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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 12, 1931     Golden Valley News
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March 12, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4. TWEBEACH. N. D.. ADVA~C~ THURSDAY, $ POLICY 14 $[NATOR$ OPPO$[ i en, Hoover;" - ] P[OPffTOVOT[ONIN- WHATIT IS PRACTICALLY ALL ]T ACil[RS I/IKINGTH[ ' CR SING NAM[S ON Tit[ STATi: VITAHINS IN ~_---~ PUT INTO STATUT[S OATH O[ ALIEIANC[ [ !,.,,,,o, ,e ' SIAI[VOI[ P[TITiONS D OTA [OR ]1. W 11,----Hoover: 22 i t11: THE_SrpEWALK ,S SUPPe.RYI IF SET 600 A"r e HE's "¢OT OAeLLAWeOLa I: F A TIRE GOES i slF THE WAT T.H S A AIMI IF JUN lOB I-!A THE COLm-I ti ' / 2"% /~~~ _-~m,~:'~....~'~w~ ~.~. , ~~.~'~- I 30,00.0 signers to order a special I P~0~m t°f public lt~ ~~~~~~~-- - ~ " - - ~ oI wnicn tne voting population wa.~ svmbly $123,150; .re ~ of th doubled henslon of crlmlnalS]~ili~ • ' arres~ and return of l ~"1, - v~!on_of the h ml ins..urance, la.w; Industrial Institution legislation TO TAX COMMISSIONEI~ KILLED CONVENTION BILL; ~WILL GET PROMPT PAYMENT 3-CENT CIGARETTE TAX i justice $5,000. enacc_men~ oi ~ne caplt;ol I~Ullalng]includes the transfer of the opera- I comm~asmn ac~ ana provismn mr tip of the state mi I PASSED 4-CENT GAS TAX[ " I~-~- "" i ..... [ . n ll and elevatorThe legislature has t:'an~ferreii 1,. Under the terms of 1 - Bismarck, N. D., March 7.An i~ r ~heo~ lm nnanc ng conswuc~:~cm, enac~men~ t from the governor to a commission, the collection of the gasp!cue tax ~i::marck--The Fowler election I b'" *h ..... a aw pa?ed attempt to increase the ci-~aret tax ' ps ~o p ovme ~i e o~.ous an(~ truc~ ~eg~.lauon, with]a step taken at his instance and from the state auditor's office toI ,! ~ "lied by tt~e House. This ", no~ a ~ew consequential measureSlsuDoort~d nnlv hv Tnd~n~nd~t.~ b 1 ~a~ k ' y ~ e ~a~e mg~siam~e =natfrom 3 to 4 cents a package failed, m~n.t"B 235 Autho~ that will have a wide reaching ef- I wh'il'e tl~e legi-s-iature also-pass'e-d~'al~ that of the tax commissioner, toi bill contemplated tbe abandon-[ whici~ for some reason was bitter-I when the North Dakota legislature ~'t1' " - -- - zec~ ..... upon ~ne ~uture ponucal map ~act that repeals existing aut!~or'za-~ which latter office applications for ment of the persidential preference l ly fought by the hail department, ladopted a conference report near w ages ..... m purchase I ~ on lns~anment plan o~ the s~a~e. . ,. . ]ttons for additional bond issues for gas refunds will be sent. It was primary election and the substitu-ifarmers losing crops by hail will the end of the session to leuve the, .- .', . ~ecommen~atmns Heeded ]the North Dakota Mill and Elevat-jdeemed the commissioner, who~tion of a modified form of con~en- net have to wait many months to present tax unchanged, i .H.. B. 287--~rovla handles other tax matters and has tions. I secure their insurance. Under the The dealers' license fee of $12.501w°mV].°n of powers l r~o recommenaation contained in [or association ]a force to look after the collection The House adopted and trans-.~esVl~~" the farmer will be paid for also was permited to stand with-1c°mmmsmn. ?n?