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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 16, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 16, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II I IIII III WIBAUX NBWS ~, E, Welliever en~ the Four Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Guy Hall entertained the Legion Auxiliary Friday evening. Mrs, Louise Sletton entertained W.C•T.U. Tuesday afternoon. Joe Sokoleakt is home on leave ~n Farra~t, Idaho. M~ Vor~e Harms of Circle visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Collins and son of Missoula are visiting at the D. Collins home. Mrs. Orland Howard left for Bill- Wednesday after a visit at the W. Howard home. Mrs. M. P. Ostby left Thursday 1or Eugene, Oregon to visit her daughter. Rev. E. Goossen had his tonsils removed at the N. P. Hospital in Glendive last week. Mrs. W. W. Welsh spent last week in Miles City ~at the home of her sister, ~. Harry Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. MelVin Pederson of Olendive viseed relatives here on Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Owens and daughter of Marmarth spent Sun- day at the R, Owens home. At Red Cross sewing room Fri- day afternoon Mrs• Trotman serv- lunch .... i Mrs. Stenslie entertained the Catho~c Daughters of America on ~ Thursday evening. Mr~ Glenn Scammon entertained the Christian Fundamental Ladles Aid Thursday at the club house, Mrs, E. L. Watkins is visiting her sl~ter in Wyoming 'this week, en- route home from California. Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Amunrud were in Glend/ve last week having dental work done. Marion Hanson of Great Falls arrived Saturday to visit his mother and take care of" business affairs. W. Burns left Friday for Salt I~ke City, Utah to see his new grandson and to Join Mrs. Burns Who is visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. S. Severson enter- rained Wednesday evening in honor of Chert Kartevold, who is home on furlough. A_~er spending the past nine weeks in bed at the home of her daughter, Mn. Burton Welsh, Mrs. Annie Mengel is able to sit up a little while some days andis grad- ~ly improving. - III I I I!1 ROSE Theatre Calendar GLENDIVE, MONTANA CURRENT WEEK NOW SHOWING-- "THE F~ SPARROW" starring John Garfield with M~ureen O'Hara, Martha O'- Driscoll and Patricia Morrison. OWL SHOW SAT. II:30 P. M. SUN. MeN. TUES.-- "GIRL CRAZY" starring Mlckey Roorrey and Judy Garland with Tommy Dor- sey and his Orchestra. TheyTe together again ... and when they're together it's a happy time: A gay fan-fare of laugh- ter. dance and song . . . whirls of girls and a riot of fun! WEDNESDAY ONLY-- "HENRY ALDRICH HAUNTS A HOUSE" with Jimmy LYdon ¢~ Henry Aldrich and Charles Smith, John ~Itel. ShaIm and quake, laugh and roar, as Henry Al- drich and Pal Dizzy haunt the ghosts . . . In Centervflle's house of Ir~vstery ! OPENING NEXT THURS.-- "I~ANK YOUB LUCKY STARS" with Warner Stars Revuel UPTOWN THEATRE FRIDAY SATURDAY-- Roy Roger in "HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER" Also The East Side Kids in "GHOSTS ON THE LOOSE". Plus an ekcitlng, thrilling new serial about our Aid Cadets . • . "ADVENTURES OF THE FLY- ING CADETS" 6UNDAY MONDAY-- ~ THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ! II I, II t .Mrs. M• P. Cathy entertained att ][.~__---°x~l ~T~L~ a contract bridge party ~i~aescleyI If~pl~l I~ afternoon, with scores goln~ to Mrs. I L. Faltermeyer and Mrs. Dave[ .. ~ _. "--ann I tl.~lst, weeKJ ~t~r~e results of the ~drls' basket-l Those hospitalized recently at the • :"'~ t" t Th-t~sda-andIJOhnst°ne Memorial Hospital in- ,as ~ournamen ms y Friday were: Wibaux first, Sentinel Butte second, Oolva third, and Ollle fourth. Q Mr. and Mrs. George Korney- chuck, recently married, and Miss Dorothy Korneychuck of Baker were overnight guests at the Goes- sen home Wednesday. A group of friends gathered at the Ed Nestler home Thursday evening. Wheat was the diversion of the evening, with prizes going to Mrs. McDonold and Ed Nestler, and Mrs. Earl Tennent and Bert Fasching. At the basketball games given for the Red Cross Tuesday evem'ng the results of the games were as follows: Wibaux boys, 40, Sentinel Butte boys, 10; Wibaux girls 26, Sentinel Butte girls 11. Quite a good sum of money was taken in• Thursday afternoon the Anvil Butte Homemakers Club met at the high school for t~helr first home nursing class, given by Miss Esther Franz. Friday afternoon Miss Franz and Mrs. Ross Bixby went to St. Philip to begin the nursing class there. clude: Mrs. Felix Zabrocki, Wibaux, February 16-23; Miss Hazel Hartse, Carlyle, February 17-21; Mrs. I II III WANT ADS TWO CENTS pLbR WORD PER ISSUE If 'you want to buy ol tmU something; if you need halp or want a Job, l, ou can gez results ~om New~ Want Ads. No ad accept@d for 1~ than III~ per Inxrflon. A service chsrge of ~5c will be made for Frank Johnson, Trotters, February "blind" adL 18-Marc~h 4; Richard Barthel, Golva, February 18-19; Tom FUl-l ...... = ............. ton, Carlyle, February 18-ZI; Walter ..