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Page 6 Golden Valley News March 10, 2016
rug coupons mask
real price of medicines
Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
What would make your medi-
cines cheaper?
That's a question Americans are
asking every time they go to the
About Health
By Trudy Lieberman,
Rural Health News
by Linda Thistle
Solution below
Vacation is nice, home is better
I anl writing this from a motel
computer ill Charleston, SC• So if l
get mad and you hear a crash, it is the
hotel computer going through the
nearby door. 1 don't have a lot of
computef skills when l am working
with a strange keyboard, to tell the
plain that they are good, that even the
oysters enjoy it, but to no avail• I've
had salmon and flounder and shrimp
and lamb and shepard pie. I've had
lime key pie and Carolina Hunicanes
pharmacy and find the price of a truth, l don't have a lot of skills at and Sam Adams beer. I've had crab
ingmaintenanCehas doubleddrU~Zorthey'Vetripled,beenor thattak-a 1 anythinneOtther than making a pretty legs and crab souffle and shrilnp and
g°°ds~.._ menti~nedv last week, I was grits• I ve had fried chicken on waf-
new medicine, like one of the new ' . .. • " ties and flat iron steak on macaroni.
diabetes dru~s, their doctors have 7 taking my hrst wife on a vacation To M roth " I;~ h ..~ ~...-...
"- " S C 1 r h,n s " .._y b .... has .,an ,,,~l,,-
a place 20degllee~ o de tla .. outh- burger and fries. Cheeseburger and
west INOl'tn L/aKota. t posteo pictures ,.,,Iv ~-:-~ ~, ..... ' '- -- -
, c,.,r,y IliON. IVl~l.C il[l(.l cheese, takn(1
of Shirley on Facebook. We went. on b,~,~..~'"" ,~,,,s ~ ..... u.e u,.~...~'""-
a harbor tour She was dressed tn a ........ , ......
• . "~ we nave toureot...l%ll war anQ
down tilled Carhart jacket and had ............ -. ....
6 9 Revomuom.'y warsites, we nave
her winter scarf wrapped around her wal .... "" " ......
- ~eu runes in state parks where me
neck If she could have she would ............
• " . " . nrst settlers in boutn Laronna calweu
~i~~112,,~,,,,~ ~11 have worn her wool lined mittens .........
. , OUt a meek and mea~er uvlng, lnlS
and her face mask But you don t
• ". ". morning we are headed for the first
pack those for a ~acauon to the south
• " " .... museum built in the United States I
in the winter My mistake And actu- ,_ ........ ' •
• . " .. nave seen yon ~umpter and ~on
ally, it was quite comfortable, if you
" " ~ Johnson• I have toasted the Union in
stayed indoors "a~annah a
• "" ,, b ' nd toasted the signers of
The ad for the Hotel said Ocean ......... ~,
, " me L/eclaratlon or lnoepenoence on
view roolns'! Wonderful Even if it ............
.... • t~nurcn ~treet. I nave wa~Keo uown
is a httle chilly ~t is nice to see the
"" " " ~ • "., : . market square and marveled at the
ocean And lnaybe there s an ocean
' • ' . " cobblestone streets and the houses
view. If you are higher tip. And on that predate a white ,.uy being in the
the ocean side of the hotel Our side .-. - •
' " • uaKotas.
looks down on the beautiful hotel B .......
• , ut I am lOOKing forward to see-
pool! The ad didn t mention the pool ing the wide open prairies of Dakota.
was outside and closed because of ...........
• . " wnere you aon t nave to cnmn up on
the thi0 film of me on the water It ......
• a notel to see more man a quarter
' wouldn't have been thick enough to -
play hockey but it would have been n. ..... • - . -
,. ' . . ,, Jxlgnt now, ~ am gomg to loao my
aged fOl a 'polar plunge
~, " " mates in our rented car and see if we
The food has been wonderful ~ ......
• " can nna mat ocean everyone talkS
And you know 1 like food I mean • ~. ......
• . . rotes into lC~'st sales.... " about• I know It has to be h~r~ .u,,,~-
..... ~tats n'oln me iM~ institute Tor I ve had oysters on the half shell
prescribedlncreasmglyiS beyondthe answertheir~..meanStrom "the ........... companyamis issue, orug compames oeueveUnmer anamaoe, asKeult. .... so naramm wnYror poomSr •l__ . 13 h ~f~ ~ , ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~9 8 ~Ikln6 # I. g -I £ n ] """j tne.7.,,oeacn.ln_,,,n my toes aren~a,/h nt COLO.
dru£ industry, which pretty mucl] , . ,.,. ,. • .
can'- ' w v r i wish s ispeople to quamy mr assistance.
"" charge 'hate. e t . e~, ~ (The requirements can be difficult to
more pauenl assistance programs • •
.... .. r ~ meet.) He replied that if the corn-
mat come In me form or coupons ' w '"
a c ~ "' pany were more generous, It OUlO
co-p" V ards or 'ouchers to help ....... ~ ..
- '. nun me nouc m line.
..... " Y• "" Y gress is asking questions. By 4 2
heard on TV that AstraZeneca can . "" • ........
