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Tkmt~erst ure
~t Noon Today
3~, Above
,, , ~' , ,
Scenes and Persons in "the Current News
' ~ ,+ .i ............ I
" P .., 'h' ,. , , . ' R _L_
'~ANTY"--WAS 63
aged 63, was
last Saturday noon by being
OVer by a wagon loaded w'il-n BELFIELD YOUNG FOLKS TO
brother's place near GIVE BEACH PEOPLE
when the team at- REAL TREAT
the wagon ran away. was,
1--Prince Louis II of Monaco, who has just established a dictatorship in hls llttle principality, stand-
lug on the steps of the ca[lmdral in Monte Carlo with his troops and officials. 2--The varlouv gas bags of
the navy holding a ~et-to~ether during a carnival at the naval air station at Lakehurst, N'. J. 3--Newsboys
from all parts of the country at Mount Vernon to lay a, wreath at the tomb of George Washington.
"~ho was called to reviewi MIXED ~)'ITH RICH
mastances of the death. No, , HU_SIOR
was held ....
b.g to the coroner, Ben- B[ACH 23 I018 AND
Ler known, perhaps, as Next Saturday ni~h~ ~t 2 o'clock
Was getting onto the load ~he ;'rung people of St. Pcter's Lu-
which a team WaSor hitch-+, theran church of Belfield wil! ~n'e-BY $[HT BUTT[
he either
fen jumped sent a 3-act melodrama, "H~>d-
the team sLarte~ to :un strong Joan." by Li]lian Mortimer
In their last regular game of
the season before the district bas-
ketball ~ourney a~ Dickinson, the
Beach High Cowboys won from BeN
field High 23-18. by virtue of a
great second-half rally. At the
close of the the first half the
Beach boys were behind. 15-8, but
a revamped line-up in the second
period proved too fast for Belfield
and they were held to three lone
rear wheel of the wagon in the Auditorium of the Beach
his chest, crushing in High school. The play is given un-
over the heart and pro- der the auspices of the Young PeG-
Causing almost instant ple's Society of the local St. Paul's
I'Iarold Cook his foster Lutheran church.
Son, rushe~l' to his aid, There is a deep plot in this play
gasped once or twice which holds its audience in sus-
Cook of Westerheim, in attending "Headstrong Joan" free throws while the Cowboys
he was living when they shall not be disappointed but ran up [our~een points. Beifield
him. His was a genial will receive their money'sworth presented a clever team, however~
and many old time and more. and will no doubt be a strong con-
The curtain will rise upon the tender in the tournament. On the
his departure, first act at 8 o'clock sharp. There following night they were beaten
YE RADIO FANS are no reserved seats and the pric- by Sentinel Butte. 27-14.
__ es are usual. (Continued to page six)
Word was sent to 1)er.ce until the curtain drops upon+
and he and Sheriff ,'he final act Mingled with the
out. They brought in many touching scenes of ~he play
the undertakers, there is also a goodly portion of
was held at Sentinel -~medy which is irresistable, and
afternoon. "Banty," judging by the manner in which
Bennett was known in the presentation' of "Headstrong
of the country, was raised Jcan" has been received on pro-
[ had spent all his life on vious occasions, it will also delight
and farms, except for the play-lovers of Beach.
When he lived in the towns. Tl~ese young people have appear-
known in Beach. hay- ed in our city on other occa-
for the Gotden Valley siGns and have proven themselves
and for others. He actors of rare amateur ability. They
brother, we under- wish to assure their friends that
in th~ neck of t~e
On page four of this ten- R[PR[S[NI B[ACH IN
page i~ue of the Advance we Washington, March 6--President
bare gone to considerable iron- Hoover today accepted the res~gna-
ble and expense to give our lion of Alexander Legge, Chicago,
readers a comprehensive sum-0P~TORiCAL C0NT[ST as chairman of the fedearl famn
~aary of what the legislature board, and appointed James C.
has accomplished and a list of Stone. Kentucky, to succeed him.
bills passed in both houses and The president said he knew he re-
now before the governor for ac- flected "th view of the agricultura~
community when I express in~ense
tion. LOST OUT BY NARROW MAR- regret upon the retirement of Mr.
We have done this in the be- GIN LAST YEAR BUT GOES Legge."
