthening the wheelbase and moving the motor for- ward so as to permit the seats likewise to be moved ahead. The 1935 Old@mobiles seat six persons comfortably. Above are shown six persona in the new Oldsmobile Six, a low-priced car. The new Chrysler Airstream Eight touring sedan, a car that embodies most of the important features proved out in the Airflow line. The car has a wheelbase of 121 inches and its engine develops 105 horsepower. An all- steel body fastened to the frame at 46 points gives it great safety and sta- bility. Interior fittings and upholstery are exceptionally fine. Riding ease is attained by moving seat and engme forward. Doings of the Legislature .......... Governor Walter Welford March 11 afternoon signed the sales tax measure which, becoming effective May 1 be- cause of the emergency clause, is ex- pected to raise some $2,000,000 annual- ly. The sales tax measure was one of the most important of several mea- sures passed by the twenty-fourth legislative assembly which officially ended its session at noon March 9. Worried Over Finances The sales tax measure will dispel somewhat the worry that the gover- nor has over state finances. Unofficial computations estimate that over $6,- 500,000 has been appropriatd by the legislature for the biennium. Not all of the measures have been signed by the governor, but few are expected to be curtailed to any extent by guber- natorial veto. The appropriations by the legisla- ture were $2,000,000 under the amounts asked of the budget board. School Slttmtlon Acute The governor is most concerned over the school situation. It is esti- mated that $5,000,000 is needed for maintaining proper educational sys- tems throughout the state. The pass- age of a measure refunding a million dollars from the hail insurance fund relieved the situation somewhat. This measure, believed unconstitutional by some, was approved by the supreme court in a test action. The most bitter fight in the final days of the session was over the com- pulsory hail insurance measure. This bill failed to carry the emergency clause which would make it effeftive this year, so was recalled and killed CUT NRA 'T-A' ! SAYS HARRIHAH Right of Collective Bargaining protected m Wagner Laber Disputes Bill Washington, March 21. -- Re- moval of the controversial section 7-A from NRA was urged today by Wil- liam A. Harriman. NIRA administra- tive officer. Harriman suggested congress enact separate legislation to insure labor the right of collective bargaining, as pro- vided in section 7-A. Such legislation is provided in the Wagner labor dis- putes bill. of L J. Moe, Valley tax commissioner, was by Governor Wal- Moe was appointed Moodie, but his appoint- 30t approved by the Senate. of the office was also in the outcome of an ap- modified opinion by the held that Gover- Olson had the power to Weeks, who is now in the commissioner, from his eks had resisted the oils- F~NCES ARE HOUSING the ease taken to the su- [ The Federal Housing administration The application is now [has informed farm agents throughout ,~ court. I the agriculaural areas that fences come i under the provisions of the federal the whole town is turn-! housing act and that loans may he ob- the interest ~tained for their erection Just as in the ease of a house or similar project. Black and Silver Hangings for Tenth Annual Automobile Show A Elaborate Exhibition of Cars" Will Be Held in Bismarck, |~___ _ | March 28, 29, 30 liN the l The tenth annual auto show, which will take place March 28, 29 and 30 in | ~ "~:]" "~'~:~T ~ ~ the World War Memorial building in Bismarck, will be the most elaborate ever staged in the state of North Da- kota, A. E. Brink, general chairman of the show, Bismarck, has announced. The black velour drapes and silver fittings