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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 10, 1938     Golden Valley News
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March 10, 1938
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The GoldenValley News And THE BEACH REVIEW And THE BEACH ADVANCE VOLUME 2 BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA TI-1URSDAY, MARCH 10, 1938 , Annual Tournament Be- gins Here Wednesday 0penin Dav Is iT WON T' BE LoNG NowI' .- L.J ,/ Attention of all subscribers t~ Moved Up; Then ~.? ~dntoe th~/e?tw~:~ ~h: No Gam'es Thurs. ~w~llnm~e~ld~urtng°nthesa~u~aeY: March 19. If you are one of those who have not as yet taken advantage of this splendid offer, DO IT NOW, as you have only a few short days left. Thls Is unquestionably the best of- fer of this nature ever made in this territory, and the News deeply re- grets that it cannot make it for a lOnger pel~md. So, HURRY, HURRY, HURRY: Beach Places Joe Niece On District Tournament Team Last Thursday Friday and Satur- day, 10 class B 'high school basket- ball teams invaded Dickinson to vie for District 10 honors. As a result it saw Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Davidson of that ILanger Hagan The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fakler, and is exception- 9 ooj Chosen To Head around Beach, having spent the great- I)rawnigs To ~ee Made Tonight ~t Hawk-Wibaux Game Here; den Competition Expected Eight teams have definitely accept- b|Ul ~t the ~:~hSixth invitation to participate in the Annual Independent Basketball ~ Tournament which will get under way &ttlle Beach High SChool gym next /],._~Lues~ay at 3 n m Thto ,,,,11 ,-~ IOll ....... ° ,-.u ~.~ ~,:~i ~-Qwea at 4 o'clock by the second )i~ ~hme first round games and the l ~ ,~ er.two first round games will be ~ ~?yed that evening starting at 7:30 the many other attractions! '~-Thursday, March 17th, no gam~] ]I ~ . xmal games will be on Satur-] 11 I~" ~.~-night) at the high school' llb's'm II':'~ os~ween halves of a game played ~l~l:~Ween the Wlbaux Merchants and the ==~ ~h Blackhawks. The eight teams ~,r, ~ed in the drawing will be Ollie, ~va, Wil~ux, Alpha, Belfleld, Glen- =..~ ~e: Bantams and the Beach :~awgs. The ~o~ record would Belfield and Olendive as the =-- ~Oth~r to beat, but several of' the ri~1ty ~ teams haw indicated their abil- ~core a major upset. iI "Pickets for the eight games of the ~tournament are priced to encourage ~e%on~ ~ attend• Tickets sales will :~,--" naueted by members of .the Fu- ~r~hParmers Association of the Beach ~chool. Oyal.Nelghbors Hold Fine Meeting Wed. NUMBER 28 ,! George FaklerXs.,'Bond Issue To Be Sub Wed In WashingtonI " == The many friends here of ~rge, To Voters'At City Fakler will be pleasantly surpri,sed to [ mitted learn that this well known young man] was on March first married to Mlss~ Rowena M. Davidson the ceremony taking place at Vancouver, Wash. George hasbeengonefromherefor g[ecti0n Here April 4th about two years, and until Just recently ~,= has been employed in a mill at Port- land, Oregon, which is the home city of the bride. She is the daUghter of $3 000 Is Asked At the res~lar meeting ~ the 9 er part of his life here. He attended local schools and has a large circle of friends who unite in extending to him and his new bride every good wish for a long and happy wedded life. G. V. County Is Omitted From N.D. Tenant Program Only three counties in North Dakota were included in" the Farm Tenant Purchase Program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19~, AII~ert Janze, League Ticket At the regular convention of the Nonpartisan League held in Bismarck last week, a complete slate of candi- dates for state ~nd national offices was chosen, to run in