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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 16, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 16, 1944
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY: NEWS Thursday, March 16, 19 t. Patrick's Day Dance, each, arch 1 !n the Beach CRy Hall Big Time for Everybody Sponsored by St. n's Round LOCAL NEWS Items of interest picked up hero and there by our News reporters. We are always glad to get your news Items. PHONE 39 T. L. Dickinson~left on -Smlday for Duluth, Minn. on a buying trip for the store. Miss Kathryn Mary Uetz was hos- tess to the Their Discussion Club on Wednesday. Mrs. Glen Hathaway and Mrs. Marshall Miller, Jr. are patients at the Dickinson hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George of Glendive were Beach visitors on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Antone Hudecek left for Living- ~' ston, Mont. Wednesday night, Miss Agnes Podolski of Wibauxiwhere he will resume his work was a Beach shopper on Tuesday. Ion the railroad _.Mrs. May ~'lsher of SentinelI Lt. and Mrs. John Conway left uuste spent, ~aeuroay m ~e.acn.. I Monday of last week for Yakima, Mrs Hebtltt was on the stek llst~ • "" " , Wash., where they will visit friends the fore part of the w~k. rand, relatives Mrs. Bass of Wibaux was a Beach] Axel Nelson returned Thursday visitor on FTiday. I from a trip io California. where he Mrs M Steeker of Glendiw~was'~.. ~- .... , ~ 1~ .... " - " ' ' " .as ,)eel, ~ IS1LI1 g lriencl~ alIo a Beach visitor Friday. Mrs. Dan Sutherland of Wibaux was a caller in Beach on Monday. Mi:;s Helen Blair was a Glendive • vi:~ito r Friday. W. S. Stutsman went to Bismarck Friday to transact official bLminess. Mrs. J. A. Gilbert was a business relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gihnan were among the Beavh people who at- tended the Beach-Killdeer game in Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gihnan re- cently moved upstairs in the Gil- man home. They spent last week Mrs. H. W. Blair has been on the sick list the past week. When one sleeps over his rights it may be that he prefers the nap. Mrs. Sperry of the Trotters com- munity was a Beach visitor on Tuesday. Charlie Kremer returned from a five month visit with friends and relatives out west. Miss Mary Jane Alguire, who teaches at Hettinger, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Noyes went to Glendive Tuesday to make the acquaintance of their new granddaughter, who was born on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finneman of Moscow, Idaho arrived in Beach to spend two weeks with Mrs. I AM MUSIC Servant and master am I; ser- vant of those dead, and master of those living. Through me spirits immortal speak the message that makes the world weep, and laugh and wonder, and worship• I tell the story of love, the story LEADERS TO CONTACT MEMBERS ON SPECIAL SESSION LEGISLATION Recommendations for legislation to be considered by the special ses- sion of the North Dakota legislature, i called by &or. John Moses to con- vene March 20, will not be made Young, LaMoure; Rilie Grafton; E. C. St~cka, Wililam Thatcher, Bottineau; Representatives Ralph Beede, Fred Graham, Ellendale; A, Bergesen, Fargo; and George mur, Grand Forks. Sitting with them, at the nor's invitation, was Attorney of hate, the story that saves and ipublic until after legislative lead- the story that damns. I am the lers have had a chance to con~er incense upon which ])myers float to with all members of the legislature. heaven. I am the smeke whic2~ That was the decision of a group palls over the field of battle where lmeeting with the governor Thurs- men lie dying with me on their lips. i day. Leaders of the various fac- I am close to the marriage altar, ! tions had been called in for a con- and when graves open I stand ference, which lasted all day. nearby. I call the wandered home; ! The conferees agreed to recom- I rescue the soul from the depths;]mend that ihe legislature operate I open the lips of lovers, and under the same org'anizations at through me the dead whisper to i the special sessicu as ~\~re in effect Finneman's parents, Mr. and Mrs..the living, during the regular session. George Raisler. Mrs. Art Tennal, One I serve as I serve all; the'. Par~ of the session was devoted formerly Florence Raisler, accom-ihing I make my slave as easily as!to discussion of legislation which pa~ied them from Spokane, Wash. I subjec~ his slave. I speak through i the group will recommend to all Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kittlcson, the birds of the air, the insects of '~ legislators before being made public. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kittleson and the Iield, the crash of waters on' Attending welxe Senators Milton daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ku- rock-ribbed shores, the sighing of] kowski, and Miss Marian Brettin wind in the trees, and I am evenI were Sunday dinner and supper heard by the soul that knows me, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in the clatter of wheels on the eral Alvin Strutz. The Jap war mrds thought were going to dictate terms peace at Washington. So far heard from they haven't any hotel accommodations in city. --'V'~ People complain of the lack entertainment in some dull Anyway they can have a good sleeping. ---V~ Noticing that the price of eggf high, the hens wilfully refuse tO the expected number. visit~)r in Beach Thu~'sday. in rcdeeorating the rooms. John Brettin. Judge John J. Ridex was on theI Mrs Nellie Stark, a former resi- Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Kenneth ~ick list last Wednesday. I dent of Beach, arrived here Sunday Noyes are the parents of a baby Miss Kinzetta Farra was c°n'/to spend some time visiting frien4s]daughter, born at the Glendive fined to her bed the forepart Of/and relatives I hospital Tuesday morning, March the week. I The Social' Hour Club will meet ll4. Staff Sergeant Noyes is serv- Mrs. O. B. Stark returned Thurs- ] with Mattie Thompson Tuesday I ing with the armed forces over- day from Moorhead Mlm~ where l ' , " ., evening, March 21st. The topic of~seas. she has been visiting her daughter ion fll be Favorite eta : • discuss w' " ' Qu - A number of political aspirants Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Oslow of tions." are commencing to put out"feelers" ;South Heart were Beach visitors • Friday. Otto Johnson returned this week :from California, whewe he has spent :the winter. Mrs. A. J. Mathers of Glendlve was a Beach visitor on Friday of Pfc. Harold Mathison arrived in Beach Monday to spend a few days with friends and relatives ,before returning to his camp at Fort Dlx, N.J. Thos. E. Scott of Forest River sends greetings to all of his fr'mnds in Golden Valley county. Since the North Dakota legislature boost- ed the salaries of county offices, they are now worth while and no doubt there will be a number of candidates aspiring to some of the better paying Jobs. city streets. I know no brother, )~et all men are my brothers; I am the father of the best that is in them, and they are the fathers of the best that is in me. I am of them and they are of me. For I am the instrument of God. I AM MUSIC. --~V'~ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. John Roberts, pastor Beach: Church School at 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship service at 11:00 A.M. Young Peoples meeting at 7:30 P.M. I ~a L8.tOfIF GORDON'S 14 ENRICHED WHITE last week. Mr. and M~. O. G. Osborn of Forsythe, Mont. were Beach visitors ~n 2Vnursday and Friday. 6gt. Richard Hanson, who is sta- :tioned in England, was recently promoted to Staff Sergeant. Mrs. C. Peterman of Wlbaux was :in Beach Monday having dental work done. Mesdames Cafferty, Richmond und Freese were Glendive callers on Tuesday. Mxs. Morris Berg of Glendive was In Beach on Tuesday having dental work done. in Beach. Mr. Scott also renewed " .... ~nba' ~h cr ret ~A Choir practice Wednesday at , .... ....... ~,,,~ --,~ -s , ~ • "":" 7"00 P M Lenten service at 8"00 his su~scr'ptl°n to 1;he °°lden --~i~a-'fromMinnea-olls M2nnon era y P , ", P. .... M. ha ~IT~I~I~wW~UIID D~z" vauey ~ews. where he attended funeral services I Sentinel Butte: uV'.i,M ~&~ "~V~'T Qm~,N" PgO. W. S. Stutsman, Scoutmaster, has for his mother, Mrs. W. S. Davis, I Young Peoples meeting Monday urged that all people with waste who assed away March 1st at her at 7"00 P M p - o . paper and magazines should get home them He was accompanied Medora: F~LLOFFRurr in touch with him and he will see to Beach by his sister Mrs EvaI Sunday School at 3:00 P.M. HOT CROSS B~S "HARVEST q~El~" PXO. • Afternoon service at 4 00 P M that it is picked up by the Boy Berth of Minneapolis, who will visit] V : " " Scouts. with friends and relatives here. ~ FIRST~R~URCH TOMATOES Mrs. Anna Meyer returned to hert Editor Fred Shipman attended] O.L. Olsrud pastor Tel. 154 SUM ~R^ND @,,OZ.~q¢ home here Sunday evening from1 the Nonpartisan League convention ...... O~OINTS) j~jc~s~[ll~ Minneapolis, Minn., where she has]in Bismarck, leaving here Wednes- Beach: spent the past month with her lday of last week. While in Bis- Sunday School 10 A.M. D~~q~r~)~r daughter.. Enroute to Beach she lmarck he also had an opportunity Services at 11 A. M. Sermon I~ONTle'M~'Vi'~'&~I visited with relatives In Fargo audito attend the state class A basket- theme: "Jesus Christ and Peter." C~*M s~r~ Litehville. ball tournament in which Wahpeton Confirmation class Wednesday at ,, ~o,.vs, # high school captured the 1944 4:15 P. M. Pre- Easter CLEAN- UP'. Bargains Through-0ut the Store! MENS' 10oo : Fine quality combed cotton. Shell is Zelan processed for water resistancy ! Deep pile lining and collar axe 100% wool with cotton back for rugged warmth. PILE LINED COATS BOYS' 9o0 An amazing price for such a sturdy, heavy- weather coat. Poplin shell is Zelan treated for water resistancy. Mackinaw length with four roomy pockets• LADLES' FELT HATS ALL TYPES Real Values LADIES' BLOUSES Dainty and Colorful Large Assortment 129 .I VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Womens' Galoshes all sizes ..................................... 