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Beach, North Dakota
March 8, 2018     Golden Valley News
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March 8, 2018
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Page 4 Golden Valley News March 8, 2018 Meeting Notice The annual meeting of the Rural Fire Protection District will Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at 1 Beach Fire Hall Beverly J. Wolff Secretary/Treasurer CRFPD (March 1, 8 and 15) Central be held p.m. at Call for Bids The Golden Valley County Weed Board is calling for bids on the following Chemicals and surfactants, in normal usage size containers, quart, 1 gallon, 2 V2 gallon, or 30 gallon in Brand name or generic label. 2-4D Amine Ally Arsenal Banvel Charparral Curtail Escort Fallow Master Widematch Hell Fire LV-6 Milestone Redeem Perspective Plateau Tordon 22K Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) Induce (Non Ionic Surfactant) Brewer 90 (Non Iconic Surfactant) Hi-Light Dye RoundUp Polaris Bids are to be submitted to: GV County Weed Board, P.O. Box 605, Beach, ND 58621 Or in person by March 23 at 2:30 p.m. at the Golden Valley County Ex- tension Office, or by fax at 701-872- 4334. At which time, during the regular meeting, March 27 at 1 p.m. all submit- ted bids are to be opened and Consid- ered. If there areany questions call Pete at 701-872-4123 or Kirby at 701-872- 6141. Title IV assures that no person or group of persons may, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, be excluded from partici- pation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs or activities administered by Golden Valley County. Any person or group(s) of person who feel they have been discriminated against may file a complaint. All in- quiries should be directed to Pete Wirtzfeld - "title Vl coordinator, Golden Valley County, 16843 Old Highway 10/P.O. Box 67, Beach, ND 58621 ,'701- 872-4123. (March 1, 8 and 15) conducted June 1,2018 through August 31,2018, with the possibility of exten- sion through October 2, 2018. All persons who think they may re- ceive harm from activities of this project should write the Director, North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board, 900 East Boulevard Av.enue Department 770, Bismarck, ND 58505-0850 or email Comments must be received within 20 days of the last date of publication of this notice. ' The Atmospheric Resource Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services, and complies with the provisions of the North Dakota Human Rights Act. (March 1 and 8) Notice NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD VACANCY Notice is hereby given that two (2) member positions for the Beach School Board, District #3, Golden Valley County, are open for occupancy. Vot- ing will be held at the Beach Commu- nity Center in conjunction with the primary election on June 12, 2018 as per NDCC 15.1-09-22 and NDCC 15.1- 09-13. Qualifications of school hn~rrt officers include but are not limited to a person who is a qualified elector of the state of North Dakota, is at least 18 years of age, and a resident of the Dis- trict as per NDCC 16.1-01-04. The two (2) positions to become vacated is for a time period of three (3) years and must be filled by one (1) city resident and (1) rural resident in accordance with tax- able valuation definition and NDCC 15.1-09-04. Persons of interest may pick up and submit an application at the Beach School District Business Man- . ager office with a deadline for filing of the 9th day of April 2018, 4:00 p.m. as per NDCC 15.1-09-08. Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager (March 1 and 8) Notice NOTICE OF ZONING HEARING The Billings County Planning & Zon- ing Commission will hold a public hear- ing on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 1:00 PM in the Commissioner's Room at the county courthouse, Medora, ND to consider recommending to the Board of County Commissioners the approval or denial of the following items: Discuss zoning regulations pertain- ing to medical marijuana compassion centers. Review draft of the Medical Marijuana Ordinance and make a rec- ommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. Hearing Notice Applications: None The board will also address poten- Th B h ^'~ '^'" " . .