the Republican column. Following are those picked to carry the NPL banner in firs year's elections: The Nonlmrtisan League Ticket For United States Senator: Wm. Langer, now governor For eons~smen: Wiliam Lemke and Usher L. Burdisk" Inemnb- ents For governor: ~ohn N. H~m, now a~rlculture and I~or com'r For Heutenant governor: Mayor Jack Patterson of Minor For agrleultur~ anl labor eomanls- ~ioner: Math DaM of Emmons county For superintendent of public in- struction: Mrs. Martha Brateher of Mort For railroad commissioner: Ben C. I,~rkin, incumbent For treasurer: Berta Baker, now state auditor For secretary of state: James D, Gronn~, inemnbent For attorney general: Alvin C. Struta, incumbent For insurance eonunisaioner: {)s- ear E. Eriekson, incumbent Fer auditor: (John Gray, endorsed) said he would refuse Fer supreme eourg: None t On the last day of the convention John Gray, endorsee for state auditor, refused his endorsement for that of- fice and said, "I am like picture star Garbo. I want to be alone." Whether or not he may file for governor, for the teams ending up in this order: assistant supervisor for Golden Valley Killdeer, Dickinson Model High, Taylort count~, states. The count.~es selected Belfield, Beach Sentinel , Butte, Hal]l- were Barnes and l~amsey in the eastern day Hebron, Assumption Abbey and part of the state and Bo~n~m county ~olva. in the west river te~+,ory Although Beach only ended up atI The FSA-has been se}ected as the fi~th place they did not make such a. agency to administer the program. bad record while there. They won ] Under the provision of the Farm Ten- three games and lost one scored 126 ant Act leans will be m~de to reliable poirts to their opponents 88, and /arm tenants for the pro'chase of a p'aced one player, Joe Niece on the family sized farm unit. Repayments ~]l district team. will be amortized over .~ forty-year In their ~Irst game they turned back per~oa, the interest rage being three local Junior Chamber of Comm~ee held last week, the feaslblity of an Amateur. contest, similar, to. t~at put on last year by the el~b was discussed, and it was deeld~ to investigate the advisabilRy of such a eontest. Everyone. interested, in. suelt .a contest is requested to advke Std RUdd, at the Schu~ Gars4% or Se~ Hoketad, who Is president ~ the dub some time in the near fut- ure, so that some idea of the sible number of entries can be obtained. It is understood that there be some substantial cash awarded if a congest is held year. Bijou Theatre A I. nounces Many Fine New lmprovemepts The management of the local Bijou Theatre is pleased to this week an- nounce that new scats have been ordred for the theatre, and will soon be here. The theatre will be closed To Complete Work 0n City Building City Council At Regular Meetinff Monday Deczdes~ To Put Pro. position Up To Local Voters Some time ago the City Oounefl su~ mitted an application to the Work~ Progress Administration for Federal funds to aid in financing further /m- provements to the municipal building, the second floor of which is now c~t, pleted so far as pre~nt plans are con- cerned. In order to secure Federal funds for purpo~ the Ott~ must ]~ It i~rt of the funds to complete th~ p~o- Jeer. As the City is without ~ available funds at present to meet |~ ~ze of the cost, the C/ty Oouncfl deemed it necessary and advisttl~ et~ a businea proposition to issue b0nd~ to provide funds for this pm-'-~se, and, to comply with legal requlrem~t~, question of issuing bonds will be sub- mitted to the voters at the comh~ city election. It is planned that these bonds will be issued for a term of three years, I for a few days during the first part of payable in installments of one thoUs- Sentinel Butt~ 2~ to 24 in the tourna-~tPercent- April, it