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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 9, 1944     Golden Valley News
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March 9, 1944
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~Thursday, March 9, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE THREE A Weekly Published Every Thursday by The NEWS PUBLISHING CO. Fred A. Shipman. Editor N. C. SHIPMA.N, Business Manager J. D. MacDOUGALL. SupL ]~ntered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Beach, North Dakota, October 7, 1936. under tile Act of March 3, 1897. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising, per inch - $ .35 ~al Contract, 52 weeks, inch - .30 eaders per line ...... .10 Card of' Thanks, 10 lines - - - 1.00 Positively no exceptions will be made on the above rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES To addresses wilhin Norih Dakola, Ind Wibaux and Fallon Counties. in Monlana: ~ e Year ........ $2.50 Months ....... 1.50 To addresses oulside of North Dakota: SOlxe Year ........ $3.00 Months ........ 2.50 No subscriptions accepted for less than six months N. D. MAY BECOME ONE OF GREATEST IN UNION North Dakota is standing on the threshold of its greatest advance- ~aent and it is up to us, the people of the state, to recognize our op- l~rtunities and work in unison for their fulfillment so that the state Can become one of the greatest in the union. For several years the federal gov- ernment has gathered data, making ~ureful surveys and drawing plans or the development of that vast ~tretch of the United States that es west of the one hundredth meri- dian. This area embraces the greater part of 17 states and consti- tutes roughly one-third the land area of the nation. Secretary Ickes in a recent in- terview said: "It is in this vast l~gion of wide open spaces that we are planning our new empire. De- lktrtment engineers tell us that Water can be made available to ~ansform nearly 20,000,000 addi- Onal acres of arid land into pros- t~ous farms. -This would permit [ae west to double its present POpulation ," The western two-thirds of North : ~l~kota lies within the area of un- 0attain rainfall, where the lack of ~e or two inches of precipitation at critical periods of the growing ~W~on means the difference be- een abundance and disaster. In the past, farmers have been ~d to depend upon the of nature for the moisture to produce satisfactory secure, always ap- In years of abundance of the need for a securi- by means of irrigation; in years drought too disheaxtened to a task so formidable. like death, has been con- inevitable and very little been done to prevent it, save for the postponement of the day. Missouri River Valley is the major water course in the to receive the attention of At long last they have to the enormous poten- of this region and plans been formulated for extensive The purposes to be by this program are mani- and most of them are designed serve the needs of our state. axe: employment for the rail- that will be jobless through dislocations that will surely in the conversion from war to activities; water conser- irrigation,, flood control, development, sanitation--are most important in advancing Dakota to a leading position the sisterhood of states. the Missouri River its tributaries is a task that our initiative and our to control the forces of nature make them subservient to the of mankind. ~.V--- FARMER'S ACE & Wholesome change is taking on the farm. Farmers are wary of centralized govern- control. After a decade of to fit their existence to the of politics rather than laws, the farmers are fed Their attitude is best exam- in their battle against sub- in the future are going to depend upon themselves an increasing extent in reaching solutions on agricultur~ This does not mean each farmer will have to fight battle alone. That day is long He can now turn to such organizations as the cooperatives. The co-ops him sell his produce at a l~rice. They strive to stabilize and demand, while leaving farmer free to concentrate Lhe job of production. marketing cooperatives will to be the farmer's ace in hole when disillusionmer~t with government becomes com- ~.V--~ ¢i~i~ere isn't good sense in criti- th ng war bond sales. Looking at ~e matter from purely practical ~acl selfish reason the investment is Lg ]a~ POd one for every person who uys bonds. Why, Because your ~Vernment guarantees payment in ~'~h' not to consider the small divi- ~d returned. The government vda,t fail--neither can you! MARCH 15! A red letter day, this March 15! Circle it on your calendar, scrib- ble it in your datebook! On WednesdaY, Mar~h 15, comes the last hour on which the federal income tax can be paid without a stiff penalty which will put that red letter day really in the red. Already the income tax blanks are displaying a hint of that red color scheme in the little pink slips which accompany the blanks. The slips inform you that the task of making an accounting of your income has been simplified this ;ear. Tkis simplification, however, takes -oughly 20,000 more words to ex- plain than formerly. If the income- tax blanks keep getting simpler we'll have to have daylight saving time on a nationwide round-the- year basis to give us time to master the simplified versions. During re- cent weeks in countless thousands of hones, frazzled fathers have had to miss movies they wanted to see, and engagements they wanted to keep, while they toiled doggedly at the complex mysteries of the income tax blanks