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March 8, 1951 |
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" ~ NOTICE--After Ma:eh 2 the Sen. I FOR SALE--15.30 McCormick | /~d~A | ~ NOTICE c,al rep~esentJative, was notified SNOW HOME AFTER
P~:~ i !~ ] ] tinel Butte coal mine will be [ Deering tractor, good condi- [ ][~]r1[j/~.k]~k.~ ,~nnual meeting will be held by teqepbone Tuesday. LEGISLATURE ENDS
|/a~[~ .~ i|] open forenoons only, untilI tion. 1936 Chev. 1,~-ton truck ....... on~ March 20, 1951 at the Lone 'LeRoy Pease, secretary of the Roy Snow, state repeesentative.
ul f'lmmP I i!i | ] farming starts in the spring. [ fair condition. Wilfred Gam- [vtmrs.~ter~ff . . ~ee communitv :£all in Golwq! associa¢ion, and N~il Traey, field returned home Saturday aft~
:~ ~", Leo rester 24-2t ro A,narew ~onneK of JacKson - --" . .. •
:ii!* ] nard T . .. . p th, Gotva. 25-2tp Wy,,,'-^ has been a guest at the .at 2 p. m., for the .purpolm ot representative, will be .present at the .end of the 60-day legislative
, ~ -- :: | SEED GRAINS-~erhhed MxaaIFOR SALE--S~ me for your Robert Sonnek home in Beach ....... " "~n f.~rm,~r~ ~n,~ " . be returnm t w~
"q:: • Iice oI lownsnl s v" ., ........ ,, businessmen g o .ork here, bug
' ~ : " " 1 , • . p uper ,lsor ~or
~~ -:: ] [I wheat, certlhea Montca m Bar- [ Dmmond packers now. Don [the past week ................... * ,.,*...~. ........ this wee~ end wa,- t~ui.o tat .....
.'l~;~drQ : a u I ........ • n ,_ ,_ 1 .. ~, ..... I tne unexplrefl term oI ~oman ..~-~ v--o~-., ~-.-- .~,,.~.=. ~,~ .. , ~ . ........ ~, ~_m~o
"" ................ :* II .eac., I- .,a,naway. Wtih .other-- Finnemann, and one regular expected to be gceatly increased easy.
TWO Cp~Nna, S_pEa WORn 1{."'~-*'~"• ......... - I FOR RENT--Modern 4 room [ Mrs. Dave Connelly is now board member, and any other this year.. . . . During the sessio.n: the state
,~a xssuE business that a t The soil eonservatmn servicelegmiators appropriated nearly
| [ FOR SALE--Used cash register. [apartment, downtown location, staying with her mother in Dick- " . m" y ~ome up ~ " ' i "
No ad ~-~.,,.A ,,,, ,.. --a- s.~ | [ priced right g?ahnn r ~ ~- fc ] see or call W L Ecke ~ in . wm h~ j ned that time and the .c~unty agent' are $70 000,000, some of it going
................................... B.o~...~-t.'. . . s, Phon_ son, wher_ _h .......... ._ • . '
la~rtion. A ~r~tce chat~e el | I / 133 ~ tf" ~ater b,, he- h,,s~'~nn" **" .... ~--- ~,, ~u~,~ cooper, atmg In the affam i h~ghway construction, veteran~
-.._. ] [ FERTILIZER--now is the hme to ] __ to visit in Bilhn .... ,~ ~u~,~ ....~,..~...~ ,..~.^ ~. _ _ . u ~nd refund to citrus .arm
.-- ,, nIplace orders to assure spring/7OR SALE--householdfurnish..a~..1,~ b .................. ~ ,, .... = ~,ree vwnsnp. HALVORSON ILL :villages.