is understood, while they are and dollars each year. The maximum m ~t eurta~n-raiser on Thursday after- Congress appropriated $~0,00,000 Ior no~n. the first 3'ear, $25,000,000 for the second ]installed. Irate of interest on such bonds is six The following morning they were year and $50,000,000 annually there- All told there will be 204 new seats percent and It is posslble that a lower • put in. Tl~e seating arrangement Will be rate can be arranged for. In order not handed their only defeat in a close'after. This program strikes at the game that saw Belfield come out on heart of our farm problem, Mr. Janze changed also, it is understood, and to increase taxes by issuing these bonds the long end of a 25 to 24 score. Bel-crates, since it tends to bring stability, there will be only one aisle, down the the City Council plans to reduce the field held the lead through the entire security ~nd permanency to our unse- center with six seats on each side. levy for other purposes in sufficient game. 'cure and ever shifting farm tenant The new sea~s are 12-spring seats,! amounts to keep the taxes for city purposes at their present level. The regular mee~vg of t Although at this writing the appli- .l~,yal~eigh- The neXt game saw them pitted fam~-tles" w~th an auto mohair back, of leather ~a~held at St Johns Fall on against Assumption Abbey, who had The ~d.,u~s (~f ~-y rural community covering. There will be aisle lights in-lcation for Federal funds has not been ~r~Y, March 2rid, it being the]Pr~viouslyl defeated Golva and then suet: ~s ~...el defends entirely on the stalled at every fifth row. and in ad-.approved by the Administration, the I ~ ~ing to count on the Stream- ] lost to Taylor. Beach turned in a de- st~bilzty an~ ~,ucres£ of the farm faro- dltion there will be four new side lights officials feel confident that the funds will be made available. I I~Ibership and AttendanceC m-Ic~sive 33 to 27 win in this game ]la'~ in tl~c-h" lmmed~ate trade territory, new arc lamps instead of the present city • I ~embers on both the South- Saturday night they _ again played ancl that is where the ~.~SA through this mazda bulbs. This project will provide work for a I~Ic Challenger" and the 'North Sentinel Butte this time for the con- act and the Rural Rehabilitation pro- 'i which office he has been prominently An air conditioning outfit is also to considerable number of men, and when /Imast Limited,, had been worklng~hard solation championship. In this game gram steps into the picture. Mr. Janze mentloned, or for any other office on be installed, and when all these fine completed, will provide accomodatlons get new members and for attend- the boys really hit their stride and added, in ~.ssisting low income farina different ticket, is as yet unknown. • / ~ improvements are completed, Beach for city offices, the fire truck, the li- . ' res'~e:~he C~ ~te~'e' i tthe ~eoc~lt~ne~le:i~m: ~nt° o~f c ww t lctoYn= eO~:tdv~ , ~al-a~ o_~_month.contest. 3S benen-[ ~ ~h~ ehamnionshin ~ame Killdeer chase of equipment and livestac~, federal seed loans to come into this tulated on t~is fine forward step, and cannot ~ made withont the aid of Fed- e ~ers and 24 Juven ~e~ Were ........ " defeoted Modei~ High~ ~22-~3 ~odel's For each farm unit a sound farm state this spring and accordingly the for their desire to see that theatre pat-teral funds and the members of the m ~Dn We~n~_.e~ during the contest. ~,~'no~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ °ci in~ and home management plan are worked chief executive did so by reclamation rons of this area can attend shows in Councll.cov~der it a business prcposlo ......... o ........ th~ cos o P , -~Y evenmg a class of 21 on ( Ieas tUlUa,~., ...... seeond.