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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 15, 1951     Golden Valley News
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March 15, 1951
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MARCH 15,!951- 2 i ----- *l During the same period, disk- With yC llr j [ ed corn ground has ave~a.ged 18.3 ......... i [ bushels of v,;neat, 37.1 bushels of ] unty Extension I I°ats ,and 23.0 bushels of harley. I Agent Where the cornland was clean, • I L M. Mln VS. GROUND Dou,gla~, superintendenl the yield on disked cornland was better than where the cornland was either spring or fall plowed. This is true for ,all three g~ains over the same 43 year period. Dickinson Ex~erimen¢ Sta- The average shelled corn yield has released the 43 year on spring plowing was 17.6 bush. small grains on els per acre and the fodder yield- and on corn ed over 1_~ tons .per acre. These figures ,include In 'Wials over the last 7 years, Period from 1908 to 1950. 7 varieties of corn l~ve yielded eat on summerfallow .has over 20 bushels of shelled corn ged 20.8 bushels per acre, per ,acre and 5 varieties of corn 48.6 'bushels per acre and have yielded over 2 tons of fod- 24.6 bushels per acre. der per acre. Confucius Might Have Said... "Wlcr AVOIDS GETTING CAUGHT WITH Not only is it embarrassing, it's down- right costly to have your most vital piece of farm machinery break down just when it's needed most. Surest way to avoid this is to have us overhaul your tractor NOW, before the rush season starts. $25.00 Your tractor cleaned and expertly paint.ed for only $25. (Paint and decals furnished by customer). SCH CO. Beach, North Dakota (CAN GET: ALL THE$| --MPLEME NTS MOR[ FOR TRACTOR Dhk bedder cmd Disk ploW-go~ In bed ~lti~tt~r wlump othor$ ,Ida on told THE OHLY TRACTOR WITH ONE MINUTE HOOK-UP TO LATCH-ON IMPLEMEHTS FROM TRACTOR SEAT See for yourself how easLty the Eagle Hitch latches onto implements.., how it p411s plows • at even depth in uneven ground.., how its halo anced down-pull helps both traction and sr erlng. Test its husky implemenm for uniform penewafion, for handy hydrau- lic con oL There are many more Case mounted implements in addition to • those shown. Farm Eqmp. North Dakota THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE For the livestock producer, the question of whethe¢ to summer- hallow or plant corn should be easily answered. Is an addition- at 2.5 bushels of wheat per acre worth as much as 20 .bushels of shelled corn or 4 tons of silage per acre? • * • * • ADDITIONAL SHELTERBELT TREES AVAILABLE Theoaore Thorson of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service repocts th,a,t the Golden Valley County Soil Conservation District will have extra trees available for shelterbelt plantings this spring and probably a few trees for wildlife pl,anting. If you are interested in es- tablishing a shelterbelt around your farmstoad, convact either the District Supervisors. county agent or Soil Conservation Ser- vice Office. The Soil Conservation District Supervisors expect to l~lant near- ly t00.000 trees and sh, rubs in ~armstead shelterbelts and wildlife plantings thb; spring. GARDENERS' GUIDE READY ON INSECTS Gardeners in North Dakota now planning their seed and garden supply requiremenk~ for Occurence of loose smut in 1~. da wheat is expected to be less ,n North Dakota .in 1951 than m 1950, according to NDAC Ex- periment Station greenhouse tests. CLUB NOTES SADDLE BUT'r~ BEAVERETTES: Helen K~ Sec. A meeting was 'held on March i with Janice Adams, hostess. Nine members were present. Several bills were presented for payment. The 4-,H pledge w~s given. Games 'and songs were enjoyed. Elaine and Colleen KRt. elson will be ,hostess to the next meeting. BEACH BUSY BEES: Roger B~rKlm~d, See. All club members were pre- sent at the meeting held Feb- ,:u.ary 13 at the Glenn Adams home. Robert Erickson gave .a ~esson on oiling and servicing an electric motor. Mrs. Barkland ;hawed pi.ctures on "Children of L)~hc,r Lands". The March meet- mg will be held at the Ted ~;lue home. JUNIOR SENTINEL: M~xine Bohn, Sec. [he coming season will be inter- Eleven members met on Feb. ested in a new garden pest con- ru.ary 17 at the home of trol guide issued by NDAC Ex- Tescher. A discussion, on having ~ension Secvice. a 4-H party after Easter, was Useful information on pest control materials together with instructions for applying the various recommended insec~.icid- es is contained in the folder. The circular was prepared by Wayne J. Colberg, entomologist of the Extensfon Service. Recommend- ed Sl~ray and dust strengths are given, together with individual control suggestions on most common garden insects. Ask for circular A-155 @arden Pest Control from your county extension agent or from the In- formation Department, NDAC