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March 20, 1941 |
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m v BZA a GOLDZN V .ZY cotma , NOm a .XK0rA THURSDAY, aRCH 20, 1941 .... NU REi
Fine_ne" Music Club Enter- Commumty lue. IS. B. Declannes IRuth Still Wed fBeach Wins First
n Plays Will Be tains Womans Club tion To Be Held I Win First Placel To Thomas Owens l In Independent
" sented Mar. 27 " ! ' " I "
Mwr:~thl~ewm:;[sth~ At Sentinel Butte to::OfiOrfstthp]acS:n~:heBU~el~tmUdtn:;:/ofCM~VlT;~is~r~b~tl:l, sd~lUg rour aey Here
~t Thursclay Mar guests of the Music Club at the home ---- ' c°ntest held at Sentinel Butte °n Tla°mas Owens' s°n °f Mr" and Mrs" /I " - "-~=---"
, ch 27 the The Sentinel Butte Business Men! t" Re e The Beach lnae naent b et
of t ' . o£ Mrs. Irene "~nompson. The pro- . ..... Friday afternoon. Six towns arti- ese Ow ns of IAndsa , Montana, pe ask ball
he Beach Dramatics are sponsoring a ~lg commumty auc P I
Presen gram opened with the Music Club . . ...... " clpated in the event. Those enterln were united in marriage at the Con- ug ying colors
~lays a~ theSer~a:~ thh~e~ trio, Mrs. Faith Menke, Mrs. Janet 2~ s:nld :t::ntiW2n;sa:Yer oZ~earch contestants were: Richardton, Hebroang,!gregational church In Wlbaux on Sat- last Saturday night to win the etgh,
=.~ditorlumThe mPm~-~,~ ~ Buldhaupt and Miss Frances Stough, I ..... '. .... Y "s I Taylor, Belfield, Beach and Sentinel !urday afternoon at 2 p m., Marcl~jteam three day tournament which
~ltn~ h~r.~ ~--~ --" ........... ~ i singing "Song of India" with soprano ca,ea ~o ~ne event. Butte. 15th. Their attendants were Miss was held here last week end when
--'7~, ~-_-7__ "'" ~. ,~,,u an evening ot hlia ~, h~, ~ , Bring in anything you have to sell Mildred Busch f Eithel Still roster of the e, they defeated the OGles uint 3
'. urt~mmentis in u n~-~,,* , ob..~a .... as Frances Kaiser and ....... ,/ o Sentinel Butte I ' bnd and : ..... q 1 to
Ne~ will ~ to ^ pr___,.=~.. I violin obbligato by Mrs. Irene Thomp- register 1~ with the cterK on Monday, [ was awarded first for girYs humorous [ Walter Still, her brother. The ira- ~ z'~ m ~ne final game.
-- ~t the ~h"~,r~ ~ge ngntmg son. Mrs Helen Tobias accompanied Tuesday or Wednesday morning of selections and second lace went to lmediate members of both familiesThe championship game was pla ecl
---.- ~cn ' " P Y
:|. ~'~'--,~ mn~e'S~?-'- a oo~,. anct no the group. Miss Elinor Lovell won the next week, and it will be put up for Taylor. Phil Cook of Sentinel Butte were in attendance .... After the cere !on even terms throughout with th~
~. cent on the lprlze in the game which followe{L A sale for you. A twt~ percent charge ireceived first for boy's declamation ony, all motored to Carlyle where a lvisitors holding a one point ~trgi~
vl~r~tlng Place" i ...... )short skit called '~hirty MinUtes in will be made to defray expenses in~and Rlchardton was awarded second. !wedding supper was served at the:at the end of the first qum't~'/ ~to
~. follow~ ea~* --'f-~-tmmeaylOld Ireland" was ably presented by connection with the affair. ! Mrs. Nell Robinson of the Dickin-}home of the newlyweds. These young[6 while Beach went into the lead
C-~ Brl~r~k~"Moy~rS'lthese members of the MUS,C ClUb: It is understood that there will beison state Teachers College acted as[people are .'ell known here and a[17 ~ ~ at lntermissiorl time..~
' " " " " 2II at
h~ith~Melv~ Sevland I Menke, Mrs. Evangeline Mug~li, Mrs. that time, and everyone is urged to la4d..ed .Mrs..Robinson in the Judging. L In. the evening a dance was givenl Ma ...... at~t~._
ce j Carl Da - l orace ouck and Mrs. Janet Buld- ta e it in if at all posslble. I mx all the contestants, [by the brlae ana groom at the Carlyle I_ mwa and or