[ief that Advance readers are TO WIN NOW
entitled to know what was done, At the same time the president
it being a sequel to the more or __ announced the appointment of C,
less extended articles from our C. Tongue, California. a member of
Bismraek correspondent during Beach High school will be rep- the board, as vzce chairman. The
the legislative session, and resented again in the Eighth In- vacancy, Mr. Hoover said, will not
while many of our readers take ternational Oratorical contest. The be filled for two or three weeks.
~z oA~ pu~ szOd~d &II~P local district contest will be held in "Chairman Legge has been urg~
there are many who doubtlessDickinson next Friday, March 20, ed by every farm organization in
will enjoy reading this story of and burden of winning for Beach the United States to continue his
what has been done by their has fallen on the shoulders of Wally work," • the president said. "and I
representatives. Enderle. who has been selected as have urged him with all the force
It is understood that Cover-the Beach representative. He al- I could command. He. however.
nor Sharer is well pleased with so represented Beach last year. feels that he mus~ go back to his
the cuts in the appropriation and, although he did not win. scor- business.'"
bills and with the other bills ed quite highly and will no doubt Was Storm Center
passed, many of them having give Richard Boulger of Dickinson, Legge came into office nearly
been advocated by him duringlast year winner, who is entered two years ago and has been a
his election campaign, ~z) tbe again, plenty of competition. A.R. storm center since the Hoover ag-
probability is that practically Miller of the local faculty is acting ricultural policy was put into op- cards promising to do somethln$,
all of them will be signed by as his advisor and coach, oration, on numeous o~casi0ns be- as their means would permit, th~
him and become laws. This contest is one in which each coming involved in controvbrsles. Campfire Girls being asked tO
contestant must give a six minute Legge today expressed "greater again circulate the cards and ~lw
'~---=--=:-- ----=:---=---" prepared talkonsome phase onthe confidence in the ultimate success'lout the larger cards for window
WE ARE LUCKY BY COM- Constitution or its relation to the [ of the agricultural marketing act display. It was suggested that
PARISON WITH OTHERS (Continued to page six) ] (Continued to page ten) "bees" for going to the Badlands
for shrubbery might be got up as
these native plants were not only
While the Central states and the HALL HAD ~very hardy, but easily transplant-
The Lions club, which did so
much two years ago to encourag¢
the people of the city generally tO
clean up and plant up their home
grounds, has again interested it,
self in this very desirabIe project,
the evidence of a wish on the Ifart
of everybody to make their homea
more attractive being the irmen.
live to this laudable endeavor.
At its supper meeting Monday
night at the Golden Valley hotel
the theme of the talks was "beau-
tifying the homes with flowers,
shrubs ,trees and lawns," the prin-
cipal speaker being J. C. Russell.
who r~tad a very interesting addreu
on the subject and followed it UP
by remarks to emphasize the point~
of the main, talk. Many questlon~
were asked and a general d~
sign was had on the subject, pra~
tically aII the members of the club
expressing appreciation of the value
of getting everybody in town,
whether owner or renter of pro-
perty, to clean up first and then
pIant some flowers, trees, grmm or
shrubbery, as their means wlll per-
mit. as it was recognized that such
work was a labor of love for a bet,
tel" town and home for all people,
rich or poor, and the eooperatio~t
of all Beach residents is asked l~t
this movement.
A committee consisting of W. F,
Cushing, Clarence Overstad and A,
A. Abel was appointed to Prepare
such a campaign, which will pro-
bably follow that of two years ago,
when residents were asked to
rejoiced that radio
the national Atlantic coast states have been ed, their bloom adding much to the
t g and from BOY S battered the past week with terrific iaiial AD~HI ~m im4iii~l HiDi m m.ih°me surroundings at a s~all cost
he best to be had in RE HOME FOR COUT$ snow and Wind storms, causing II ~lMfi.l--'k k lMk ~ I~B[of time and labor.
