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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 15, 1951     Golden Valley News
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March 15, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N.D. ,. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, cleaning is delayed, the raw sew- age soo nclogs the final di~,l I,I t'c tank cleaned just because it I ~ still working,' Russell warns. :It may still be draining away, .but it may not be working pro- perly." The only way to clean a septic t tank' the Extensi°n Service farm.~ engineer advises, is to remove .he sludge by mechanical means. ~Fher~isnoehemicalthatwill reduce the sludge in .the septic T . . /. :ank without destroying the use- he sun m getting warmer each day, and before you fui bacteria. Septic tank 'clean- 111 ~ers'havenovalueforthepur- know it, spring will be here, and then is when you are p~e and may ruin your sew- age disposal system." County extension agents can | I going to want to be ready {o get to work in the fields-- give septic tank owners informa- l .. tion on the problem of servicing, I able septic tank service man ~o if it's a good used Minneapolis-Maline tractor you anddo thegenerallyjob, recommend a reli- I need, we can offer you ane of several we have on TELE'PHONE CO. MEET?uNusuAL DEMANDS hand, AND if you need repair parts, get them at once; Tremendous growth of the I ~ telephone system to meet un- precedented demands for tele- we have a large, new shipment of them. ,,phone services during the last 10 years is pointed out by the 1950 Annual Report of the North- Western Bell Telephone Company which was released today. GOLDEN Phone 66 The gay spot where the crowd meets for a de- lightful evening. -$5.00 & $10.00 Beach, IN. Dak. Where you'll always find a hospitable The ,reporL issued for the Board of Directors by E. J. Mc- Neely, president of the Compa- ny, compares 1950 accomplish- ments and results with those of 1949 and also reviews the Com- pany's activities and results of the 1,ast decade. In 1950 alone, the Company in. creased its plant investment by twenty-five million dollars and at the end of the year w~s serv- ing 1,562,000 telephones, a gain o~ 69,000 as compared with the end of 1949. At the same time, accor~ling to the report, there was a corresponding increase in the public's demands for long distance service. In 1950, offer- ed long distance calls averaged 266,000 per day compared with 251,000 in 1949. Service demands and growth over the last 10 years were equally phenomenal. Dt~ring the same period, long distance calls increased from an average of 102,000 per day ~o 266,000 per day. '"Telephone servlee," Mr. Me- Neely said, "is a bigger bargain today than ever before. The scope has been extended and the quality of the service has been improved. It Is of greatar value to the customer. Over the last ten years, re-pricing has lncoeas- THE Golden Valley News welcome. atered as Second atte M Door Prizes o| $5.00 At 5 p. m.,--9 p. m., and 12:00 Midnight - On Monday and Friday Night. the 27th day of March, 1951, at the front door of the Court Homm in Beach, North Dakota, the following described land: Norxhem~ Quarter (N~a) of Section Tldr~ Six (~6), Townghlp One Hundzed Fo~ TWo (142) Norris, of Range O~ Hundred Fou~ (1~4) WmO.. (1~ acres more or 1111111 ac- cording to Govornment sur- vey). $~400.~. Norfl~w~ Quarfor (HW~) oz Section Thirty Six (~6), T~- ship One H~ed Foxq~Jr Two (142) North. of Range Ono /~und~red Four (104) W~t. (180 a~zes more or legs acoording to Government ~-vey), $2400.00. ~uthoas~ Quarter (SE~/4) of Sectiou Thirty Six (~6), TOW~- ST~dp One Hlmdred Forty Tw~ (142) North, of Rlmgo Ono H~a- Fou~ (104) WeS2./ (160 acros more or lees according to Govornment su~'veT.) $2400.- 00. Southwm~t Qmwter (SW~) of Section Thirty Six (M), Town- ship One Hundred Forty Two (142) Noriho of Range One Hun- dred Four (104) West. ( 160 acres more or lm according to Government Imrvoy). $2400.- A~l~'coal and fifty per cent of all oil natural gas, or minerals on or underlying such land is reserved .by the State. Not less than 20% o~ the ,- ' " ". " . interest at the %. P - chaser will pay the costs of the sale; The State has an offer as ~is~eo opposite each description above. When cha*~l l~aymcnt has been made. the Board bf'University and School Lands will issue to the purchaser, his heir~ Howard Stall, well-known piano tuner of Bismarck, will be in Beach very soon--phone 65-J, to leave name for his reliable services. 26-1tc THE MARKET, AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO ALL AND I INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. THANK YOU! T Will buy hogs next in Beach th S Friday, March 16, and the following Friday, March 23, in Wibaux. ALWAYS PAYING HIGHEST MABKET PRICES PHONE 191 BEAC~ ~L Come to our modern service shop, and have your car, truck, tractor, or farm equipment overhauled for Spring; be wise, DO IT NOW, BEFORE THE RUSH SEASON BEGINS. Keep the car or machinery you have in top shape, so that they will serve you well, without loss of precious time in the coming busy sea- son. ON HANIN-new tractor, truck, car tires and tube We also have a good selection of used cars and truckS. Phone 74 k~