~ of the ~ame cut with the farmer and his wife, anl it is expected that the FOA will be- the latest modem cou~fort, tlon to provide the funds to complete Ia~to I~_~,~'~.~__.r~~s. zor the contest --~Ph~--a~ .......... dlst~Ict team" consisted of the ~asis of this farm plan the. farmer gin speedy action on this matter. Gel- ' " ' " it. ~e held at -wa~ea .at the ~anquet to Honda and Ik~hertv of Killdeer, Niece begins his farming operations for the due q~aliey county was listed as needing ~ 11 Ant "~&~ ~A ~ Further information Will be published ~e ~ ~~a~, p.~.Ds ior of Beach, (~laie of Model High. and season. Considerable .st~eas l~..being approximately 350 seed loans this year. [ L~Cal ~U~lt~ k~ "in future issues of this paper relative ~ eha~°~a~e~ ...................... DY me comnn~ee ~ar~.~_r ~f qPevlor . , placod in all Instances ~o ~ne mamrmn- I ~" . ~+~ th~..~ bond bsue. Watch for it. M~z' ~.~x.~e~3~-year pin was won .... !ing of farm\record books. We believe PROGRAM AT men SCllOOL I ' ][ ~t~, ~f Aat.~w.i ~a-L~.~nurm ]~rown and the door,., • I~,, = ~,that considerable asalstanee towards ~ -~J~l[~ ~L~]L .r~l~LXU||l ..... ~ . ! ~;~k~_ mrs. Olive Nutter The Royal |zznznw. | 'h~mml~u~l. |rehabli/tation can be brought about in On ~ .................. ,~, ! Irnora rresmus, t~arl IhTw, i~. deli~ted to have Dor-, this manner. At the end of the yea Mlssiss~vlan S~ers. will nresent a x~.~l ,.~=.~..t ..~ .. ~e.tvt Dnnsworth Are Wed t ~,~aeaild Marie Zieisdorf pre-' • 'the farmer can obtain valuable Infor- -'in the-~eaCh -h Sehooi -- ................... -----] --'~ .................. ~ttat this ". , .... Program 1~ of aotion again during the past week. Dzscusscs Another mation that he h/mself h~.. a~lulred Auditorium under the auspices of the Last sek Wedneada t the Wibaux~A ve tt weddin was .... w , yn~1 ry prey g W served to ~ and entered into his recora ooog and Beach Schoo Th~ is the second of a t Were a~: • Is. . . . Bantams ~ over Belfleld here ~ to solemnized at the Norwegian Luther- l Amateur Conte b~ma .a r.~h~.k he.~ s~ of lycoum n~nbors sheduled each 31 in et close battle, and then on Fri- an church ~ Olendtve Saturday after- • ~='~'~--" ..... wnere ne nas zauea ana wnere ne nas ear b heel for the entertain ~4[~_ ~--'~---~ '-- ~ ~ ~ m . _ . y y the se • " day night went to Wlbaux and chalk-|n0on when h~ss Tiara Presthus be- I I~`~ ~" Jo R, Rover Re. 1 __ . ]Succeeded in his varlous tarmmg op- merit of the students, enrolled..The ed up another victory 25 to 15. Tues-| came the bri~ of~ Earl Dunsworth. --*:--~ " !- ~---'--- ~r,," : A goodly attendance was present for| era~mnSentir ram tends toward Missi~tpptan ~nngers nave provea ~o day night they lost an overtime contest|They were attended by ,Miss Lu Verne n , por~ea very nm.n :t e regular meeting of the local jun:l .~.._ re prog!_ __ t "1 be a very popular NegrO M~.le q u~te. t~ to Olendive here 40 to 41. At the end| Baird and Elmer lSre~qs, ~brother of • ~-~rt Palm : ,:~'" • !lor "Chamber of Commerce, held last|sr~tm.n~.y .aua securzty ~ even ua, y as a regmar zeamre .over me ~ationai of the regular playin~ time the score|the bride. ~ fine wedclin~flinner was ~olu ~ ~lf~ ~ in receipt of a letter, Thursday evening at the Hotel.Beach,~ renat)luta~10~. ~,0r~ low mcotme zarm B.roaac_a_st..i~ Company zrom San From- was knotted at 32-a11. } served ~ th~home of tl~.r J~ride's par- ~gtou, W!t~©-Who is in Keiso, Wash-'and an enjoyable evening was nad. |, ass.m~mg mem m o .deem. e .as clsco. ~'ney are accompamea, oy a Tuesday night the Black Hawks aiso lent,s, M~ andros. John Presthus and % ~Oyerw~ net inother Mrs. J. R.t Preceding the meal, the club was!se~s ~o.