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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 12, 1931     Golden Valley News
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March 12, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AY, MARCH 12, 1931 ,s~.~ Mary ~cCaskey, I',eporter :;;!'------ ....... 3ra1:.~__,~.Mr, and Mrs. Frank Nehls were vi~a*°~daY dinner guests at the Ed.i tom~to4 wentland home. m~..~-ttle Mary Jane Abraham ol me i.~h spent the past week at the k..~l%ome of her uncle and aunt, Mr. teW ~ ~d Mrs. Olaf Abraham. t~.i. ~. an dMrs Jess Play]e and / T , . - ' PAQE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. Verl Doty and ................ --==-=l T. B."Lasselle. who moved here daughter motored to Belfield Sun- T~V r,vTwa ,r~WTlrV-- ~vTw~,~ ]from Glendlve in January with hiS day. IilNll'lJ~ LJl'lUl~.~l'll~Ifamily, is Opening a weldflag shop , /in the Alguire & Still garage he Th~ ~i~h .~ahnnt spcn d I /having pu* in machinery ¢or thag ....... __ ........... n_ debate . .... tpnm enioved a SUDDe"~ with their] 5IETIIODIST CIIURCII I pmpose. The La,sselles lived ir~ loader ~rs Pericle at the Black J. Ralph McNeil, Pastor I Beach many years ago when Mr, :- -', - :- -- asselle was a machinist i~ the • rlawK lasI~ evenms. . _ . , i ~unaay scnool, 10:00 a. m, i shop of A. E. Kastien. Eight years "---- ~ " I Morningworship, 11 a.m. ~ ago he went to work in the rail- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Anthen by choir. !way company shops at that place, ~1 EpworthLeague, 6:45 p.m. J~ but when the force was cut,do~ TEAM AND/~rA]%NF~S~R SALE Eveningworship, 7:30 p.m. i this winter, came back to his first Good w~rkers. Wr~VIur~ 45-1p Selection by ochestra. I love as stated. ~~1 Mid-week Bible study and Pray-i S~WEE,K~ _~.~U: er service Wednesday. 7:30 p. in. I A lot of water from the melting' IALS [~on's .s~vmgI Our motto: "Jesus Christ the So- snow has gone into the grolt~d ~ho creamI~nt of w~jnazei, l lution of Every Problem." Past week regula~ price, .~75c,_ F~re~ay r~-} I " zor wi two lad for 49c ,, ~ I -, LNITED BRETHREN CHURCH! '" A]~c~r'__Vv'ef_'s] F.G. Roscoe Pastor I ~rlflH IllriTHrh tooth p~e f~')~Y ~7c---25el ' i ° Colgate's ]~m@~ream ~or only] Su-day ¢-ho~ o'clock a m i L~L~'~UH .L/4/ll-lt 17C at Rices Drug Store. 45rlt' Morning~'worstlip 11 O'ClOCk " I oL][ xal~lly and Mrs. Harrison Stedman epr~+~ ~on Wayne visited Wednesday for:~ ~h~el.~oon and spent the night at o S~ ne C, Sehaal home. ~. and Mrs Harrison Stedman ~ sOn Wayn," Mr. and Mrs. Olaf 7J[~2ha~ and family and Malt ~.~ Abraham were supper guests ~ a~ the A. F. Doblar home Friday r ~ Wel~h~g. Master Harold Abraham I~ Presented with a lovely birth- ~ Cake, candles and all, by his I ~other Mrs. Doblar, it being I ~la~o~ ~Ne~gahiiteh biortshmd:Y :hitt d~ye Week end in the north country. Mx. and Mrs. Florin Adams, 011is Adams and another young of Taylor, N. D., were dinner s :at the I~arrison St.edman Wednesday. They came up i~ Taylor after some belongings . /Mrs. Norman Stedman, the la~'-s boys being brothers of Mrs. edman. Olaf Abraham and family Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Doblar were a~ the home ef Arvid In Beach Saturday. 0COD STOCK BOUGHT ~ ~-aoae who have added purebred l~l'?~ to[to their herds of cattle with- ~t~ last few months are Ed. ,~, who purchased a Brown ,_ f~0m Harold Wilkins of Val- ~Y ~ty, N D Frank Rogers. a f;om o R Niece ~_hOse~ farm isnear ~Vibaux, and ~'t~Y M~q~tmkey a Red Poll from E 1~. ]~Urray of Sentinel Butte. ~d Mrs. Roy McCaskey as- ,%y Mrs. A. F. Doblar at the Harry Hill. B. J. Me- and Dick Kerr homes on Miss Mary MoDanold. Was injured some time ago by caught in the washing ms- is improving. She is in bed of the time. but was able to last Saturday, when she to Sentinel Butte to see the Dick Kerr. who has been the pas~ few days, is also along nicely. has reached here of the of Mr. Eduar Terry. who has at the Jamestown hospital for Year, death having oecurr- Burial will be at Mr. Terry is survived Wife and one daughter. Mrs. besides four grand- and Mrs. Roy McCsskey and were supper guests and Saturday eveninq at tbe FIFI DORSAY This heavy two-piece crepe mo- del. featuring a sleeveless blouse with fine tucking, is _Miss Dorsay's selection for semi-sport wear this spring. BRIEF NEWS Ben Sinz's boy is sick. Russell Brown of Sentinel Butte was up the other day to' have a badly infected finger treated. H. L. Larson. the telephone re- pair man. is s~-ck. Mr. Selvold of Sentinel 12utte