of the Minneapolis show will be shipped to Bismarck at the conclu- sion of the Mill City exposition. Hung on the four walls of the great hall. they will transform it into a dignified and expensive salon, creating just the proper atmosphere for the exhibition of motor cars. Style Show Every Night The customary elaborate style show, in which merchants of Bismarck will vie in presenting the latest in women's styles, will be arranged differently this year. Instead of the long platform down the center of the hall, the mod- els will appear on a raised platform at the back of a large stage at the east end of the building. The black walls which are broken at intervals by silver arches which are illuminated indirectly from below, Peter@chick Near Hankinson Joe Peterschick was killed instantly when he stepped from in front of a car directly into the path of a car in the act of passing the first automobile. --o-- Lignite In Richland county well drillers have found coal deposits at a depth of 136 feet. The coal is not minable, how- ever, because of a large water bed at that level. ---o-- Radio In Langdon with all wires down in a sleet storm, Dr. B. J. Rutton's short wave radio set was the only communi- cation with the outside world for a period of several hours. --o-- Mill At Jamestown, FERA workers are Classified Ads Buying or Selling-- They Get Results Over 55,000 circulation in 70 Nortl~ Dakota Newspapers RATES: So per word--No ad for lelm titan $l--for each Insertion. 140 Per word for two insertions. go Per word for subsequeot Is- sues. North Dakota Newspaper Association mSMARCIL N. DAft, ~L~DC~/'Ri~AL WORK ~---~--~c-~ ~ D-~--V~----=-- You build them. Write Wind Mot~ Electric, Ridgway, Mont• ~---20-~ M?TOR AND GENERATOR rewind. ng, repazrzng; gun and looksmltk. Otto Dlrlam. Bismarck N.D. DgZt¢ t PnOr~SSmmt r. SZRVZVn ~V~y, HERE'S--'-H~LP--Ad. entirely by its proponents. During the final hours of the session several ap- propriation bills were held up, includ- ing one for $404.095.83 for the Agri- cultural college at Fargo, because of the trouble over the hail bill. The other measures were finally passed, however, before the session closed. Interesting Me,urea The legislature passed a bill doub- ling the beer tax and allocating the funds to the bond interest funds. The measure providing for a tax survey commissmn to make a complete studY of the state's taxing system was passed. The commission will report to the 1937 legislature. Other important bills passed during the session include: Municipal liquor store bill. State planning board bill Bill cutting legal interest from 8 to 7 per cent. Bill outlawing chattel mortgages over three years old. Highway patrol bill. Public welfare board bill. Repeal of presidential primary. Amendment to state income tax lift- ing rate on lower brackets. Bill providing for payment and can- cellation of delinquent personal prop- erty taxes. Legal moratorium law. Transfer from hail department to equalization fund. Lowering of cigaret license and bonds. State weighing and grading bill. Half mill levy for bond interest and sinking fund. Prohibiting of dancing in places where liquor or beer is so!d. RELIEFBILL FACESDELAYI Huey Long ~ns Filflmsterl to Delay Action on Adminis- [ tration Pet ! Washington, March 21. ~ A n Y effort to stop Huey Long's threatened filibuster of the $4,880,000,000 work-re- lief bill appeared today to be doomed to defeat. A two-third's vote is required to limit debate, by the cloture rule and it was unlikely that such a proposal would receive even a bare majority. The threat of cloture was voiced bY Senator Carter Glass, D., Va., who has become increasingly exasperated at slow progress of the bill. Three days of desultory debate were climaxed by Long's open threat of a