~2?ese2ee'%tnaLO0ve~°rSharer's_ messageone prop.os- ]tolWent / ConstructiOnto replace the°f adestroyednew statestruc.Capi- II of the tax, could better handL the l mitted to the governor the bills i ' , immediately the loss is as- out change, while the provisions in ~.. It. B. 274---ProvideJ matter than the auditor, bu~, as providing for the placement of oleo- I certained, ~ith 15 percent held the senate bill to "put teeth' in ~me oz peace and po ac)ngy a~an ~en ~ze)- [ture comes under the capitol corn- [ ~nsl~ar~e m me nan oz ~ame m [mission act with $2,000,000 made Iusual it was made a party matter tion guide cards in election boc, rhs : back as against the indemnity that the present law received legisla-1term of ofhce be fo~ -.a g!~,n, a prc0osa~ rna~ available for the work to be direct-]and caused no end of rag chewing, and permitting persons who are is made later. The farm owner tire approval, l~es w~rn commissmn msre~araea ror ~ni,~ ,assiGn with ed by a commission of three ap-' ill, and in their own precincts to later gets a check for any balance "Teeth" were put in the present ernment. the thought that suitable provisions pointc~ by the o'overnor Necks- DOG LICENSE, ONE DOLLAR vo~e :m absent voter ballo~, due him after deducting the pro-~ law to prevent "bootlegging" of ..H.B. be made in the w:~v of a memorial .~,.v fin.i~ein'~ ,~, ~,.-,~-' ~ -Y -- -" The enae~rn~,~r ~e ~ a .... ~ ,_~ per charges for inderhnitv tax I eigarets. Proponents claimed the vmages to conl in the new capitol building when it eluded i- ~h,~ w,~', =~i¢~ ,~e ~,~ The famous dog license bill that oline tax the new .~ax ~ h~.~ .... In this c~nn~c~ ~t ,~,, ~, ~o~ I state loses considerable revenue tmn of federal aid is. constructed. • ' , ~° has more or les u , . , . , v ~ , ~- . . . . ......, throu~h ~urcha~es of unstamuedm~ through them. latmn. Progress that will be made .... s. torn u. two leg,s- effective July 1, ~as passed by the Lna. compuisar) haft insurance has] ,i~,,.d;, "T~ ~m ........ ~ ..~-..~.~ H B 237--Amends ~As the legislature adiourr.ed toward completion of tl~e building sessmns, nas necome a law House and is before the governs,', been done away with by another! ~'~?~~: .... 7 ...... ~: .... ~ wu,,~+^ ~..:~.,._,,,. ~ there was general satlS~'action [ • . ana all do owners will be coin- W " "o,'- • " . . make the purcnaser oz uns~ampe~~ ",-,,'~,,~ w ~s contingent largely upon steps I .....g .... i lus b~ll ~es t~:o and one-l~alfnew la~, so that hereafter ff a far- ] ~; ..... . ...... ,, ........... ~,~ • ........ ~ ,~ among Independent leaders at the that. will be taken in connection [ peuen ~o mg up a aouar .°r rose,: cents to the Highway commiasion.-uer wants state hail insuranc_~ h~,~/ ~'.~.=~=~°~ ~-=-y qun~y w~n ~ne,~'~ ,u, ~-e~- .... accompIishments, while from the with capitol removal petitions, filed their purp. If any dog kills an-land one and one-half cents to the will have to apply for tt the same(seue~' u~i ~ ~ a. ,~.~, minority side ca~me professions of by a Jamestown group. ~mal.s tl}e o_wner must shoot him or i coun~ies, as he does for insurance in old line i .... iti-s" ~" ~:=~'~'~' confidence that the record written Only one other major construe- oe zmea ~a zor each aay the dog -__--. companies One of these bills al~o sol ..... "~ ~x ......... ~LJZ~.:_~_-% _~".'1: by the Independents would prove a -- - r lives aPer *i]^--^*i-^ *~k'"h~s' ~ ~ ~ : ..... :" ~ I~ ,,r~. =-- ~ e=-o=o, uu~auu.,g ,n(~eobc IlOn program was authorize~a , ~ ~ cztut. ~= to ,~. ai HITS BU]~r ~'~w~e i ...P:.fll'..Les nalt ~axes irom tile gen- I H B 54--Annronriates -¢30 500 for prior to Jonuar-" 1 libel to them politically in the elec- . • .' oeenreceived ~- ,~*,~-~-~,,~ , • • • ,-,- ,- ~ , , "- z , powm plant for the state institute • legal taxes. I office of grain storagecommis-[cases tions of 1932 toward which the for the feeble minded at Grafton ',. . : -- l sioner I H "~ 2~a ---*~-^ state is already pointed, which ex- while there was a uniform ~lashing BRIDGE BILL PASSED I among the bills passed bythe ~...