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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 12, 1931     Golden Valley News
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March 12, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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M/~-JCH 12, 1931 ~ BEAIffEE I~. D. ADVAWU'~ PAO_W , ~ J , T i Carol at His First Parliament NORTH D KOT S TOTAL HIGHWAY COLLECTION and construction of State High-]the work done on the other roads DOLLAR. Fg~:)rd NOTOR VEHICLE FEE~ AND ways but also for a large part ofI within the county, GAS TAXES AND HOW' APPORTIONED_THI U LEGIS LA'rtvE ENACTMENT ,,, Melvin Hartse were and Mrs. H, B. Flsk Mrs. c M. ~ulton and TROTTERS ca,era at the Amos Oasho home. guests of Ever- Mrs. J. F. Crook, Reporter Eddie Omley and Kathryn Rus- . ..... Sunday. sell celebrated their birthdays last Valley Larkin ClUb week. WEST TROTTERS With Mrs. Hubert Still GOOD M~ETING Pete Kramer, Frank Debilzen, L. In spite of the vary bad roads, Hodgin, Hjalmar Johnson, Seth Miss Alice B. HaiJsman, Reporter Valley~home demon- quite a large crowd attended the Thompson, Carl Meeks, John ~ ..... Will meet with Mrs. meeting of the South Side Ladies Sutherland, Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Thursday. Aid at the hime of W. L. Kidder Nellermoe called atthe Omley Last Monday "Bill" MiddletonI w .~r and Carl Rose of on Thursday. Several members home on Wednesday. [and E O Barkiand called at the J ere visitors atthe were present, a few lady visitors Ben Russell and Roy Kidder me- Art Kammerer home. ] :h SUnday. . and quite a number of men and tored to Beach on Mond~ to have Monroe Oasho spent part of last Mrs. Chet Stewart anu children. The meeting was called some repair work done on the form- Friday visiting at the home of Mr. to order by the vice president, Mrs, er's automobile, and Mrs, Art Kammerer. The young folks who recently gave the play, "An Arizona Cow- boy," at the Madi~n hall, gave the same play at Hodges, Montana last Saturday night. A large crowd at- tended. The proceeds were divid- On Friday J. R. Andre motored to the county metropolis. ,Mrs, Art Kammerer is lately rel joicing over the fact that her hus- band has remodelled the lighting Mrs. Jess Reed enter- number of friends at evening and a Clell Trollope. A very ~orief meet- ing was held and lunch was then served. All Partook heartily of the very tasty refreshments, which consisted of sandwiches, salad, bak- served, ed beans, pickles, several kinds of system of her kitchen. Lorenz Sehulte and cake, jello, cookies and coffee, ed among the actors. Mr. Dan Johnson and Miss Mil- ~Teil Kane, drove to There is as yet no definite meeting The I.~wheads, Franklins, Trol- dred Ore very graciously took Mr. l%iday to see their place for the April meeting• All lopes and Omleys were Sunday via- and Mrs. Art Kammerer, sons, and Pred Cowles and i enjoyed the meeting immensely, at itors at the Reichert home.Miss Haijsman the remaining way grand-daughter, Bet-~the Kidder home. Mrs. Bishop has been sick due- home, last Sunday .evening. It hap- ] ing the last week.We hope she pened that the latter mentined entertained aI REX CAMPBELL POPULAR will soon recover, parties, on their return from visit- at cards Wed- We are very happy and proud to Clarence Omley made a trip of nig at the T. D. Ranch. when the event being in istate that Rex Campbell. who is a few days to Sentinel Butte on car broke down, necessitating the birthday. were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Freeland COoper, Hazel and Monday morning. He expects to visit at the H. Olson home north of Sentinel Butte for a few days. Carl Braddigan called at the Amos Oasho home on Saturday evening• He left his team stand- ing without being tied. Evidently they did not enjoy the visit as much as Mr. Braxidigan did, since group to walk several miles to the Wm. Campbell home, from where the party was taken home. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gasho and daughter Nora:belle spent last Tues- day at the J. A. Vinquist home. During that time Mr. Oasho assist- ed with the butchering. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williams were they made their departure ,before Beach callers last Tuesday. he wished to. He met his broth- Charles H. Callander made a er-in-law, Moody HillmarL coming pleasant call at the J. A. Vinquist back with the team as he was home last Friday. walking home. The Messrs Sperry and Ed. Stev- Bert SPerry evidently played ens broke down with their ear near cards too long on Friday and was the J. A. Vlnquist home last Friday. in a rush to reach home. In his The men caught a ride to town now in his second year of college Th* N~ C~rolet Co~tlbb ~abri~b~t--Produ~t of C~neral Motors you big hurry he lost part of his gro- Today, especially, it is Wise to consider carefully just what you get for every dollar you pay. Be certain that the automobile you buy represents the latest standard of motor car valuc. Quality never cost less than it does in the new Cbevrolet Six. And in the long run~ quality makes a blg differ- ence in the satisfaction you get out of the money you spend for an uutomobile. Nevw Low Prices---Roadster, $475; Sport Roadslcr with rumble seat, $495; Phaeton, $5!C; Standard Coupe, $535; C(,aei~ or Standard Five-Window Coupe, $5i5; Sport Coupe (rumble seat), $575; Five-Passengcr Coupe, $595; Convertible Cabriolet, $615; Standard Sedan, $635; Special Sedan or Convcrtible Landau Phaeton. $650. Prices f. o. b, Flint, Mich. Special equipment extra. Low delivered prices and easy terms. with J. Q. Lawheaxt for repairs, re- The @#'eat American Value Otter and son spent of his high school course, so we PASt week at the feel that he really deserves a great Mr. and Mrs. deal of praise for having received the honor before mentioned• We, returned Saturday of Trotters, all extend hearty con- e, Wtsc., where lgratulations to Rex and truly hope that he will receive many more the death of his] I honors during his college career. spent the week] Ira Gearey in] HONO---R--'P~LL and Ernest AiDe Baker Satur- certes. Luckily an h~Eest young turning Saturday. rt a~d Elsie Harp and Dale them, so Bert recovered them Ot K. Arrowhead ranch Sunday after- ~urlingame of man, Ray Tasker by name, found Robert Trollope called at the tt the Geo-~-Beach were visitors Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevens, noon. aay eveni~S.~ ~earey home Satur- Miss Natalie Horsman and Darwin - -- See Yome Below • ~r. and ~ j Adamson were Sunday visitors at Drinking water at meal times !!~ d~'~}~ ~.rtained + :,~__, ack Northur en- O.K. Omley and L. Hodgin made the Win. Voyen home. used to be considered harmful. ~lay evealn~, t their home a trip to Blue Mountain on Thurs- Ray Tasker and Lucille Bishop Nox, however, it is known that water drunk with meals aids diges- ] P r liwMr~ Bert ~overt drov .... day to deliver some horses. Seth attended the paly at Hedges, on tion. I • ~ monday ,,,,,,- - ~ ~o ~mn- Thompson is doing chores for Mr, Saturday night. At least Ray says vta a Lett '.'_7"u her niece, Miss Hodgin during his absence, so. I vSe~ttn~e~wVaie~o~gt~o: Pete ~[ramer of Wibaux was buy- Dan Johnson is announcing his The largest loss to the~ grain l ~? treOl~ti the ing horses in Trotters vicinity and Mildred Orr's marriaKe, we farmer'who does not treat his seed I ~.~.~ere forturm_ te" to know Missus who during last week. I hear. We ought to charivaiY them, is the lowered yield, Stinking smut J F.AL~ IN CHEVROLET S|X-CYJLINDER TRUCKS, $35S to $695, f.o. b. FILut, Mtchi~ran '-='©~ ~er d Lette, Miss Lucille Bishop was an over' hadn't we? in bread and durum wheats often[ el0artttre but rejoice in night visitor at the Tasker home =,Iarvc; :.c:=;n Ls no;:, sporting reduces the yield one-tenth. / ~-~ . ~i.-t