filibuster. Long's tactics, sometimes bY intimidation and sometimes by rambling speeches, have helped the measure. will form as effective a background for the style show as for the motor cars. The decorations will be made more effective by the eight-foot silk Japanese lanterns which will hang from the ceiling and the strings of smaller lanterns hung from the bases of the balconies. Newest in Cars The newest in motor cars will be seen at the show. Dealers handling 17 different makes have been allotted space on the big floor. So much space is needed for the proper showing of cars, that merchandise booths will be restricted to less than a dozen booths this year. Special entertainment besides that offered by the style show is planned by the entertainment committee. A trio from Minnapolis has been secured. Orchestra music will be heard on reg- ular schedules throughout the three- day showing. Latest Designs The motor cars offer the latest in streamline design this year as well as unusual advancements in mechanical features. Makes of cars represented by firms having space in the automobile show listed alphabetically are Buick, Cadil- lac. Chevrolet, Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge, Ford, Hudson, LaFayette. La- Salle, Lincoln, Nash, Oldsmoble, Plym- outh, Pontiac, Studebaker and Terra- plane. With Mr. Brink as general chairman, the rest of the duties are divided be- tween five sub-committees. They are: Finance--M. B. Gilman and N. O. Churchill; decoration, S. E. Corwin, George Maroney, A. C. Wilde: adver- tising~Forest Davis, John Fleck, C. R. Robertson, W. S. Ayers; entertainment and style sh0w--F. A. Copelin, C. R. Robert@on and B. O. Refvem; house and floor committee--J. A, Fleck. N.T. Livdahl. MORRELL PLANT STRIKE SETTLED Workers A e e • p t Settlemen t Terms Will Resume Work Tomorrow Morning Sioux Falls. S• Dak., March 21. The strike at the John Morrell packing plant ended when workers voted to accept settlement on terms offered by their employers. Seven hundred will resume work tomorrow as a result of the agreement that thirty strike lead- ers will lose their jobs. but have the right to carry an appeal to the nation- al relations board. " $300,000 Left U. S. by Justice Holmes Washington, March 21.--To t h e nation he served so devotedly in war and peace, Oliver Wendell Holmes be- queathed more than $300,000, returning to it a large share of the salary he re- ceived for his 29 years on the supreme court bench. Holmes' estate was estimated at $568,000. To his nearest reiatlve. Nephew Edward J. Holmes of Boston. he left $I00,000. Bequests to cousins to dismantle the old mill, which stands mlral Arnold's 1935, 4S page Hero- near the highway near the bridge at s..c°sPoe_f°r entire family. It answers your I, u.=~ ana ~'ltal questions t the foot of the hill. who ....... ; ells YOU • ,, ,~v marry; glees Planetary hour@ ~O-- favorable for health, business l No Wind ure, love, TeNs your frte-a-, ~L'-p ~osa. plAn?:K~ntzieer:°UntoYt ~eaor0~u;~ c°md! ; - : " "n North Dakota. His wind-operated vldual stht]Slty'Pe published. Every ~ndl- gyp i g plant wi!l not keep his ence Onl c%V rnoldally refer- tame oauery cnargea. Erie St.. Chicago Ill " d, 154 ]~. --o--- Accident In Hillsboro was buried Clarence D. Kelly, Trail1 county abstracter and for- mer register of deeds, who received a fatal fracture of the skull when he stepped from an automobile be~ure it had fully stopped. Needle Near Sanish Earl Satherwaite, 16, pinned the bib of his overalls with a large darning needle, forgot about it until he felt s pain when he leaped from the ground onto a horse. X-rays failed to locate the needle which is still embedded somewhere in his chest. ---o-- Prize In Casselton, Marion Smith, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Paul