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~1 Wos
rhe Golden Valley News
W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle
Editors and Publishers
a weekly published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. Entered as
ascend clskss matter at the Postoffice at Beach. North Dakota, October 7. 1933,
under the act of March 3, 1897.
Advertising rates furnished upon request
Subscription price $2.00 in No. DaR., M2m~., Mont., and So. Dak.. Elsewhere $2.50
Dr. Riesland, eye sight specialist,
my be consulted for finest optical
s~rvice and latest in glasses at Golden
Valley Hotel, Beach, March 31 to Ap-
ril 5. ~A-tf
Bill Klppley was a Dickinson visit-
or last Saturday, going down to tran-
sact business.
Madge Hartse who attends
school in Dickinson spent the week-
end in Beach, returning to her school
work Sunday evening.
el%'ood at her home Friday evenmg.
Dainty refreshments were served at
the close of the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hazelton and
cl~ldren anti Mr. and Mrs. L. A,
Westmoreland were Sunday dinner
guests at tl~e Earl Baker home.
Mrs Lydia Mueller returned Wed-
nesday trim a visit with her daughter
Mrs. Palmer Hoovestahl and family
at Sanders, Montana. She visited
her daughter, Mrs. Joe Barnaby and
family in town before going to her
home in the country.
Miss Eleanor Braun returned from Peggy Schell was a passenger from
Baker last weekend and has received ]~each Friday afternoon and spent the
employmyent here at the Cozy Care, weekend with her aunt, Mrs. A1 Meek
Mrs. Felix Wicks left last Tllurs- and other friends.
day for Bismarck by bus. ] Mrs. O. M. Helvik was hostess to
Cecil Omley of the north country lthe Golden Rule club at her home on
was a Beach shopper and visitor last Thursday afternoon. Several members
Saturday night, from Hedges and Glendive were pres-
Balough and some friends at Town-
send. Mont., and Livingston.
Dick Blyton. son of Oscar Blyton,
has been critically ill the p~st week
at the N. P. hospital in Glendive.
He ~s reported Lo be on the mend
this week which is good news to his
his friends
Sig and Stainer Pederson were
business vistors in Sidney Friday.
Mrs. Rueben Anmnrud took her
little daughter Aria Mae, to the
Glendive hospital Wednesday suffer-
ing with a gathering in her head.
They returned Thursday afternoon.
Several from to~m attended the
Evangelistic meeting held in the M.
E. church in Glendive last week.
Mrs. Will Welsh went to Glendive
Friday and spent the week end with
her daughter, Jeanette, who teaches
~there. She returned Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Welsh and daughter spent'
the previous week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Robinson at Ismay and
also visited in Miles City on Satur-
Carl Ohnstad of Hendrum, Minn,l
recently visited his brother Martini
and wife. While here Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Ohnstad accompanied him to
Baker where he has some land.
Billy Swaxtz arrived home Sunday
morning for a short vacation from
to the WCTU at their re~:ular meeting
Tuesday afternoon. She served dainty
refreshments after the program and
business meeting.
E. B, Stair made a business trip to
Cut Bank. leaving Friday mo:ning
and returnmg Sunday alternoon, tte
was accompanied as far as Moccasin
by Harry Brost, and from Forsyth by
Dr. Cotton. The latter has taken up
his residence at the Milton Hotel with
his olfice in the Drake building.
Mrs. Cotton remained m Forsyth for
the present.
MI~. Francis Payne was a visitor in
Dickinson Thursday.
Ms. Barreither entertained at a
shower for Mrs. Philip Van Cleave on
Thursday afternoon. A lovely lunch
was served and the guest of honor
received many pretty gifts.
Mrs. Lawrence Hartse entertained
:at bridge Saturday night. Prizes were
won by Mrs. Willis Fischer and Mrs.
Lester Zopfi.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Bixby were in
Miles City VeednesCay where the lat-
ter went through the clinic.
Mrs. Virgil Cowee was hOstess to
the Thursday night bridge club. High
score went to Mrs. W. E. Manning
Dainty refreshment~ were served.
W E. (Bud) Manning, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Manning has recently
been appointed teacher of history and
English m the Glendive high school.
He is a graduate of the State Univ-
ersity at Missoula and is to be con-!i
. --7--'~llers
ratulated on receiving~,~_y
I sition. Mrs.