until the deep hmLr of midnight tolled. But there is a sunnier side. A Chicago columnist has glimpsed it. It is his opinion that "the income tax is a sort of supplementary WPA, affording employment to "many thousands of bookkeepers, auditors, advisers, and common or garden corner-cutters." Seems rea- sonable. The more complex the simplifications become, the more printing and paper needed, and the more work for stenographers, clerks and experts, thereby giving a whirl to America's productive forces and an upward thrust to emplo~unent. Be that as it may, don't forget March 15--that red letter day! V~ THE RED CROSS CANVASS This is the month for generoUs contributions to the Red Cross war fund. This campaign seeks to raise $200,000,000 for the American Red Cross for its absolutely neces- sary services. The Red Cross ac- complishes wonders for~ our men of the armed forces wherever bhey go, and for their families at home. It collects blood plasma for the woLmded, it ships food parcels to prisoners of war, it recruits army angi navy nurses who care for the wounded and sick, and thUs it saves countless lives. It operates over- seas clubs and recreation centers that put new hope and ,heart into our men who are undergoing such suffering and distress for their country. The Red Cross brings a helping hand to families of servicemen who need its ministrations. It provides relief in the disasters that so often afflict the country. Its educational services help people to maintain their health. This noble enterprise touches our lives so intimately and at so many points, that it is neces- sary to give it the most generous support that we can afford. V~ TOMORROW IS TODAY CONTINUED The future isn't so uncertain as we sometimes think. The events of tomorrow are largely determined by those of today. If one doesn't send his ship out he has no reason to wait for it to come in. If he fails to sow he needn't expect to reap, and if he sows tares he can not hope to reap a harvest of wheat. Things do not just happen. They are caused. The law of cause and effect is irrevocable and inexorable. The war in which we are now engaged didn't just come about. It is the result of cumulative events of the past that could have been prevented, and to the observer it could not have been a surprise. There is much speculation as to what will be the conditions follow- ing the war. Most of the guess can be taken out of it if we will give consideration to the things we are doing now~to our relations with i the people abroad and the conduct i of our affairs at home. In a very large measure postwar affairs are being determined now every day. Better than trying to make con- jectures as to the future is to shape ;he events at present that will determine the future. SOLDIERS WILL VOTE Nobody seems to obi~c~ to the so-called "soldiers vote". Congress OUR DEMOCRACY. b M.t has been working on plans for theI °Nature provided harbors for government to. conduct the eiec-/ships, but inland "harbors" for llmns while at the same time the ]airplanes can be built by man. lcdelal plans has been o~posed on,Conservative authorities have esti- mated that the airports of this nation will have to handle three and four times the present amount of air traffic immediately after the war. Not only will airports become es- sential to a community's business life, but they will help provide jobs for many men now in ~he Air Forces who wilt return after the war with a desire to continue in, the calling they know best. I Airport planning is not something ! that can be done overnight. It re-i quires months, sometimes years oft study, not only in determining the best possible location for a flying 'field, but in acquiring the land, arranging financing, improving roads, expanding public utility services, and myriad other details. Progressive communities are pre- paring now to receive the miracle of air commerce which will begin to spread over the world when the war ends. It will keep them httmp- il~g to be ready for that day. ~Y-~ NOTHING ELSE IS IMPORTANT NOW Domestic issues are claiming too much official attention at this time and also too much public in- I terest. A man can't repair his leaky roof or broken steps while his house is on fire. His task is to save the house. It is true that there are many ida/acts in our governmental setup that need to be corrected but the government is under enemy attack i and the big job now is to save it. l We are allowing domestic issues to overshadow the winning of the war, which is the all-important thing and if neglected all is lost. After all most of the issues now diverting the attention from the war are not so important. They are being magnified by politicians as most issues are. Soon most of them will be forgotten giving place ~o new ones. not, meeting conditions as they come uninfluenced by demagogues and selfish issues-makers. This virile nation has survived fires, floods and wars before there was a New Deal. It will do so under the New Deal and when the New Deal becomes history. The contro- versies that are now diverting at- tention from the war will prove when a perspective comes Co be little more than froth on the surface. Let us first save the house and then give attention to ~he needed repairs. ---V.