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MrL Alma Rink, Cot.
Buy WAR BONDS now!
Miss Ethel Mikelson was a Beach
Thursday afternoon.
Bette Carlson was a caller at
Vic Carlson home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sechrist have
from Beach into the Jake
/tess residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook and Mrs.
Reed were Dickinson business
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rust and
were Glendive business
Mr. and Mrs. Neff Hogoboom
Glendive business callers on
Mrs. Lloyd
Hanson and Mrs. Ted Rink
Monday• i
The Misses Mary Tibor, Mertyce
Helen Higley and Jennie
were Beach shoppers on
Mrs. John Johnson returned to
home after having spent the
two months at the Frank
Inga Carlson is a victim of the
flu and bronchitis this week.
Mrs. Bill Gardner and Mrs. Walt
Dixon were overnight guests at
the Ernest Nelson home Thursday.
Milo and Maurice Hogoboom
were supper guests at the Nell
Hogoboom home Friday.
Mrs. Bertha Waldal and Mrs.
Frank Johnson were callers at the
Carl Otrembo called on Richard
Knopp Thursday.
Stuart Gustafson was a caller at
the Adolph Zeibarth home Tuesday
Charles Johnson home Thursday.
Mrs. Lawrence Kirkpatrick and ; aIternoon.
- r l~rs Gent Davis and children are
Janice and Carol called on M S. " "1
I spending a few days visit ng with
America's favorite motion picture
team, in a rollicking musical with
melodies by America's greatest
composer, played by America's top
band !
That's what Metro-Goldwn-Mayer
presents in "Girls Crazy," co-
starring Mickey Rooney and Judy
Garland. It marks the eighth joint
appearance of Mickey and Judy,
Ted Rink Monday. ~ ........... in a picture destined to top even
• ~v~rs Milton meioarm at ~Joiva
Mr. and Mrs. Walt DLxon weret ~" _ _ ~ their outstanding efforts of "Babes
]Friday evening visitors at the l ~/mer.~ouDawas asuppergues~]in Arms .... Strike up the Bands"
ana visitor at ~ne derry ~ouua
Frank Johnson home• ] . . . land "Babes on Broadway." The
Mrs. Ernest Nelson called on home ~.onuay evening. _ _ .lfilm opens at the Rose Theatre
[ unamie ~nerman ana w a r I ~ .
Mrs. Math Tescher on Thursday ........... ch r I Glendlve. Sunday.
~n o~remDo nelpect w1Ln ou~ e mg A m n - b Womm --
laftern~... ~ ........ I cco pa iea y y L~orsey
at ~'eter riagen's 'lnursoay. , ........
anu nls orchestra, duay sings many
LeRoy Fasching was a caller at
Yates visited Mrs.
the Bill Franzen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mikelson and
Mrs. Norman Haugse were Glen-
dive callers Monday.
Mx. and Mrs. Guy Hall and Mrs.
Junior kmil were Sunday evening
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall and Mr.
Mrs. Howard Hess of Golva was
a guest at the Mary Lehman home
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlson
and family were Sunday visitors at
Mr and Mrs. Bob Hall were Sunday
s. Andrew Carlson, Mrs. Tay-I evening visitors at the Neff Hugo-
Cook and Mrs. Win. Scherle / boom home.
dled on Mrs. May Fisher Wednes-I Sgt. John Johnson left Sunday
~evemng. _ ~ . l evening for his camp in Kentucky
r. aria Mrs. ~asper ~erg anU]after spending a short furlough
left a week ago Monday wish his wife and his parents, Mr.
Aitkin, Minn., where they in- and Mrs. Frank Johnson•
The Mesdames Norman Haugse,
Victor Carlson and May Fisher
were Thursday evening visitors of
Mrs. Win. Scherle. Cards and
visiting were enjoyed during the
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Trester
entertained about fifty guests at a
6:30 dinner Sunday in honor of
their silver wedding anniversary.
After the dinner seven tables of
whist were played, with Mrs. Harry
Olson and Alfred Ueckert winning
first prize and Thelma Schmitz
and Ervin Ueckert received con-
solation. A gift of silver was pre-
sented Mr. and Mrs. Trester besides
many lovely gifts.
Mrs. Paul Wagner entertained the
members of the Get-To-Gerber
Club at her home Friday after-
noon. Three tables of bridge were
in play, with Mrs. Olga Lardy and
Mrs. Mike Thelsen receiving the
defense stamps for having high
scores. Gifts for the past six
months were exchanged with Mrs.
Wagner having high score during
that period and Mrs. Fred Smith
second high. A delicious lunch was
served by the hostess at the close
of the afternoon.
Among those from here who at-
tended the game between the Sen-
tinelettes and the Wibaux high
t~ make their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith were
evening visitors of Mr• and
Mike Theisen, where several
of cards were played.
