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Golden Valley News
March 18, 2021
Motivate yourself with a fitness buddy
I have watched an ongoing fash-
ion parade in the late winter and early
spring as I looked out the window of
our home office.
I have seen fashionistas walk by
in bright pink coats, camouflage
vests and argyle sweaters. One of the
fashionable walkers was wearing
One day I observed brightly col-
ored boots on four small feet trot by.
The dog didn’t look embarrassed
about wearing day-glow orange
boots. My dogs would not have been
patient with foot attire or pants, for
that matter. ,
I decided our three dogs were a
little behind the times fashionwise
during the cold stretch. The ther-
mometer dipped to minus 20 for a
while, so they needed some warm
clothes, I reasoned.
I picked up some end—of-the-
season handsome sweaters.
r Chester was not impressed with
his new sweater. We found it in a
snowbank in the backyard.
The weather has warmed. Based
on the foot traffic, I think our neigh—
borhood pet population has grown
Considerably in the past year.
i According to some reports, pet
adoption jumped significantly as
people spent more time at home dur-
ing the past year.
" Some pet rescues saw an increase
in the pet adoption rate of 40%.
Many people embraced the com-
panionship of a trusted furry side-
kick. Shelters often could not keep
up with demand, even as other peo-,
ple abandoned pets due to personal
budget issues.
‘ As people have stayed inside, pets
and humans have gained weight.
“The pandemic 15” is frequently
cited as an issue that has arisen dur-
ing the past year.
One of my buddies, Louis the
dachshund, gained nearly 2 pounds.
That would be like an average adult
gaining 15 pounds.
: After that revelation by our vet,
Louis is on a weight-management
diet. I changed his food—scoop size
from one-half cup to one-third cup.
He will be spending more time in the
backyard and on walks in the warmer
ful when processing absentee bal—
Roers said this bill will help ease
pressure of counting and verifying
Votes on election day when a large
number of absentee ballots are re-
“That is the intent, to do it right
the first time rather than rushing
through it,” she said.
‘ Burleigh County Election Man-
ager Erika White testified ‘in favor of
the bill during its first hearing in J an-
uary. “Counties are seeing an in-
crease in non-traditional voting
methods, such as early voting and ab-
sentee voting,” she said. “Between
the 2014 and 2016 general election
we saw a 12% increase in absentee
ballots, and between the 2016 and
2018 we saw a 22% increase.”
White said she knew 2020 was an
unprecedented year, but absentee
voting in Burleigh County rose by
. [144%.
~ “We expect our absentee ballot
quantities to continue to increase,”
she said. “Processing absentee ballots
is quite the undertaking.”
SB 2142 isscheduled to have its
hearing at 9 am. on March 19.
. Changing the number of days for
early voting is another bill, HB 1373,
,still alive in the Senate. Introduced
by Rep. Jim Kasper, R-Fargo, the bill
Would reduce early voting from 15
days to nine business days prior to an
“This is more an opportunity to
give people an ability to make their
final decision on how they wish to
cast their ballot closer to that date,”
he said.
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Julie Garden—Roan
Food 3: Nutrition Spectator
Unfortunately, he is on a medica—
tion that makes him ravenously hun-
He wolfs down his food, then he
tries to steal his canine brothers’
food. I keep them in separate places
during feeding time, but Louis is
Being an amateur “dog dietitian”
is a bit tricky.
Having an exercise and diet
buddy, whether human or animal, can
help maintain the motivation to con-
tinue to exercise and eat healthfully.
Pets are good for our health, and
they can promote increased physical
Researchers at Michigan State
University reported that people who
walked their dogs were 34% more
likely to meet the national physical
activity goals. In fact, dog owners, on
average, accumulated 60 minutes
more physical activity per week than
those without dogs.
Not everyone, of course, wants to
take on the responsibility of pet own-
ership. If you decide to adopt a pet,
be sure to consider your own cir—
cumstances. Do you have enough
space, time and money to house, feed
and medically care for a pet?
Of course, you do not need a pet
on a leash to propel you down the
sidewalk. A human walking compan-
ion also works well. Or put in some
ear buds and listen to tunes on a soli-
tary walk.
Having a buddy who is more fit
than you can increase your workout
time and intensity by 200%, accord-
ing to another Michigan study.
Walking can energize you and lift
your mood while strengthening
bones and toning your muscles.
Walking can reduce your blood pres-
sure and reduce your risk for diabetes
and heart disease.
Getting more physical activity can
reduce your risk for some forms of
cancer. Physical activity can help im-
prove our mental health and help us
sleep better.