was up yesterday to have a tumor re- moved from h~s ankle by Dr. Srad- ley. Mrs. Curtis Sill is numbered among the sick this week. Station Agent Blair :~ w_,'e~;tLng with an attack of sciatic rheuma- tism. L. J. Alguire is suffar'n~ fgom an aLtack of sinus ~ruuL]e in hi3 face. Nehls home. Mrs. Nehls Cecilia McCaskev with a thdav cake. Saturday, M- natal d-~y had occurred last S'~m~:~~" as Roy Halstead before. The cake wa~ a ",,:as fixin~ hi'; car he got two ring- One and very much enjoyed ~rs caught in a gear and tore them liar-and the family, quite badly. McCaskev attended the ary meeting held at the home E. Ernes~ last week. and a very pleasant evening all that were present. The Eastern Star will hold an- other card party Friday evening. March 13th. and it is hoped there will be a large turnout. Mrs. Roy Johnson entmtained a few friends at a ~ew~ng bee at her home yesterday afternoon. Af- ter the work a charming lunch was served. North Dak.,ta still hi'is 146.505 acres of vacan: eoverP..~i~e~]t isled within her b.~rd~:s. A whole lot of it lies in th~ Badlands of our v,cinity. "We are nov, passing the most famous brewery in Berlin," ex- plain~l the guide. "We are not," replied the American tourist as he hopped offthe bus. Mrs. Lena Readinger is able to be out after a couple of weeks ill- hess. th~ 8~-a~el came home from ~0W '~l~ltal last Thursday and is a -- *e to get down to the store t0w-l~21e each~day and soon hopes • ~e completely well again. qll~:~" "~'~th of Roses," it is ai~..,..'-'~'Y ~ald, will have a special ~°~,eance to one or two of the a fairest daughters when fll~t~.,R~tarlng efforts of Cupid will reward. la~al~,h, l~Iler, who conducted the Ad~- ~uOacrtPtion contest $or the to visit Ulatit Tuesday ~,_ -awaiting orders to o else ynere to --.- g - t~mt Tl~ t~u~ on a newspaper eon- ~'~ e Old friends were glad to MINNESOTA VARNISH DRIES FAST Fo~4~I-- general use, inside or out,de surfaces, for Linoleum too • oe Per gal. $2.50 half gallon $1.30 per qt. tn * aml long lastin Prices are considerabiy 1 er than [f~;::;~_, ~ka~i~trnif~cgs aa~%o~°2rSidae;abc~ l fl~iuern:thu17 ~W t~ 1~nesota Quick .... ::J27 " . .I / OUR OWN FLOOR YARNISH ~ A QUART Selected Quality p! tl ie Gee er., ta t ! Beach, No Dak. GIVE US A CHANCE TO SERVE YOU BRIEF NEWS Mrs. Rufus Arnold is si~k this week. The total number of grain elev- ators licensed for business in this state is 1614. rfhe Ladies Auxiliary will hold a rpecisl meetin~ at the home of Mrs. Stub Noyes Thursday, March 19. A lot of folks around here have the "spring fe~er" and are already talking about the many improve- merits to homes and grounds when settled weather is assured. Sheriff's mileage fees were re- duced by the legislature from 20 cents to 16 cents for auto travel. and 10 cents to 8 cents for travel by ~rain Last Friday afternoon a number of Beach people were pleased to he~r Franee¢ SLough, a fo"mer Beaoh girl. sing over the radio a:~ a soloist with the Jamestown col- lege chorus, singing at Bismarck:. We feel mi~htv sorry for that chump of a ground hog i[ he h?s been Ioo! enough to s~av in his hole from February second. A~d we are mighty skeptical of the a?- Jeged lion who will CO:he roarina around because March came in llke a lamb. We re~-ret to hear of the seriot,'~ illness of Mrs. N. A. Lundin from acute kidney troub/e. Dr. Bradley ordering her to Bi;marck hospital at once. She was accomnanied by her husband and her mother. Mrs. John L. Denton. Her many friends hope for Margaret's speedy recov- ery. The Ontre N?us Bridge club has postponed its meeting from next Saturday to Saturday, March 21 the first day of spring, when all wiIl feel so invigorated that none will lose end all will win. Mrs. Kuhfeld c,)ct Miss Chase will be hostesses and the meeting will be at the Kuhfeld home. VIRGINIA CHERRILL The Beach Bantam basket ball bunch will go against Glendive in a return game tonight, Thursday evening at the High school gym- nasium. Glendive trimmed the lo- cals recently and the latter play- ers are fah'ly thirsting for Mon- tana gore. C. E. Leach, the manager of the Vranna company, adds his name ~o " our subscription list. Mrs. Ben Ben Hathaway return- ed to Pierson. Iowa. after a pleas- ant visit with her relatiees here. - :. ~_~.~_ , ,F=_-~-....~,w~,~.~-==~--_--~- -A.-'--___ ~ ..... --~ ..... ..... ~ Evening Weather repor~ for the I Junior C. E. 6:30 o'clock, ending March II. 7 p. m. NIVI'! ('1.] t)1" '~ALE O'N ~PI£('iA L i lhldor and by ~,'irtx~, of :t v:rit~) ol Sp,.ohli i,]xet'tiI'i~ql im Ui'd