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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 14, 1935     Golden Valley News
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March 14, 1935
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[ REVIEW Ii + CONTRACTS NORTH D KOTA SCHOOLS-R,cHER BY ,O3S,865. S245,945 LETI Rail Work Goes to Rue ; Oil Mix East of Churchs Ferry graveling, oil-mix and con- ]Paving jobs were included in the let Friday, Mar. 1. by the state commi~ion and announced by Highway Commissioner The total cost of the amounts to $245,945. regular road work there several structural jobs in con- with the road building oper- including one for 36 guard raft This latter con- for at $17,137.41 was awarded Brothers, Bismarck. 76,197 miles of grading and were contracted; 4.523 miles and .620 miles of concrete incidental to Minto. The oil- Work will go east of Churches Ramsay county. located by counties, to- with the cost and successful follow: Grading county--4.350 miles grading, Ball southwest, Win Coman, $12,647.65. Valley--4.994 grading, north Butte, Stude r & Manion Minn., $16,851.41. 392 miles grading south of to Schmidt, O. E. Miller, Bis- $17,948.38. and incidental of Mandan, Joe Simons, Mandan, miles grading and in- Almont to Sims, George J. St. Paul, Minn., $14,500.48; struc- and Jordan and Eyoif- miles grading and northeast of Elbowoods, A. Jamestown, $44,649.71. and incidental and Eyolfson, Hensel, $5,397.- .787 miles grading, grav- incidental in Alexander, Hall $10,982.69; struc- Hensel, $2,- .206 miles g~ravel sur- and stock pile, Grenora-Hanks, and Wilder, Jamestown, $11,- gan--8.396 miles gravel and stock pile, south of Buffer Construction company, Forks, miles, gravel surfac- and stock pile, Calio, east and Win Coman, $6,060.68, 8.502, gravel surface and stock of Richardton, Butler Con- company, $7,705.12. miles gravel surfacing pile, county line south, Win $5,852.32. miles oil mix and Ferry east, Sum- Co., Summit, S. D., miles concrete paving in Minto, Northern Con- Grand Forks, $22,420.30. Problems Present Plenty Pretty Pickles many peanuts do you eat a you have any idea as to the sold in North Dakota each you any idea how many are Halliday and community Week? here are some figures over: Baking company of are the exclusive distribu- North Dakota and the follow- are taken from their sales- Oscar H. Will Seed Co. of Bis- do the roasting for the baking They keep nine men busy day roasting sunflower seeds peanuts). The company one carload every three of these seeds for roasting. The only two ton because of and consists of 2200 cartons. are 24 bags of peanuts to the a total number of peanuts of 22,988,000. 1,305,000 or 3000 bags week on the North only other line that beats the Strasburg-Linton branch, 2,088,000 peanuts. alone there are 600 bags week, making a total num- peanuts. Figuring two hulled, there are 522,, la and this amount estimated fire the Halliday school furnace never realized, until these fig- that there were so in the Halliday corn- Promoter. Plan to Organization of road contractors organization of Associated of North Dakota, hereto- of structural contrae- was discussed and agreed to held in Bismarck last by members of both decided to meet during March permanent orga~um" tion include both types of Prime movers for the are John Holman, Mattson, Minor, president organization; A. J. and John I.~rson of Bia- Sed E. E. Salzman, Mandan. was named secretary of organization. found Guy Muz- s~ault with a dangerous he fired a rifle at an air- over his property. It is its kind in North De- Doings of the Legislature i Must Cut Appropriations In a formal message last week the Governor called attention to the fact that the sum of the appropriation measures came to a little over $6,000,- 000. This the Governor considered too high and he admonished the legisla- ture to do the cutting or he would. He felt that a figure around $5,000,000 was desirable. Governor Welford said that he re- alized that such small appropriations as were permitted two years ago were hardly enough to run the