(Continued from Page 1)
Kasper added that it was also to
get back to the tradition of voting on
election day.
\ When asked by a member of the
House Government and Veterans Af-
fairs Committee in January if he
thought this bill would make it harder
for citizens to vote, Kasper said he
didn’t believe so.
“The intent of this is not to disen-
franchise or make it more difficult for
people to vote, it is just squeezing the
time down a little bit,” he said.
The bill passed resoundingly in
the House in February, by a vote of
78-13, with the votes against coming
from the House Democrats.
HB 1373 has a hearing scheduled
Pets are good for our health,
and they can promote in-
creased physical activity.
(Courtesy Photo)
Fitness experts suggest that we
aim for 30 minutes of moderate phys-
ical activity on most days of the
week. These are some tips adapted
from the Weight Information Net-
work, an information service of the
National Institute of Diabetes and Di-
gestive and Kidney Diseases. Check
with your health-care provider before
making major lifestyle changes. ,
0 Choose a safe place to walk.
Find a partner to encourage and sup-
port each other.
. Wear shoes with proper arch
support, a firm heel and thick, flexi—
ble soles. When you buy shoes, be
sure to walk around the store before
you take them home. Try to buy your
shoes late in the day when your feet
are at their largest.
0 Wear clothes that keep you dry
and comfortable.
' Divide your walk into three
parts. First, warm up slowly and then
increase your speed to a brisk walk.
Walk fast enough to elevate your
heart rate while still being able to
speak comfortably, concentrate, and
breathe without effort. Finally, cool
down afteryour walk.
- Break up your walk into multi-
ple sessions throughout the day if
you have a busy schedule. Be sure
each session is at least 10 minutes
0 Set goals and reward yourself for
your progress. Instead of splurging
on a calorie-dense treat, see a movie, .
read a magazine or take time to do
something else you enjoy.
0 Keep track of your progress with
a walking journal, log or calendar.
Record the date, time and distance.
for 9:30 am. on March 19 in the Sen—
ate, and Vedaa said he was intereSted
in the arguments for changing the
number of days. “I didn’t have a
problem with 15,” he said, but he will
“listen to see why” the change was
The Senate overwhelmingly re-
jected HB 1238 on March 10, after
the bill had narrowly passed’i'n the
House last month. That bill, also in-
troduced by Kasper, had to do with
polling places on election day. Sen.
Scott Meyer, R—Grand Forks, told the
Senate, according to the secretary of
state’s office and county auditors, re—
districting later this year would make
the bill’s provisions unnecessary.
Voters of
Billings County:
Thank you for electing new Billings County
Please ask them to stop the bridge to nowhere
across the Little Missouri River.
Eminent domain will be used, since neither
the Shorts nor Mossers want the bridge, which
will be on their land.
scheduled for April 6.
A decision has been
There is no need .for the bridge!! For emer-
gency purposes, there are good roads on either
side of the Little Missouri River that lead to In-
terstate 94 and Medora or Beach.
We the taxpayers of Billings County will pay
an additional $17 million for the bridge. (No
roads have been included in this cost). State
and federal funding has been denied. This is
about $54,540 per household.
Please contact your commissioners to let
them know you are not in favor of this.
Thank you.
Sandy Short & Family
(Ad paid for by Sandy Short and Family)
The Manor has been diligently
trying to keep our COVID-l9 num-
bers down after we received word
that we had a positive case the week
of March 1. Meals have once again
been brought into the residents'
rooms in order to protect the resi—
dents from exposure. Activities
have been put on hold until we get
two rounds of negatives and then
we hope things will resume to our
new normal. Residents have been
isolating and on Tuesday morning,
at 10 a.m., residents and staff were
once again tested for COVID. We
are waiting for our results. No
news is usually good news in this
gars that they stand out in the freez-
ing cold to smoke them like you do
with cigarettes,” Ruby said. “Gener— ,
ally, it is something people do when
they’re at the lake or on the golf
course. It’s something that is not
quite the same usage as other to-
bacco products .”
While cigars are used more recre-
ationally, Sanford Pediatrician
Vanessa Nelson said when it comes
to nicotine content, cigars can be as
dangerous as cigarettes.
“Cigars actually can have signif-
icantly more nicotine than cigarettes
do, which is the main addictive and
cancer-causing agent,” Nelson said.