11.~9 Misses' and Childs' Galoshes sizes 7 to 3 ............ 1.29 Youths' 3-Buckle All Rubber Galoshes .................. 11.915 Mens' Dress Rubbers sizes 6 to 11 ........................ 1.29 Mens'. Work Rubbers all sizes ............................... 1.~9 Childrens' Flannel Shirts broken sizes .................. ~ Mens' Flannel Shirts plaids, sizes 14~ to 17 ......... l.~ Synthetic Rubber Aprons water, grease proof ..... 915¢ Utility Bags snap tops ................................................ 915¢ Boys' Ribbed Underwear sizes 6 to 16 .................. ~9¢ Men~' Rockford Type Socks .................................... 10¢ Mens' Covert Blanket-Lined Jackets ...................... ~.$15 Htf. championship by defeating Fargo in the finals. RATION CALENDAR Sugar--Stamp No. 30 in Book IV is valid for five pounds and good for an indefinite period. Stamp No. 40 for canning sugar only, good for five pounds February 1, 1944 through February 28, 1945. Meats and Fats Brown Stamps, War Book III--~tamps Y and Z are good through March 20. Red Stamps, War Book IV--Following stamps are valid through May 20: A8, B8, and C8. Following stamps were valid March 12: D8, E8 and l through May 20th. Red Stamps! F8 Luther League Wednesday, March 22, at 8 P. M. Carlyle: Services at 2:30 P. M. ConFirmation at 2:30 P. M. Confirmation class 3:30 P. M. --.V-- METHODIST CIIURCH Rev. D. J. McTavish, pastor Beach, North Dakota Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. Young Feoples meeting at 7:30 P. M. Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. at Mrs. Houcks. WSCS Thursday at 2 P. M. You are cordially invited to these No. 8 from A to M in Book IV!services. good for 10 points each, may be! used in advance of their valid datest for the purctmse of larger quan- tities of meat h'om farm slaughter- ers only. Enough stamps for pur- chasing of other requirements should be retained to take care of such items as butter, salad oil, i canned fish, etc. Processed Foods Green Stamps, War Book IV--Stamps K, L and M are valid through March. Blue Stamps War Book IV--Following stamps are valid through May 20: A8, B8, C8, D8 and ES. Shoes--Stamp No. 18 in Book I will expire on April 30th, 1944. Air- plane Stamp No. 1 in War Book III valid for one pair of shoes indefinitely. A new shoe ration stamp will be designated valid effective May 1, 1944. Fuel Oil--Period Two coupons of 1943-44 fuel oil rations are now invalid. Period Three coupons are good for ten gallons per unit through March 14, 1944• Period Four and Five coupons are good for ten gallons per unit through September 30, 1944. Stoves---Applications for purchase certificates on all gas, oil or coal heating and cooking stoves must be made to Local War Price and Rationing Boards. Gasoline--Coupons No. 10 in "A" book became valid January 22 and are good for three gallons each. B2 and C2 supplemental ration coupons good ~for five gallons each. Outstanding B and C coupons bear- ing words "mileage ration" and B1 and C1 coupons remain good for two gallons each. B3 and C3 sup- plemental ration coupons good for five gallons each. For your pro- tection against the black market, the rationing rules now require every ear owner to write his license number and state immediately on all gasoline coupons in his pos- session. Tire Inspections--For A book holders, must be cbmpleted by March 31, 1944. Truck inspections must be made every six months or five thousand miles, whichever oc- curs first. --V~ ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V• H. Dissen, pastor Divine Services 10:30 A. M. Sunday School 11:30 A. M. Mid-week Lenten Servlce Wed- nesday at 8 P. M. --V-~ ~EVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Sabbath School 11:00 A. M. Church service 12:00 Noon . Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. M, --'V~ In former times the housewives FRESH PRUNES NO.¢,N,0 WESTRADE BRAND (41 POINTS) CUT WAX BEANS OR GREEN--MERRILL BRAND SPRY S.OR E.,NO (15 POINTS) JAR __ ~,-~ Serve RED OWL COFFEES / HARVEST OUEEN, g THERE'S NONE FINER-- GROUND TO YOUR ORDER DEPENDON BAG A SELECT QUALITY SANTOS FRESH .GROU.~_p ~N PURE I~IhSED FLOUR +owl.0_+.2, ENRICHED ALL PURPOSE BAG I| FANCY WASHINGTON APPLES OUR OWN HARD~