various re- stitutions and departments, but that the 1933 figure had" been left at about $4,OOO,OOO. The governor said that schools and necessary functions of the government should receive consideration over the other services and departments in the paring process. Advocates Sales Tax Weiford's message also contained other admonitions for the assembly. In brief, he urged the appropriation cuts to the figure mentioned above; that some form of sales tax be adopted to provide the necessary revenue for necessary operations; that the bond stabilization program be maintained without Change. He also asked that $400.000 be di- verted from the beer tax to the bond interest fund and that the motor vehi- cle fund again be permitted to go to the same purpose. He opposed any in- crease in the gas tax. The Governor advocated authorization of sale of gen- eral obligation bonds in case of an emergency. He left the legislature to "follow its own judgment" in the mat- ter of a liquor revenue law. Mun~lp~! Liquor Law The municipal liquor law which was approved by the house committee and in general orders, late Tuesday, March 5, passed the house by a 58. to 52 vote. The house was in favor of the law because of the needed revenue. It is also indicated that many of the favor- able votes are to be given because it is expected that the law will be branded unconstitutional by the su- preme court anyway. Talk of a special session, prevalent about the capitol corridors, was killed by Governor Wellord Monday in a fiat statement that no such session would be called, nor was even contemplated. To Probe FERA After considerable discussion the House March 1 passed the resolution asking for an investigation of the FE- RA administration in North Dakota. The appropriation measure for the construction of a $200,000 state hospital at Jamestown passed the house. In the senate final approval was giv- en to the "butter on popcorn" bill. One House Legishtt~re Killed In the House, Senator Bonzer's bill to create a one house legislature, was indefinitely postponed by the house. A $20,000 appropriation for the game and fish department for the construc- tion of dams was appr0v~l by the Sen- ate. The firelock weighing and grading bill, paued after a heated ~ in the house, was debated in the inmate, S. D. LIQUOR LAW AWAITS BERRY SIGNATURE Pierre, S. D., March 14.~A liquor system providing for private licensing under state authority for both on and off sale was set up in a legislative bill awaiting the signa- ture of Gov. Tom Berry today. License fees will range from $200 to $6,000, with the money going to the new state department of justice. Taxes of from 10 to 50 cents per gallon for liquor, estimated to yield $400,000, will go to relief. Local option will prevail and cities may operate own saloons to pay off in- debtedness. killed and then reconsidered and sent to the appropriations committee for re- consideration. An appropriation of $6000 on the bill brings it under the appropriations comrnRtee jurisdiction. Limit Game Bag A house measure limiting game bags to five birds, no matter what kind oz what season, was approved by the sen- ate and sent "to the governor for his signature. The house aftcr two unsuccessful at- tempts, passed the resolution asking for an investigation of the Fargo strike. The final ten days of legislative ac- tivity began last Friday at the end of the fiftieth day. Of the 694 bills in- troduced into the two houses, 332 were killed or withdrawn, leaving 297 meas- ures to be dealt with by the legislature in its final ten days. Over the weekend both houses speeded up work to as great a degree as possible in order to fall under the Friday deadline. Few recesses were held except when a rest was needed or some special committee work had to be done. The senate took a brief recess Saturday to receive Brigadier General D. S. Ritchie, Valley City, and other officers of the National Guard, who were paying a formal call on the legislature. In the senate the bill creating a half mill levy for payment of interest on state real estate bonds was passed. Other bills