~ne~.r. co.m.mum~y ana~o tne Negro ~ap-uancer ann guitar player, played, goh~ to Oolva where theY[a weddin~ da~ee~md reception was ' ~ ~ nd Miss county in wnlcn £ney are toca~co er d t ~ II~°yet, lon~ ,,~ cally ill there. ~s. l entertained by Joe Hyland a • ~ w e cleated by the town team hereI given in the evening at the Odd Fell- ~I~alley c0~t~'me resident of Golden,veto Helm, with several musical num- .... ' ..~__~ .FIN~ .M~rl'l~ .mtlSU#.. . by a score of 31 to 25. The Hawks] ow Hall. I~ho tl~rLLt~ ~'~..~na~.._. Of friends:bers that were grcatly enjoyed. - : ~:Yo~-~Ve~l~l[e'Zs ~let~of 'en- " Mon~.ay nlgn~.a very enJoy~me ~ played without Osier, Jonos, or Ollman,~ Thora is one of~our home girls and II~erY. J~he h~ net a speedy re- 1 A letter from the city council was g p ty mr~res~mg meem~g was nero a~ me but were augmented by the addition of except for time spent away to learn the ~ ~ ~ been bothered with a read by secretary, Victor Thompson, ~wax ~.A._ net leg, and for a whlle iasking the chamber to appoint two ~h~t it might be nesesearY Imembers on a committee t° cooperate Methodist church. Following a fellow- Joe Niece to their team as a new mem- ship supper by the members, Rev. her. The girls lost their game With George Parish, disrict superintendent, the Oolva girls by a score of 12 to and Rev. Armstrong of Fargo preach- after holding a slight lead at half ed good sermons, to a good sized con- time. gregation, including a large number Last night the Bantams went to from Wibaux. Sidney for a return game with one of Next Sunday, March 13, there will be the league teams of that city. preaching services at the Methodist To-night (Thursday) the Beach church at 11 a. m., with Sunday School Black Hawks play Wibaux on the local at l0 a. m. Everyone is invited to at- floor and the Beach girls team will tend. play the Sentinel Butte faculty team. These should be two good gmmes. [ SCHOOL PROGRAM & PARTY i During the evening the drawings for Everyone is cordially invited to a the coming tournament will b~ ::=R2-~ schocl pro~ram and card party sPOrt- as well as the time for playing each sored by the Young Cltzens League contest. of th~ Chandler School 3 miles south on no. 16, and 3 miles 'east of Beach, or across the road from Frank Zook's farm. It will be given on Friday even-f h~.g, March llth. The program will start at 7:30. Come for a good time and lots o: fun. A small admission fee will be chartered wl~ch will include supp_~r. FRIENDLY NEIGHRORS The Friendly Neighbors club met with Mrs. Mike L~rdy on Mar. 3, with six mem4~-~s present. No lesson was given THREE MEN CHOSEN At the mass meeting held here yes- terday at the court house three dele- gates were selected to attend the convention at J~mestown on March 18th. Those elected by the gathering were E. D. Nelson, Ed Eide, and Rev. W A. Smith. The meeting also en- dorsed Herm Brown for representa- t.ive from this district ~at this meeting. A fine her dinner was NYE TO TALK OVER RADIO served at noon. The next meeting place Senator Gerald P. Nye will be heard was not decided upon. over radio stations KFY~ and WDAY tonight, (Thurs0Ay) at 7 p. m. central Mr. and Mrs. Wayne smith and son time, or 6 p. m. our ~time. He w~r dinner ~e0tsat th~/~aron 8nook home Sunday. ~ - Beauty Parlor trade, has spenther life among us. She is a graduate of W. C. H. S., and has a host of friends who wish her and her husband a happy wedded life. Her husband is the ~neral clerk in Sawyer's Store and has prov- ed himself a very likeable young man. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Helvik and son elf attended the wedding and a num- ber from here attended the dance in the evening. TUNGSVIKS LEAVE • Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Tungsvik" who for the past 24 years have resided south of Sentinel Butte, last week left for Le~euer, Minnie*a, where they will m~ke their future home. On last Thursday morning Mr, 'run~svik and son Floyd left with a truck load of furniture, etc., and on Saturday morn- ing Mrs. Tungsvik left bY train. Their daughters, MiSS Ruth Tungsvik, who is teaching rural school In this county, and cora, who is attending hiSh school In Sentinel Butte plan to Join them after the school term is out. The many friends of the Tungsvik family deeply regret their dec~ton to leave Go/den Valley county, but unite in wishing them every happiness and good fortune in their new location. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hall and George Brenzel .of the sOuth co~ntr~ were Beach callers Monday. ;inel Butte Conregational ChUrch elec- ted officers at their meeting last Sun- day evening. The following officers were the limb. Mrs. Pahner t~ in making arrangements for the open- elected: In a few days. l lug dance in the new clty hall, whlch l~resid£nt ...... ....... Ramona_Smith ~ e~. ~----....-_ ~- --h-~uled for Easter Monda", April vlce t-reszaent ...... Maude Honom [| Patrick'sPs~v i lSth. President John Hokstad appointed Secretary ..... . ....... Robert Dodge i~l)on.. .,----_. -----"~a I Irv Thompson and Howard Enderle to .~.~ __ ~" "~ fO~* .... [n~t nntht~ oonl~ttee [ ]~VANU~]LAU~'JL'|~ Mff, ISTI/WU.hl ~ big ca~ _~_ Knlg Colum- ~-h~ m~t~r of snonsorin~ another The Congregational and United ~d ill file -~ !Y and dance to be, ~f~,,~ ~n.~ w~.~ m~ussed at len~, Brethren churches announce a union , ~r~r~h ................. ~ks night, hall on St. Pat- as well as the idea of sponsoring some Evangelistic effort April 24 to May 15 l other form of entertainment. The with Rev. C. E. Vinaroff, singing evan- ~i ~veryone is urged II that ~ . to be there early -eneral consensus of oninlon seemed gelist and Bert Wilhoit, pianist and ac- I~ at g:~o v~PJa--Y~t,g can start prompt-Ito favor another amateur contest, and cordlan, of Russell, .Kansas and Cht- I~r ~'~ ~_ be the order!the entertainment committee was in- cage, Illinois. • p~r~y In addition to d' I~ USUal Prize ~- " - ,structed to look into the matter an , ~~ I~l~h door --. raven mere will be a ! re~rt ~t the next mcetin= I WPA MINE TO BE CLOSED _ w~ed. A band stand for Beach also claimed The WPA coal mine near Sentinel . ~_~-~x ~;ne d~ I ' Ii~t~C~ ~. re, March 17th, St. considerable attention, and ways and Butte will be closed on March 31, and I~ -"~" i means of financing such an undertak-~wlll be transferred to a loal project of ling were discussed at length, with no 'the village of Sentine Butte, it is un- I!~Nic ~ ~.~u~a ~definite action being taken I derstood. Anyone on relief needing I:~ (~va~-w~en Rnown famer of! Stanley Raisler and J~nes Smith~c°al is urged~ to contact the local wel- • -~u~y returned Friday ~fare office at once ' were introduced as guests, and later . rntug after ha t the s+~un~_~ Oaliforrda, and als0~ I members of the club. Larry, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. -,-e of Washington. Vie re-1 t Norbert Bares, had the misfortune to very e~oyable Winter but is' LI N m oe bac ...... / O S NEXT MONDAY l brcak his leg Sunday, falling down a ~ t frieadS ~'~,_Wl~hhis~ North D~k-I Regular meeting of the local Lions i cellar. Medical aid was given the ~: see ~ o~_~m, and they are glad!club will be held next Monday evening youngster who is coming along fine "~ more. ]at the Hotel Beach, and all members now however. ord h~ are urged to be present. ] ' "'~/Z~L inI ~I ~i~ t?a.a~ recelv~ here from. [ Mrs. E. A. Nyman and Jessis KinseY he is now employed Andrew Finnem~n spent Sunday at will entertain the Past Matrons club I '~" here. Los Angeles and likes the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. at Mrs. Kinsey's apartments next Wed, l~Ive l~innelnan, near Oolva. nesday. I . ,