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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 9, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 9, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR Mr. end Mrs. S. Severson re- t~ned Sunday from Minneapolis. Carlson of Billings visited at John Carlson home Monday. The Missionary Society met on Wedr~day afternoon, Mrs. Hazel Drake is employed at Burns drug store. Mrs. Claire Samson was a Beach visitor Thursday evening. Mrs. Louis Thrope of Billings ar- rived Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Woods. Mrs. Harold RUSt and baby came home Wednesday from the N. P. .Hospital at Glendlve, Mrs. Eddy Turnquist entertained the So and Sew Club on Monday evening. Mrs. Louise Larson visited her daughter, Edna at Hedges Thurs- day. At Red Cross Friday Mrs. W. Manning and Mrs. M. P. Ostby served lunch. E, Armontrout has returned ~the Occident .Elevator a~ manager after several months rest. Mrs. Dan Sutherland returned Wednesday from Dickinson, where she spent several days. Mrs. Martin OhrLstad left last Week for Fargo, where she will visit relatives. Mrs. Charles Schade left Monday for Topeka, If~an, for medical treat- ~aent. DOlII~ Mac Lynch left Sunday for Billings to enter the orthopedic hospital for treatment. Mr .and Mrs. Francis Payne and Marlin have moved into the Willis Fischer apartment. Grandma Woods, who has been ill for some time, passed away at the Beech Hospital Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steele and Mr. and Mrs Glenn Scammon were in Glendive Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. E. Noonan were in Beach Thursday, where Mrs. Noonan was having dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard enter- talned at dinner Sunday evening Mr. 'and Mrs. Norman Hazelwood end Mrs. Orland Howard, who is their house guest. The Womens Club met at the home of Mrs. C~aire Samson Mon- day evening. The program con- sisted of an art exhibit and a paper on art by Mrs. Louise Sletten. Lunch was served by the hostess. I I ROSE Theatre Calendar GLENDIVE, MONTANA CURRENT WEEK NOW SHOWING-- "SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY" starring Betty Grable and Ro- bert Young with Adolphe Men- Jou. The most dazzling, spec- tacular musical of them all! The musical that will head your all-time favorites I OWL SHOW SAT. 11:30 P. M. SUN. MeN. TUES.-- "THE MAN FROM DOWN UNDER" starring Charles Laughton with Blnnle Barnes. Ricl~ard Carlson and Donna Reed. The thrill hit of the season! Action you'll cheer/ Danger lurking in the darkness! Every second throbs with suspense and excitement! WEDNESDAY ONLY-- ~PARd[8 AFTER DARK" with George Sanders, Philip Dorn, Brenda Marshall The ~ stocY of a comtuered woman! Can a man understand what l~ppens to a woman when mhe falls into Nazi hands? OPENING NE~ THURS.~ "THE FAIAJNG 8FAEEOW" starring John Oarfleld and Maur- een O~Har~. UPTOWN THEATRE FRIDAY SATURDAY~ Johnny Mack Brown in "THE 8~tANGEIL , FROM I~COS ' . Mrs. Ross Blxby and daughter were dinner guests Thursday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ross of Beach. The Lutheran Ladies Aid was en- tertained Friday afternoon at the church by Mrs. Andy Pauison and Mrs. Ed Bakken. Those who attended Past Masters Night at GlencHve Tuesday were R. Owens, H. Schev41e, F. E. E1- liott anct Ed Sherman. Miss Esther Frantz, Red Cross nurse, and Mrs. Ross Bixby went to Carlyle Wednesday to start the home nursing class there. D. M. Danielson has purchased the Wtbaux Hotel and Mr. and Mrs. W. Howard will manage it for him. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Baird and Linda, Mrs. Ellle Baird. and Loren Watkins were in Glendive on Thursday. Word was received last week by ~e I. Bait family that their son, Roger was reported killed in action. This is the second son from this family in the last few months. The Christian Fundamental Churoh held their fellowship meet- ing Friday evening at the club house. They had a 7:30 supper, followed by a program. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Thrams are the parents of a 10 lb. baby boy, born February 25 at Salt Lake City, Utah on the birthday of his grandparent, Don Lawrence, Mrs. Maude Hubbard arrived on Thursday from Chicago, Ill. to visit relatives on her way home to Dillon. She is a house guest of her sister, Mrs. Albion Welsh and family. R. H. Welsh has purchased the M. P. Ostby home. Mr. Ostby is resigning as county agent because of poor health, and his family will make their future home in Fargo, North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Sig Pederson and family visited her father, Mr. Abra- ham, in Beach Sunday evening, Mr. Abraham returned Friday from the Dickinson hospital, where he underwent surgery. Hugh Chaffee returned from Chi- cago and Wisconsin, where he visited relatives, Thursday. A nephew, Ruddy Chaffee, accom- panied him to spend several months. A group of friends met at the" Thomas Lynn home Wednesday evening. Whist was played, with scores going to Mrs. Dave Baird and Ole Helvik, and Dave Baird and Mrs. Earl Tennent. ] Mrs. Wayne Marcus entertained] the, Optimistic Eight Bridge Club ] Wednesday evening, with scores going to Mrs. Arley Helvik and Mrs. L. Hartse. Mrs. Orland How- ard and Mrs. Wallace Scott were guests. Tlm Eastern Star chapter held their regular meeting Tuesday eve- ning at the Masonic hail. A gift was presented the past worthy matron, Mildred Meek and lunch was served after the meeting by Mrs. Alvina Welsh and ~[rs. Marian Briedenfeld. Robert Matin of Carlyle, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.' Scammon, MAss Delline Eustaee, Miss Selma Larson and Russell Welsh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eisenbart Saturday evening. Games were the diver- sign of the evening. A lovely lunch was enjoyed by all, The Lions Club held their regular meeting Monday evening at the Sutherland dining room. They had the high sohool boYS basketball team and Obert Kartevold, who is home on furlough from overseas, as guests. They also had several other guests for the evening. Miss Esther Frantz of St. Louis, Me., Red Cross nurse, arrived Sun= day to spend two months giving the home nursing courses. The first class was ,held Monday after- noon at the high school. Tuesday the class for the Cottonwood Club met at the home of Mrs. Flnkie. V TROTTERS NEWS + Mrs. J. F. C~'oo]r.. Cot, The ground is white with snow once more. Carol Moore spent the week end at her ~tal home. :~:Bob Stevens is Ill with tlm .~- The ~. ~. " ~i : ~m'l~l~ were Sunday dinner g~ 'gt the' P. V: Moore home, Mrs. Vanvig, Mrs. Glen Ois0~'s mother, arrived from Alabama On Saturday and Will make e~.. i~adefin- ite visit at the Glen Oison home. Mr. and Mrs. ~ Metcalf in- :vlted a group of ~he~r frlend~ to a party at ~tlmi_r ~e on sat~ urday evening. Four tables of cards were in play. ~ prir~ went to Mrs. Bob Stevens and Glen ~etSOn, Hazel Vinqtttst and Dopald tcalf received cmnsolatlon pries. A delicious lunch was served at midnight. P. V. Moore had. the misfm~ane ~z~ken, a week ago Saturday, when he "was haul.: a load slough- THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, March 9, CARLYLE NEWS Jean Hartse, Reporter Mrs. Clms. Abrams spent the weekend with her mother at Baker. Wallace Scott was a visitor at the Carlyle school Thursday. Mrs. Rudolph Lutts is a patient at the Beach hospital. Everyone wishes her a speedy recovery. Mrs. C. G. Huffman left Monday for Iowa to care for her sister-in- law, who is ill. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Lurid were Saturday business callers in Glen- dive. Melvin Hartse left Sunday morn- ing for Glasgow, where he will work for t~e next few days. Mrs. Leo Goroski submitted to an operation at the Beach hospital Last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gannon were visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Flsk home Sunday, L. R. Moline and W. S. Hunger- ford'were business callers in Car- lyle Wednesday morning. Lonnie Yanatta and Tom Fulton motored to Beach Wednesday eve- ning on business, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carew were shoppers and business callers in Beach Saturday. The U. B. Ladies Aid is serving dinner Maroh 18th at the Carlyle school house. Everyone invited. Jim Gannon of Wibaux spent the weekend in Carlyle visiting his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Still of Beach were Carlyle callers Friday afternoon. Harold Fulton, Jean Hartse and Mrs. Melvin Hartse were Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Fulton home in Glendive. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton return- ed home Monday from Beach, where Mr. Fulton has been taking treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abrams, Miss Hazel Stsxk of Baker, and Mrs. Ed Martin went to Billings Wed- nesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Kameron of Beach have moved on the Jack Ballard farm to work for Mr. Ballard this year. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. J. Krueger and daughter Cecilia left Saturday afternoon for Milwaukee, Wis., where they will vislt~ Mr. Krueger's mother and friends. Mrs. Lonnie Var~tta entertained the U. B. Aid Thur3day afternoon at her home. A nice crowd at- tended and a lovely lunch was served. Mrs. Jim Gannon and Mrs. Lon- vie Vanatta entertained Red Cross at the Gannon home Tuesday. The ladies were kept busy sewing. A lovely dinner was served by the hostesses. Mrs. Hurley Workman and daughter of Hysham, Mont. have been visiting Mrs. Workman's mother the last couple days en- route to Fargo to visit her sister, Mrs. Hank Jacobsen and family. ]=:BONNIE--V w: ] [ -T l Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Pesha arld sons and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pesh~ attended the show in Beach. Thurs- day evening, Marlyn Adams was absent from school last Week, as he was a vic- tim of the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neilsen. sons, Lenny and Laverne and Alex John, and Mary McCaskey spent Wed- nesday evening at the Godfrey Pesha home. A number of friends gathered at the Olaf Abraham home, Saturday evening, to help Duane and Har-I old Abraham celebrate their birth-I days, which occurred Saturday andI Monday I PLEASANT VALLEY CLUB ] The Pleasant Valley Homemakers[ Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zeilsdorf Wednesday, March 1. At noon a delicious dinner was served to 15 members, their families and three guests. At 2:30 the business meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Glen Hathaway. R011 Call W~S responded to by: "A 1~ctor I Observe in Buying or O~." Red Cross was dl~ cussed and the club voted to don- ate an equal amount to the Men- tuna Red Cross and the NOrth Dakota Red Cross. The meeting was turned over to the social com- mdttee, Mrs. Hugh Ross and Mrs. Hargy Hubb!e,; who had arranged to pl~F "Blmoo.' Prizes were taken by M~. Erve Breldenfeldt and Mrs. Roy Zabel. The next meeting will be held at the Ben Thompson home April 5, at 2:$0. Mrs. P~ H. Welsh, Secretary. OFEN FORUM TO It~ET A meeting of the Beach Open Forum will be held Tuesday, March 14th at the Congregational C~urch ba~m~t at 8:~ o'clock. The pro- gram Wll~ be k talk on point~ of interest seen on a recent trip b~ ~rl and ln~orm~ d~umion. WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If you want to buy or sell something; if you need help or want a Job, you can get ~esul~s from News Want Ads. No ad accepted for lose than 2Sc per inaertion. A service ch~i~g~., Ofads,2~ will bo made for FOR SALE~Pair of coyote hounds, 1 to 3 years old, trained. Robert Ridenhower, Wibaux. 23-2tp FOR SALE -- Registered Duroc- Jersey boar. Edwin Buldhaupt, Beach. 23-tf FOR SALE--Walsh seed flax, $5 per bushel. J. E. Metcalf, Trot- ters, N.D. 23-4tp FOR SALE--I Simmons baby bed, new $45. See S. A. Johnstone at hospital. T 21-1tp FOR SALE--1936 half ton Dodge pickup with new box. Gordon Sohmeling, Sentinel Butte. 24-2tp FOR SALE--Willis 1941 half ton pickup. John Vorhies, Phone 017F2, Glendive, Mont. 2~i-2tp LOST---5 : 16 log chain several weeks ago. Return for reward. Leo Zempel, Beach. 24-1tp FOR SALE--McCormick Deering Farmall 20, completely rebuilt and ready to go. Arthur Haijs- man. Beach. 21-1tp FOR SALF.--1937 Plymouth coach, in good condition, with good tires. See Mrs. Lorenz Schulte or John Schulte, Golva. 23-2tp FOR SALE--5-room modern house, completely furnished with pre- war furnishings. Dr. C. A. Bush, Beach. 23-3tc FOR SALE--Peoria 10 ft. Double disc drill in good shape M.A. Finneman, Phone 5F22, Golva, N. Dak. 21-5tc FOR SALE--Two well broke teams, one pair of geldings and one pair of mares, coming five and six years old. Hans Haukaas, Golva. 