~~~~enI'EP~_~ET° hree r°°m a'PlaX2tp dehvery.__R T _!M] Bill Melvin, Beach,t i.lg:t, riclnrC:fUrdlnrgatoga~ ]~aDg:, =2 End Gu~tr,_. GNDA TO SPONSOR niE'.;rYs¢::rld?~to ~tatrht~t~laUrl t w~sV~gcethein n;w leglslatlolt
- Free u KiM;e~vdisMr~ T°~YaW;tit~hh°: ~i~ ~ hi tr tan a
call.7671' or write Joe S~reitz., ! Schmit s ants,_ . Phone 169-J, | ,rod .... ~at Glen Siler, Beach Busch. 'Other• visitors at the wide., conservation. . stag party, in weeks,. .-age. , ..... after, retiring. . from t officials. , and a bill legalizing
gentmel Butte. 25-2tp Beach. 18-tfe ] 25-lipBusch home that d.ay were Mary Beach April 3, C. J. Matejcek, lo- h~s posntmn ,~ city auditor, parking meters.
...... ' .................. " - Zare'- an-' "~ - *" ' " ~ ....................... - ......
........................... r.. r~ay K u tern ~ecKer oi • ..... ,-* ~-. s,-
-~ | z OR S~LE--One new 8.ft Case ..... ' ~'.~~~j~',~.$~F~v~"a~, ".~'..,~'~".d~.~,,,l~,
• 'Jl! ., -- ....:...DicKinson .andShiney uomzm [ ~- .~,,*~,~-~,,w,m,.,,~,.- .... . ..... ~','2~
IIl/ on.way, on rUDDer, Will Sell ....... ' ~.'~ k~
• n ii • o Ill' at cost price. Tony Efta Jr. oI l~luaeor. ~.~ -.
24 2tpReturn From Ea~t ~ ~
It _/-1 lit I LHI Llk ...... ===+_ - , , ,
}1] FOOD SALE--at Super Valu Charlie Haijsman returned the= ~ DON T LET TODAY S ~
: -, a,-, Ill stc-e Sat March 17, startin-first of the week from .a four ~ "-" 111
per 1~ Ill ~.~) ' m. "Sponsored by Beachg weeks visit .at the old home ~own ~*-~ " ~1~'~
v,r, .. -- . III1Methodist W S C S 25-1tcof Nappanee, Ind'iana. He and]~ O'~T~l~ll':w~o ~~f'~dr~'~ l r4"~ffT~
vnne begnorns ............ ~lo.,~ Ill ......... "'--'" "~-'¢" -'----Bill Hollar made the trip to-I ~ 31 OWIBtil l Onl, ¥1111
---=-- I|l] ~ ~" Jo n getner wl[n /~1.11 ,re[urnlng a iew I~" lk'
Rhode Island Reds $15.90 IlllVeer+ oneway fair shape. Tony days before with a new car he I .~
• " ......... IlllEfta Jr. 24-2tphad purchased in the east. ] ~
....... k~
Buff Orplngtons $15.90
.......... [[FOR SALE--'SO Chevrolet style.Visits Father-- ~
~n[r~.. ~r~ . ..... [[[Iline deluxe, with radio, heater, John Stone el Russel Point I ~'~ • • " ~'~
vvnl[e KOCKS .............. ~IO.~U [ill seat covers, other extras. A-1 Ohio, ~rrived here Sunday night ~_~ . The sun ]s getting warmer each day, and before you
N vT --- ~ ~ ~,~, r~,~ [Ill condition. Reasonably priced, for a visit with his father, A. I~i~ t~
ew tLampsmre ...... IIIIWarren Hancock, Beach. 25-ffc C Stone returning, Thursday i~'~ • .... ., . . . .. , ~
IIII .............. mornin-' Mr Ston o. con i= + I ~ Know l[9 spring Will ~e nere. anti men is wnen vou are
White Giants el= IlllroR SALE--One UTS standard _. 'g" r v- e m s..uer- ]~ ~ .,
$- .............. ~ ,~.o .~ • . . amy imp o ed thOUgh S[lll a , •
• Jill:~hnneapohs-Mohne tractor,atient at the Johnstone Me {~ .... " " * "" • " -" "" ,-- .~
r._ . ~r~ . a., p- a+a [[l[ 19 8 model, with or without p , _ .:, " ! going to want to oe reaoy get to WOrK In 1;ne Ilelas-- k"
~arreo l~OCKS .............. ~la.~U $1 h'~'draulic One 1942 Modelmo+-ia~ nosp,~a,. [~ .