~er~Ise Witness', ~'~o .~..__ I~laupt with Mrs. Tobias mad Mrs. Bring your articles for sale and ~ their coaches and the Judges were en- |hall with Burns orchestra from WI- ) .~ea.~h took scor~,~ laurels in the
~the followir~ c~t- " "~Thon~on again accompanying: on lremember the date, Wednesday Mar, tertained at a banquet at the Sentinel ~baux furrdshing the music.~lnal game with ~ and 13 points
Brand--At|/~-~,,-'._:==[ the piano and violin . respectively, i 26th. } Butte school. St Patrick's appoint- [ . ~ ' ,, [resp~C~lvely, . ~ : ~ •
,°t~eakel--Rufus Ar~°e I A prvtty prize was awarded Mrs. EII~I ,,~, ~ . '! ments decorated the tables. After the [ WEST PARTY | The oon sol~tlon ~ plied ?t~t
'C~rand~ Ne-ud~k - [Arnold in the next contest. Mrs. 1 FORD SERVICE SOHOOL banquet a program was given at the 1. Golva---Mlas Shirley ~k~haf~r was~vevenl~_,.Wl~,I~ defe~tt@d ~
yl I i I l
~nners--Vlvla~ ~t,,,, i A dainty lunch was served to close ] go, was p~.~nt to give the men in- f Thompson of this city, arrived here | , Miss arcella Fischer and Mrs. t' :". . ~' "'
?~an---Mabel Cook~'~ ]a highly enjoyable evening. [structions on the care and malnten-l last week for a ,~slt with her daughter ]Homer Ma.dls?n. .Eight games were Ide~C~ Iv?~ m the first, round of pl~y
~.~ __ ' ~ ~ lance of the motor. _and from reports ~and also old time friends at her [pmyea aria ,~ne prizes were won by [~ ~vu me ume qtunt 44-34 for the
~ie A ..... be March 22nd also visited friends at Washington, D ~for Fort Missoula Montana where h~ I Mr. and Mrs. Chester Davis of | t for being high point man of the
?--- "; .... a ~owayne Kouba.C. Their route home brought them took final physical examination for lTrOtters were guests at the Cap | Word has been---received by the Itournament with 53 points for .the 3
~: --~, ~tt'~ ~,.~X=-'--:='-7- i oY way of Chicago where they visit- , the U .... S Army He ~.r~assed it suc- [Bryant home one day last week. local Selective Service Board that no games, and was also lalgh point man
£ -------- MEETS I ed an old school mate of Charley's. i cessfully and has now been trans- [ Mrs. Lawrence Fletcher who has [lm°en who have been classified in 1-B : for any one game with 24 points, but
~:}arner 4-H club .... t They also stopped in Minneapolis and lferred to a post in Washington. He [been at Wibaux the past few weeks will be inducted in service until all las no one player could receive both
~:~f Miss G .... ,-e~ at the spent some time with two sisters of is the son of Mr and Mrs Stub twith her mother Mrs Henry Zopfi I Class 1 awaras, Bob Carew of Alpha received
~' ~ ~ramine Sc . , ~ . • .. , , • , -A men have been called, ac-~
~ay Mar, h ,o,~- h.m.eling Mrs. Reed s. Noyes of Beach who ~s quite ill, was a Beach caller tcordin to resent lans C 11 , the game high point award for mak
' ~-- .o~ w" " g P P . a s may . . "
Present and tw ...... ~n all . Bef?re returning home they spentI Gloyd Bury of Alpha was a Beachlone day last week. Mrs. Fletcher was be expected at intervalsof about i,s 23 points m one game. C. Plum-
• ra~ion o~ ..... ,, v~s~ors. A vwo says in Bismarck with Mr ~nd !caller Saturday formerly Evelyn Zopfi who o rated a mer of Olllie was awarded a medal
. m~g a e ....... -" . pe ,10 days from now on, andall men
~he- breakfast and a~su~n~d- ~~L:O~n~i-~- ~r~'~:' ~=t~1~mi,!Y[ Miss Ida Hothe and a friend, Mx. !beauty parlor in Beach .......Ifrom this area .will be sent to Fort ~or m~ki~ng the most freakish shot of
~re 'given by Gerala~,~.~ l~-~°ug,n ~.ney, ol c oun.~ry~E" B. Herman, were Sunday wlsitors] MI~s Evelyn Beadle Of DicklnsonlSnelling, instead of to ~argo as hasl~ne~.~°~'~'w#" .
