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March 15, 1951 |
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Carl O. Halvorson Paper Drive r FFA Cro- Teams I At Home On The Range For Boys I Workers Continue IHpttln r
-- lmbs" March'"_ 1~-_ Again it looks like there will l_~rl, ak IJYI ....... :.. ..... J. ............. i Rea
~C' be a shortage of p~per and with .... ~:::~.~:,:..:~.:;,:.:- ,:~.a~ " : ....... :: :.~ ~::~:~:..:',:,~:~.:::,~:~.~.~: ...... - .... , ...... . •
out a doubt Be~ch will be hav- r .... :,:~::,:::::~!::~.~:~::~. .~*-~:~::-: ::~- ...... ~. .:~:: ~ ~: :: • ~ Volunteer
• ............. ............ ..... .............. ...... ............ for R on 4 Titl
0arl H ............ :::::::::::::::::::::: ............... : ............ ...... ........ ........................ e
..... alvorso~, tit audl-,ng a paper drive with,m the next ..................... -,-:., ...... .-> .......... :: .............. : - Am r' ¢3
r Y ::.:::~:~::~::~:...-::. ~. :...:..: .: .-.:::: ::::~-.:~:.~. :::::.. e lean Red Cross this week .
~°f'~ ~ch .for many years, and ten days. Merchants are asked Last Wednesday the FFA boys ::i;:~!:!!!~i:~::i~~:i%~i:~i:i: . :i /-..:::~:::i!-:i: : ~::~::~ ::~. : ::continued their collections for Che The Hettinger Shooting StsNt
,__,,* the community's mostto save their carton boxes as ]returned Irom the Valley CiTy]i::(::ii:~ ;"~ : :~:~i~ ~~ | 1951 drive in Golden Valley ]came ou[ wc[oHous in the Rd,
~mnent citizens, succumbed well a.s wrappings, while rest-[Winter Show, where their crops t ..... :i!~i~ [.county Most of the Beach b~i'- tgi°.n 4 basketball tottvnam~
~e Johnstone Memo[ial hos- dents a~e asked to save news- tteam won a ,gold award, being i :::ii~:i~;"~:i~• ......... : ~ " |ness district had been covered by ~neia ~t Dickinson last week ear
~1. last Saturday afternoon, ~apers, mag,azines, etc. Store [one of four gold r,a'cing teams [ .=!!i~ili!i=::~: :~ [the middle of the week, wi'~t {.~Y .aeIe,~tirtg the Beulah Mlaetl
~"cn 10: alter a linge~ring ill- these items away for a~ew days /TM of 42 schools participating. ] ;.i~i!i:::i::.i:::~ :~i~~lb ]work in the residential d.ista'iets [in tne cnarapion.sMp game 52 t@
yL ae n, ad entered the hospi- :tnd a pick-up drive will be or- /The four gcdd award teams Te- ] :~::i::.:::.:i~ . ~ [progressing somewhat slower [39,. giving these two teams tho
' ~ebruary 12 f°r a rest h°n "anized in the very nc~ar future ]ceived a plaque that is the t i:~: : ::[ /~~.:z~ " *v~ ~:: :: ~ /" " t N° relimin r " " " [right t° enter the state Class
• ,. ~ .? , • . .... .:..~..:~ ~;~:~::~ ......:.. .P a y figures have . ~ _ regain Ms streneth and ~,etu all coo crate and make permanent property of the :~ ~: t#~¢:~/'~ ~ / tbeen releas . tournament to be held in Far
u . • ~ " , . . P .... ' .... : ::.:" iv~;e~::~: ~ . ~ ed as yet on the dave . . . .
~de a pahent there, became tmsdr~veworthwhlle. |schoot. Startxng thmy~a,r in all[ ~~. -~~:~ '~t here as it reaches the mid-point with g'amesstartmgthlsafter,
~ress~vely worse. Contacts have already been |contcsls only gold t~ams receive | ~~~: .~~ |All collections are to be rer~rt~ ]noon (Thursd.ay), at 2:30 p, m,,
~uneral sc~rvices were held at ::aade with a large paper corn- .tny recognition. . |~~~ " ----- "]March 30 "~- ~" Fa,rgo lime. Helttnger plays In
~,First Luther,an church,'Mon, pany to care tor the p~Per and[ Two individuals on the 3 man [ ~~~ - _ - ,|" Another worth-while fund Ithe first round game, meeti.$
v"~ ~v~arch 12, at 2 p. m.., with the. Midnight Express will stop I~, tm a]~o received, gold key,s I ~~~|" ~.. drive is. being conducted ~n" the|Enderlin winner of Region I.