~._ ~.... '---~-------7---:- ~,,hhl,~ Be.~h Februa,w 18-23" I r'Ul~ ~,.w--4me ~-nes~er ma~e pig'. Mrs L. A. Smith Wibaux, Feb- Bert Piesik, Beach. 25-3 p ruary 21-25; Miss 'Marion Brettin, lF--O-R'~'~ ~a~ Beach, February 22-24; Miss Lenora l the News office 5-tf Hartse, Carlyle, brought in Feb- ruary 23; Harry Hubble, Beach, February 27-29; Mrs. Roger San- ford, Baker, Februexy 27-March 1; Mrs. Stanley Bobiney, Carlyle, wh~ came in February 29; Miss Faye Wenberg, Beach, also hospitalized February 29; Sam Johnstone, Beach, February 29-March ~t; W. M~ Jandt, Beach, March 3-6; MAss Judy Schmitz, Golva, brought in March 3; Mrs. Joe Peplinski, Beach, hos- pitalized March 5; and Miss Sally Beggar, Wibaux, Mrs. Nina Kramer, Hebron, and Mrs. Lelia Edwards, Sentinel Butte, hospitalized March 6th. Oharles Fulton, son of Mr. and WANTED TO BUY--Good used grain drill. Bert Pleslk. 25-3tp FOR SALE---W~h seed flax, $5 per bushel. J. E. Metcalf, Trot- ters, N.D. 23-4tp FOR SALE--Royal Typewriter rib- bons. Golden Valley News office. 5-tf FOR SALE--Registered Duroc Jer- sey male pig for $30.00. Edwin Buldhaupt, Beach. 25-2tp FOR SALE--1936 half ton Dodge pickup with new box. Gordon Sohmeling, Sentinel Butte. 24-2tp FOR SALE--Willis 1941 half ton pickup. John Vorhies, Phone 017F2, Olendive, Mont. PA-2tp @ FOR SALE,--5-room modern house, completely furnished with pre- war furnishings. Dr. C. A. Bush, Beach. 23 -3tc FOR SALE~Peorla 10 ft. Double disc drill in good shape M.A. Finneman, Phone 5F22, Golva, N. Dak. 21-5tc FOR SALE---(~e Hart-Parr trac- tor, 18-36, with power takeoff, in good shape. Lloyd Metcalf Trotters. 25-3tp FOR SALE--House and almost 7 acres, the original Michelson place, in Beach. Harold Fosjard, Wibaux, Mont. 25-2tp Timothy Collins came from Cole- Mrs. Dudley Fulton, Carlyle, was fade last week to s~end his fur-,hospitalized February 16-18, after lou~h with his narents His sister,]being thrown from a toboggan, *- * 1 ~r,~ ~.,,~t~ ~r recently re-~reaking both arms. Webb A1 en, ~ned"~rom~Ten~e~e where she ISentinel Butte, spent three days in ;isited her husband, who is in thejthe hospital, February 26-29, with U. S. Army. She and her brother la broken .ankle. . . made a triD to Cut Bank last week } A tonsulec~omy was periormea - "!February 16 on Kieth, son of Mr. ---Y and Mrs. Charles Smith, Beach. Jean R~lr~O, ~e~rtor CARLYLE NEWS Dave Lunder left Wednesday to visit his folks in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stark were Carlyle callers Wednesday. Earl Stark was taken to the Beach hospital Wednesday for treatment. Lonnle Vanatta had the misfor- tune of breaking his arm while crank~ ~ car. Mrs. Ed. Martin spent the past week in Billings, receiving medical attention for her ear. Miss tenors Hartse was an over- night guest at the Hammond home Wednesday. Bill Neary, Frank Rowe and Har- old Fulton were callers in Baker Wednesday P. M. Mrs. George Cox submitted to a major operation at the Miles City hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hammond and Grace were business callers in Beach Wednesday. Helmer Lindstrom spent the weekend in Wibaux visiting his f~mfly. Clarence Evenson arrived home on a short furlough, which he will spend with his .parents. L. R. Moline and Bud Pltmuner were callers in Carlyle on Friday evening. Victor Feragen and Art Hartse were Olendlve business callers on Friday. The first meeting of the home nursing class met at the home of Mrs. Jim Carmen Wednesday after- noon. Anyone interested is welcome -to attend" every Wednesday after- noon from 1 to 4 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Jim Cannon,. Miss Frantz Is in charge of the class, with Mrs. Bixby assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nielsen were business callers at the Mike C~)od- ale home Friday. Olaf Abraham was a visitor at the Tom Gamroth home Wednes- day evening. John McCaskey has been