- tial & pending zoning violations and rec- Publi~eH;eaCr~go~YM~o n2g~ ~"alr;~'(~9a OmnmendDiany" actio0, needed by the 2018 at 7:30 p.m. Purpose of the hear- L o n.g ,~recto ~tate.s .Aztorney, or uoara oT~ountyLJommlssloners mg Is to received comment on an Apph- A licati n r v il -I f r vi cation for Conditional Use Permit pp o sa ea a aoe or e ew submitted by Bakken Development during regular office hours at the Billings Fund for the storage of stockpiling ma- County Courthouse. If special accom- terials, setting up crushing, washing or modations are needed, please notify bituminous mixing equipment, set up the auditor so that appropriate aids can be made available. scales, the parking of trucks and equip- ment. The location is of the site is the Dated at Medora this 23rd day of SE 1/~ of Section 14 Township 140N February, 2018. Range 106W. Stacey Swanson Kimberly Gaugler Z.oning Director City Auditor (March 1 and 8) (March 1 and 8) Belfield Public School Notice REGULAR MEETING, Billings County BOARD OF EDUCATION, BELFIELD PUBLIC Equalization Meetings Notices SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 The following Boards of Equalization February 12, 2018 SCHOOL LIBRARY have been scheduled for the 2018 as- sessments: Unofficial The City of Medora Board of Equal- The meeting was called to order by ization will meet on Tuesday, April 3, Board Pres. Krebs at 7:00 P.M. 2018 at 5:00 pm in the Roosevelt Room at the Medora Community Center. Present: Curt Buckman, Keith The Unorganized Township and Buckman, Terry Johnson, Anthony County Board of Equalization will meet Krebs, Dan Obrigewitch, HS Prin. Kurle, on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 1:00 pm in Supt. Northrop, Bus Mgr. Berger the commissioner's room at the county M/S Obrigewitch/K Buckman to ap- courthouse, prove the January 11,2018 regular min- utes with corrections. Motion carried Each taxpayer has the right to ap- pear before the appropriate local board unanimously. of review or equalization and petition for M/S Johnson/C Buckman to ap- prove the agenda with addition of soft- correction of the taxpayer's assess- ball fields. Motion carried unanimously. ment. (March 1 and 8) HS Prin. Kurle reported on student activities. Bus. Mgr. Berger presented the fi- Notice nancial reports for Ja'nuary 2018. M/S C Buckman/Obrigewitch to ap- NOTICE OF INTENTION prove payment of the bills. Motion car- TO MODIFY ried unanimously. NATURAL PRECIPITATION 34653 NDSBA 165.00 34654 BUREAU OF Notice is given, that Weather Modifi- CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 200.00 cation, LLC of 3802 20th Street North, 34655 ND BOARD OF Fargo, ND, a licensee (License No. NURSING 250.00 2018-1) of the State of North Dakota, is 34656 ACTIVITY. FUND BHS 20.85 to engage in operations to modify pre- 34657ADVANCED BUSINESS cipitation by the addition of ice nucleat- METHODS 2130.76 ing agents in the counties of Bowman, 34658 BELFIELD PLUMBING Burke, McKenzie, Mountrail, Ward and & HTG. 1224.60 Williams and seven townships in Slope 34659 BILLINGS COUNTY County. Existing clouds will be selected PIONEER 357.04 for seeding according tothe current up- 34660 THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE erational procedures for enhancing 60.00 rainfall and decreasing hail damage. 34661 BLACKTRAIL ENVIRoNMEN- Nuclei will be generated by silver iodide TAL, INC'1330.00 produced in the combustion of flares or 34662 BOSCH LUMBER CO 482.92 acetone solutions, and the dropping of 34663 CARNEY, VICKI 73.99 dry ice pellets. Twin-engine aircraft 34664 CENTURY LINK32.45 equipped for instrument flight operating 34665 CITY OF BELFIELD 1013.00 under FAA airworthiness certificates 34666 CORNEIL, ELLA-JO 165.80 and licensed by the North Dakota Aero- 34667 DEPT. OF PUBLIC nautics Commission will accomplish all INSTRUCTION 436.97 seeding 34668 EDUTECH EDUCATION The operations area will include the TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 20.00 target area and a buffer zone ten miles 34669 FOOD SERVICES OF in width surrounding the target area in AMERICA- MIN 4421.36 adjacent North Dakota counties. Seed- 34670 FORT UNION SUPPLY & ing operations in the buffer zone is for TRADING CO 1182 00 cloud systems that may affect the tar- 34671 GEIGER, ALAN 119 90 get area. No effect is intended for the 34672 HARLOW'S BUS SAL.ES buffer zone. The target area for District INC 8800.26 I will be Bowman County and the fol- 34673 HEALTH & WELLNESS lowing townships in Slope County: Con- CHIROPRACTIC 100.00 ner, Hume, Carroll, Cash, Sheets, 34674 