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March 20, 1941 Golden Valley News | ![]() |
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March 20, 1941 |
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Cinnamon Bread, per loaf ..... .. lOc
White Raisin Bread, per loaf ..... !Oc
Honey Nut Cracked Wheat read,
perloaf- ... ::,.: .......... 10c
!¢!- ary Cl
i, [] m Gendro
• | I LVI E3II II fflSIiLIl L[}[
" Ball-Bearing Steering, are as all-steel cabs. And under the ~ STARTING AT 1 P: M. i 0
~:~ . . " . __..~. easy to steer as your car. And hood, driVers have the strongest-•
... ~ ll GMC s exclus,ve new Cradle-Codpulhng engines m the industry, • Goods Offered for sale must~be brought m and Vl:
'~ ..... Seats are as comfortablel There's size: for size' T-~- a CMC toda- • ...... - ......
m I ll • . . • -, -. • me clerK onfflonoay, Tuesoay, and up to iv a. m. t
: , L p ~ ~ II IimepaF, gntsthrough our own YMACPIoncltlowestavcilablerotes I day, (March 24-25-26) . . " '
SATURDAY ONL3 .... • ....
:: : . GOLDEN VALLEY HARVESTER CO. [ There will be a charge of two percent of the sale
|} >, • ' ___ '_ ..... " , :: ..... [ pay the expense of the sale.iB1;iiig"in y r, stuff [ Pl
Ii IIIICV l [AMRI C.C. Clark, Mgr. Beach, N.D. • : , ,
[ * .... . " " " ' " • " BU~IIN £#
, • ,,n.oas.e....- Low -'feED I l G ....... m Trollo e -- Howard A ""
II , . , II" m AIUL/WE | p , ucuoneers
el ', ..' : EI VlSO ' l Ufi " "- s " . 4
.I[ii r~. *]1 I This week a ladies' dressing room , _[ A_"p[
I[ WE SERVE A SPECIAL DINNER EVERY SUNDAY l/lVlOe [has been inrtalled in the ladies' de- -The Beach Rifle club motored to , Otto N. Unger of t~[
II ~ ...... ' ~.~ 1.1 . ~. o.a ~. r~;.~ ......... ...... I partment at Dickinson's store, which Olendive last Sunday where they shot [ Golva is now driving #i~
II ': i' Ik '" ~F |" ~ ~' i." visi'tors":t th;°'~l:l"I~:nlck"~home';n TM an addition that has long been against the Glendive team and werelspecial coupe which :~
: 41 I[~ ~ LJ I L~ /I[ ]P" ~ ~; . _.. [needed and is a fine improvement, defeated by 30 points. If rein the Sehulz Oarage[
':- ' "' 1~ ~Tlaay -- / ' "
II BEACH'S LEADING CAFE "/ Harold Honar left with a caiioad [ [= "
i. II " of horses the first of the week, forlIX- '~1~ .........
, a I points in Minnesota where he intends [ ]) [~ [ | ell~~
I~l to have them for sale for spring's ~ ~ i ~,=, ==/ . ~Sl, a,=,,~ A
?~I , " ,herds of cattle in': our co~ work.... I! m. II ~ • l- ~ /Ill CaS....-A$
lroRers land are still busy. Dr. L. C. Clark. veterinarian was I ~ r U _'ml • r / l i;ai¢__[0:
,, __ .............. l There were a number of abse out in our township testing l~'l V • I • ({[[ OtraR
Mr. abet Mrs. a, ~:. ~vzew.a~ an~ ] from t~he Trotters gehf~l ln~t ~l~ this week. Albert Allen accompamea } ~t~ }l | :
• n 1 ~ ............................
Donald spent the weeke d as [cot~, Th~ ~aoho~ ~t== WaUr~. hzm to assist in the testing. ~ I/ ((
.,.k at otte Tas- hard, abler . ' ROSS
' er of things in Beach thatlie on accYoun" of° a tend ..her ......... !)) CANDIES AND NOVELTIES on DISPLAY I) I GLE ,, ....... f¢
J,w~, 'r~k~r hn~ h~n visitin~ his} The Pearl township board met at - O Eve tie, P~tor }) ......... # | ~-~ II~
s~s,:.l~rs.~I~o~us" Mueiier and Mrs. tthe W. A. Campbell home Tuesday. Beachd h " - ]__ BASKETS, RABBITS Wrapped for mailing [Now ......