~zal n~usic was provided bythis paper rnto the Twin Cities l"vi~ners on a team. \v.ade Adams i ~~~-----=- |solidi contact~basis; the Easter |~ournament t~ail for the Bc~ach
~axecl octette composed of~providing a total of ~our ton o~/~'ae of the top pl,acing boys in l [seal sale will end March 25 with |Bucs. Meeting the Beulah Mln.
~. xed Thon])son Mrs Ru a )er can be accumulated ~he contest missed the" hi ' " ~ .... "the . ' . |ors in their first ame
t , . dy P t . .-. - , . gh in- . .... proceeds to be g~ven to cr~ - . . : g , and
n~stad, Miss Evelvn Nelson A local oreanization will have I d]v~du,~l awa;d b onl 4 oints I Jonn vassau: one of the r~ght- Donaldson s m Mmneapohs. At~led children ' '." s of cer P[being ehmmated b, a sc~re
S - , ~ , Y Y P ' , ...... t , wcUm ~ ebral _. 5 Of
• Don Hathaway, Norris Deter- 1 charge of the drive. I :tnd missed by 2 points a frc, e, ()an~ men a[ ~ome on the Range present he ~s devoting h~s time p,a}sy. )6 to 57, was a bitter pill, bLOt
~,~._1' Robert Ca~rlson" , Arthur N'el-II.-. ~ _ [~ tri-p to the Grain- Excnange- ' in i' ~or..t~ovs.~. is p~c'tu,rea above with ~ ..... to the ranch, serving as -~)art ~l [the ~iiners entered, the tourrta.
~e, .and Clifford Stecker ~kJ .... ~-~_. ~] .... J....] Minnoapolis for one week with ]Famer ~lwood Cassedy Vassau tame ms[ructor in c~rpentry and O .] #-~ . /meat somew.h,at a favorite and .
@i'l~g "It Is Life Eternal", and ±lt#VOtll¥ WOUIIUCU a]] expenses paid. ia native of Wisconsin,'operated]d°ing odd job,s about the pl,ace; [~011 Lonservatlon /fanz figured Beu],ah the team
Well With My Soul". Nor-It . _. "1 t ~r i LaVerne Nielsen was the other! ~he V, assau Booterv in Billin~s,Ihe will accept only room and .... " |stop.
• -vzerson sang a solo, "The l|n /~t~r~ |n l~r~*~,~igold key winner with Bernie .......... " ~,- [ooara ,m return Ior these servi- I Chief* | .._._*r~_ * [fromThe tall rangy l~Hners knew
~l's Prayer" with ........ I~LSa ~X~i, RVSl lal llOl~a] Zook ~lacin- ..2' .... ,.vmnt., tot many years, prmr [o Ices IAOlJ~ IOnip start to finis" t~-" ~'~-
a~mpson, accompanist. Ball- I I award group. Ed Crook judging t wmcn ,rime ne was employed by | (Cut courtesy Billings Gazette) ] Several -uest ....... ~L . . [were in=a basketball game al.