~i~A conies, .... ----,~ ~crr- ~ana en3oyea air ~nen- vm~s, ~narley at the parental Sofus Holthe home in I came ,,,~ ~t ~,eot. , ..... .~. ,~..-i been done ,~~ +~,~o r,~,, ~... I une merit team which was selected
P g cl~ hes says'there's no lacelikeNorth from the first fotlr losing teams was
a ua P this city They returned to Dickin n da one
I ~ q rt jar was "iv-- ' - ~" -'-- _ ~ [ • SO I yS a~ the telephone office with her I man for the ninth of April haS,the .... ."~ - _ .` . _ ~ ..
v un anc~ uazom ana home." tha n ~been • . ~e~ec~ ana consm~ea o~ Hollo
~t by Geraldine Schme- ..... I I t Ight. [sister Mrs. Alma Snydal. , received, to date Golden Valley ..... _ _ ...
DVd Wasaraann takl::.'"~~- ~-c~l__- .... • - [ Harold Bellmont and Ch~'les Mar-J Mr and Mm P J Schlllo .re[County has had all men forwarded to!roger, ~G.;. ~arew, ~lp~m; Knopp.
-.~ ~ec'~na : " I man ...... , ~pna" ~raaley CC~,H hes O •
~ess served ave ....... =" ~g~lAr|llMt~r ~rt~'n~rt~r ~ went to Bismarck last Friday|vat ts ~f a fine hab~ ~ ~-,--,~ +^[induction stations accepted for ser ..... ' _,... , ug , {X~,
.~ ~u,~ tu.l~n _ en ............. . ._1, ,,,,,,, ,~ ,r,. lelummer UllIe" C ar • .~
~lose of the m~.~,..- ,.,. I~VVVZ.III~ JtV~Htl|~[~ morning where they remained untll[t~,~ o, ,~,~ ~,,~ ~,~..,.o~ ~o., ~ ~vlce ....... , _ , . C ts~t,
~xt meeting w"fll"~" .._,~ . I ~T ~ . w-a a [Sunday to take in the Class A State [d-aT"~I;r;h~14--~h*e"n%w'arriv~a~1 h''~l _ [~x~Inel ft1~e; ~o~, Ollie; al~d mr~
~hotl seh0ol, on A"~I ,:e~a a~l l~([~W in Frn~r~ Ibasketball tournament and from what #bee-n named S'usan Ruth ] REVIVAL AT U. B. ~H [ ,,=,~,,,,,, ~enz!ne_l ~uz~e.. ....
.... • - o~. ~ ~ ,v., ~.= ~v~.-a ~.,~ ~ the bo-s re~'rt it m-.-- ~--~ ....... • • , ~.__.__ ~ ................ : ~.e au murnamen~ ~eam o! ~t
I F~REWIM,L PAR~T l The city league bowling tourna-[real event. /,,~,The~,~ews,~^2 r~ee~f:PL°f ~a P~l, ea~_,tRev. J. W. Arnett, Pastor of the ', players zas then s~lected, thr~e for-
Howa -- , Don Marman wh I .... "~" ,,~,,, ,,,,,~. ~ ..... o~ I nl i warus, ~evmna ox ~eacn, ~co~d ~f
.~. ~ rd was a ~ue~- ~¢ merit entered its second round Tues- [ . . . , o eft here some [For~t w~= w n • ..... ~o~ ~ U ted Brethren at Circle, Mont.. will ~ M~n~ M ....... ¢ ~,, ...... -£,.--
~t~.a surprise farewe~ =,~', day evening of this week when the|~ime ago r,o Join the V. S. Navy and|r~t~::+~'~.~"~,h~ ='::::'~" ~*'~:'~'_'[begln series of Special Lenten Ser- ::'_-_-:'-'.'".=-.~" "" ."_~.'~.~' "~,u~rn~
..... , Park Cafe team met defeat at-the' who was stationed at San Diego, Cal. ...... ....... ........ " vies at the local United Brethren.! vnger ox olva, aria r'lscner
~ni~; cfElda-Jenetr°. hmn~. Men-, ........ (for the --st few me .......... ,. / P O and se ds rega ds to his I~ ......................... .dora; guards, Wieneh of i~-mtinel
s s n " " ~'~" " 'ti nedt ,,,,~,$ ~au xrle~ta~ uvxe. ~=~u~e, x'~t~aa OI Ullle ana omnan
ps ape t m card playir~ ~,,.~lPark Care team bowled a score ofl o a the Great Lakes Training| -- . , .... ~every night at 7:45 p. m. The Rev ........... . .. .