em- ployed at the FTar~k Bares farm near Beach during the past week. Godfrey Pesha was a business caller at the Joe Pesha, Jr. home Saturday. Miss Mary Re~nhols tat~ht school ~t Bonnie View Satta'day, to ~tke up for a day ntis~md pre- vin us~v in the school ~ar, Hill ls v~ting m Beach at present, after belr~ ~t for. the put ~veral months, which he spent at various points in WYoml~ and Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamroth en- retrained Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nsilsen and fam~y, and Mr. and 'Mrs. God- fray Pesha and sons at supper and for the evening Saturday, in honor of Le0's birthday, which occurred the previous day. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamroth, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pea/m. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Callahan, son Roger, Mrs. Leo Bohland, and Alex and Mary McCaskey spent Tuesday evening at the Godfrey Pesha home assisting Mrs. Bobland in celebrat- ing her birthday, which occurred that day. The women folks ask what cream should be party. Others undergoing major surgery were: Mrs. Harold Fosjard, Wibaux, February 20; Mrs. R. F. Lutts, Car- lyle, February 23; Mrs. Elmer Has- brook, Beach, February 28; Mrs. R. E. Arnold, Beach, February 27; Mrs. Chester Osburn, Trotters, Feb- ruary 28; Mrs. ~ Goroski, Car- lyle, February 29; and Mrs. Charles Smith, Beach, February 29. Sur- gery was performed on Jim Doer- her, Beach, March 3. A 6 lb. 13~ oz. boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kowalewski Beach, February 18; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Muller, Wibaux, are the par- ents of an 8 lb. 2% oz. boy born February 20; an 8 lb. II oz. glrl was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Szudera, Beach, February 24; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sehllio, Golva, are the parents of an 8 Ib. 7 oz. boy born February ~7; an 8 lb. 5~ oz. boy Was born .by Cesarean section to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Nell- ermoe, Beach, March 2. (This Week) Those hospitalized during the past week at the Johnstone Mem- orlal H~pltal include: March 8: Mrs. Percy Gibson, Wi- baux; and Mrs. James Kiedrowski, also of Wibaux, who went home March 14. Mrs. Oscar Leppia, Beach, was in the hospital March 9-14. Earl Stark, Carlyle, spent four days in the hospital, March 10-14. Baby Sharon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zable, Beach, was in the hospital March 10-13. On March 12, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ard Muggli, Beach. were hospitaliz- ed. Also, Rudolph Kunlck. Sentinel Butte, who went home March 13. Mrs. Henry Treater, Sentinel Butte, was hospitalized March 13. March 14, Baby Jerome. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nlstler, Sentinel Butte, was hospitalized. Appendectomies were performed on Clarence Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman. Wibaux, March 9. and on Mrs. Carl Ueckert, Beach, March 13. NO~ICE: Dr. Bush will not be in the office between 9 A. M. and 4 P..M. Sunday. March 19. V.-- BOYS IN S RVIOE 1 Northern Ireland, February 25, 1944. Dear Sirs: I wish to thank the News and the American Legion for making it ix~lble for me to receive the news of Beach and community. There are a few miles betweer~ myself and the old home town, but each week the news shortens the and brings much of it to my camp eaoh ~. I wish to say hello to the rest of the trays ~, also to ~ them luck• • Sincerely, Pfc. Alexander C. Allen Co. E, 50~th Prcht. Inf. APO 813, % Postmaster New York. N. Y. V March 6, 1944 Editor, Oolden Valley News, Dear Editor: I wish to take this opPortunity to express my thanks to all who have made it possible for me to receive my copy of the home paper. I will also send my new address, which is: S-Sgt. Alfred Quaale 39~06696 V FOR SALE--Two well broke teams, one pair of geldings and one pair of mares, coming five and six years old. Hans Haukaas, Golva. 2~4tp FOR SALE--U. S. approved, pul- lorum tested chicks. Order early. Leading breeds. Write for folder and prices. Hoffman Hatchery, Washburn, N.D. 22-11tp FOR SALW--Brooder House, 10 x 12. One Hudson Brooder, A-1 shape. One 300-egg MacComb incubator. H u b e r t Sehieffer, Beach, North Dakota. 25-3tp WEATHER FORECASTS-We have a limited number of Ben Huset's 1944 weather forecasts. These should be of special interest to farmers and stockmen. Golden Valley News office. 