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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 15, 1951     Golden Valley News
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March 15, 1951
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THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1951 o THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE THREE EASTER MONDAY AND 26th C EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. E. J. Bott. Pastor l~eaehing Sermce 10:15 a. m: SUnday School 11:15 a. m., Time of Prayer 7:00 p. m. l~reachin,g Service 7:30 p. m. Children's Hour Wed. 4:00 p. m Youth Fellowship Wed., 7:00 p. m. Choir Practice Wed., 7:30 p. m. Thurs., Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m., at Bert Sperry home. Children's Practice Sat. 2:00 p. m. A Good Friday Service will be held .at the Congregational Church 12 to 3 o'clock in cooper- :,.tion with the Methodist and DOMESTIC We don't look after children, Or sweep the floors Or do the washing Or work out of doors BUT We serve the best food That you ever ate Try it once and you Will say it's great! Open Daily 7 a. m. to 3 a. In. Sunday noon to 3 a. m. We specialize in banquets and luncheons, call for appointment; We can serve any number. Wibaux, Montana Bixby & Orgain, mgrs. Congregational Churches. TROTTERS CHURCH: Sunday School, 2:00 p. m., les- son text: Mark 14: 22-36. Preaching Service, 3:00 p. m. CHURCH O. L. OLSHUD, Pastor FIRST LUTHERAN BEACH: Sunday School 9:50 a. m. Services at 11 a. m., Sermon theme: 'The Popularity of JeSL!S". Lenten Services Mffrch 14, 7:30 p. ~T~. followed by L. D. R. meet- lng. Lutheran Brotherhood this "?iron, day at 8 p. m. The Parish Board meets here Friday, March 16, at 2 p. m. Services with Communion Holy Thursday at 7:30 p. m. TRINITY, SENTINEL BUTTE: Sunday School 1:30 p. m. Services with Holy Communion and reception of new members at 2:30 p. m. ,~, P2kU..'S LU'I tl~:H/'t'~ • :HD'.t CH f.k ]'IIN Z. paszor Missouri Synod Services Sunday, March 18th, 10:3~. Sunday School 11:30. Mid-Week Lenten Services Wed., 7:45 p. m. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH lit. ~ev. Msgr. John J. Heinz, Pastor Evc~ry Sunday l.Lt:ly Ma~s 8:30 a. m. iii~h Mass I0:30 a. m. Lenten Service Wed. and Fri- day evenings a'~ 8 p. m., Rosary Lenten Sermon and benediction Wednesday eve, and Stations Of The Cross, and benediction, Fri- .~ay eves. { lIECONGHEGATIONAL CHIIISTIAN CHURCHES For Years , Low~t.dPideed 9~t EigUbt ~ (C~14~ Of Siivor ~ak ~es-- Ik~algbt El~tht or ~lx |~I1~ ~t_B®autJful Thing on ~'heel~ When you buy a Pontiac you buy more than pride of owning the most beautiful thin.on wheels--you buy a car that will delive com- pletely satisfying, carefree performance year after year. Your eyes will tell you Pontiac.. is a beauty, every time you see one--aria t/m records will prove Pontiac's dependability every mire you drive one, Dollar /or Dollar You Just Can't Beat a Pontiacl Beach, North Dakota . , ,, i, ,r ~v. lit. ~.. --- Inez Lacy, Pemtors" i~mctt. 9:45 a. m., church school meets. Classes for all ages. 11:00 a. m., Palm Sunday Ser- vice. 5:00 p. m., Pilgrim Fellowship Worship and supper. Monday 8:00 p. m., Church i!istory Class. everyone welcome to attend• Wed. evening choir practice. Thurs. evening 8 p. m., Holy Week Communion, Baptisms and admission of new members. Good Friday sarvice commen- cing at noon until 3 p. m. Seven 20 minute services with five minute intervals between. The Methodist, E. U. B., and Congre- gational pastors taking turns in speaking, on one of the '~Seven Utterances of Jesus on the Cross." SENTINEL BUTTE: 9:30 a. m., Palm Sunday Ser- vices, Communion, Baptisms, re. ception of members. i¢IEDORA: 10:00 a. m., Sunday School. 2:30 p. m., Communion Servi- ce. Baptisms. reception of new members. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH N. J. Johnson. Pastor Master Guides meet every Sun- day, Wed., and Friday evenings at 6:30. Wecmesday evening 7:30 Pray- er mc~eting. Thursday Dorcas Society meets at 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., at Hospital Annex Building. Sabbath School 10:30 a. m. Hour of Worship at 11,:45: Hear the "Voice o~ Prophecy", every Sunday over KGCX at 8:30 a. m. BEACH METHODIST CtIUBCB J. Robert Boggs, Jr., Pastor BEACh: Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:15 a. m. Special Lenten Services each evening .at 8 o'clock, Ma~rch 18- 23. Choir, Wed., 7:00 p. m., and Sat. 7:00 p. m. Union Good Friday Services 