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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 12, 1931     Golden Valley News
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March 12, 1931
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A. C. Blacksmiih Is Given Honorary Degree + *I'JKE BEACH. N. D'., ADVANL~ Mrs. Lyman Page accompanied Mrs. Bert Covert and her niece, Miss Vivian Le%te to Glendive on Monday. Rev. Brown of Dickinson was calling in this vicinity Tuesday. George Wosepka was a business visitor in Sentinel Butte Wednes- day. Mrs. Glen Alstott and Mrs. H Wassman were Beach visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheen and sons Rodney and Kenneth were Beach visitors Wednesda.~I# Andrew and Mesdames Daisy and Rose Wassman visited Mrs. Lilly Benson at Sentinel Butte on Wednesday. Bill Swan and family, Tony Barthel and family, H. Wassman and family, H. L. Babcock and Victor Renstrom visited at the G. Alstott home Tuesday evening. Mr .and Mrs. Ray Harmon were Golva business visitors Thursday. Miss Edna Peterson motored out to the farm Saturday. Her Dad accompanied her back to Golva. Ewald and Axel Johnson and Enock Anderson were Beach vis- itors Tuesday. THU]~DAY, MAR(:~H IADVISES CARE TO rviilitiamen Glanl $50,000 Contest Mail INJURY TO HATCHING "Eggs to be saved fer incl should be gathered several each day to avoid chilling," F, E. Moore. extension of the Agricultural college. "The eggs should be kept cool, clean place where the ature remains rather about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. mination can take place at as temperature as 70 degree appreciable length of time or higher temperatures, will erly lower the hatchability." In selecting eggs for pays to cull them carefully. color and shape are inherited ly shaped or colored eggs not be used. Also. eggs with of poor quality do not, as hatch well. It is expensive waste of time to set them. North Dakota poultry who wish detailed informa incubation and brooding have a copy of Circular 8'/. circular is published by the cultural college at Fargo free. ADVANCE ADS GET , Mrs. E. O lstad and son HarmonHE thousands of letters t'e- al Magazine Company and Editor ot ~isited Sunm~y at the ~noen heine, ceived in the $50,000 Camel Cosmopolitan Magazine, and Roy i Msis Haze! Vinquist spent ,the cigarette contest, advertised Howard, chairman of the board ef '~ week ena ye!ma. ~a.~cocz..m newspapers from coast to coast, the Scripps-Howard newspapers ~ Be~e~n~tr~da~e~3e?n ~ne dance a~were guarded in the same manner were judges of the contest which i __ _ ._ y Lg.. .. as huge gold shipments. Photograph called for answers to the question BAD LANDS RED ~ ~Tea wassman and tamny were ~hows cen .... ~ , ............... s test marl being loaded What recent change has been made FENCE POSTS !i visitors at the JaCK Nortnrup hOme • . . ...... ate an armored truck at the: Wln- m the wrapping of the Camel pack ~a~uraay mgnz • : " Rob rt ston+Salem, N, C., postofflce under age containing twenty cigarettes John Scnmefing and e " t Huw,~ ........... ~pvu~ ..... '~-y w~-"*hth~ir~ ~t:. ard ...... for transportation to the of- and what are its advantages to the • ~ i/I firend Harmon Olstad. aces or the IL J. tteynolds Tobacco smoker?" The huge response to "IIm ........~v ,-,~ Mr_..¢ H. P. Crossman en- ~ompany. Charles Dana Gibson, the contest announcements proved • • terra;ned for dinner Sunday Mrs .oted artist and publisher of Life. anew the great responsiveness of • Laura Strahon and Jack Le~'is. ' Ray Long, president of Internation- the public to newspaper adver',i~-::~. -- I I • I Mrs. Nick Lundin is very ill and ~ - " ~ ~ ~ ~m Ii{~ was taken to the Bismarck hospital ~nniversary. The guests were :'~le of stunts. A cap party and the -- --- Saturday . :elative.