~ -",, ~ the as~ weez new Xluores I w ~eacn ~ao~n me a~ove teams were
| very delicious lunch ~ to ~t for the Corner Bar !Station out of Chicago. Don likes it | '... g . P ......... " ~Mr. Arnett will be speaking every al~ nr~nt,,a ~,~ ..... .~
[.at :midnight As the gu~:~team , leery much and is getting to see a lot |cen~ ~gn~s nave 'l~een msmiiea a~ reel evening except Saturday until April -':. "-T:" ...... .':~" ~ ...... . .
~'~ ......." - " ~ ---" - .. I f,f ~.n~t~, t~bau h bar and the ~'ark C~le ] me mree ou~analng sportsmen ol
~ar~a each and "-everyone equeal~ Arnold led the Comer ~ar ........... ' g . , [6.
~Joh'r~y lots of ~.~-a ....... team ~,,~,~. .................. I Carl Kannenberg was taken ill with |which helps to light up the two places, __ lthe tournament were also selected and
~ army life Those wh~ o~ l With Harold x-r~o~.~ ~.^...u.~.. o ,a~ l a sore throat last weekend and also a |of business. I ' SURPRISE PARTY I~ I~. spe cla! awards, they being Al~
were • -- ....... - ............. s .... ~touch of the flu whic ke t Mrs Minnie Smith Mrs Harold lJ~Oya ox Meaora Norman Couiston o!
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer game for the Park Cafe team. i p him from • , • On Saturday evenlng, March 8th a W '
~ye~ and Elmer Jr Mr "night the Beach Morticians meet ' . " " y re Mon-l.. - ..... l crowd of friends and neighbors gaSh-, ......... P •
Leslie To his dutms at the Penne sto Smith, Mrs ~eotty Donaldson and lbaux and Carl Otremba of A1 ha
~Yable evening • portedJprogram was in charg~ of Mrs "MinnleI P" J" Edkins is again at his desk[pianned to remain~f0r the basketball winning high for the men and Mrs. °her_he!pln.g ~.tmdel
• ~ ' " ' ' " i he nk f tournament bu~ me swrm enanged l 'w~rt. ~ne l~Tl{:tay a~{l saturuay ~iaight
,__ ' ._ • ISmith, whose Integer d c~ e tt v ~ n t ba a t~ his recent, illness. | ........ , , , J. M. Stecker high for the women. ] ..... • - ...~ ,.. ....... L,.
'GOLVA ~.------ ~l)re~.~...i ......._ .an..a ___r_f:l!~r~ nlans to'take;,dt a~llt~"~as~ forlme~r minas xor mem. At mldnwrt a delieio,,~ ~- .... lS~,-~, ~,,u ~nese men ala all t~se-
~--The ~,~ ,t l~.f.~'~.~.._ Pal~.'. ?n'was"rOl-l:a"'fe~'w weeks vet but wilT"~rad~,,allv[ E M. Enderle re~tlrned to Beachlserved wh'~eh had ~ o~:~'in~l~vI:lecting of the teams and indi~qtdual
let on Th'(~:v -.rt°~n~.em~t. kers];u~t°y a'.clu* ' au~assloPt on.x~e|.work back into the harness .... IMonday,.fllmn the diendlve hospital, the ~dests In th?ewn~.~r°mug~; h-~,~'~ |players. " .... : . ,',-,- !:f
ii. George O-'1~t~ == une ~o1~. e I .... , | Word comes from Bismarck that [where ,~;:.lmd undergone treatment !the g--uest~ d-eparted" -wish--':ln';"Mrs'" 1 :TI~.. larl~ bast~ troplal~ Welt~
v ---. ~s. ~onn -- ~ " "' ..... To dson Jr wh for a f~ "ys " r' :"' ..... • glven the msrmg~es and pla ' 0~
ga e the lemm NEW ~I~ItI~IONE :. m Hu , ., o has n a pa- . ..~!~ • ~. - B bwn many more happy b~'hday$. ,, .'. ..... ; ......
reall, made t~-. n on ~tlp, t ' --A~ r~'.'~ ttent ~ita hos ltal there, ~vln' I ~.'~ ,'INI~, who lived,:,or years on • " " t the ,trslr, ~,~tnc~ thtrtl.~pl~~
eve ..... ~u~hug?4~ry OING_=..__._ ~ ~ltt~tTUl~D,~ ....... P k'"'~r/=~'~ g t • ~ "." ison lace has moved , , .... . as were smaller trophies With
.-. n after the fll~::m~::-] ~t "l~t~y aftet-lt~tl a ;ra~tNk~, Mrs. HUdson. ti~. been I [._t~,,~hal~.~ . p, [ Carl Davis has completed,,.the" base- / ~k,... ................... t~.
