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Thursday, March 9,
Four Generations of Medora Residents
Are Thoroughly At Home on Horseback
Reading from right to left are Mrs. N. D. NichoLs: her daughter, Mrs. Walter J. Ray; the latter's daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Barger, and Ann Elizabeth Barger, who at 2 rides well even if her feet don't come anywhere
near the stirrups. The above picture was taken at ~he Buddy Ranch a few miles east of Medora in the
heaxt of the Badimuls, operated as a Dude Ranch and tourist recreational center by Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Ray.
Four generations of horsewomen
army be unusual, but to one Me-
dora family riding a horse is as
natural as breathing. As Mrs. N.
D. Nichols explains it, "I still feel
as much at home in my old saddle
on a horse as in my favorite chair
in my own living room."
Mrs. Nichols rides side saddle,
but the other women of her family
prefer the more modern style. Her
daughter, Mrs. Waiter J. Ray; the
farter's daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Barger; and Mrs. Nichols' gre~t-
granddaughter, Ann Elizabeth Bar-
get, aged 2, have continued the
family tradition of good riders.
Even Ann Elizabeth "is already a
pretty good little horsewoman," her
great-grandmother approves.
Daughter of Norman Lebo
Mrs. Nichols came to the Bad-
lands in the fall of 18~. two years
after her father, Norman Lebo,
came from Minnesota to locate.
Having lived in the Badlands since
tl~t time, Mrs. Nichols can recall
many historic happenings of the
area and many acquaintances
among old timers, such as the
Eaton brothers of the original
Custer Trail ranch and many oth-
ers. Mr. Lebo. who had been in
the federal army, guided Ftoosevelt
on many ,hunting traps.
Her family lived at the Custer
")?rail while the Eatorm lived there.
As she was a cute. auburn haired
I~t of 3, she bee amp .-~ general
favorite Howard Eaton carried her
on hi~; shoulders to ford the creek
and gave .her rides on hi,~ horse.
/ks tlmre were not many children
in the Badlands at thai; ume, the
men gave her dollar:~ instead of
nickels, the usual gestta'e of fav-
oritism in that day.
lips, but I can't think he was
cruel. His private saddle horse
was a large strawberry roan call-
ed Ace, which was far from gentle,
--really an outlaw.
Another of the old timers Mrs.
Nichols knew was J. W. (Bill) Fol-
lis, now of Dickinson, who for 14
years was range boss for the Berry
Boise Cattle Co. Not long ago Mr.
Follis told Mrs. Nichols she wasI
the first woman he ever saw "whip
it out of a bucking horse." For
the benefit of those who aren't
familiar with that western expres-
sion, Mrs. Nichols explained ttmt
it meant "you ride a bucking
horse and whip him until he capit-
ulates and not pull leather, mean-
ing not hold on the horn of sad-
Young Cowboy Coming Along
Perhaps it was natural ,that such
an accomplished horsewoman's
daughter should take to the sad-
dle. Mrs. Nichols explained, "My
daughter Bess rode horseback al-
most as much as I did. She is the
wife of Walter J. Ray, rancher
and attorney. They operate the
Buddy Ranch at Medora. Their
~hree children. Kathleen. James
~Bud) and Virginia are also fine
riders. In fact. Kathleen and Bud
Ihave been U'ick and riders
at their father's rodeos. Virginia
wins guiding guests at the ranch
:tt the age of 5."
The elder granddaughter, Kath-
teen. is the wife of Thomas Barg-
er. formerly of Linton, N. D., who
has spent nearly six years with
the California Arabian Standard
Oil Co. in Arabia. It is their
daughter, Ann F~izabeth. who. Mrs.
Nich(ls admitted, "is already a
pretty good little horsewoman,"
How much the Badlands have although she is only 2.
~.~hanged since then is apparent Mr. and Mrs. Ray's son. James
when Mrs. Nichols recalls that ~or Bud), main'led a Bismarck girl
buffalo, timber wolves, black and who is an excellent swimmer.
white tail deer and antelope were ! Their son, now a year old. is Jamie.
numerous while a. few bear moun-iAlth°ugh his father is in the air
forces his son will be taught the
tuin sheep, elk and mour~,~'ln lions ]., ' ' " " .....
were encountered, mings a young cow~oy snoum
The Eatons, Mrs. Nichols re-
members, captured some of the
buffalo calves and put them on
cows. When these calves grew
for a month or six week~, she said,
"they surely tortured those poor
Only Way to Get Around
Effective nex~ March 6, restaur-
ants and taverns in the Fargo-
Moorhead distric~ may not charge
i more for any type of mea], food
Talking of those days, Mrs. l item or beverage than they charged
Nichols ~id. "I practically lived' during the period of April 4 to
on horseback, as that was the oniYi10, 1943, district director Harold
practical means of transportation W. Bangert announced.
at that time. I rode a side saddle. Previously, restaurants had been
an F. A. Meana product, which I
still have. It has been used for
many pioneer celebrations, includ-
ing the golden jubilee m Bismarck,
when it was ridden in the pageant
by my granddaughter, Kathleen Ray
Burger, who represented Mrs. Cus-
Recalling the terrible and tragic
winter of 1886, when cattle died
of starvation, close to the house,
Mrs. Nichols said, "Just before dy-
ing they would go mad and try to
hook other cattle, horses or people.
MY father built a strong fence
about the house to guard us when
we went out to play."
Among the early day ~ar~ters
Mrs. Nichols knew were Theodore
Roosevelt; the Marquis De Mores
and his wife. for whom Medor~
was nmned; Van Esgen, who was
Netherlands Dutch, and H. C.
Huldekoper, who owned the HT
Hewse CO.
Bucking Horses Conquered
'I1~en there was Foul Mouthed
Bill Jones. Although Mrs. Nichols
knew him well, she never knew
him to say one vulgar word. She
thought ,he was called Foul Mouth-
ed Bill bemuse his mouth was
crooked, Of him she ssdd, "He
did have a cruel mouth, with thin
asked by OPA to hold to the April
4-10 prices on a voluntary basis.
The Fargo-Moorhead d i s t r i c t
office will distribute a digest of
the regulation directly m the trade.
And restaurant or tavern operator~
who fail to receive copies may ob-
tain them at their local War Price
and Rationing Boards.
"We realize, of course, that a
great many of the restaurants in
the Fargo-Moorhead --district have
been complying with OPAs request
for voluntary adherence to the
prices they charged during the
April 4 to i0, 1943 period,' Bangert
said. "However, some restaurants
have advanced their prices, and as
a result, OPA decided that in fair-
hess to the many who were com-
plying, ceilings should be made
mandatory. Violators of the regu-
lation which goes into effect March
6. will be subject to criminal pen-
alties, civil enforcement actions,
treble damage suits tm#t suspension
It is chimed that many men
can't fix things around the house
when they get out of order. "Any-
way they c~n call up the repair
man and borrow the money to
pay him.
(Continued from Page One)
political career in 1913 when elect-
ed precinct committeeman. He
served as Grand Forks central
committee chairman from 1915 to
1920, then served 10 years as state
central eonunittee chairman. In
1903, he returned from state poli-
tics to accept a post on the Grand
Forks city commission.
In 1934, Holt announced his can-
NORTHERN PACIFIC RUNNING sober reflection, will admit that
NEW DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES buying War Bonds and paying in-
creased taxes is the least they can
(Continued from Page One) do to help win the war, but, they
vision of General Motors at Laidesire to see that their tax dollars
diesel-electric is are going directly to the war effort,
Grange, Ill., the which runs theI and not to politics.
operated by oil,