With the bill requiring lounges to
have a humidor and ventilation sys-
tem, Ruby said he is hopeful that the
bill will have good support and do
The residents have been able to
walk the halls and even better, take
a stroll outdoors and enjoy the fresh
air. Any outing feels like a little va-
cation and freedom from their four
walls. Due to this fact, I encourage
anyone who is able to write them a
letter or dial up their phone number
for a little chat, to consider doing
just that. This small act of kindness
would be such a huge blessing for
them all. Isolation and stress are
very real and are taking a heavy toll
on us all. Emotional support seems
to be what we can offer now. Posi-
tive trends are appearing. We have
(Continued from Page 1)
well on the Senate floor.
However, those opposing the bill
say ventilation alone is not enough
since air cleaning systems cannot re—
move the smaller particles found in
secondhand smoke.
“That’s an opinion that comes
from the US. Surgeon General and
the World Health Organization
Nelson said. “They’ve all very much
taken a stance that ventilation does—
n't protect people from secondhand
Ruby said the bill is not a'slip—
pery slope and that he has no inten-
tion of permitting more smoking in
the future. Since it is a legal prod—
uct, he said it should be up to indi-
viduals to decide whether they want
to take that risk.
“Nobody is denying'that cigars
seen the decline in new cases of
COVID and the acceleration of vac—
cinations, but we still need to be
very vigilant.
Our number of residents is de-
clining, and we are having to say
some hard goodbyes to our loved
residents. This job has many bless-
ings but it also can be a struggle;
when our loved ones get sick, we
all suffer. We look forward to bet-
ter days ahead, resuming activities
and greeting our friends as they
open their doors once again to’ all
that the Manor has to offer.
Have a wonderful week every-
are a risk just like any tobacco prod—
uct, but so is alcohol and fatty
foods,” Ruby said. “Our risks are
numerous and people have a right to
decide which ones they want to ac—
cept and be involved with. I think
we’ve addressed all of the concerns
that most people would have other
than that they just don‘t want people
smoking anything. We might just
have to agree to disagree on that
Jensen said the coalition will
continue to oppose the bill to protect
the public from the dangers of sec-
ondhand smoke exposure.
“I think it’s extremely important
that people contact their senators if
they feel passionately about this and
ask them to uphold our current
smoke-free law,” Jensen said.
Second Amendment bills moving through Legislature
By Brayden Zenker
NDNA Education Foundation
BISMARCK — North Dakota leg-
islators have introduced a collection
of bills this session aimed at preserv—
ing gun rights in North Dakota, with
some saying they fear new control
measures from the Biden Adminis—
. One measure, HCR 3006, urges
the federal government to protect
Second Amendment rights. The res-
olution states any restriction on pur-
chases or possession of firearms or
ammunition, including excessive
taxes or fees, would violate the US.
Constitution. Rep. Jeffery Magrum,
R-Hazelton, is a sponsor.
(I',ffIf they do attack the Second
Amendment, I think there will be a
lot of pushback,” Magrum said. “Not
just from the state Legislature but
from the people themselves.” . ,
HCR 3006 passed the House with
a vote of 91 to 1, a result that didn’t
surprise Sen. Howard Anderson Jr.,
R-Turtle Lake, another sponsor; of
the resolution.
“North Dakota is pretty Second
Amendment friendly,” Anderson
said. “Most of us are willing to do
whatever we can to foster the Second
Numerous other bills were intro—
duced in the name of protecting Sec-
ond Amendment rights. All passed in
the House and await action in the
- HB 1272 would remove federal
laws and regulation on personal
firearms, accessories and ammuni-
tion that was made in the state and
remains in the state.
- HB 1396 would provide immu-
nity against liability for physical or
emotional injury, physical damage or
death for firearm and ammunition
manufacturers. ,
0 HB 1297 would limit the penalty
for possessing a firearm or dangerous
weapon at a school or school-spon-
sored event, a place of Worship or a
publicly oWned and operated build-
ing to a noncriminal offense with a
fee of $50.
HB 1282 would provide a path—
40 A h
When Touchmark Founder and Chairman Werner G.
Nistler. Jr. started his company in 1980, the concept
of the vibrant, modern retirement community did not
exist. By the time the industry came around to the idea,
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that families have come to expect.
way for the Legislature to nullify
federal law. The bill would create a
committee that would review federal
law, regulation or executive order.
Some legislators said this could be a
way to defeat possible regulations
from the Biden Administration.
Anderson said he is committed to
fighting for gun rights for “North
Dakota citizens. He said whilé‘peo-
ple in big cities are “lulled” into“
thinking gun control measures will
protect them, they won’t.
“Those of us who think that it’s a
good idea to have the Second
Amendment to defend yourself,
we’re going to continue to push for
it,” Anderson said. '
Magrum also promised vigilance.
“Without the Second Amendment,
your First Amendment rights 3 are
gone too,” he said.
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