Extension Service, Fargo. ,•,,, held. Club members decided to purch,ase 4-H T-shirts. Members had their pictures taken. K,ath- leen Hogoboom and Alice Tes~h- er received ~e doe. prizes. The next meeting will ,be at the Leonard Trester home. COZY COI~ER: Mrs. Thomas Lynch, S~. The club met on March 7 wit~ Mrs. Herman Schieffer as host- ess. Mrs. Schieffer ~nd Mrs. Har- old Abraham led the discussion on g,ardening, which was enjoy- ed ,by those present. Mrs. James Easton will be hostess to the next meeting, April 4. Between February 15 .and * * * * * March 15 is the usual t'~lme in1 HOME SENTINEL: /orth Dakota to treat cattle with ~ J. Sande~, See. rotenone to control cattle grubs. On February 13, the club met • • * * * at the home of Mrs. Joe Streitz Fertilizer is very corrosive to with 14 members present answer- metals. Machinery used in ,ap- ing roll call. Mrs. E. E. Ueck- )lying fe~'tilizers should be eft g~a~e- the miscellaneous topic cleaned as soon as the job is on "Bressing Men's Trousers". finishS. .Mrs.. Ganser g~ve a lesson on t 1"-h Your las chance to get flS these low prices--note these real specials, and stock up NOW; any quantity put in your locker free of extra charge. lb. Northern Pike, ........ 20c Dressed Northern Pike, 25c Bullheads, dressed ............ 39c Herring, cleaned ready to fry .. 26c Halibut, Chicken,, ............. 49c Black Cod ................ * 30c Baby Pike ................ 49c Wall-eyed Pike, ............ 35c L E T S Wall-eyed pike fillets .......... 79c Northern Pike Fillet .......... 49c Perch Fillet ................ 45c Halibut, ................ 65c Salmon, brite ................ 69c Oysters, pint ................ 89¢ Scallops, pkg., .............. 89c Shrimp, green, pkg. .......... 89c Lobster Tails ................ $1.75 Frog Legs, Japanese, jumbo .. $1.75 Shrimp, breaded, ready to fry, pkg. 89c Meat Market & Locker Beach, N. Dak. Phone 153 "Decorating Cakes and Candies". Mrs. Kirkpatrick Will be hostess to the club in M~rch. * * $ * 8 TOWN & ~UNTRY CLUB Mrs- Donald Hardy, Sec. Eleven members were present for the March 1 vaee~:ing with Mrs. R. M. Millew as hostess. The lesson on "Gardening" was pre. sented by Mrs. Edmund Kukow- ski and Mrs. Robert Carlson. Mrs. Miller gave a lesson on 'Refln. i~hlng Furniture". Mrs. Harry Spiegelberg will be hostess ~o the Apa'il meeting. ORDER CHICKS NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY Order ~our chicks now for ear- ly delivery. This timely sugges- tion comes from Irving J. Mork, NDAC Extension Service poultry man. It is the early chick th,at pays off in the fall, says Mork. Not only do chicks mature earlier, but egg prices are usualy high- er during the early fall months. ATTENTION! I have moved my shop to my residence the third house just across the street east of the Legion or city hall and a sign has been placed in front of the building. In spite of the material short. ages, I hope to continue to give you the best in radio service. All work on your car or auto radio guaranteed 90 days, phone 58-LW. He suggests that you check classification, but he said ~t your equipment now *and mare would not do it; rather he feel8 necessary repairs before the new highly elated, ~nd said he h~ chicks arrive. Then kill rats. He he receives his call to sea*vlO~E says it's no disga'ace to have before he starts his spring rats, bu~ it is a dlsgrace to 'have them stay around the place. Visits In Woff Point-- Then, too, it costs money to l~ars. ,Dan Cafferty is vL~it~ have rats, especially if they de- this week in Wolf Point, MOl~ velop a taste for young chickens, with her daughter and son.l~, law, M_r. and Mrs. Melvin Bake~, BELFIELD MAN, 70, She plans to return home Sun° CLASSIFIED AS I.A day. Mike J. Fcank, a Belfield resi-, dent who will be 70 years old 4-H Pu~'~-- May 7, received his classifica- ] The Laverne Hildebrant hems tion card last week from the was the setting for a 4-It party Stark county draft ~board. ] and regular monthly meettl~ Dated March 6, the Card this past Sunday ~fternoon, wl~ placed Mr. Frank in class 1-A. I the hostess. Mrs. Hildebrant ~t, He was allowed 10 d,ays in ring an appetizing luncheon ,fol~ which t~ ask for a change of. lowing the meeting. No need to get baking ingredients and utensils out week after week. When baking for one meal, bake for many. Then wrap, seal, and place the prepared items in your Ben-Httr. They'll keep fres~ crisp, and tasty until you're ready to serve them. AND you 11 have only one "pots. a&o and-pans session" to contend with. Service SEE BEN-HUR--- America's Finest--FREEZERS AT Lawrence Sanders, prop. LER J xLEC FRIC BEACH, N. DAK. Beach, North Dakota : ! ..::::: ?i .:::':-:.i: !::'i:!~ :< :-? .:.:i:i; Prompf De/ very to Your Storage BEACON OIL COMPANY ~O ---- Golva Oil C., -- Golva Phone 111 ilu i i i i i i i .