• Mrs. ', , at the ]~ach,, ,an ~,~~ithh . .,; ,, ...... :. . m ntfor his new home which will be
,.bec~ma t~vn~i/~ek,{.:.: . . . ,.. t~_,~..~..., .; ~.~ t~ ' "-,~. ....., : ~ [., , t~. Jacobsen : {basketball trophies. All prese tlons
.. "_ e a mt~aber, al~d , e~!lmm co.: of .,the ~ ,~st~on~. . : ,.Ramona,.,~.e ,~.u~, ,,.~ung,, :, ~',~X..:&'~7"-, -: built on the lots to the south of his were mad , '" ,
"~ ~ wlt~; Mrsb :~.t~_ wan orl~n~, aml ~1. _~/e: _.._ .~., ~...~__ ,~,., . ~ . . ,~y,,.~ ,~ ,u,, .on ~uc.. m~awny. ~ne handled the ltuati n " -,-'~
• ,, : ~-- :- --.~o .,~,~. 0..~,. ~, • / ' ' -" -~- : morning "" . . .:, ",. [ ~ ........ " lng mitnner. • -" " " . "g.
.._ . ' Of Beach. 'The sudden stoma" l~e~~ l~/ThursdaY of last w,e~k a~.d is / .... ~ .... .. : ." . _ I nect wt~h the service station and .it ] ~Ph ...... , ........... if:k, "
, .. NAME OMITTED : ed eoml lete organization but-offic now con alescln at her h0r e, 'er I ",:nut ..,le t nere w eez a e-[is expected carpenter work will start l lnd r, o
" ~e ago when th~ W ...... ~.. were selected as follows-' her recent appendicitis operation. [ companymg, a .car~osa .ox s~oc~ ~or [as soon as weather permits. I --=:----.- U"- -=~'~.".. ,?? ~"?~:.:~_'~:~
nat of ~o,~ .... ~-- ..... ~'~" r~.~ ~.~.,.¢ ..m:.,.,:.~., - Mxs Paul w~a,,.~ r~ti~n~.~ ,,~ n~,~l~Y Hathaway ~o ~eattle, Wn. Mr. I • l~uw n~orrn wmcn rnt this ar~ ~-
"'"~ ~mard be -"~" -~-~-~--,--, ~,,=om~ • " ................. "=.'" "-'-" urda after '~
COWry who left fo- r^..~-ys Lewis Odland, vice-ure~ident last weekend from Bismarck where [.Thl. II Is now s~ndtr~. SOme time vls-[ "Happy" Ayers was up from Dick-]-.__~Y ..... r_oorl d~ ~ great ~l~'t~>-
~r a " "~'~ Itlng his ~wo o~ugn~ers wno llve at w~ru ~eepmg many tans away !rora
Year of ,~,,,--- ~ . . "Glen Hathaway -~. *-~.- she was doing special duty as R N., [ .. inson Tuesday of this week transact- _ , __ _ , ~ ~
ane of .... ~na-y ~ralmng, " ....." ..... " YaZlma W [ ]the final game~ Saturda ni ht
.... Allen Severon m,,~ ,,¢ Lyle Baker and H. E Al~,uire, di- at a Bismarck hospital, and while[ .o_ - n.. _ .... ling business and calling on friends. Y g •
,u • Thee. Seve~'n'" :~ ectors. " -~- ommy Hudson. . • . . . [He reports Mrs. Ayers as still visiting • ~ -"
was unin "" The Marman serwusly ill the flrs~ of the weez ana I
a mere tentionaD,,., ,,,~..~,,,,~ family of thiscity ..... on the west coast He' expects to re- l
' her of the " Gra~ motored to Olend/ve last Thursday nas ~ecn compellea to remain at her [turn shortly and "will start getting A bert Erdman