Normdn and Clarence Berg ar-
from Oakland, Calif• Sunday
having spent the past two
visiting relatives.
Miss Delores Hess arrived from
Wash. Tuesday morning.
has accepted a position in
and will remain here.
~&rs. Ted Rink and Beverly and
Lawrence Kirkpatrlck had
work done in Beach on
Alvin, Tommy and Joan Tescher
the Misses Mary Lou and
Armstrong were Sunday din-
guests at the Clyde Meyers
~r. and Mrs. Loule Odland, Jr.
Beverly and Mr. and Mrs.
Tangen were Sunday visitors
the Ed Cook and Hazel Reed
~r. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirkpat-
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Tescher and family were
visitors at the George
Olga Lardy entertained Mrs.
Wagner, Mrs. Gladys Hanson
Nell Hogoboom Saturday
the Clarence Fasching home Thurs-
day morning•
Donald Nunn and Harold Zei-
barth were callers in Beach on
The children of the Hillside
School had a few days vacation
because of the disagreeable weather
and bad roads.
Mr. Hogoboom and Maurice re-
turned home Thursday from Call-
of the most beloved songs of the
late George Gershwin, including
"I've Got Rhythm," "Embraceable
You," "Bidin' My Time" and "But
Not For Me." A chorus of 100 danc-
ing boys and girls join the stars in
the elaborate musical numbers.
In addition to their singing,
Mickey and Judy have t~eir most
extensive dancing routines yet, and
Mickey does an accordlan solo.
Mickey also teams with June Ally-
fornia, where they have enjoyed the ] son, from the Broadway stage pro-
winter months, r duction of 'Best Foot Forward" .in
Beach visitors Thursday were Mr. a novelty number, "Treat Me
and Mrs. Wm. Carew, Adolph Zei- Rough." June slaps Mickey around
barth, Andrew Kohler, and Clar- as he has never been walloped
ence Fasching. i before"
Beach shoppers Wednesday were Judy and "Rags" Ragland link
A1 Irons, Edith Carew, Carl Otrem- talents in a torch song, "But Not
bo, Maphalda Fasching. Mr. and For Me."
Mrs. Raymond Fasching, and Mr. Dorsey, who recently completed
and Mrs. Ed Sherman. "DuBarry Was A Lady," then made
Mrs. Daisy Wassmann arrived on a 5000-mile tour of the Northwest
Friday from various places in Call- wi~h his band, is featured in four
fornia and Washington, where she numbers, including the spectacular
has been spending the winter finale' The locale is a Western
months visiting her children and:college where Mickey is a student
friends. ' and Judy delivers the U. S. mail.
Mr. and Mrs. Art White were The two stars enter the gay,
Sunday visitors at the John White youthful musical from the oustand-
home in Golva. Because of the ing successes of their careers,
blizzard conditions they were not Mickey in William Saroyan's "The
~ble to return to their home until Human Comedy," Judy in "For Me
Tuesday. and 1~Iy Gal" and "Presenting Lily
~-V---- Mars•"
::GARN:= ==::-'ER NEWSi Arthur Freed, t~e producer who
l [ gave the screen the three previous
Rx~ney-Garland musicals, joins
forces with Director Norman Tau-
1~[1'I. Fred Was|mann, Car. rug to achieve an outstanding hit.
One of the first organized pro-
gram to control cattle grubs---h~ect
pest which in the larva stage rid-
dles the hides of cattle---has been
started in Bownmn county where
several herds are now under
According to F. Gray Butcher,
entomologist of NDAC Extension
Service, the grub bores through the
hides of cattle, over the back, ruin-
ing the best sections of the hide
for leather and also has an injur-
ious effect on meat production.
The problem is serious in some
When people buy War Bonds,
some of them may think they are
making more of a sacrifice than
they really are. If they deny
themselves necessary thirds to buy•
those bonds, it may be censidered~:
a sacrifice. It is of course an act,
of patriotism, because they back Ul~
the government and help support~
the servicemen.
But buying the bonds is als~ aru
act of self protection. When. people~
acquire them, they give themselve~
and their families a better safe-
guard against unemployment and~
Cards and visiting were
Paul Wagner entertained
lay evening for the Mes-
Neff Hogoboom, Ted Rink,
Olga Lardy. The evening
spent playing bridge."
Shirley Peterson arrived
McCluskey to visit her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Downs.
left on Monday for Billings to
her sister, Mrs. Raymond Mo-
und family for a week or so.
Guy Honnold and son, Den-]
'~xrived last Monday from Ait-]
Minn. to visit about a monthI
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto i
a, and with the Haugse and]
Honnold fa~nilies. [
• Viola Mlkelsen was hostess i
• ~mbers of the Sttidy Club at'
regular business meeting onI
ay evening. Nine members t
present. After the business1
; Mr. Mikelsen gave a veryI
ln~ talk on "The FourI
ns. A lovely lunch wasI
by the hostess.
of the North Side
Study Club were enter-
at the home of Mrs. Julia
Monday evening, when Mrs.