~,~ere Ben
. aldal 1{
~here h~
Fresh, the
F ]1/ ~past t~
ormalae ky r
And Cer '= ;',
~ch ox
',.. are
born o
wtll at
The Henry Tornow family have ent besides invited guests from around I
moved this week to the Knutsen house itown. A lovely lunch and social time
north of the Catholic church. The was enjoyed by all. Bozeman where he attends college.
home they have just vacated after it Mrs. Russell is here from Portland, lie is the son of Sheriff and Mrs.
is completely redecorated will be oc- Oregon, visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Swartz and was recently elected pres-
eupied by the A. M. Doerner family. ]Cassidy and other relatives. She has ident of a new "math club" organized
been visiting her son who is a doctor at the college.
wmau'"-x Bil.ngs Mrs E ,. Wat ns Naomi ren
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall and son and Juanita were Glendive visitors
were Glendive visitors Satduray. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Westmoreland Mr. and Mrs. John Mingel and son Mrs. Emma Jones was the inspira-
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.. returned Thursday evenin~ from tion for a lovely birthday party glven
H--C. _H~rlan Tuesday. _ . I I~Yal, Wisc., where they visi~:l, rela- by sevreal friends at her home Sun-
wm D1cz ano oeorge klarmen a~
• " ~" it ires and friends. They also visited day afternoon. Refreshments were ~. .... .....
~ended a Masonic lodge meeting at, ot ~-"~ ne-,~ ~In~ and James- served and Mrs. Jones received some ~ A ~ wrr~
~enmve "rnursaay eve rag. It own N D . "--'-" -e dinne~
very pretty gifts along with the be~t
Mrs Jack Eldridge and son from ' " "
• I Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welsh and wishes of her friends for many more ~ ~ ~ ~escher
~ ~ ~r oen s
Cedars were county seat visttorsisi . .-.o o..* -l~t--l** ...... vl*it~d__..._ .-~rr ...... ..rl Mrs C. happy anniversaries. [ ~ a~t"me o"f
on Wednesday Mrs Eldrldge v ted I t Frida Mrs. Simon Hazelton was hostess I , ~ |-
..... • .." ....... E. Winkleman near S. Philip y
ner s~s~er, Mrs. ~tnel Doutmt. -Item- n tot he C. F, Ladies Aid at the Club-I . ~1~ II
f ~t • U#J •
Mr and Mrs Otto Wojahn o [}aLe Coc
----2 ..... " .... : ~ I Mrs; R. S, Eisebart was hostessto house Thursday afternoon. After the l ~ 'lhurs-
J~eacn era,tea the miters paren.s, J the ~w ,rid ~ club at her home business meeting, a program planned[ "~ ~. a~
~= • .11"S J,
Mr and Mrs W Buhlman on Wed ............... t
.... [Wedne~tiay afternoon, Refreshmen ~ by Mrs. Welliver, was enjoyed by all[ • ~ ~._ "
nesday._ ......... [and games were in keeping with St. and the hostess served a very dainty] ~z we~
M, etty Bryce el the lOCal isle- [Patrtnk'.~ l~av end . nlea~nt after- and delicious lunch. A feature of the I ~icia L~
phone office visited friends in Glen-. ~n~oon ......... wan spent:-f-oy an-"'- ........... afternoon was a kitchen shower for[ .......... "~d~"eek e
dive the latter part of the week - -*- -.-~ ~-- ~^-- • .... the renovated kitchenat the club- [ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ The HIGH TEST ratmgfiL'[-
eJnas.-- HoI~steu~ n'om" sou u." o~'" t~wn, " ' erWhllv'slt" .................. " - ' -- " .... • house. Several pretty articles were l ~ ~ an raze the enthusiasm of a boyNumber) of Phillips 66 p o.~
• W e i mg ~r. Lynn s morner In . " . -
a county seat visl~r Friday. _ [the Beach hospital one day last weez, given along with a silver offering toI ~_=j.====_=_,~ w,th a new sled. ~lY~e:t0~re,lhi:ho¢/l~Ohaa~rlo~e
.... • . _ _ )their little daughter Lois broke her
man spen~ ~aturaay in ~eacn. ---- "-'~'~ -'--"-- vt -'-s n~essar,,
maffar Massey anu ~. A. Krennels~tv^ ~u,,.c*^"^ .c.~'~- ~,'^ v,,=*~'- v,'~-'en~''-,..~ hos-italv
were business visitors in Billings Fri,- . ........
da" returnin- Saturda* lot care. ~om Mrs. ~ynn ~r. anu
. _ ~ .... =/" ......... I Lols are home now and reported ~o
121e lames el uxe amerlcan ,.eglu:~ _ ,. .
..... N - " z ne on tne mena.