~ of Mr. and Mrs. N::-:,:,~: ciothpin act. Mrs. Sho~n and Mrs. a- Those attending the whist partymd Mr. and Mrs. Nell. F, wald Johnson winnino prizes. The at Claud Schouboe's from this vi- Dr. Sutrer and Mrs. Sutter re.e- next meeting will be with Mrs. E. ~w lille ~l~[RV~.~ cinity Saturday evening were Mr. ,ored to the H. P. Crossman fa':n: Olstad, April the 13th. Mrs. Sheen, -, ---T~ -**¢~r~,~ and Mrs. Lyman Page, Mr. and Monday evening, where th~ d~':tor Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Schmeling ~ He makes a thing of rare beauty ~ honorary degree of Master Artisan ] RooseveIt Memorial Gate illustrat- Mrs. H. P. Crossman and A. M. had been called, is the lunch committee and Mrs. \ from ugly pieces of iron, |at a unique ceremony held in his|ed in the picture. The gate now Peterson. Mr. Peterson walked Tom V¢o~epka was a business Vieland and Mrs. Corllss the pro- w e~,m~ ~ In appreciation of the 30 years of } honor, t guards the entrance to the enelos- away with head prize, visitor in Beach Monday. gram committee. | [ | i.11%i | |[ his services to North Dakota Agri-] Hale and hearty as he approach-~ure around the Roosevelt cabin on ,d ~ Wosepka and, The B. G. club went to Sentinel Mrs. Lewie Hovland spent the ~ ~J| l l~k,]~| cultural college, special recognition lea his eightieth birthday Mr. Chris-l the Capital grounds at Bismarck. en~ Sunday in Butte Monday to help Mrs. Paulweek at the home of her parents, m~ ,~~ was recently given Halle Chisholm, ] holm hammers steadily at his an-[Hand-wrought metal, numbering f t hter and her Wagner celebrate her birthday,Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wosepka. IIII [" instructor in metal-working, when ~ vll every working day. 11,673 pieces, went into the making the college conferred upon him the I It took a year to complete the I of this 1,I00 pound gate. . 1 [ ~rs. Wendall aearly all members ~ere present to ~--~ a~ ~v~% aninversary, enjoy the excellent dinner the Beware of Financial N~poleons--- [ I'r' [ 1 r % ' " .... " ' ' ' +' .... : "~ 'as 1 lay before. It =ommittee had prepared. After the remember Moscow and St. Helena,, BEACH, N. D. ............ -=-- [ and dancing enjoyed for a hour af- I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Howard were ~ I~ ~ 's. Fred Nell's busines~ meeting there was a cou- not to mention Townley. i I ~.~w~ ] terwards, the music being furnish-I invited guests at the Parker Grein- --" : ~: ~ -----= ~JL~L|J~ led by Mrs. Norman Rest on the| er home Sunday evening to help Mrs. C. H. Howard, Reporter I accordian and Mrs. R. E. Morrl-| Parker Greiner celebrate his birth- , ~| ~| I ........ ] son on the piano. [ dayj Whist was enjoyed during | Miss~s Nelson, Mennie and Holm-/the evening with Mrs ~Ioward and ~' - ~ ~ OBITUARY [berg spent the week endin Baker.~7. O. Erickson winning high score i ~ ' ~. Je~e Darwin Williams was bern ~ ] and Mrs. Shepherd and C. H. How- " In O~rant county, Wiscon.~ln, the [ SPLENDID MEETING / ard the consolation. A delectable [ ~~~'-- I 2~nd day of November, 1858. Mov-| The O~lie Woman's culb met on ~ two course luncheon was served at ~ L ~ ~ ~.--- ~ ".