~ ~ ] .. ;-. ........... t. • .~" ?'--~u~"~ ercisedlng no of Smallthe influence in shap- ?f,,~ ?, a~7~p~?a ions for :he vart The legislature passed the appro-t Irate and le~m~i~u!Clho~c~!eE " mak°ngr lt5~ ~1 ~5 PER DA~upkeepf°r re.,~tsbfU-~2PP~°Prlf1~esf capitol grottnds :l~s ~Vo;vides perform~ancesI°~ur~sl~:P:fr~cmr~n°~rat: some ,olieio~ tha~ ,,ere .__ h ,~_~__~_o t o .~..~oo_U~,° laid down in this assembly. I board recommendations these !at- priatlon for $25,000 for the brid~ei. . . • " ue checks} If Governor Sharer signs the bill i H B 190---Validates forei=n re-,of ,-,,~-'~ .~,,+7. ' Governor Shafers suggestion forI ter s ffecting administrative and over the Little Missou 'n betx'veen ] zor ,sums unser So0:. If th~s ~s' s~gn" -i county comm~ssmners' " m" such] .~,-_.,' ;^^;. ° l .$"l"L.2~t' .. increasing the gas tax from 3 to 4I ' ~' "" - I .... : ~=,vu~ uvw~. , n ~ ~a---r'rovla, faculty salaries with the thought of Slope and Golden Valleycounties, ed by the governor ~t w~lI stop a .countms as this will receive $5 per ~ u u, u~..~+~ ~.~,,~o+,o~,,~ -- "- "- ..... cents was accepted, the legismture~ ' ~ ' ". , " I ~. • . .~ ~ .. . . , ...... ,---,~r,,oo ............ ~-~ men~ oI nlgnt wa~¢ effeeting reoreanizations in some near Mpha and ~t ,s probable the ot of lnommcuous check b~tday for tt~eu" servzces. Such of-] of estates to annlv with am)royal licem~,~ b,, ~ ...... dividing the additional cent be-] ..... ~ • lines - I governor has signed it by this time peapm wno nave no hinds in the ~ ricers in larger counties w II receive ~ ............. :.%= - ...... ~:~ _; ..... v~. tween the state and eo!lnties. Baslsi "" . . • " " u~ pruua~cjuu~v,~uru~uu~wn u~ H B 159 Bus Fees Increased I The bridge will be a great accom- bank to meet them. 158 per day. [ m,,.t .... I' ... --Suspe for motor vehicle license fees also[ 'moda i ....... ~°~" counw ~o acquire ta was changed with expectation that ~ Bu~ legislation includes measures i .... ~ t on for between the ~ ~ __-----__-_=__._: . - - [ H B 68--Provides for appoint- on which ~itle is hel that will increase tl~e costs to high- i°!~zerent counues o~ tne south- -- ..... [ment of guardian of. incompetent o which title is held • r~ • * ~, ~ x~ ~te~n eo~ner o, the state and ,t ~,,!~ add to h,,t,:.ay rev,n,es,,,. ~' ~ ~,d tru~k o,erators on 'i" " ," . Dll I ~ DJl0Oi:h. RUllIITIMP D~li D0 OIDUATII~C' ,vat veterans and minor children of' H B 87 Re el both ~)roposats h~vin~, "admAnistra-!tl;- tne~(, th~ t .... wzl doubNess bring t~ade to Beach dis ~ ..... ~g "for'refu-nd by o , ,i : . : .i .~. . -i ~. '~i,;e ~,edit ~or !~:~e o~ t~;e~bili UILLO rHOOLU, H.N/ii|b bUY IlO 61bl i /UII[ t lc are ~ ~k na, ~bled or de,eased ~al %etelans i1 ¢ion sup~orL on t,h~ tbe0ry that', completion o~ the hi~'hwav system cemmere:a] uwq of tt~e hi':rhwavs ~ .... ano commitment of veterans, ante department demand such additional funds, and should u.~v fees geratei: than goes to Representative Ira Wilson. H. B, 109--Provides for automatic chasers and ' ' (Governor Shafer signed the bill Highway Board Reorganized , tlmse exacted under lhe motor re- BILLS PASSED BY SENATE returned soldiers' fund to general lien on automobile, engine, tl~resh- taxes for which Reorg~ni~a~!~n o, the hi~h,,av: :~,c,e !'eense law, under which they Saturday.) toHco~t23-~Lin~Ss :~:,sOffo~fpeal! fund. " ing machine or ,-ell ,naehine for liable ~Oeh