great damage to property and ll~ q~ll lJl~ll~llim BiB Im== Jl~m I~l i Rev. Halph McNiel, Scoutmaster,
'an be got from this T some loss of life, North Dakota has , = -----: -- , spoke of the plan the two troopa of
m. This means that
m +
ard .'asting company only equalled here by late fall or DENSE SMOKE AND LACK OF door opened that and two windows nuild a scout house in the ~tght of
,be sent through the STRUCTURE TO ,E BUILT OF ltYe~qutt :nder~att°F?:h%i:lsh?n been enjoying a class of weather Ifinally I.crawled to the big reariBoy ~cou~s led to
ion, so we will be able• - ~ ' - - ] The interior would be fini e early spring seasons. AIR PREVENTED TOTAL DES. when the flames in the gallery and Way park. and submitted the plan
st in the land. 1 " in natural woods, using as much as While contral Europe has been TRUCTION OF BUILDING [ roof told us where the fight Iav I of a ,building and discussed the
ttifying news and is~ :posible of the native material, the devastated by earthquakes, snow- land the chemical promptly put out project, having secured the con-
~rd work of our old I DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE whole, it is thought, being possible and storms of unusual violence and FIRE STARTED FROM UN- the fire. In our search for the fire I sent .of the railway., compan_y to the
Meyer of KFYR, whoI BOTH SCOUTS AND CAMP I at an expenditure of about $800, of low temperatures causing several KNOWN CAUSE IN BALCONY some of us went onto the roof and I erecuon, of the..~un.amg.. "me pixy.
go-getter and -sparesI FIRE GIRLS ~which $200 is already in hand, the hundred deaths and tremendous OF DANCE HALL the roof gave way some under me ject, mec w~m me mstant appr0v~l
nor money to makeI i balance to be raised by popular losses in buildings and other pro- ------ thaln the northwest1 I corner, and I ~as] support°f all presentby membersand pledgesof oftheheal~yoh~
equal of any. Bis-.- .... , subscription and other means, perty, and thousands arc homeless • ':) nkfu was able to get awayI ......
best reception we get] "zT~e movement inaugura~ea Dye It seems unnecessary at this time and suffering for food, we of the The fire department was called before falling through." were. zo~hcommg. ~t w~ a~'lo-
around there is much Scoutmaster McNeil and the Bo~ to recount the good work of the Golden Valley have enjoyed this out at 7 a.m. Monday morning to The partitions of the balcon~ ir~l Scoutea cnaCcommitteeche z~coussof theanaLlons~clttbt • racy
Pleased over this news. Scouts to build a stone home for i Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls. winter iunpreeedented weather of quench a fire at the Logan garage, the dance hall were burned away I s~,ould work out compelte details
Pated, says Mr. Meyer, the Scouts and Camp Fire Girls in i They have been great agencies in the balminess of April. MreO~Snt OfwtheJ~dmina~g th?#:htu::a~ LVAh:hfirel b~cl+~runeha!f^ waY]a~dput on a drive for funds, there
ttured radio entertain- ,~ wi,~z of Wa ..... k in this the proper development of young None of our people are suffering , an .... ° .......................... being already $20@ in the funa.
m 'n' Andy," Walter ~:,y ~- ~,.-\- ~ - ~J~" -- " "h ~ man and girlhood and worth far from losses other than low prices c t get em up. call to the lazy roof, but the dense smoke and lack ..... m ........
"Ldttle Jack Little, city was aiscussea ac mngm at~ e i .............. , ....... e,,f ov for our products, everybody is well, and some delay was thus occasion- of air held the blaze in check, but! _r~rne.s~ ~,'el~ean" anwea ~ay ~.nox~.
edin etti oz nor~ o~ acn ere g es~s 0~
.. ' ........ h~ , uzu~ ~u~n ~.c o,,,~,, ,~ ............ - g rig the truck to the fire, the roofing over the ladies dressing I the club and Mr Feldman told of
~n," as well as a host ~,zons clue meeting Monaay mg ~ ............... ~ with food of all kinds and our peG- but the chemical did good work room had been almost burned/+._-- cc' in r win- la +
dl be ,resented from and heartily endorsed. In speak-ip3nSeu~n~y ean~3n ~e Perec~ona~o~ and the larders are overflowing
nm SU ess g 0 g a WEt 0:~
• r~m the local studio, ing of this ScoutmasterMcNeil l ...... :,~_'__ ................ ~, opte have rejoiced during the winter and put out a blaze that, had it through. Had the flames got ,,,,o~. ,~ ~ ,,,~.,~,~ ,.,~ ,o,~ ~.~,,
said ~nLs nana~ome uu. .... s ......... undoubtedly have destroyed the have been the end of the building, ]i~s beauty by transplanting Ba~-
Chedules of programs ,,~. ......... !prominent place would herald to in many social amenities to which been able to get more air would through the roof it would probably, t~"~
tcoming in the near-very'£'nehandsomeSUUOmg buildingpmn canS16x24ZOrfeet ~ .~?~a i ~ ..... "":~a .... t~eT~ "%'-~"T~h :=":."---cnntain~ all all could go because of the warm big brick building, it being evident the fire had been [ lands cedars he evidentl~ belieVt'~e