22~4tp FOR SALE--U. S. approved, pul- lorum tested chicks. Order early. Leading breeds. Write for folder and prices. Hoffman Hatchery, Washburn, N, D. 22-11tp FOR SALE--Brooder House, 10~x 12. One Hudson Brooder, A-I shape. One 300-egg MacComb incubator. H u b e r t Schieffer, Beach, Nort~ Dakota. 24-1tp WEATHER FORECASTS--We have a limited number of Ben Huset's 1944 weather forecasts. These should be of special interest to farmers and stockmen. Golden Valley News office. 18-tf FOR SALE--1940 Chevrolet master deluxe tudor sedan, an exception- ally clean car, for $950. If in- terested see or write J. E Met- calf at Trotters, N. D. Owner in service. 24-1tp JUST RECEIVED--Consignment of New Grain Boxes. 85 bu. Flare boxes and 26 inch straight side. If you are in need of a good grain box see me at once. C. G. John- son, Golva. 24-itc FOR SALE--~0 acres of farm and ranch land. about one-thlrd til- lable, four miles from Sentinel Butte. Priced right if taken at once. M. C. Tescher, Sentinel Butte. 24-2tp USED CARS--We have a few used cars for sale: 1941 Plymouth coupe; 1941 tudor Ford; 1942 Deluxe Plymouth coupe. You do not need, a certificate in order to buy any of these cars. Dakota Implement Co. 20-tfc FOR S~ ~res of farm and ranch land, 20 miles north of Wibaux, on graded road and near school. Good buildings, good water, land all fenced and cross PHMlc Kent Arnold, son of Mr. Mrs. J. C. Butterfleld was and Mrs. R E. Arnold of Beach, is overnight visitor in Glendive ~home on a short leave before re- T, hursday, returning Prlday wR~ turning to Seattle. Wash., where he Mr. and Mrs, M. Finneman will be stationed. For the past ter and friend. Mrs. two years he has been stationed in was dismissed Friday from t~ the South Pacific and his viewpoint N. P. Hospital, and met Mrs, on the war situation is "Pretty terfleld there as she was at rugged." hospital to consult a doctor. A Buying Opportunity You Have Been Waiting For + Overshoes Mens' ALL RUBBER 4-buckle Dress or Work Boys - Youths ALL RUBBER 3-buckle Underwear Mens Medium and Heavyweight Cotton Rib Unionsuits, sizes 36 to 52 Boys and Girls Medium Weight Cotton Rib Unionsuits, sizes 6 to 16 years Mens MacDee Medium Weight Cotton Rib Drawers, Elastic in Waist Ankle and Over-Knee Styles, sizes 32 to 44 Childrens' Knitted Cotton Bloomers Elastic Waist - sizes 6 to 14 ~¢ Knitted Shirts to match - short sleeve Strutwear Full-Fashioned Hosiery Ree Verse Knit "2g¢ Sheer 45 gauge |~ Field & Stream Zipper Front Jackets Leather or Whitman Gabardine Mens' Cotton Flannel Shirts 1.48 - 1.74 Sizes 141/2 to 17 Shop Early, as Stocks are Limited! Dickinson's Since 1907 Beach, N. I). fenced. About 700 acres under cultivation. J.P. Trimble, Jordan Hotel, Glendive. 2~-ltp BEACH LIVESTOCK PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, includ- ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Prais- ed by thousands ln~luding ]Pay McKermie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded ff not sails- fled. Woodward Brothers Drug, Beer, h. 24-10tp VI~ SEED OATS $1.65 ba. Sweet Clover Seed 12c lb. up, Timothy 8c, Bromus 17c, Timothy & Clover 12c, Pasture Mlxturea Field Peas, Early Seed Corn, M/I= lets, Sudan, Cane; Buda, Reya/ and Golden Flax. Write for price list and Free Samples. Grimm Alfalfa Association, 201 13th St, No., Fargo, N. D. On U. S. High- way 81 across street from Man- chester Biscuit Company. 24-4tc I Miss Blanche Stever,% ~eneral field representative for western Norbh Dakota, is here in Beach in the interest of the w~r fund drive. Leon Fraser, n~onal ch~ of the war fund, claims, ,Ninety per- cent of total funds will be devoted to armed foa'ces. This .nlo~y is not for ,Red Oroes~ It is for tm~s in our ,~ forces - for in time 'Of ~ and for aid in time ~ d~:' ; -'+~ + Boy WAR BONDS hOWl MARKET + FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 10th and llth- i.; Will take as lmany hog~12.~u may deliver. week was abe to pay $ . Or top hogs, but guarantee the following prices this weeR, paying ~i,~ if the market will permit. TOP HOGS, 210 to 300 lbs. 185 to 210 lb. HOGS ........ /70 to 185 lb. HOGS ......... 140 to 170 lb. HOGS - - - $9.50 to : SOWS, all weights ......... Feeder hogs or hogs under 140 lbs. bought .... per hundred. " Youth A wa3,, G,t waw- ++x++. +++ .+~ ~*~