various • . . . . ~o~ st:a::ur~ s rec()rd, but -~
Iy ,aS Sunday . " " ~'~Y I~;~e~erLlDy::¢ sa~t:ach boys defeated Golva 51 c~r conservar, on display .,.-),. ,~,~ ,
S~P~,intende~ni~::e~sae~c" Ruby ~epp~lutheg ~:kn~llore' ~wfhy~Sa~" bWem~l~eWesA~ mo tulrS~l:; .~iodaYn;'gmh~dande~y h~r~dcn:, Clifford Stecker ,,'on ilr:~::~c~ i: ~:~'~:p~li:~:Y'I ,e~ga.tmh: ~
• -" lso includes the T)--~ .. " . . :i g • " ' P , - "' " that night against Sacred Heart Achievement Inst. ott t~:=,:
~L Butte and Carlyle ] I~U,l[t;ll I:)UIIUII[~- t~me scneaule and the course ed man involved in the investi- of Glendive which they won 36 ........ ,~ (,'~ ,~, ~. ~-,"'~;*
con ~a~t O~.or~ct a~ ~**~ WlllS[le SOtlD.~I
• * Burns To Ground tent for the classes will be gation of the death November 3 to 22. ' NDAC will be the center of cd mal~ing t;~c, ~inal ~re';0~
9~l 'Mr Halvorson suffer-[ determined by the ~eeds and of Pat Hetherton, a transient In the consolaHon game Me- interst for 400 4-H members who in ~'~ thr~' ~ "'~'~ - ": :
)ke, and spent several A combin, ation building hous- desires of those women attend- from Minneapolis, Minn., whose dora defeated Wibaux for third widl attend the annual 4-H - .~ u e ce ,ames p~,,yea ta¢
s ~ t the Johnstone .Memor- Iing .the bunkhouse, garage and ~n.g: Classes will be held at the body was found near Medora. pl, ace honors by a score of 13 Achievement Institute, March 20 ~ucs totaled lo:) po~:~ts to their
sP tal h~re. Handicapped, ]workshop on the Karnes Johnson mgn scnool. Held in Stark county j~il to 5, after holding a 10 to 0 lead to 23..Delegates from Golden ~PeP°ncnts 17~, wn~cn means tha¢
~. ~tde partially paralyzed, I¢anch located about twenty The subject of the Iirst meet. since bedng picked up in the end of Che first hall ~Talley County are Mary Ann eacn was in r~]ete a~ me way,
?ed his duties in .the jmims southeast.of Golva, burn- ing,,wi!! be planning the garm- neapolis and charged with grand In the championship game Schmitz, member of the Lone- ,n tOOKiZ~g ~.ack, over the sea: ::
~ [Y and church, until /ea m me ground early m~s ~v*on- ent wire emphasis placed upor_ la~rceny, Rupnow was visited Beach took the tumu on Sacredtree 4-H club and Max Ganser,sons score COOK me ~ucs P~ye(l ~,i
".'~ ~illn~_ health forced him ~ d~y evening, with the loss of fabric and pattern selection and Mondav ,by. Blllina~s County --,~o~* ;. ~ ~;~=. :.~.. ..... • ~-_=._ member of the Sentinel Rustlrse ' tietti.nger, the district 4 champl. .
~e lira remgrm~mn to all ] much valua,ble machinery and study. The method of taking m- States Attorney Wiltiam Elch- in~, a 12 to 4 lead ann .=t h-~ 4-H club. Mrs. Matt Ganser, lead- ons ca their o~-n floor, just tha'e~
s he held, to take effect /several fine guns, including a dividual figure measurements horst and inf~ned of the pro. timo it w~a l_q t. ' ~ "~'~'~ e~r of the ,Sentinel .Rustler's 4.H weeks before tourn.ament time, " :
. ]new deer rifle recently purchas- w~ll be demonstrated by two posed test. nicked u- 11 ~,~ints in the third club w,ll attend the institute as w~th their refe,ec~, and after :
~' mark ,~¢ ~,~,~, o~ led by Mr. Johnson, as well as home economics students. Poss- ~ ,..;~ ,.~ .~,.o. ,I, ~.~o.,,t. ~.~.,... ~..n ~:.~., ,~^: ...... chaperon, m, aking a 150 mile t~ip, and ac,
• res remained closed /m,. ,,, ~= = ~,,,u,,~. ,u,e zutu~v msson.s may mcmae" Friday ~or the test, in .an attempt eats to one field goal and twoMiss Schmitz has completed . .:"~ ~7 .... ":" ...... ~° *.~.* : ~
• ~ [ome cnamps v a one in~
e hour of the funeral [ The blaze was first discover-2nd Meeting: Tesiing and A.- to determine if his statements free throws making the score 30 four years of club work and has . .::.. _ __ !Y._ , P? . ;i:
about 6 30 m ,b . margin, ~ ~o a~ ~otn teams na4 ~ . :
, ed ' : p. ., ut it hadtering Patterns; garment Cut-are 'true concerning his actions to 15 going into the final quar- served as president and treasur- . . _ . : .......