Theisen gave the lesson on
Sacramentals". Members of
:~uth Side Club met at the
home the same evening,
Math Decker giving the Its-
Graces of the Church."
Paul Wagner was the guest
at a party at her home
evening when several
in to surprise her on
Cards were played,
Which a delicious lunch, in-
a birthday cake bxought by
ladles, was enjoyed. Those
were the Mesdames Helen
Ted Rink, Olga Lardy,
Rust, Gladys Hanson and
Byron Hogoboom and Mrs.
Mlkelson were hostesses to
Ladies Aid Thursday
a delicious dinner at noon.
crowd attended. At the
meeting it was decided
Aid will give $10.00 to thei
~s. After the meeting anI
~g paper on the Second l
~nent was given by Mrs. !
~. The next meeting will l
Apr~ 13th with Mrs. Hal-[
and Mrs. Clarence Satre!
lunch being served at!
grand prize will be given
at the last card party of
sponsored by the St.
Altar Society of Sentinel
at the Town Hall March
welcome. Admis-
cents. 24-1tc
)arts of the state, the troubles that can come if a
Rotenone dust or spray on the depression follows the war. It is
infested backs of the cattle de- a fi~e stunt for our own benefit,
stroys the grub. If all cattle are I and we shall never regret buying
treated a neighborhood can readily[them•
be freed of the pest, as the adult] ----V
fly does not travel far. ~ Buyers once did business over
--V-~ ]the counter. Now they do it over
Don't miss the ads this week• [the ceiling.
The "most"
'7J1 WO¢)L" F~RICS
Ed Hess was in Golva Friday. They say modern youth needs a
Fred and Loyde Wassman were guide. One form of guide they
in Golva on Monday. are looking for is one who will
Fred, Loyde and Walter Wass- show the way to some new excite-
man and John Stull were Beach ment. "Since 1907"
callers Thursday. ---V.~
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassman and A niche in church is similar toI ~ l$0g :
Mrs. "G. M• Brown transacted busi- an itch anywhere else--except that | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
ness in Golva Wednesday. it is more difficult to scratch pro-/o***~,~=,~,~,~.~,~i~_~=~=~,,~,.~_
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. ,erly.
Henry Trester is very ill at her
home with the measles. It was
necessary to call the doctor. We ~~'~'*'~'~'~'~'~"~"~
wish Mrs. Trester a speedy re,-
Beach, North Dakota
g~rls" team at the last game of covery.
the girls' tournament at WibauxI ~taff Sergeant and Mrs. John
Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. [Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Norman Haugse, Mr. and Mrs. John lwassman and Jerry, and Mr. and
Honnold, Mr. and Mrs. Harry]Mrs. John Fakler and Jackie spent
Smith Mr and Mrs Fred Smith,
• , • • " ~Wednesday at the Fred Wassman
Mr. and Mrs. Hary Mikelson, Mr. home. Staff Sergeant and Mrs.
~and Mrs. Ed Cook, Ernest Nelson, i Johnson spent the night there, and
and all of the teachers and Mrs. left on Thursday to visit other
Hazel Reed. Many high school
students also went to yell for therelatIves and friends at Beach and
Sentinel Butte. Sgt. Johnson left
girls. Sunday morning for his camp in
V--~ Kentucky.
How can people acquire a repu- V
tation for intelligence? One way ~
is to keep one's mouth shut, and CARD OF THANKS
then one's lack of knowledge won't
be discovered " We wish to express our sincere~
• V ]thanks to our maru~ friends for
People ask what they shall do if lthe~ _~ndness and sympathy ::d
they wake up at night and hear a ~enae~ to us uurmg ~n~ ~--~ =
burglar in the house. Don't know, death of our son and brother, John
but it might be a good idea to hidet Brnskz. _ Thanks ~hSTs~lliYow:k~
ration coupons more securely. ~'am_erheir~a~e ano "~'a-~rman ac~s o~
------~V~ for t e Y
They say high foreheads indicate words of _helpfulness. o~ .........
• " "al ower The- might Mr ana mrs. win. ~u~
spTlet~nm:ngiv: the bra~ more and family,
room to rattle around in. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Miske;
Mr. and Mrs. John Michels.
Big war profits are blood money ~V-~
and. how they do stain. Give to the Red Cross War Fund!
--- WATCHES ----
New Modern Styles
Most Everything in Jewelry!
Time is Short to Repair Your Equip-
ment for the Coming Season!
We aim t~ carry repairs for ALL FARM REQUIRE-
MENTS. See us for a!l your repair needs. We are
well posted on Repair Parts for all types of equipment.
"Buy With Confidence and Save With Quality" at~
.... i:• i