9 necomlng more "'patient cenu'm, a
hel)~, . . . word they use to describe their mar-
Fhe coupon co pay route to
" - ketim, hath they look like good 1 5 9
helping patients is easiest to under- u s ~vt[ile I~ee in,, ,'ices hi h and
gY P =P g
stand. The industry calls the ;.. ~ 4,~
~e~72~SaliPa~s-th;n°~ill' a~ard; Pr°DtrSgPcompanies have another
g.P" . " Y P" Y problem patient assistance programs
more n~an $50 or $100 for a pre- • Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way
• . _ ~ - . . aim to solve. Large nulnbers of pa-
scrlphon. Discounts vary by the type ......~ ......
• : . . . uents are not taKmg melr memcmesthat each row across, each column down and
of drug. Seine work hke airline loy- as their doctors ordered either be
altv programs: Buy so many drugs " .. ; ...... : m I " - each small 9-box square contains all of the
and• ~ get the: next~ one tree~ cause mey can t auora me o" oe- numbers from one to nine.
, " . cause the medicines make them
E-~ouchers are more complicated ......r " as n it Uans
SICk• t~o matte me re, so ,"','-
and hardly transparent. A pharmacy .....' WEEK:
sends a prescrlphon to a m~ddleman .................. ' s • " : • where. And I could run barefoot on
vendor. [he vendor works w~tl~ tile Healthcare lnformatics show that Somett~in" my travel mates lind a. .............
dru,, company to figure out how ..... "•" .... completely disgust,rig. I try to ex- Later, Dean
..... on,y z.~ percent o~ patients wnn * Moderate ** Challenging
much el the patient s cost sharmg , , ........ 1 s" lik l
orug oeoucnmes wu mo:t e y
that's required by the insurer it wilt ....... : .... .
• . , • S[I'I De [aKln~ tnelr orang name *** "OO ~o¥, Additi I high y I
pay on the patient s behalf Rules , .- '- •. •
, . " ." grubs alter six lnonms compareo ona wa gad
and amounts patients receive vary ._7 .... . , .., .
• wnn ~u percent m pmns wlmout " @2016 King Features Synd., Inc.
depending on the kind of drug .... .., • • •
_ .. . " , SUCh dedUCtlOleS.
Andrew t'ollpeter, a semor prln- ~ ....... ......
. . . ,nerateatwnlcnpanentsoont This weekly puzzle is broughtto you by: restnct ons effect
clpal with the Anmndsen Group an ..........
Ic~o~ HealtheCOlhPan~to~d mf tt~: PSl;~) ;PrWel~ ~iliffhSrft°trn2ePT:?i;TtY / Effective March 4, load restric- load restrictions to determine
" P• Y "' , ~ " . with brand dru~ prescriptions and tions were in effect for all high- which load restriction remain in el-
voucher and the patient doesn't ....... "- ..... T&A Seeds ways in North Dakota with the fect.
" . . orug de(.lUCtlOleS man muse WhO
know much about ~t. But, he said .............. exceptions of highways in the Statewide seasonal load restric-
...... ' gun t nave uru oeuuctloles.
" 1[ pa-
"'tlaev are nappier when they see a ..... '- ...... '1 eac,,, ,' ta northeastern region oethe state, tion information is available
, - ,. uents Walk away, mey ~requenny
lower copay
...'.' " ~ . don't come back with an alternative (701) 872-3248 Please refer to the NDDOT calling 511 or online at
All this sounds great tor patients, • .. , .....
Travel Information Map at Load
• ? _ . prescrlpuon, says roupeter.
lUZlat'. It may not be in the long-run ....... .....', for details, restriction e-mail updates are also
.... ccormn tO tvlatt LamKln, an
Recently the Oversight Commit .... "; ...... v "" Motorist need to check current available at,,zov.
. . assistant prmessor tit me om erslty
tee ot the House of Representatives .... ,~ .........
......... Of tUlSa L.Ollege oI Law WhO stuoles
nemnearmgsontlaehwhpnceof ......... krea oil activity report 000 g
• - aligns
pharmaceuticals. It found that one .... : .....s " Around. ,,,
..... • mey are ~ea~lng mmon: (n me
company tl'md to divert attention .................
..... tame when panents aon t take melr • •
from the h~gh price of its drugs by ......... Baker Hughes Inc. on March 4 re- #11525 - Legacy Reserves Oper-
.. ., puis..ry,ngtonelp more people ported the following rig counts: - : ating L.P., Hunt Federal 21-uaso,~ne releas ,- m~s-av
_ u.s. fie count is down 13 rigs! I~NENW 1.3-1~4ON-tO3W-, Goldem~ .. ALEXANDER - 3"he Nor!h derg.round storage tank.
froln last week to 489, with oil rigs' Valley County:: " Dakota Department of Health The release occuned on Thursday,
down 8 to 392. and gas rigs down 5 Permit renewal: (NDDoH) said on March 1 that it Feb. 25.
to 97. #25097 - Kaiser-Francis Oil Corn- was notified of a gasoline release at Initial estimates indicate approxi-
"" - U.S. count is down 703 rigs from panv, Solo 13-24H. NWNE 13- Patriot Fuels L.L.C., located near mately 10,000 gallons of premium
last year tit 1,192, with oil rigs down 140}q-97W, Stark County Alexander. which resulted from a gasoline were released. Personnel
530, ~as rigs down 171, and lniscel- #25098 - Kaiser-Francis Oil Coin- structural failure of a 20.000 gallon from the NDDoH were at the site to
lane([us ri~s down 2. party, Lady4 1o-24H, NWNE 13- (compartmented 12,000/8,000) un- monitor the situation.