~ HITTING THE JAPS American forces are showing their tremendous striking power in the attack they have started on the Marshall Islands in the Pacific ecean. The 3aps have had many years in which to build fortifica- tions on those islands. They have no doubt thought those strong posi- tions were impregnable, and they could laugh at the too smar~ Americans who would try in vain to smash those mighty defenses. Ti~c great American warships with their guns tha~ speak like thunder have been pounding those mighty defenses. In due time they will give way. The Japs are smart, but not smart enough to beat the science of America, and the courage In a great republic like this petty and resourcefulness of its men. issues are soon forgotten while theI ----V .... major ones work themselves out.I America cannot be well off until The thing that counts is a strong lEurope settles down, and it would patriotic citizenry to carry on in tbe of some helI) also if the home the face of difficulty, war or what] folks would settle up. I Yrom where [ sit... @ Joe Marsh the grounds that this is a questionI of "state rights". Congress tells I the states that they have not theI proper administrative establish- I meats to handle the ballots andI the states reply cryptically: "you'ren another ." I There doesn't seem to be any effort to "grab" th~ soldmrs vote.1 Most people ~hink it "can'~ bel grabbed." As a matter of fact soldiers rot.. ing can be handled either way, and before the parties t6 the row get rid of the details it is likely to be proved that the right way is the agreeable way, through which details of preparing the ballots in :the states and turning the mail ~over to the federal government i might be the right answer. The i Army and Navy can handle the !freight, and the excuse that there iwon't be enough paper for the ballots is a very poor alibi. A clean job must be done from start to finish--that means no political party or faction will per-i ~form the oft-repeated "miracle" of "controlling the vote." In the opinion of this writer it would be! absolutely impossible for the Demo- i crats. Republicans or any one else to get away with such schemes. EVERY TO'~rN A HARBOR For centuries, commerce has fol- lowed the seaways and the water- ways of the world. Hitler's gran- t diose scheme for world conquest had as one of its objectives, the capture of Suez, water gateway to the fabulous ports of the East. The banks of the Don and the Dneiper have been bloody battlefields be- cause these rivers carry supplies to the army that controls them, even as they once brought food and ores and manufactured articles to a people at peace. Stalingrad and Kiex are important Russian cities because they are ports for river traffic, as St. Louis and New Or- leans are important cities in this country. Boston and New York, and Seattle ax, d san Francisco also became important because of their fine harbors. But now the pioture is changing as a new means of transportation surges boldly to the fore. In the dawning Age of Flight, business centers will bloom about airports just as surely as they once sprang up around the quay sides. We had a real old-time church supper the other night. Bert Childers played the fiddle, and the ladies brought refresh- ments. Of course, we missed the boys who were away-but all in all it was mighty pleasant. Only sour note was Doe Me- Ginnis. "t;hueks," says l)oc, "we onghtn't to be enjoyin' ourselves when American soldiers are over there fightin' a war." Now from where I sit, Doe's absolutely wrong. All of us are working overtime to help the No. 79 of a Series war. We've got our worries and troubles. It's a mighty good thing we can relax with a Iittie wholesome enjoyment. And I believe it's what the men over there would have us do... keep up the little friendly customs they remember-like the evening get-togethers, hav- ing a glass of beer with friends, and all the little pleasures they look forward to enjoying. Copyright, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation 1 of certified seed potatoes is[ surest way of starting produc- [ Dractlces which will permit the[ pro-/ P~l~i-Cob~ Co~, l, on¢ l~lami CitU, N. Y~ to obtain maximum• I Franchised Bottler: Pepsi-Col a Bottling Company of Hetti~e~ the junk heap. Yours tm~ sot be among them. Literally, you must coax and mjole eve~T last bit of usefulness from the aging engine, chassis, and tires of your cat. Phillips 66 service men are spe- dally pledged to perform all serv- ices which will improve the operat- ing efficiency of your car and lengthen its life. Phillips Tire-Sav- ing Service includes checking air pressures at least once a week... respecting for nail holes, cuts, and bruises.., examination of tire car- cass to warn you when recapping is advisable and still possible. Phillips Car-Saving Service in. dudes inspection of battery, ah filter, and anti-freeze protection.. regular lubrication at every point specified by the maker of your car. So do the right thing. Do the wise thing. Care/or your car for your country by enlisting the aid and co- operation of the nearest Phillips 66 serv,ce man. Drive in at any Orange and Black 66 Shield... sign of fa- mous Phillips 66 Gasohne and Phillips 66 Motor Oil. ILS.¥.P .... and Uncle Sam doesn't If you axe a patriotic American, this is an invitation which you must wad and heed! The life of out country may depend on the life of you~ cat. If this sounds exafgcrated, re- member that oflictal estimates dedare that the nation's aU-out war effort will be seriously en- dangered if the number of ser- viceable cars in the U. S. falls bdow 20,000,000. In 1943 the number of cars scrapped was 1,50o,00o. This year 2,0OO,O00 more will probably go to BEACON OIL CO. BEACH BEACON SERVICE STATION Beach, N. D. -- GOLVA MADISON SERVICE STATION Golva, N. D.