"n t mu hea mane a mta~ o~ ~a ~.~em god ..~
amunitv suffers a dis- ga~ ed co.. ch dway then Out. in the freight car in which he ter. er of the Lone Tree club, and has ....... ~S, :~:~
• -- ..... ~)u[ ~eacn w, as snor~ one ~ree "~"
W~th the death of Mrto be brougn[ una.~r control The ~rd Meeting: sewin~ machine; was ndmg w~th Hetherton and The~,~ ~-* ,,,~,~ ,q~o,~ -,~,~-~ *~ taken an active part in Achieve- , .......... ~: ~.
................. v '----- ....~*,- ~-,- tz~x)w Oz t)ing u me pall ame '
who endeared himself fire IS Deneved to nave o[lgmat- disposal of fullness;" types of ,,another transient, John Nichols Beach Gi'aders fell down and ment Days, winning awards in ........ .( P~. , .. g_'. ' :
wnen oonnson s n~'rea - . - ~ ,.; .... ~ ~ . : .....,~,~ tConunueu ~n rage Five) ~-
~e With his unselfish e.a ..... ~' ........ man, seams. Knox of Lake Elmo, atmn. ~nox had the game been dose it c.....~ ct~ ~w~/~ p~j~t~.
tiredness and warm l~oDer[ ~unze, rgpmmsnea zne 4th Meeti- ....... ,.,;... +~.^ I voluntee~ed some information wo,,l~* ~o,,~ ,~on~ o ~.;~..~;¢,~. Max Ganser 'has completed 2 I~ ..... n0_..~_~.._..
, SO r~u~,lilv a~v,~nfuel supply m the stove in the~, ....... s land sai,~ someone hushed hzm .......... veals of club work and servedJ.'UI-I|E~K ll'Ott~K~
----..~ ~ ........ ~,.men,. ' ~, ,- ence In ~rle ou[come uut o~ x6~ '.
bunkhouse, leawng the bmldmg i 5th Meetina" fi~-=+ fltt|.a ~f J from the car. attemnt~ at th~ fr~tbraw oir aS president of the Sentinel In ;::
short afterward, e e eva ~ ~ club la t e
Chl, f TT. u , .. y ..... " garment; necklines and trackers Hetherton's body is now buzied cle Beach ~onnectedwi~h onlyRustle s s y at. ,,~
~'~ ~-~'-,~ oen[ly becoming overneateu. ] . *:" • . . . . , , ,',
~. i"__ r. • • . ....... I 6th Meeting: buttonhole; belts. I at Beach, .after a jury found that two, w~th Sacred Heart making The c!u,bmembers to attend ~. George W. Clements, a .one- ~!:
s~ an J.#rlvlng It took exacuy qu mmuzesmr I 7th Meeting-. nlaob,~t..~.a I he had met "violent death either ~ood 12 out of 23 chance¢ for the Achievement Institute were ume resident of the Si~a~r-Trot. :~i'~:~
rain the structure to be leveled, from I fasteners. ] by Ialling or being pushed off a better than 50 p~r cent average selected on their records andters vicinity, was buried March i!
_ or accidents on the time ~he blaze was f~rstI 8th Meeting: sleeves and hems. [train." Dining the entire season of 20 achievements in 4-H work by 1 in the Belcrest Memari,al cem. 2~i
PPery streets th~s week noticed. It was parUally coveredI Anyone registering for the l ~ games played, Johnny Pilot's the county 4-.H Council execu- etery a't Salem, Ore., following ~!~
:.~t wa~mng to drivers by insurance. I cl,asses need not have had "re i TO G~-T YROG~-~D:S boys ke~t a clean slate five of tive committee. I Iinal zites at the W. T. Rigdort ~;~
~ce Chief Hatzenbuh. Just a few days before this, vious sewim, traini ..... ~'~" I Boys' Ranch will get .the pro- these ~v~os l~oi~ in t,~,r~mon¢ Attendance at the a~m~l ~ I chapel in Salem. The memorial ~
cau~mned that mare e tree The ~ P ceeds of two performances of serwces were cor~ducted by Re~, =~
. the bunkhouse on the A1 Wos p- t • purpose of the class is ] ,, .. _. play A total of 795 points were stitute i.s one of the important _ . ' . ..' ~ : ~~
....... I ka ranch was gutted by fl • t opportumty foa" / ............... made m the 20 games wl'ch their recogmtmns g~ven to 4-H ers for Y . . ~
= POor visibility ~nd~ ames to provide an • "The Gypsy Rover, a ngnt op- " ..... Dudle Strain oz me ~ ~
~-~,~t mr s[ree[ con- I The AI Wosepka ranch ~s ap- I women to learn to enjoy the I eretxa [o oe ~.rcn ~? opposition making a total of achie~'ement and leadership. Of- ] cnurcn, ~i
rommatel m es from John art of clothin co and 17 b stuaenm oz tne ~.