JACOBsEN MUSIC INC 352.00 Mineral Springs, and Cedar Creek. The 34675 JAYMAR BUSINESS target area for District II will be Burke, FORMS 751.43 McKenzie, Mountrail, Ward and 34676 JOHNSQN PLASTICS Williams Counties. Opei'ations will be PLUS 350.73 34677 JW PEPPER & SON INC 332.69 34678 KEMPS LLC,DBA CASS CLAY CREAMERY 1697.42 34679 KLEMM'S CARPET 1545.68 34680 LEARNING WITHOUT TEARS 306.07 34681 MENARDS 546.59 34682 MGM RURAL SANITATION, LLC 600.00 34683 MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES 7760.16 34684 ND INSURANCE DEPARTMENT 40.00 34685 NORRIS, MARLENE 10.00 34686 NORTHROP, WADE 759.10 34687 NORTHSTAR TECHNOLOGY GROUP 1759.87 34688 PENNINGTON, ERIN 24.65 34689 PRAXAIR 629.69 34690 RAMADA BISMARCK HOTEL 79.00 34691 RAMKOTA HOTEL BISMARCK 200.00 34692 REISENAUER, JANE 522 72 34693 RESP 1297 96 34694 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC 224.52 34695 SCHIENO, HEATHER 281.40 34696 SCHNEIDER, MARYLOU 16.56 34697 SCHOLASTIC INC 48.51 34698 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 301.22 34699 SMART COMPUTER AND CONSULTING 3427.20 34700 SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MA- CHINES 98.32 34701 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE t o~.OO 34702 TOOLEY, RHONDA 50.37 34703 US FOODSERVICE, inc 386.44 34704 VIKING GLASS OF ND 52.12 34705 WARD'S SCIENCE 2077.75 34706 DICKINSON STATE UNIVER- SITY 120.00 34707 PENNINGTON, ERIN 12.52 34708 INDIGO SIGN WORKS INC 31776.05 34724 CENTURYLINK 241.00 34725 CHASE CARD SERVICES 1233.97 34726 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/ RFCSLLC 938.02 STUDENT ACTIVITY 8062 ANDERSON'S 2851.78 8063 COCA-COLA BOTI'LING 1082.70 8064 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA- MIN 196.95 8065 FOUR SEASONS TROPHIES 75.10" 8066 INKD APPAREL BY SARAH 8.40 8067 LOGO MAGIC 128.00 8068 MINMOR INDUSTRIES 89.41 8069 PEPSI COLA BO'I-I'LING 1362.50 8070 REALLY GOOD STUFF 171.32 8071 WYANT, JAMIE 84.94 8072 JENSON, LIZZIE 225.00 8073 CHASE CARD SERVICES 180.42 8074 WAL-MART COMMUNITY/ RFCSLLC 413.24 8075 DICKINSON STATE HERITAGE FOUNDATION 45.00 8076 DICKINSON HIGH SCHOOL 35.00 Supt. Northrop noted the new bus will be here within a week, the kiosk is up to date and the small white bus has been sold to Billings County School. He has hired CTS Group to inspect the heating and air exchange system. This is a free service. He also noted to have better resolution on the marquee would raise the cost to $42,368.07. It was the board's consensus to pay the extra for this. Supt. Northrop gave a RESP report. Johnson reported on RACTC. The inspection report from Black Trail Co. to check for mold in the school was reviewed. The results showed below normal average spore count, with no black mold found within the school. Supt. Northrop presented a letter from Gerald Holinka, assistant football coach, stating he would not be return- ing next season as he is retiring. M/S Johnson/K. Buckman to accept Mr. Holinka's letter of resignation. Motion carried unanimously. The board visited about the style and placement of a new crows nest. M/S C Buckman/K Buckman to explore options for a new crows nest. Motion carried unanimously. The quote from Daktronics for the football score clock was presented for a total cost of $20,665. M/S Johnson/K Buckman to set the school board election in conjunction with Stark County for June 12, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. It was the consensus of the board to set the Demographic meeting for 6:30 before the April 12th board meeting. BEA requested that the board rec- . ognize an appropriate negotiating unit. M/S Obrigewitch/C Buckman that the board, pursuant to the provisions of 15.1-16-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, as amended, the School Board of Belfield Public School District #13 (hereinafter "Board") recognizes all li- censed personnel employed or to be employed, by the Board excepting the administration and career guidance counselors as the appropriate negotiat- ing unit. Motion carried unanimously. BEA than petitioned the board to recognize BEA as the exclusive repre- sentative for the purpose of negotiating. Supt. Northrop noted the BEA Member- ship List presented contained signa- tures of staff that were not part of the appropriate negotiating unit'. He will ask BEA to present a signature list of staff members who are part of the appropri- ate negotiating unit to be presented at the