passed by the senate in- cluded house bills appropriating funds for the various state institu- tions. No mention of closing some of the schools was made. A bill author- izing regional fire schools was ap- proved. The liquor bill, providing for muni- cipal stores in all cities and village6 of over 200 population when approved by a majority of the voters, passed the house with one vote to spare in the early morning hours March 16, after it had been hauled in and out of gen- eral orders for amendments. The lone amendment of any importance was the one which included villages as well as incorporated cities, it being pointed out that many villages of 800 popula- tion still clung to their original form of government. The house killed the bill that would double the beer revenue tax and t~ measure providing for tax on electric power. (= no time in making the million dol- lar trans2er from the state hail in- surance fund to-the state equaliza- tion fund for the benefit of rural schools as provided in House Bill No. 339. Here is shown the picture of Harold Hopton, commisszoner of insurance, signing the check by which the transfer was made. Watching him with his cigar in his mouth is John Gray, state treasurer, to whom the check is made out. Ne.xt to Mr. Gray is Lars Siljan, manager of the hail insurance department, from whose funds the money is being taken. Arthur E. Thompson, superinten- dent of public instruction, whose schools are to be benefited by the transfer was unable to be present . so his place was taken by R. B. Murphy, deputy superintendent. The check is shown below. DARROWUNABLE TO AID LANGER Illness Prohibits Proper Prepara- tion By Noted Lawyer; With- draws From Case Fargo, N. D., March 14. --Attor- neys here for former Governor Wil- liam Langer were advised Saturday t h a t Clarence Darrow, noted Chicago lawyer, will be unable to argue Lan- ger's appeal from a conspir- acy conviction before the Uni- ted States court of appeals ,at Kansas City. Illness which was described as not serious has prevented Dar- row from pre- paring Langer's case, it was said, and necessitated his withdrawal. Two Admitted to Navy from N. D. Two men have been permitted to enlist in the U. S. Navy from the Bis- marck office according to Robert J. Penders. recruiting officer, who ~ust received notice of the month's quota. The men chosen are Gordon A. Bur- gess, Sheldon, N. D., and Aimoro C. Lorenzen, Elgin. These men wil leave Bismarck" Mon- day March llth for Minneapolis and from there wil be sent to the Naval Training Station at San Diego Cali- fornia, for a three month training per- led, Due to the fact that of the men that were discharged from the Naval Ser- vice in the last two months, ninety- five per cent have re-enlisted, the quota for this district has been very small. It is expected that a larger quota, will be allowed for April, Pend- ers says. The Jamestown citY fathers are con- sidering the po~tbility of the erection of a mtmletpal electric plant there. They r~enUy voted unanimously to hold a special meeting at which a Twin Citi~ contractor and construction en- l~eer should talk. IN the NEWS Kids In Bisbee school children made such a habit of using the postoffice as a hang-out that Postmaster Robert Pet- erson was forced to give warning that the office should be kept clear for pa- trons of the U. S. mail Treasure In Walsh county a dying man mum- bled "You will find $800 in a can in the granary and $1200 buried-----" then he breathed his last. The $800 was speedily found but the $12(D--the whole county is digging for it. ---o-- Peanuts-Russian In Halliday a local beer parlor is holding a contest to see who can husk-and-consume (simultaneous ac- tions, if you're expert) 435 Russian peanuts in the shortest time. --o-- Favorites At Mott, Rev. P. C. Packer, leader of the high school band, received notice that the band has been made official Lions club band for North Dakota and as such will attend the fifth district Lions convention to be held at Aber- deen, S. D., some time in June. The band has accompanied the Mort Lions club on several