18-ff FOR SALE--640 acres of farm and ranch land. about one-third til- lable, four miles from Sentinel Butte. Priced right if taken at once, M. • C. Teacher, Sentinel Butte. 24-2tp FOR SALE---One 3-y~x-old bull; one 5-year-old bull; one yearling ,bull, all registered Herefords. 2 saddle Stallions, 2 years old, reg'l istered American Remount Assn. Ralph Mosser, Trotters. 25-3tp USED CARS---We have a few used cars for sale: 1941 Plymouth] coupe; 1941 tudor Ford; 19421 Deluxe Plymouth coupe. You do not need a certificate in order to buy any of these cars. Dakota Implement Co. 20-tl'c PERMANENT WAVE, 59e! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, includ- ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do. absolutely lmrmiess. Prais- ed by thousands including Fay MCKenzle. glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satis- fied. Woodward Brothers Drug, Beach. 24-10tp VICLAND SEED OATS $1.65 bu., Sweet Clover Seed 12c lb. up, Timothy 8c, Bromus 17c, Timothy & Clever 1~c, Pasture Mixtures, Field Peas, Early Seed Corn, l~Lil- lets, Sudan, Cane; Buda, Royal and Golden Flax. Write far price list and Free Samples. Grimm Alfalfa Association, 201 13th St. No., Fargo, N.D. On U. S. High- way 81 across street from Man- chester Biscuit Company. 2~-4tc GRAIN BLOWERS, ELEVATORS.- Now is the time to put in your order fdr grain blowers and ele- vators. Have half carload coming through by June 1st. Also Huber Threshers in 28-46 size with 14 foot feeders and Huber Tractors in the 4-plow size for July de- livery. Get that Basin Tiller now so you will ,have it when you start summer fallowing next sum- mer, and save that water. Keep it in your field where it will do you some good. C. G. Johnson, Golva, N.D. 25-1tc In colonial days the pioneer look- ed for. an Indian behind every bush, while now his descendent should watch out still more carefully for automobile speeders. The householder feels joy as he puts the lawn mower to sleep for the ~tor, but hls JOy will soon be clouded by the heater asking for more of its food. Thursday, March 16, 1944 4-H CLUBS ORGANIZE FOR WAR FOOD DRIVE Four-H clubs in North Dakota are being increased this spring in step with the drive to increase food production. This week--through March ll-- has been designated nationally as 4-H club mobilization week and the period is being marked with special efforts to organize clubs and bring to public attention the important part in the war food program being taken by 4-H members. Since January 1, 89 clubs have been organized in the state. These new groups include 997 membsrs. A possible increase in clubs for H| I the state of nearly one-third is in- dicated by organization work uI> to March I. Four-H work is supervised locally by county agents and clubs are being organized in all of the 52 counties in which cooperative Ex- tension programs are maintalne~ ' with the Extension Service. American people are said to be quick to sign on the dotted line, and slow to read the fine print over their signature that has often ;aken their money away from them. If you see whitish marks on girls "aces, they do not probably come from the flour bag. II Attention--PLEASE! Until further notice the Park Cafe and Doerner's Cafe will be closed alternately on Sundays. Next Sunday the Park Cafe will service the public. Doerner's will be closed this Sunday. Bus Depot will be opened for buses 15 minutes before buses are due. PARK CAFE DOERNER'S CAFE I ATTENTION, FARMERS! Overhaul Your Tractor With BURD QUICK SEAL RING SETS For the Following All John Deere Tractors, large and small Allis Chalmers Case Massey Harris McCormick Deering Minneapolis-Moline All Types of Combine Motors WE ALSO HAVE-- Cylinder Gaskets champion Spark Plugs Magneto Points• Tractor Storage Batteries Motor Oils - Greases Oil Filter Elements All Your Necessary Requirements i, "Buy With Confidence and Save With Qua] ty' VRANNA AUTO SUPPLY CO. PHONE 17 BEACH, N. D. I I I BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 17th and lJth Will take as many hogs as you may deliver. Last week was able to pay $12.20 for top hogs, guarantee the following prices this week, paying more if the market will permit. TOP HOGS, 210 to 300 lbs. - $12,50 185 to 210 lb. HOGS ........ $11.50 170 to 185 lb. HOGS ........ $11.20 140 to 170 lb. HOGS ..... $9.50 to $11.00 SOWS, all weights ......... $11.20 Feeder hogs or hogs under 140 lbs. bought at $9.00 per hundred. You'll Always Get a Square Deal With-- JACK BALLARI) PHONE 40 BEACH, N.