next meeting. Supt. Northrop presented and re- viewed calendars for the 2018-19 school year. He asked the board to be ready to vote for the 2018-19 school calendar at the next regular board meeting. Discussion was held on the differ- ence of a peanut/nut free school and a nut conscious school. M/S Obrige- witch/K Buckman to switch to a nut con- scious school Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held about partici- pation of building softball fields with the Belfield Park Board. M/S K Buck- man/Johnson for the school not to par- ticipate with the Belfield Park Board in building softball fields. Motion carried unanimously. The next regular meeting is sched- uled for March 8, 2018 at 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:53. Date Alice Berger, Business Manager Anthony Krebs, Board President (March 8) Beach City Council CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISION A regular meetingof the Beach City Council was called to order by Mayor Walter I,osinski on February 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Present when the meeting was called to order was City Council Henry Gerving, Tim Marman, Mark Benes, Jeanne Larson, Wade Wal- worth, City Auditor Kimberly Gaugler, Engineer Kenzie Robertson, guests Randy Dietz and Karl Davis: Gaugler request an Application for Raffle submitted by Beach Area Cham- ber of Commerce be added to New Business. Minutes of the meeting on February 5, 2018 were read. Benes moved to ap- prove with correction, second by Lar- son. Motion carried unanimously. PWS Report: PWS Braden reported on the follow- ing; snow plowing and sanding, 250 water meters were ordered and will be installed as time allows, a load of news- paper and cardboard will be shipped next week. Auditor Report: Gaugler reviewed her written report. Gaugler reviAw,=d the financial statp.- ment for the month of January. Benes moved to approve the financial report, second by Larson. Motion carried unan- imously. Mayor Losinski, Council Wal- worth and Gaugler reported on the Main Street ND Summit held in Bismarck on February 12-13. Committee Reports Sheriff Report: The Sheriff's Report for the month of January consisting of 18 calls, 1 cita- tions and 4 written warnings was re- viewed. Engineer Report: Robertson reported the site survey for the east end sanitary sewer line was completed He is coordinating with state agencies regarding funding options available to the city. Zoning Board: Larson reported the Zoning Board has made recommendation to approve an Application for Conditional Use Per- mit submitted by Bakken Development Fund for a bituminous plant to be lo- cated in the SE 1.4 of Section 14 Town- ship 140N Range 106W. Gerving moved to proceed to Public Hearing, second by Walworth. Motion carried unanimously The Public Hearing will be held March 19th at 7:30 p.m. Unfinished Business: Marman moved to retain Attorney Nate Bouray for legal counsel when needed, second by Gerving. Discus- sion. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: An Application for Raffle submitted by Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Was reviewed. Benes moved to ap- p?ove, second by Walworth. Motion car- fled unanimously. No Other business was brought for- ward. Gerving moved to adjourn, sec- ond by Benes. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Attest: Walter Losinski, Mayor Kimberly Gaugler, City Auditor (March 8) Notice Notice of Meeting and Election Elk Creek Township will hold its an- nual meeting and election on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at 3 p.m. at the home of Ardis Stedman. Audrey Schieffer, clerk (March 8 and 15) Notice Notice of Meeting and Election Lone Tree Township will hold its An- nual Meeting and Election on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at 7:00 pm at the Golva Bar Meeting Room. - Linda Stoveland, Clerk/Treasurer (March 8 and 15) Election notice NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION CANDIDATE FILING DEADLINE Notice is hereby given that there is one (1) school board member position for the Golva School Board, Lone Tree School District #6, open for occupancy. Position is for a three-year term. School board officer qualifications include but are not limited to, persons being at least 18 years of age; a resident of Lone Tree School District #6, and a qualified elec- tor of this state. Persons interested in having their names