expeditions. ---o-- Missed In Mohall Luella Seibert ran for the train as it was pulling out of the sta- tion, seized the rail and attempted to swing her heavy suitcase aboard. She missed and was dragged for several yards between the train and the plat- form, finally tumbling off into the deep snow. She, was uninjured except for scratches and bruises. ---o-- Gas Near Tepee Butte a New England bulk station operator driving a gas truck ran out of gas and hoofed it two miles to a farm house only to be jre- minded that he had walked away from a tank full of the liquid fuel he was after. ---o-- Returned A Minot man who owns a farm near Berthold, refused to cash his allotment check, forwarded to him by Uncle Sam, on the grounds that he can get along without the money. He returned the check to Washington. He explainec~ that he signed with the man who rents his farm. because the renter needed the money. --o-- Charity In the Minot hospital attendants checked over the clothing of Simon Polucka, 47, charity case from the county home. found $265 in the old- time. big gold currency concealed in the garments. Polucka admitted living for five years at the Ward county home with the money in his posses- sion. ~o---- Portrait At Jamestown recently, the city council accepted and hung a picture of Anton Klaus, known as the "Father of Jamestown," which was presented by D. R. Brockman, a member of the council. Klaus came to Jamestown in 1879 and founded much of the city's industry, including a hotel and the milling business. ~o--- Gooselaw In St. Vincents, just across the Red River into Minnesota from Pembina, died Mrs. Angelica Gooselaw, 109, re- puted to be the oldest woman in Min- nesota. Mrs. Gooselaw was married at Pembina in 1942 and lived at her home near St. Vincents, since that time. Ten of her twelve children are living. There are fifty-one grandchildren. ~o--- Holt At the Lake Region winter sports carnival near Devils Lake Casper Oimoen, former national champion,] won class A honors on the ski JumP l as everyone expected. In the boy's] class first honors were carried off byI Henry Holt, Jr., Grand Forks, son ofI Henry Holt, printer and recent candi- date for U. S. senator on the demo- •,ratic ticket. --o-- ,~!i Fire Into the front office of the Beach Advance rushed "Buster." the fluffy INEGOTIATIONS FOR PEA CE IN AFRICA Neutral Zone Between Abyssinia and Italian Province May Be Established Rome. March 14. -- Italy's dispute with Abyssinia over b~rder raids in East Africa are believed assured of a peaceful settlement when an agreem~,~t reached a neutral zone. It is under- stood the agreement reached other out- standing questions. Despite the prospect of an agreement it was said the Italian government would continue dispatching war ma- terial and troops to Somaliland. Classified Ads Buying or Selling-- They Get Re~ulta Over 55,000 circulation in 70 North Dakota Newspapers RATES: 8s per word--No ad for less tkan $1~for each Insertion. 14o per word for two insertions, go per word for sul~ssquent Im- suee. North Dakota Newspaper Association BISMARCK. N. DAK. ELECTRIOAL WORK ELECTRIC LIGHTS WIND DRIVEN~ You build them. Write Wind Motor Electric, Ridgway, Mont. xp--20-2~ MOTOR AND GENERATOR rewind- ing, repairing; gun and lookemltk. Otto Dlrlam. Bismarck, N.D. p$$tf PROITEN$1ONAL SEItVlCll SONS POISONS--MIokoison'e ooyO~ eaPtme.s., S0---$l.~.#; IIt---$4.|0. l~a¢ pos pain on receipt of price. Chemical Company, DepL A. nan,- stone, Minn. xP--I~ CALNAN FUNERAL HOME, Phone 2|, Bismarck. N. Dak. lStf'~ BAKERS FOOT REMEDY for perepi~~. lug tender feet 65c postpaid. ]~ree Booklet. Burkett Agency, Fargo, N. Dak. p-tf-10w SHOE repairing, delivered i~4'oel Dost. Low rates. ~rst class, work. ,1". D. Shoe Shop. Rlltmarck, N.D. s-ltl SEE ACK'S for your auto frost shield, radiator repairing, door and wind. shield glass. Let us check your cool- Ing system for anti-freeze solutlone. Ack's Radiator ~hop. Bismarck, N. D. o~ ~oLD w~ CASH FOR OLD GOLD Teeth, crown~ bridges. Jewelry, by return mall. ! pay the most because I refine Into dental gold. Satisfaction