Auxiliary met wttn Mrs ~ l~a
___:._. "_" :} Robert Dick accompanied Russell hments and Mrs. Fischer receiv-! I !"~i'~-~1'~[ ki~l~l~~ " "~v
"~-~F~IrNI]I O~ STATE [WeLsh on a business trip to Billings ed a nice gift. l i¢::~: ~~ ~-^ t..a- _,..g;..~ ...... tats Remember you pay notb.~__f_
--- I ~.~?~:: ~~-.:%1~ ~v ~,~.~ ~1~ ~-~ ~,~-*~-~,~ ~ - _ .......
AN][} ~DHOOL LANDS jThursday, returning Friday night. Tne members of the Trinity Luth-| t~!i ~~X menr ~f undisputed hi~h-test lot extra high test Fh.nps.?]~ll
All unlsased State School Lands I Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pederson of eran church gave a farewell party~ i~j ~~ l'~¢~Id~ we~ive~outhiss~iendfic any Orangeand Black6d ~!m!
for v ~!" ' ,~" r, ~ : • • •
In Golden Valley County, N. D. wlll I Glendive visited relatives here Sun- Re • and Mrs. Tollefson after the [ ~ ~~~/ Drool f~om o~ latest available full- because Phdhps ss the .-~
b~ offered for rent at a puolte da services at the church Sunday eve- I .'~ ~~J v"~ar study of gasolines (June I, 1959 LARGEST PRODUCER of ~ ~r~
l~l~lng sale to be held In the Court I Y" ~ '.~;.~'-':'" - .... '
~u~e at B~ach In Bald county, onI Miss Delphine Oermann and her nlng. A delicious supper was servedI ,-- ~ to May 51, 1940): t~tga$ollne~ :~
the 26th day o[ ~ar~, 1941 com-
mencing at I0 A. M. o'clock. Alol !brother recently pur~:t:rd C°a V-8 and a silver offering was presented to ] ~ -
unleased lands will Im lea~e4 t ,from the Hazelwooa . the honored guests with much regret I [] . - "7
the highest bidder for a term of I ...... .~ ~l~ Carl Woiahn from expressed at their leaving but all wish[ ~1 I~l~~~l~|~~J .~.~.P~_il~]gP#J~l~
lhree to five years, The first year's ,,~. ,,.~ ,,,. .......... .--
rent plus the legal leasing Is outh of town were overnight guests them happiness in their new home. [ k "'" -" - -" - ~" - - I -- "
fee_ mu~t bee paid, e In t~ull on the]at the George Peterman home Wed- rcev. and Mrs. Everett from Beach1
O£ the -a . -
I list of guchlands to be of- nesday. They left on the train the were among invited guests. I .....
'ere4uWlnofh~alda~ouflnl~ fwtthu~l~~ )next morning for Green Bay, Wise., Mrs. George Hansen received theI ) ~ ~, ~"~~"~kT ~&'~ if ~'~r~.,
T~ap~ not le~ thatytwo ~eeks I where they plan to spend some time sad news Friday that her youngestI /..% | | I I NM • II • , •
of the .leasing male. Iwith their daughter and family, brother had passed away at Drayton, ) ~ ~==~'~~W~V-zk- "~ V"m ~ V V" ""
The Boars of Untvs~ttt' tm .y~d I ~r~ o,~a s#w Francis Pavne and son N. D. On account of blocked roads r~ , #'~-!=,-- "
Hehool Lands r~rvee the r~Eht to I ................. -~. -.- - - - between there and Fargo, Mrs. Han-t eacn -- ~--~ ,
to reject any and all IMds. I were shopping in omnmve ~aturaay.
Dated at Blsnmrck, N. D. this I *t~,. nan Sutherland returned last sen was unable to attend the tuner- A_'... =.--T~=~..~ffi..-~ffi-~,~= ,r~rn
1 0 *'~ ......
~#th day of l~emg~er, 94.
~e. E. SWANST01~ [week from a visit with her daughter al. Friends extend sympathy to laer in ! BEACON SERVICE STATION IVlADI~O~ ~J~J~ i~.JJ~ ~l1
the loss of this loved one. , . -- - ~ •
_ Acting Land Commtsalqagr -nd husband Mr .and Mrs. George, Mrs. R. S. Eisenbart was hOste,~ t ____.Reach,__N. __I)" Golva. ~';
Place your order now to take advan-
tageofthese for'future livery:
SO gel. Dram, SAE __
Tweatlr-Seven 50 30 g-al. Drums Prlzoll
"40" and "50" ..................................... gal.
Three 30-gal Drums Texaco SAE '40' and '50' gal 45e
Sixty-eight 30 and 15 gal. Drums Veedol SAE
"20" and "30" ........................................................ gal. 65e
150 5-gal. cans Texaco Valor SAE "40," "50,"
and "60" ........................ per can $1.95
156 2-gal. cans Texaco Valor SAE "60" per can 85c
Beach, I kota