12:00 to 3:00 ~ m., at the Con- ;regational church. WIBAUX: Morning Worship 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 10:45 a. m. W. S. C. S., Thursday 2:30 p. m. Choir, Thurs., 7:00 p. m. Union Lenten Services, Wed., F~ida y, at C. F. church, 8 p. m. Golva News George Bundren of Dowes. lo- wa, ,and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bundren of Scobey, MoRt., vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fis- cher of Golva last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe ~Bostyan entertained the whist club at their home Saturday evening, and for all it being very cold there was a large attendance. Five tables a~d eight games were played, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gearey received head prizes. Rienzi Hammond and John Sch- ulte second prize. Delicious re- freshments w~re served and very pleasant evening spent. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scheffer and Kenneth were Sunday din- ner and luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte. .Mr. and Mrs. John Schmeling ~nd Mrs. A. Scheffer were Dick. inson visBx~rs Monday. REGISTERED AND INSURED DIAMOND RINGS Indivklually ~gaed. bend-craft- ed, of exceptional beauty end originality yet moderafe in price. See ,b.rnedca'$ most be~uti~ db. mond rings todsy. Beach, N. Dak. ROBERT ZINSLI WINS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Robert A. Zinsli, son of Sher- iff and Mrs. l~ay Zinsli of this city, is the winner of the second prize in the local contest for a theme titled "My Further Oh- jective In Education", which brought him .a $25. war bond in the Elks National Found,ation Scholarship Aw,ard, from the B. P. O. E. of Dickinson. Lodge number 1137. Robert is a senior at the Sen- linel Butte high school, where he ~s an honor student. Winners will go to Nae state, and then the nation,a], where the highest proze will be an $8,000 scholar- ship. Guests From Glendive--- Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Reynolds and daughtew Irene Mary of Glendive were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ehlis of the Reynolds food store here. The Reynolds' served as sponsors for the Ehlis' new son, Paul Vann, born M,arch 2. They have another son, Edward Jr., who is 13. To S. D. Clinic--- Mrs. J. A. MeDanold left Mon- day for Marion, S. D., where she will enter t~he Tieszen clinic for treatment. Her son-in-law ,and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. tlerman Schieffer, drove their ear down, and plan to return within a few days. From Bismarck- ,/dr. and Mrs. Bill Szudera of the J3each rural commtmiW made a business trip to Bismarck 1,ast Monday, returning home during the blizzard, ,but nevertheless making good time. Delegates To Jamestown-- Mrs. H, E. Lacy and Mrs. Hanson of Beach were delegates at the State Congregational Women s Organization's ann,ua~ meeting at Jamestown held last week from Monday to Thursday. News Want Ads Bring Quick Results! A he.r~cmcn¢ -----I Around the Dakotas with Joe Marsh Snow is Worth Money! Folks driving past the Buzz Adams farm last week took a second look. There was Buzz, out in the field next to the highway, windrowing snow! ! saw Buzz in town Saturday and mentioned that folks were wondering if maybe the strain of farming 340 acres wasn't a little too much for him. "Kind of figure on keeping all the moisture from that snow in the land this year," Buzz drawled. "Best way I k.ow of is Luihling snow furrowz ~o when n thaws, the water will .~ink in the ground, 'stead of framing- off." Makes sense when you hear Buzz's side of it, doesn't it? RecKon it's mighty important to get both points of view---. whether it's windrowing sno~ or enjo) ing a friendly hottle ol beer before we pass judgment, P.S. Lot of farmers think Buz~ hu~', u tq't-tty good idea. D "ko:a Dw:3;,,~ U,'accJ Stc, rcs B'~ewers Foun,L~t;on / U~e Carter EXTRA Gasoline for the Quick Starts--F~t Warm-Ups--- and Action~Packcd Power that let you laugh at cold weather. EXTRA Golva Oil Co., Golva Phone 13 REDDY KILOWATT THE MIGHTY ATOM # B • The present emergency has not caught Reddy Kilowatt unprepared. Come what may . . . America has the power to win. Reddy Kilowat: power in the U.S. has doubled in just 10 years. You can be assured if trouble comes... Reddy Kilowat is prepared. He's ready NOW for whatever lies ahead. Ours is a "Power-fidl America. ~e Your utility company has not asleq p eit ler] In tea y rs, Montan Dakots Utilities Co. has inked its pow supply l 0#Ik