Alvin ]bel~nd Mr and Mrs. J. F. Crook and son ou ?ay se oot zo a.m. I~~ I | onuwlllg
K~le'S.~rry is going into the'Freddie were Beach visitors Monda". ounaay servmes 11.a.m. . . ._It( ...... ~.~ . ~.~ . ' | THURS.-FRI.-SAT.J.
chicken b;siness early this spring. This was their first trip to toWn,p %ngen serwces weonesoays a~ "~:~u t)) Large ~emcnon o: ~aster ~;aras { ! "THE P ma mELP
si ce before Christmas i
~he already has nine baby chicks. { . " ISentlnel Butte: [~ # I -t~
8idvold Skaar and Teddy Folkvordt P, V: Moore. nas been spending his[ Sunday school 1"30 n m I~] ............... ~ [With Cary Grant, I~::
were,Beach visitors on Monday. Sigjspare ume picging cedar berries. I Sunday services 2"30" p m t~ l' I '1' V il P l/|' ~ '1' d | I~ , [burn, Jamer Stewart '
lutd the cast removed from his arm 1 We are very happy to report that l Lenten services ~ursday" at 7:30[]) ~'~ • I It ILl IR U ~ k_] .L ~J 1R I'~ { |Hussey. Don't lose fat~,;
and he says he feel spretty good now ; Mrs. Carrie Sperry is able to be up ! p m I ~ ~ |nature . . . See the r,
but Is still rather stiff in the elbow and around again alter au illness of[ "Luther League after services this ~J I |Story.
where the break was. [several weeks [Thursday ;' ~ ~ -- | -~|
~,, ~t~rtn~t*n h his assistant i _ . " " I .... " ....... " | "-
............... wit ,! .... /SUN. MeN. TU=~
and wheat $100 per cwt. Custom _- Illllff.Ml i/ / Tl XT ] 4qV qTITD l EtO I ['starring mdy
ground corn and cob 15c per cwt. E. J ]' • • • t I ILI IE / lkO I Oll:Jl I'UIE Flk OlTIUU E ll I~art and Ian Huntel~
_..,_ 51 If your tractor has been idle during the cold weather it t W, DNES jf
itlso some er ey milk cows I also ~ " "" " r' in he t , i:
J I/2 $1 needs careful attentmn before you put }t to we k t , ~: LOVE CAI~ r'
have a few farms and ranches to "F ; - •
lease. H. Mllllendore, Glendive, Mont. , ":.- - .:: _ Ill Spring. These ten easy' steps based on recommendations of .With Olivia deHavill$
"'LOST, STRAYEr OR SVOL -N-- I a University of Illinois tractor expert will save trouble and Yonr ou ncdo d dy
One registered dark red shorthorn MARCH CLEARANCE I -- . __L-- " " ' ,- ....
bull, past two years old,, brand-MARCH CLEARANCE ._--.--. expense: , ...............
ed GIG on right hip. Finder notl- ~ ~,oJ r~_ J___ J _1_ c~_J ,~2~'~ " ' -- J
fy Halvor Dahl, Wibaux, Mont. l~t~ souge -uoor euan --- -i ..... make sur- '" re - ~
Reasonable reward. 25-2tp ... . __ ..... ~ ....... ,, I. Remove ~the Plugs from the rates freely. " "'--" "
.. . l~qulp sp~ wl~n nearer, gooG ~lres. r'rlcea Eo Sell. exhaust and crankcase breather "ANDY
'IK)ST N. BEACH---Izast Saturday. 6. Replace spark plugs and the
~llso so~ ,lso
l~ave a to
le~. ~ nt.
"' osT
One :rn
bull, :d=
ed Of )tl- ~;~
:~S fy lq )nt.
geese 2tp
~':'u~r ,y: --O-- Only $229,00 pip,, SECmE
My black billfold. Plenty of identifl- valve cover.
~u¥¢~'o~-- 4-door Sedan , , 2. Loosen the drain, plugs in the .
~,~~ttion in it. Reward. B. J. McDanold 1936 ~,, ~c~i
bottom of the transmission 7. Crank engine and allow it to
"PeR S~alr cooled gas engine, to move this car. :,~ housing enodgh to allow any run at 1-4 speed for three..~ UPTI---
i 3-( horse power and :q~ watt gen- This cai ,, is been reconditioned. Has good tiresl water that as accumulated infive minutes.