guirant~e4 or shipment returned. Free Informs. tlrOn. Llcen_~ed b b_~ United ~tates Oov. nment. Dr. welsberg, Gold R~t~, In~' Co.. l~O~. Hennepfn, Mlunea~ll~, M!nn. P--4?tf SEED WHEAT FOR SALE---Good Marquis Seed Wheat, cleaned, price $1.10 a bushel. Also choice of 10 young registered Holstein bulls. At tars one-half mile east of New Salem on U. 8. No. 10. John Chris- tiansen, lock box 186. $CHOOLII AND COLLBf~]~,I~ CAPITAL COMMERCIAL College, Bis- marck, an up-to-date office tr~In- In~ school. Our pupils get the poat- tidns. , , @ltf WANTED TO BUY WANT~D---~sh market for $7 items. Bid~ fflveu on large lots of shemp ~lts an~.Jurlk. Clean. ho.rse tgl| ha, t-r 2,re ~p.. ~lea_o scrap aluminum 70 POt" ~- ?nip tO DaKota-Montana Hide ~d .eta: ~O., ~eacn, N. Dak.. or Sidney, ~ont. ~ave t~le ad for the addr~I. TURKEYS---Lzsten~ look for our aft. nouncements. Your in t erastUS all~ our interests ere alike; "old frien~ MARRIED WOMEN Don't worry about periodic delay, be wise and keep your beauty; use our relief tablets. Harmless and effec- tive in most unusual cases. Relief obtained, when all others fail, from 3 to 6 days. Order rushed out, $2 box. Write or phone. BORNLUCKE LABS. l~Itt. ND Mhtue Hs ~ian. ~ck, N. D.~. FOR SALE FOR SALE~Prooerty in Mott. N. D. Good location. Terms to ri~h~ ~arty. ~lenn Barbee, Mort. N. D.. Box 314~__... --o-- Clmmpim The University of North Dakota de- bating team composed of Robert Butz and Odin Ramsland emerged from a debate tournament at Moorhead State Teachers college recently the only un- defeated team. They met successfully teams from Thief River Falls; Macal- ester college, St. Paul; St. John's col- lege; Luther college; Ellendale Normal and industrial school; and the North Dakota agricultural college. Double-Da~e When John Fisher, 73, and Mrs, Fisher, 71, celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversary at their home in Me- dina recently, their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fisher of sF~e~ek Raliids, Minn., celebrated their w~ annivermry. The elder era, who have lived in Stu~man county, for 44 years, saw the mac oz tmm~ on the pr~ke~e~ Five of their nine children were with them fo~ the snnive~saty. a pan of alcohol in the back shop and then got too close to an open flarr.?. Captured and wrapped in a rug, Bus- ter was found to be short-haired and sooty but not badly burned. Oat-trail More certain than is the average Canadian mounty of getting their man, Walsh county's sheriff and states attorney set out one morning to follow the trail of eats that had leaked from the truck box of an eat thief. Across two counties and into a third the trail led, only to become lost with- out any clue as to where the culprit went or whether the entire amount of the 100 bushels of stolen oats had leaked out. USED TRACTORS. Flows, Drills, etc., wanted and for sale. Machinery Clearing House, Fargo, N. D. xp--$I-$$-~$-$4 ~NID~LIbAN]mOUS WOLF AND COY¢3fPE exterminator capsules got nine coyotes one night. and brought $121.1S0. Free l~rmul~ and Instructions. George Edwards, TAvtn~ston. Montana. D - 4tl 1933 SEED CORN.--WelIs county grown, •tambow F ] i n t, Famoner, $5.$5, bB~shel. Ger~nination, 97 per cent; W~tlte oases C~Ovsr seed, Purity, 99; $10.~ hundred. Fred Museha Seed Farm, I~ar- vey, N. D. SEED CORN--90 percent ruination. $2.50 bushel for prices and samples falfa, 5~veet Clover. and seed subject 30-day testin~ N. D. Grimm Alfalfa Ass'n, z (500 co-ol~rating growers). and new friends plan to suwPort ollr program. Mandan Creamery ~ Pro~ duce Co., Mandan, Ri~marek. Mlnot~ Jamestown, Dickinson, Williston, an~ Her finger. white dog owned by the late Waiter} Cushing. Buster's advent broughtI SEED CORN shouts and screams as his fur was SEED CORN blazing. He had accidentally run into ~ Germination 90% or more, $2.50 bu and up. Write for [ information a n d samples eoverlaq | Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Millets. and ~other seeds. All seed subject to 30- day testiug privilege. N. D. (]~lmam J Alfalfa Ammeiatlon Fargo, N. ~D. 11141 / co-operatln+ growers 20-21-~-$$.14