Smith, won first prize in a national campfire girls' newspaper clipping contest. Miss Smith's clippings came out of the Cas- selton Reporter and won out over scrap-books made up of items from large metropolitan dailies. --O-- G.N.D.A. In Fargo, M. O. Ryan, secretary of the G.N.D.A., announces another for- ward step toward the ultimate goal. The step is an assistant with lots of lung power and pep. His name is Ger- ald Robert and he was born this week to Mrs. Ryan at a Fargo hospital. --o-- News In Bismarck George Mort@, former secretary ot Governor Welford, receiv- ed a letter from Paul Boehm, Walhalla, who is on a trip to the Orient. Mr. Boehm writes that the news of Gov- ernor Welford's becoming governor was printed in the ship's newspaper one morning just as they were about to arrive at Japan. --o-- Dam In St. Mary's Township, Ward coun- ty, neighbors of the Lynes family are excited over the prospect that the na- tion's largest game conservation proj- ect may take place at their back doors, so to speak, Bids on the project were called for by'government. The project includes a dam 4,000 feet long to equal- ize the flood waters on the Upper Souris. The lake created, would be about 26 miles long. ---o-- Bram Near Glenburn Art Bridges neticed that no tracks led from the home of John Bram. bachelor neighbor, inves- tigated. He found the house wide open and empty. At the barn the stock rushed out and scrambled for the water-tank, evidently not having been cared for for several days. In the garage, Bridges found Bram frozen stiff in a kneeling position in front of his model T Ford. A bruise on the side of his head led investiga- tors to the conclusion that the car might have backfired and stunned him so that he either froze to death or was killed by the blow itself. --o-- Explained and servants, ranging from $25,000 to $1,000, accounted for about $124,000 An observant rancher near Killdeer, I Nels Mad@on, discloses to the world more. the reason why "mamma" beavers have little hair on their backs. Spy- New N. D. Income ing on a beaver colony the other day, nigh t'-~es" in Mr. Madson saw them cut a supply of Tax willows some distance from t~e History of State[water's edge When quite a number of the shoots had been cut, Mamma Beaver rolled over on her back beside the pile while the youngsters loaded the willows, one at a time. on her breast between her legs. When the load was judged sufficient, Papa Bea- ver took his position at Mama's head. She grabbed his tail between her teeth and was dragged, willows and all to the water's edge. TUIgKI~YN TURKEYS--LIsten, look for our an. nouncements. Your Interests and our Interests are alike; old frlend~ and *new friends plan to support our program. Mandan Creamery & Pro- duce Co., Mandan, Bismarck, Mlnot, Jamestown. Dickinson. Wllliston, anO Hett/nger. pltf North Dakotans m 1938 will be paying the highest income tax in the history of the state, provisions of the amended tax law passed by the last legislature reveal. A new scale of rates under which practically no one is exempt was fixed to the measure by amend- ment during the final days of the season. The law goes into effect in July but will not influence in- comes tax collections until 1936. The new scale follows: All net incomes not in excess of $1,000, one per cent. Incomes from $I.001 to $2,000, two per cent. Incomes from $2,001 to $3,000, three per cent. Incomes from $3,001 to $4,000, five per cent. Incomes from $4,001 to $5,000, six per cent. Incomes from $5,001 to $7,000, seven and one-half per cent. Incomes from $%001 to $9,000, ten per cent. Incomes from $9,001 to $15,000, twelve and one-half per cent. All net incomes in excem of ~5~Doo, fifteen ~ cent. I NIKOLINA and a dozen SKAL, SKAL, SKAL Other