~! ~ttor for .A C. built in one unit; heater. Priced , , the housing to drain out ....
~luine caw be used seperal4fly. $~00 . .... ~o',~ft:e~ 3. Fill radiator and fuel tanks. 8, Drain the oil from. ~n.*
~. w~. ~?~,r: B~.. ~-,t . : .': : . ". 0nly ~O~*VU:, CURRENT--
crankcase, flush the crar~cas~-
'" "~-', -';", [ ~{.! i . Check the valves and in the wi~h flushing oil, and refill with NOW':III[IO~ll~I~
.: ~ sALE-- ~m ~_937 Ford: V-8 4-D0o~ Sedan i:~ ii ~ " case o an overheadvalve motor ~.ID.S~ated I~.voline Motor oil. Flg~&Y ~l~J
~:- ~ sell for cash or tra~le :for liVe-
remowe valve cover, thorou~fly 9 Lubricate aU the working
~.: LlOyd WeinreIs. Golva. 25-~p :~!~"~ equipped with radio and heater, lutiricate Vglve'6tems~':amd.roc~er . • . '" "' ": " "t"
am,.and aa, .h par of the tractor cha m n
day Oats. .... *One'dwner .car, clean inside and outside. :g ----" -" ....... .......... n
by lmnd'~tll it work~ freely aMrf~k lumncant r~':~ ~ Wlt~" '~NO~:1
........ . .......... . and. refill n
crank tim ~ hv ha~d a :do '''" "" "~=~ "~"'-'~ " ~P~:~I i~
~~~. 1938 hevro|e~ @~J~Sedan ~ ......... .,, ,,.,,~....,~.~.:: ~ :: : ~,~,,..~
..... ~,~-: :-~,. ~--:. ~-* ~.,.~..,~ a,.,~.~.n,~ - . .>
: "': !| It Pays- u ..: ,:,.,
Ill |' '~" W'~" Ba.',
: , - _ . : temperatures.' Insulated I v, dine M/ot0r Oil meet these .
:J ~ S~ '~ i L ' --o-- Only $329;00 requirements because byan exclusive Texaco pr0c°ess it is ll
Potato AM . SLY0 per bu. insulated against heat.., against c01d. It will not break ;
w te or John 1937 Chevrolet Coupe Pickup
Beach, N.D. 24-3tp down and form harmful varnish which may cause piston I [TUESDAY and Tl~
Can be converted into coupe. Has been reconditioned. III sticking, as do ordinary oils. It's distll/ed. Hamful carbon- Ii |REQUEST NIGHTS
Repainted. Good tires. IJ
oats. See Maurice Hogoboom, Alpha. forming elements are removed, insuring a cleaner engine
2-bottom''"" O-- Ill " "TOPPERAdm'si°n I"'
Onl $485,00 and therefore maximum power from the fuel you use. You
~ac~r ~:o~, .-inc~. Oood co~dl- Several other cars and pickups which have |li need Texaco Thuban :ubricant for transmission and Mar- i: )wi~h Constance ~en~~
tion. Jens ,~ronning, Al,ha.~24-2~ been reconditioned R"hill STICKfark lubricant fOrTo ITS Jo~.ChassiS'Rainswon't~arfakJS specially made to i' |and Young. More tr~wash it off and it makes II ~per .... more fun for Y~,
Cleaned and 94 percent germina- OU parts last longer. Start off right in the Spring --save 1 COMING NEXT
tion. Frank Kreitinger, Golva, N. IF Y R CAR OR WANDERS eVE ~|i Ii ! ----I
D k. 22-6tp THE ROAD, BRING IT iNTO OUR GARAGE AND trouble and expense with Texaco products.
FOR RENT--3-Room apartment. WE CAN MAKE IT RUN LIKE NEW BY THE I , - FlU.-
Ralph Stacker, Beach.18-tf MANBEE WAY TEXAS COMI , ,GmL FROM
• with Dennis O~
field,, ode. empty bottle gas. tanz. STUB NOYES, CONSIGNEE •1 ,,~ : ~6
-" ArWone finding sa~e:,pl~s~ ..W~te ~ with Tln~
to Fred Ja0ohs, Vida, Mont.. for re- ~, -
ward and particulars. 24-2tc
1 la]