m officials said Mon- in size, constructed entirely of ha- ~°set£1~l~t;ntsf°ZinT:r?s~W~en~S~r and open winter. When one of the workmen at smoldering a long time t.__ 1 .... ' .... :" "
,,'~'-~-----~- live products, nameIy boulders I --_' ......... Verily, in spite of the one great " ma~ a ~t~e ~me anu e~ort on t2t~
the garage entered the place atStored cars belonging to Roy[~,,,~o ~.~o ~.~ +. ~ ~n,,.~.~., w~,
_'ETINGS petrified wood and Badland cedar,I Yw~.~c~' hann °Iad:TePU~nCow3Plml~ wedrawbaCkhave mucht° agricultureto be thankfulhereaway'for, seven O'clock to start work the of- Halstead and Dale .Vaughn had a ...... gooaYi"*~nvestment.V-~ ":" ~%-y_+~.~.",:~,aWhlCn Drouga~'~"
rice had ml~ch smoke in it, so he small holes burned m their roofs ou" the ex resslon th t the -
t p a nomo
ARE...._._WELL ATTENDED anandartistPut togetherin such rustic stylestones IbYi ..... .... and surely there should be less an- went into the cellar and around by embers falling from the balcony, beautification movement should ,~
t!ng .gospel meetings of various colors ornamented in! The erection of this building is happiness here than .els.ewhere un- the first floor and then broke the the cans being under that struc- extended to the farms as well a~
petrified wood of many shades possible if all will help ever so lit- der all this good lucl~ tna~ LS ours lock on the stairway to the hall, lure. town homes and the hOn,, was v¢~
~ne United Brethren .... 7 _.~ ....... r--~ tle The park board has interest- as a community, but could not enter the hall be- The cause of the fire is unknown ...... ' -- - ~'~ -- JY°
L~ Well attended and wouJa zorm ~ne wetiis an(x £a ge • . ~- cause of the bl i . ea tna~ ~ne o~ner towns m the
chimneys The supports of the led itself in the project and will do ind ng smoke. Hebut some boys were heard m the count~, and farmers ~renera~
being accomplished, roof would be half logs, the roof its share, to b~aU~fuYlthe grwo~nds RECEIVED DIVIDEND turned in the alarm and called dance hall Sunday night and it is woul(]"fall in line so that a .... r'~
:rs in song have been ' , ~um- ,
Delo Logan, who also failed to get supposed that they left a lighted beautification movemon+ would re
or surrouncung g
'enin F eovering being crushed scoria ' "
COngregationg" or thehas paSten_ into the dance hall. "No flames clgaret in the room. that being the sult ~ ~ "
could be seen," said Delo, "and only possible solution of the blaze
a different speaker when the firemen came we were up as there was no stove or other fire- SPRING DECORATIONS
This plan is to against it to locate the fire, but creating thing in that locality.
Some time.---
of the Moth-
Wednesday eve-
of Wibaux will
tonight and Rev.
eveninl All are
these services.
of Harlem was call-
wa, by the death of
expects to return at
Week to again as-
Column is an an-
the Buttrey com-
might be called a
ing of dresses,
company is mak-
are. A specialist
r the Year will be
Priday, Saturday,
21, to demonstrate
zrom the style
Case will be glad
With the latest
lengths and ex-
~_are a revelation
something new
aliGns and doubt-
great interest to
r ladies.
has imported
a full Mooded
Which tips the scale
~he Will grace the
ranch west of the
characteristic novelties." • morning from a month's visit to
There would also 4Go a place in ~~!t~!il the Pacific coast to which he went
the building, he said, for a display with a stock shipment in order to
of the natural curiosities of this
interesting region, gathered by the visit his mother who is very low
two organizations and other fen- with cancer and may have passed
lures to make the house most in- but be beneficial to both, as both beyond by the time this is printed.
teresting and truly a home for the represent the children of Beach He visited with his mother most of
youngsters. The room would be people. And there is nothing par- the time at Tacoma, but spent
large enough for other gatherings~ ents can do better than to for- some time at .Seattle and other
perhaps, so it would not be entire- ward these two organizations, points, and rather enjoyed the
constant rain he met with most of
~ the time, but is glad to get back
U. B. MISSIONARY SOCIETY i S.B. HOMEMAKERS home where he thinks that, not-
withstanding the tribulations of
ELECTS I The regular meeting-of the Sad- the farmers here, those out west
dieButte Homemakers' club will have as many, if not more. He
The ladies of the missionary so- be held at the home of Mrs. AI- met Ray Hathaway in Seattle and
ciety met at the parsonage Wed- bert Still on Thursday, March 19, saw the sights in his company. F, ay
nesday afternoon and elected the at 2 p. m. The lesson "Quantity got back last week.
following officers for the coming Cooking and Serving" will be giv- Miss Doris Odman is ll'--'==--==---=-~ with the
year: en by Mrs. O. W. YoueL~s. jaundice.