- The LJ.S. offshore rig count is 140N-97W, Stark County
' . :~ P :" " . . jam. Drug prices are still too high 24, down three rigs fiom last week,
cot the po nt: No matter the kind ol ....... "~ and down 27 rigs year over >ear.
" ;. . and out or reacn mr too many mer- , V ' a
assistance proe, ram,. , the underlymg sans." - Canadian rig count is down 46
price of the drug relnains high ......... rigs from last week to 129, with oil 11 ~ ] ~, I~] /.[ g ] 61 ~ I g ] 9 ]
,~ . . . . ,, (what strategws ao you use to ~~~~~1.~~ ~"
ratIent assistance pro=rams are ~ -, , "-" ~ ..... rigs dowit 33 to 50, and gas rigs ,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,, Clean-ou
nothing ~ ~" v ' , s • , pay lot costly pr~s'crtlmOnS, write
l ew ae erai year, ago,sat "' " -- - down 13 to 79. I I - I - I - l- 1- l l- 1" ] - I rJu -0ut ts
. " . " to truav at
to a oro comoao, e.e ut, w a,. .... O ota cou,,, at down th,'ee f om ,as, " 0'* ,.. ,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, !
The following relates to oil and II I I I I I I I I I
gas well activity f°r the week °f Feb" ]]9[g[gld[1;'lL[£]/']~;]!6 £ £ 9 /- g I. ~ 1~ 1
IHocus'FoCUS HENRYBOLTINoFFBY 28, in Stark, Golden Valley-, Billings II I I I I I I I I I
and Slope counties and is from re- II e I I I,, I e 191 z I s I I
ports of the Department of Mineral ] ]
Z L 6 g £ £ 9 ~ 8
Resources: Z L 6 ~ £ £ 9 ~ 8_I I
Producer now abandoned: I 'l 191 I I Z lal e ldl
I -- mloans , pleeM --1 Jo suv [ era' OF BEACH
I / BeginningReceipts Disbursed Ending
| Balance Balance
W|lliston 3ob Service ND | ERAL 1,580,143.86 1,012,826.74 1,892,622.36 700,348.24
"Jl ]
IlJI, 7, -r oo I / ~-H~-HWAY 171,152.87 86,982.69 92,137.75 165,997.81
/WWJl~lli~ ~ I /IS°C[~
Mar. I / S URITY 12,740.40 22,318.46 22,684.13 12,374.73
GrandWillLdxm Hote| / lllm I ' ESSMENTS
& Conference Center , llll = I
Find at least six differences in details between panels. eot 2rid Ave. W. .... I.- ] / I SPECIAL
| LA.SS IT DEF 16,318.16 823.16 0.00 17,141.32
] E ERGENCY 10,703.93 2,470.06 1,062.84 12,111.15
/i ira-
|[. TENNIAL 10,914.93 16.39 0.00 10,931.32
Have something that may be /I SATES
6 newsworthy that you'd like to 268,416.15 137,700.55 187,912.00 218,204.70
or to 33,199.9034,425.1450,000.0017,625.04
Valley News or the Billings / s[AECwAu( 19,889.831,258.78 0.00 21,148.61
/I civ
County Pioneer? |0L_0 : A CV 36,399.179,450.136,500.0039,349.30
e ontkno a0out,tun,ess
t) you tell us, and we welcome sub- /[ SERVE 30,758.69 0.00 0.00 30,758.69
mitted news items! |1STREET/wATER
It's easy. Just give us a call, e- |[ ERVE
| RESERVE 48,122.66 0.00 0.00 48,122.66
mail your item and a phone num- /t SEWER/WATER
• .,, ber, or mail a photo and the text | ~__SERVE 25,849.74 0.00 0.00 25,849.74
| [_ rER 186,620.62 312,930.34 379,564.69 119,986.27
=, = x,e that goes along with it. / 70,191.06 1,629,347.42 1,701,096.93 q,558.45
New! 24 HOCUS FOCUS p zzles $3.50 . 24 Volumes . Order at: Golden Valley News/Billings | G BAGE 157,519.30 234,970.95 242,038.90 150,451.35
County Pioneer: | MALL 32,661.6720,479.0014,690.5038,450.17
| CENTER 2,748.46 2,501.00 858.76 4,390.70
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 //WALK/BIKING
(701) 872-3755; |[PTd K DISTRICT 0.00 102,471.00 102,471.00 0.00 [[i-di s 2,771,241.25 3,948,406.97 5,030,049.43 1,689,598.79