~ ~' :~ ~ ~ I ing later with his parents to Rich- I Friday afternoon at the home of I midnight and as the guests depart- *] ". " -~, land county, Wisconsin. He was~ Mrs. Parker Greiner. After the | ed they wlshed Parker n~any more 1 iI " 1880 tO Miss Jane McHone. To this slstlng of current events, a paper| Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Esmay and ~nion 1'1 children were born. The on Norway, by Mrs. Alvin Hover-1 Mr. and Mrs. L. H. West drove to wife and three children preceded|son. The Federal farm 'beard by] Baker Monday on business and him in death. He died Februaryl~s. D. L. Bfllington and a paper~ were dinner guests at the Jesse I I I ~ ~ ~ , ._q\ .!.! ~' 1931' at Av°ca' Wisc" at the age I °n Alaska bY Mrs" Ge°rge Rustad I Hayes h°me"'-- [ :I I I: J| ~\ ~'~ of 7~ years, ~ months and 5 days. I were enjoyed. Apple pie, whipped I Miss Marian Buckley spent th~ I! ' /' " +l~vestomourn his pa+ing,eream, cheeseandcoffeewereserv-|weekendlnMarmarthattheP~ay + three daughters Mrs. David Thw~ng I ed by Mrs. Greiner and Mrs. John- I Leafy home. + -: - ~ Of elite, Mrs. E. Kruger of Car ylelson. Mrs. Gnee Babcock of Car-l Mr. Kiser and son Ray of Miles i andMrs~AndrewDr~ve~fAv~ca~{~y~ewasaguest~fthec~ub.The~C~tyfatherandbr~ther~fMrs~~ [ [! / Wise., and flve sons, Nolan and lnext meeting will be at the Leroy Math Zeltlnger visited from Wed- Denver of Ollie, John of Staples, iMoline home in Carlyle on April nesd#ty until Friday at the Zelt- Minn, Oliver of Livingston, Mont. 13rd. linger home. and B°Yd °f P°rtland' Ore" als°' - ~ " - I Mrs" J' K" Tatley entertainedl i'grand b d of M.Jer S Williams' ' Saturday ft rn honnr ,f h~v il !, ~ ~;2 , ~'~ .~ 28 chtlrden and three great-I Miss ~ssie Drove. and Edwin ~alk] • _ a e oon in ............. [ i :::[~ randehildren. Mr. Willlams came of Avoca, Wmc., accompanied the dau hter H I ~ ~o.~ +.o~ g g , e ene, wh~ n ..... i tO N01~h Dakota and homesteaded o y se here! sixth birthday. The guests were I I Rev. Bovey of ~arlyle officiated Mx. and ~ars. ~o£an wmlams. I Rhoda Ann and Edna Christine' at the services at the United Bre- and Mr..and Mrs. . Denver Williams Hoverson._ Leona Bryson ____and R___r~e t .... I . 1 ghtful time was thren church Wednesday after- and family, Mms Essie Drone and Marie Rest A de i noon and the remains were lald to, EdwLn ~alk were dinner _gusts a~]had playing games and eating the Ollle cemetery The the uavld Thwlng home ~unemy level lunch Mrs Tatle / rest in the . • y served pall Bearers were P 0 F~may L ! Mrs. Orville Beach and son Lyle| l~I. West, C.. H. Hall:P.'E. Bryson, lsan# wMer~. &La~'s/~thee~ofDic::2hi Success In keepi'ng poultry for + a I~US, ao ana ~. + +ryson AMrs. Mrs. F. ome from'U Saturday until" Thurs- ", ~ f /" J ~-~'~,.-~~~ i I.+ ..... +. __oooo__o.,+,. oo I quartette of Erickson, } a ,,,,~a ~,1~,~ ,,, ~- ~o+~ +- +~,o ~,, i ' Sheyherd, S. E. Zollinger and C. C. l day and Mrs. Arnold ,Beach_and ] an~g~n wlnte~. +~'~ obtain" t~l~"& re-' [ ~ ~ " --va sang several beautiful son,. "+Y, acoompamea mere home sult it is ne__rv to hatch chick ~.~~ / "~~iiiI~I songs ~'rlaay, where ~'ay entered the nos- ___ __. ...... -~ .- . ...." • pltal for an oPeration for mastoid ~.eany m[ne aprlng so ~nar ~ney ' .......... "I w~£ megm to lay when the hens are i I ., l CARD OF THANKS a~rs. ~zowe o~ ~azer ws,~- moltln~ We wish tO express our sincere ed from Tuesday until Thursday at °" I ~.~k ~ Jr .~~ M ~! I thanks and appreciation :for the lthe Ike Stowe home. ± - ' -- -' " l !++ l~h ~ ~ I i i kindne~ and sympathy of our R.E. Morirson and Blaine Bry-I - I ~ ' $ ' friends and neighbors and to the i son were dinner guests Tuesday at/I , .. , _, + - - , choir and the pall bearers. We wish l theM P.aO" Esmay home. +I Lati~o.. __._.Leather , | ~' ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ :~ tO thank those who furnished cars r. nd Mrs. J. M. Buckley drove II ----e" "~----~- i .