placed on the ballot must pick up and submit to the Business Manager at Golva School, applications of 'State- ment of Interest" and "Statement of Candidacy" forms. Application forms are located at Golva School Business uffice. Deadline for filing applications with the business manager is before 4:00 PM on the 9th day of April, 2018. Voting for the Lone Tree School Dis- trict Annual Election will be held on the 12th day of June, 2018 in conjunction with the county general election at Beach Community Center, Beach, ND. Election polls will be open from 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM. Leah Zook, Business Manager Lone Tree School District #6 (March 8 and 15) Notice Pearl Township annual meeting will be held at the Doug Mosser ranch house at 2 p.m Tuesday, March 20. Rosie Mosser, Secretary (March 8 and 15) Meeting notice The Saddle Butte Annual Township meeting will be held Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be at the home of Eleanor Nistler. Election of one supervisor will be held along with any other business. (March 8 and 15) Meeting notice Sentinel Civil Township annual meeting to be held at Sentinel Butte Fire Hall at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20~ Elections will be held. Kim Van Horn, secretary (March 8 and 15) Meeting notice Beach Civil Township #3 Annual Meeting will be held March 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Mike and Leah Zook Farm - Shop; 3800 Highway 16, Beach ND. UUse south entrance. Agenda items: Annual Meeting; Road Concerns; Election (March 8 and 15) Meeting notice The annual meeting of Delhi Town- ship will be held on March 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Joanne & Ron Davidson. The agenda will include the election of one supervisor and a treas- urer along with any other pertinent busi- ness. Joanne Davidson, Clerk. (march a and 15) The deadline for submitted copy and sto- ries and all ad orders is noon on Fridays. Call 872-3755 or e-mail goldenandbillings Oil activity report By News/Pioneer Staff Of The Star The following relates to oil and gas well activity for the week of Feb. 25, in Stark, Golden Valley,Billings and Slope counties and is from re- ports of the N.D. Department of Mineral Resources: Permit renewals: #30806 - NP Resources, LLC, E1- lison Creek Federal 11-7-2PH, Lotl 7-143N-102W, Billings Co. #30807 - NP Resources, LLC, El- lison Creek Federal 11-7-3PH, Lot1 7-143N- 102W, Billings Co. #30792 - BTA Oil Producers, LLC, 92'10 Barkland ll2-3H, Lot3 1-142N-103W, Golden Valley Co. #30793 - BTA Oil Producers, LLC, 9210 Barkland ll2-1H, Lot3 1-142N-103W, Golden Valley Co. #30794 - BTA Oil Producers, LLC, 9210B~kJ and 112-2H, Lot3 1-142N-103W, Golden Valley Co. #25097 - Kaiser-Francis Oil Company, Solo 13-24H, NWNE 13- 1'4ON-97, Stark Co. #25098 - Kaiser-Francis Oil Company, Lady4 13-24H, NWNE 13-140N-97, Stark Co. #33377 - NP Resources, LLC, Mosser Federal 143-102-9-8-1H, NWNW 15-143N-102W, Billings Co. #33378 - NP Resources, LLC, Mosser Federal 143-102-9-8-2H, NWNW 15-143N-102W, Billings Co. #33379 - NP Resources, LLC, Mosser Federal 143-102-16-21-4H, NWNW 15-143N-102W, Billings Co. #33380 - NP Resources, LLC, Mosser Federal 143-102-9-8-4H, NWNW 15-143N-102W, Billifigs Co. Producing well completed: #33596 - Petro-Hunt, L.L.C Hurinenko 144-98-11D-2-lH, NENW 14-144N-98W, Billings Co 7 l0 BOPD, 2075 BWPD- Bakken HAPPY 89 TH WILMA HA YDEN FROM YOUR SIX KIDS! We hope for you: - That people are kind - That God is faithful - That your family is loving - That your days are carefree and peaceful - And that God's light really does shine upon you - Amen! Wednesday, March 14, 2018ge#J : The Feedlot Belfield, NO 50 Angus BglIS ~ " Lunch t1:30 a.m. MT,Sale I pm, MT 4# Bud Alng= Bulls Includino a guorl selection # Tuesday, March 13 Our bulls are 50K tested, Prime Rib Supper 6pm. The Feedlot laeiler.bullprospects, parent verifie~ carcass 3 miles S. ol Belfield on U.S. Hwy 85 to 40th St SW, Registered & Commercial Red Angus ultrasounded & fertility teste~ tu[n W for l/2 mile the bam is on the top of the hill Heifers Available by Private Treaty DVA# tiO# EP :2:, onZa at HRR EPIC 7289 OPEN A ANGUS HEART RIVER RANCH Jim & Lynn Arthaud 701-623-4461 Chuck & Annette Steffan Wes 0brigewitch, 4291 Hwy 85 South 8elfield, ND 58622 Ranch Mgr, 701-290-6424 701-575-8145 Ceil: 701,290-9745 * 701-260-4630 P0 Box 197 Medora, ND 58645 heartrivergenetics@yahoo,corn /