JOAN PA SNIPPEN Favorites HALSA D]~I DARHEM~[A (with words) Simon and Dahlqulst's 8eand"""""~mvian 8ong and Dmu~ Album arl~¢ed for by Carl J. Johnson. eend $1.00 Add~e~ SIMON S DAHL.QUIST I I I NEW INVENTION MAKEs TRACTOR UTILIZE Distillate and tractor fuel almost as well as gasoline. Manifold gets much hotter, which vaporizes fuel better. Responds to throttle after idl- ing. Two minutes to install. $2.00 poet- paid. State size, model, age of tractor. Tobtu Manufacturing Company, Lang- ford, South Dakota. E I O H T QUESTIONS ANSWERED F~EE With each order for astrolo- gulC~l ~ding glving'.Your horoscope, yn, ~ove, marriage etc. Send 25o stamp, and birthdate Elizabeth Blair, Box 347. Minneapolis, Minn. . "Jx~o----~lenelsoy~ S oo~ote Ch2..~ . on recezpt or price, node uompany, Dept A. ga~ld. stone, Minn. :1~1--,41T CAT.NAN ~UNERAL HOME, Phone ~|. Bismarck, N. Dak. l~tf~ TRY RU-A/D for Rheumatism. Arth~- rltls neuralgia. Trial free. GRIFFITI~ DRUG, Townsend, Mont. 26-$A BA]q~EI~S lPOO'P REMI~Dy for r~ersntr. zng" tender feet ~Se 13ostp~tld. l~'ee Booklet. Burkett AReney, ]~ar~o, NL Dak. D-tf-10w HE/~ A~'~ for your ante frost .shield, radiator repairing,, door and wind- ~feld_~/ass. Let us chsck Your ecol- . Y m ror ant~-rree~ve solutfone. ~ck's Radiator Shop. Bismarck. N. D. xP~tf OLD ~OLD WdN~PI~I~ CAST-T ~OR OT,D GOT~D Tseth. erowas. brld~e~. ~ewelr~.. by rat~xrn mall. Y :he b o.n.e , refine ,n. a~ ROi~ Ratlsrs.ot Inn Ru~n~m@~ or ~Jllnment returned. ~rmm iBfor~l~li. tion. Licensed by TT~It~d S'tate~ (]t~.. .~rnment. .Dr. ~e~sh~rz. ~Id ~q~y,. tn~ Co., 1505. l~n~e~ln. MfnneaDoHs. ...MI,n. e~-47tf FARM LANDS OREGON AND RARNES COUNTT FARM BARGAINS--Consult Dakota Farm Service 815 7th Ave., Valley City. NO]P~OO|,M ANT/ ~O|.]bR~I~I CAPITAL C~)M"MEB("TAT, College. Bt/- ,_ma_,~ an u,-to-ds*e of flus tratu- ~;T..~cnooL our PUpils get the Imsl* ....... -- Pltf WANTED TO RUT S~RAP METAL BUYERS--Make more money this season, write to us for ~'uaranteed prices. Dakota-Montana Hide & Metal Companv Beach N Dak or Sidney, Mont. " ..... VeANTED---Cash market for 87 Iteme. Bids given on large lots of shoed ~e~t~ and~unk. Clean horse tall hair ~ ;n. ~man scrap slur~ltn~lm 70 lb. RhlD to Dakota-Montana ~lde a~d Metal Co,, l~es, eh N. Dak, or Sidnay, Mont. 8ave this lid for the ad,~.--~. SEED CORN fEED f~ORN ~ Germination 90% Or more, $3.50 hu. and us. Write for Information a n d samples eover|t~ Sweet (~lover. Alfalfa. Millets. and other seeds. All seed subject to 80- day testt.g" ~rivtlez. W ~ Orln~m Alfalfa Assoeiatlon. Farg~ ~ D |~ co-operst In~ growers. 20.21.$$'|$.g4 1923 R~D ~DN__~relT~ oo~tntv growrt. Rainbow F 1 i n r. l~alconer, $5,25 bushel. G~mtnatio~. 97 n~r es~t- Whtt~ T~|OSSOm (~lOVOr ~eed. Dllrlfy 99~ $10.~ bund~od. Fred Muscha Seed l~arm. Har- vey. N. D. GARDEN SEEDS SPECTAL OFFER--Complete garden f0r $].00 postpaid. Fresh ~toek. Consist. lug of fourteen 5e packets different kinds vegetables, one 10c packet e~h beans, earn. peas. c~lendulas, marigold. sweet peas. zinnias. Oscar H. /~Jorlla Co., Fargo, N. D. ALFALFA SEED ALFALI~A SEED Men tans grown 17~e up. Samnles on Reoues~. LAKIN SEED COMPANY. Miles City Montana. OUT ~EBORING--Hallng Four-Piece Piston Rin~s. Rochester, Minn. WOLF AND COYOT]9~'~extermtnato~ capsules got nlne coyotes one n181~t, and broul~ht $121.5~. Free Perm~ladl and ~nstructtons. George EdwardL Llv|ngstork Montana D o 4t"/ U~I~D PARTN USED TRACTORS, Plows, Drll|s, Qt~ _wanted and for sale.~ Machlnary t;xearing ~ouee. FarKo, N. D. ! i MARRIED WOMEN Don't worry about periodic delay, be wise and keep your beauty; use our relief tablets. Harmless and effeC- tive in most unusual cases. Relief obtalned, when all others fail, from $ to 5 days. Order rushed out, $$ boX, Write er phone. BORNLUCKE No -merck, N.