~. I P ," y 9 il -] g nstruction. ] . Y ..... 365. Robert Tobias was consist-iticc~rs and 4-H members cf the t Mr. Clements pa.,sedaway ::i:~
me followm su f Alexms scnool zor nurses ~n ~m ,
.,~.. " g g" I son s place. A treasured pair o I i ....... :".' _" ently the high point man of all I institute organization assume a 1 February 27 at a SJlverton, Ore,
~.~)ving during sno~l chaps given to Wosepka by the ISOCIAL IIOUR CLUB |ma¢cK, wno w~ll_~, ass z.sma ~y games .making an average o~ 15 I large share of the responsibility Ihospital at the age of 65. It0
~Rions: adjust speed I la.te Bill Follis, w~re lost in the/TO MEET TU£SD&Y | male members ..o~_ me msmarc~ points per game. Those well up I of planning and conducting their ~had been a resident of that town
) weather conditions, fire, as well as a quantity o~ } m_ ~._ ial "" . . |Light Opera Gulia In ,~lx~lucttom in the scorlng column were Son- I meetings. ]about seven years, operating a
carelul at school I cattle feed ] The ~c. hour crab will meet | ~ nek, Odenbaugh, Szudera and I ~ .... ~ | small farm there.
• next Tuesday, March 20, with n
rldUons, . crossings, [ , * I Mrs Junior Schulz -- '- - ]10 Thompso. I1 Market Re, rt i[ He WaS .born in Gettysburg)
mgea i~ever am ~ ~ • ~s nosmss. _ ~ j ~v I •
....... I, "I he Weather }I Roll call will be ..... ,__ _ | l Whe-*. IS. D., and moved with hls pa .
• ,,- ---=w--., " " NO e~[s I;o .Nor[i/1 J~aKot~ts w~t~z~ tz~
aPhamzed, but numn Iw~,.,, ,,~a 1.~.,. ,I,1,..,,.,/.,. ~ |rag. l MEET MP~{:~ 31 [ .1 heavy 60 lb. ~2.01 1 ..................
• *- .... "- . "-I v~.~ ....... "'*'°""~, "~, I , I ,,^_,...-...., **.~ .... ,. ..... I Additional Premium for |elder ulemenm ~mz~ u,¢ ~v.
avola mrowmg i lowest readin-" of the week r,..- , __, ..... ~- / ~m~= v...,, ~,~ az-ta, zm [ _ . ;"-~ -"--. --~ "~* offlee
~- ~a~l. l~on1: {lrlvel,;-....A t,~1,,W zer^ ~'-.~,~........,,.,...-./ ____.--- ___ i t~ t~xo r.~t~t~ g:~a- will m~l "- . ..... t~.....-
, HA E G)HtT da are 14% Protein ~ ~ _ 7c
IS impossible to Jover the week end. warmin~ ~an ]" | Wednes y moon, March 21, [ ....... I ............. ~.~_ ..~.
-- - - ---o--- ~ovo rrotem 21¢ He ls survzvea 9y z~s w~
distance you can J this Tuesday, Luther Hodgln, Of- | Everyone Wfl] be Z'e.liDO~l~lhl~, J t the hge3~10 Of ~ FJt'8.~ HU- [ ~a~_ o.......,.4 ---"-'- -- " " .~._ I ~,,~;~t. '.¢ e;t..~,.t,-mo m~. A~. ~@
Will " "~ " [ ficlal , cooperator, report. [for a stU~there~zdl, ng., song or J ..... Addltional Premium Over 16% Portland;
,__ ).us~. ~pj,ng.'.~ F.,,mcno~sn.ow, jpro .gram a me m?ettng of the[ The Goldea Valley Homemak- Oats " 71o and
ue aaaea, we II J Conunuea nma mm weanes y, i reach woman s Flax