- .... a~+d ,+.'the beautifuLflowers. WeI to Beach Monday whe~ Mrs.,, Ham. leather, sole leat~r, I I ~ ,4 +, ~ + WiSh to thank Rev. J~ovey_ for his t ucgiey nm men+a, worm aone. t| - +omfortlng words during our re- I i ESS e rone and dW n Salk II ' "~-+-'+ -"+ " + in s i h ................... " t .::.. +-" " + 9 cent bereavement. Mrs. Ed. Orug-]were d net gue ts Fr day at t e ~1 ~a;~Cot~. ~ ;- ~e~I~ro'vD~e,~la~nnWi~?;la~?. De'~n:tDraovint v~hWingunPiym~unt~Yd ........ Z .... r her aunt Vet Willlams. Boyd Williams, Olive I • . . P I I~^...I.l.l...,t.._._ '|_-u ...... Jt ......,,, #" __+ t ....... #- " " - -- "~ Wttilams and John Williams. ]~| Mr" and Mrs" J'M" Bucmey anuil~thHall ~:e to BeachtO-+,. --""'"--, O' +----'O' THE {OURAG£ TO BOOST O~D ~= I Y, nd y, to a e dental work i and ~bo@ 3hen Metaphors, smiles and even by-tdone. . . . _ Ill • ~ De~oles fail to give an adequate~ Mr. ana ~rs. ~orman ~ost, Mr. ;_ I deserlption of the'manner in Which land l~rs. l~y Shepherd and Mr. ~_ ,., -- re t and a~rs nenmng Steen were the local whist players we en er-| talned on Monday night, Marci~ 2 Iguests Saturday night at the F.l #: + The fearless courage to boost our community as the best place in whic ts Shepherd home when they went to Baker as gues [ • {I to live. as the best place to transact busi,es as the one spot in all the Of th~ Baker Odd Fellows They ] A number from Ollle attended [] ' ~OI~d~ forward to having "a good the Woodman hard time dance at]| [~'~$ ~ i time but such a reception was en-ICarly]e Saturday night and reportt| ~, ""~ world that we are proud to call home---,s the brand of courage this ccm- a good time tirely beyondtheir expectations, I • l ~ ........ Glasses Fitted For munity and other community t at wishes 8fic[ have. , ors and Mrs E er Wang and Classes F,tted For and every one of the vis't - /f . _ : : /I every grow prosper to must away with a profound appreciation~ily, Mr.. ana ~v~rs. Albert Wang~ ,~,., , _ , . , ,. of tlle time and efforts the Baker l ct amily and Art Wang were l~ ~l~llaren aria AaUll8 .'ontingent had expended in pre-I n3ndeaY guests at the Ed. Wang[ ¢ In order to keep ,v,ry man we now employ on our payroll, we are : ~aring for the occasion and the l _ e. . _ J I -- + ' ~g~we~#b°~dd~t'srn~sh~P°u~h:Ylvis~a"t~rsa~aatur~a#:Y fittet:'~:::]!eve~-s~h off,rin to th, peopl, of thJ, ,ommu,ity a ,p,¢ial 30 day indu¢,m, nt of ment a:ud in disPensing the treats. IH-_ Howard home.-. _ II ~.rou.mes or m.~men~ asrV Would +be distinctly unfalr to] Mr ana ~v~rs unas ~'ope and s]gn~, near slgn~; case g OWe gang would be out to lose just iI headaches, neryousne~, diz- have a chance to repay 'Baker]= -- il .,n., o~. ~ ,o~;,--. No more payment until SeptemEcr 1, 1931 " for their royal entertainment. Thellll -__J .+ all ~--e ==/%=/"JT~; eye~ll or O! ~nir wives of the Odd Fellows appre-lift W a[Cll III I [ne eyeDan or ~)ac~ 0! ~n¥ t head on gas servi ¢ For any home on our lines, Thi, I, done to meet tSe un elated the par y as much as their/Ill a n __+ IIIII head. X [ --" - UI! ~.,ocK .epa~mg IIIII --~ ' " " employment situation. Let s make Work together, Boost tose~er our slosan, The Rebekah ]odee of Ol]ie en-tlll Le .e YoW w lche+ .rod Ill/I ii L';Ik^, ,- T II offer II also cxecn&d all / ter alned their husbands and thellll eloP at ill f mrdw e III|I U. IJIIU I La pII tO Hc In$ r.qumplncnt, V teachers at a card and dancing IIII store, ~h. X I ill~ll ~y Wedn~ay evenlng afterllfl .,... ,.,.,~,~ ~M,.,~,,~,~ III|I Op,c~ lodge. Seven+ tables of whist were|ill n~ .~.~ ,...v~L---.,,.,~..~,~.,~, iiitll PI In vla~ with Mrs. Norman Rost IIII III|I Rooms ,-z-s s~,ve m~ o~] and Gene ~Cock winning h hlill g . ., . II!|1 store --.- M.rian Buokt+yandlllLJ01UI l armaml m[| Ph-- m , ! II I m mmm mmm .... I I