Mrs. Grace Morris, President.
Mrs. Kastien, Vice President. ST. PATRICK'S DINNER
Mrs. E. M. Golden, Second Vice , Governor Sh.~fer is working over-
President. A number of the Teachers gave ~'rr.e signing bEls passed by the
Mrs. H. H. Halstead, Secretary. a St. Patrick's dinner at the Black latc legislature. He is not expect-
Mrs. Moore, Treasurer. Hawk last Sunday evening. The ed to veto very many of them.
Mrs. F. G. Roscoe, Sec. of Stew- table was decorated in true St.
ardship. Patrick style and a very enlivening
Mrs, H. Harpster, Sec. of Liter- time was enjoyed, Those present
ature, were: Mrs. Pericle, the Misses
Mrs. Thein, Flower committee, Wagenhals, Overton, Allison, Stel-
Mrs. Kathryn Buck, Superinten- ter and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Linger
dent. Junior C.E. and Maynard Linger.
The Jones Beauty Shop has be~n
made beautiful by Cornell Elde,
who has just finished a very ar-
tist/c Job of decorating on the
The friends of Mrs. Verl Doty walls of that establishment, msk-
Chas. Bennett was born in Mus- gave her a shower Saturday after- Lug it look like a dairy ~ream. The
catlne, Iowa, August 29," 188"/. At noon and made a very pleasant af- work is in the most mode.n ~ogt~e
the age of 13 years he moved to fair of it, playing bridge and on- for bright colors, ]igat+s and shad-
Woodbury county, Iowa, where he joying a fine lunch. The Mesdames ows and odd figuring, the whole
resided until 1893. At this time he Dan Wicka and John Alguire were making a very pleasing appearance,
again moved to Ft. Yates, N. D., Ih°stesses, the event taking pIace and the ladies will not only get a
where he was employed in the i at the home of the former. Mrs. permanent wave, but a desire to
government quarter master service. Doty received many small, but stay there permanently, m~ it were,
The year 1897 he located in Wells]l°vely gifts, so attractive will be their ~ur-
county, N. D., where he was engag- I roundings.
ed in farming. Since the Year 1901 A.N. Eliason left last Sunday for
his home has been in this vicinity, IDuluth where he is attending a Ernest Feldmann is under the
where he served in various lines of lc°nventi°n of the Marshall-Wells weather.
work, Mr. Bennett's mother died lHardware dealers. He is expected
when he was very young and he back todaY. Mrs. John Schell is having her
was received into the home of the;
late J. C. Cook family where he FINE EN---~T~NT eyes treated by Dr. Bradley.
was given the consideration of ai Nell Hogoboom was a Beach call-
son for more than fifty years. HisI The program of the Beach Par- er Sunday.
life came to a tragic ending Sat-iefft-Teachers association last eve-
urday, March 7th, 1931. {ning was greatly enjoyed +by those Milton Ziebarth was a Beach
Funeral services were conducted lwho attended. The orchestral caller Saturday and Sunday.
by Roy. Roscoe in the Sentinel music ~by ~the Russell~Houek re'-
Butte Congregational church Tues-', ehestra was very fine, as was the Miss Maria Allen was a ~each
day afternoon, intermen~ being in singing by James Stone and Rex caller Saturday and Sunday.
the Sentinel Butte cemetery. Foster. The talk on the movies by
Rev. Packer .pointed out many Ray Cooper and Elder Peterson
Down in Franklin Maryland, ls lmorals, laying in larg~ part in the were Belfield callers Sunday even°
a man named Bm-~)ridge Coleman laxity in morals of the pictures to lug.
Trenum. aged 115 years and the "feeding the public taste." J.C.
father of 33 children, and he is]Russell made an instructive talk on Mrs. William Jandt is up at the
dvlng. One would think it was beautifying the house surround- Middleton home. She has been fll
time for him to pasa on. • lugs. for nearly two weeka.