-- - ....-. - . . ...... ill} F~rd-Ferguson with or with- On Dickinson Beat--' ~ "" "-, ...... • -- • ~"
aus[ra wnltes, (cross ore+J) .. to. u Jill tender See Edmund Beg- Sid n wa ...... ]I l[ S a good used Mmneapohs-Mohne tractor you
"~ '," • ", . b y e s tne IlrSt l.)lCK-
• ~,~t Phihps 24 3tp
no--- ..... ¢.= o, !Ill : -. - inson policeman to cover the !~
¢+SS[l~. vv ssst~ ~,t.tu~ ~x~u! ,~xo.a,J , F R RE re nfurn new regular mght and earlv l ee
"" 1il/ O :NT--Four-~room-~ " + n d, we can offer you one of several we have on
~,ne b r morning shift of D~ckmson s
.__ . Jill ;' d ,apt., private ath. Ea 1 ' " "' " '"i[b~ [~
• ~, ~ . South side Other members of . .
We operate under the National Poultry [ ,.hone 2a.J : . IN • •
. . _.. ... Ill ,5 tfc the f~rce will be ,asmgned to the hand, AND if you need repair parts, get them at once,
Improvement Plan. All our ChiCKS are "~L_ beat at regular intervals. Si:tl~
• DR ~,ALE--Medern 5-room is well known in this area, and i .
from N. D., U. S. Approved, U. S. Pull-llll ,,oo ,,o brother of 2~ex Govne, for-i~ we have a large, new sh,pment of them.
cram C0ntrolleO IP'IOCKS. [[[[ .., co the wa." ..... complete with mer chief of police in B+each ~+1~ , -
- m} .::,~chen cabinets, reasonably !.~. ~1~
• From Cahforma
" -- .............. Ill/~,:"~.~-d. Call or see W. h. Eckes, " " -- i~+ ---- k'~
~I~ ~-~ Ar|~ll~l-il4~k/ Ill/:~honclo3. 24-tfc Lyle Gilly and some friends[~
IE[311 ll/~l~lll'al~l lllI .......... of IIermosa Beach, Calif., vLit-I~ ............................
_ . Ill} ,+,+7", ?IEITT--.'+~Iodern 4-room ed in Beach and Sentinel Butte]~ g:g|llll< Vllll¢¥ 14AI/UIg 'l'l/U I'll R
Owned and operated by a. S. Harding a~Jartment, available now, last week; they said that roads [ %~ ~Jl.~gl.~.L q Iz ll.JII JiJl IJI.2]I+ItLII+ L]P .l. IL lt 't
owntown location Call or see hf rnl 1 n
III **om a wor ox o o* :
~ , L £ckes, phone 133 ,.4 fie
125 Elex enth A~ e West IIII V'. " :' ' " " " but didn't expect such good luck [ ~ T~. ,~. , .... !-. ,
= . " nl FO--O ~~~rn ;nf:h; theaYst:raCk,hl;eat~n? 2rUSat. r'none oo t~eacn, DaK.
Phene 338 Dickinson, N. Dak. Ill, aoartment available March .... l"' .. '. .': .... " Ik~ R
Ill[;, .~ ,,. ...... tt was L,] ly s t~rst visit w]tn q~ I
,5 r~arnie benm~t AptS pnone . .-q q
[[l{ .' ~ "' hm aunt. Catherine Uetz, in 13 ..,
-~ 169-J. 25-2tc years. ~1~
The MM Model R is RIGHT for the
Farmer Who Needs 2-PLOW POWER!
For the modern businessman farmer who demands
dependability,, modern design, economical
operation, comfort, and safety . . . the MM Model
tl T'ractor is RIGHT! Here's the tractor that offers
you four kinds of power for immediate use with
economy of cost: drawbar, hydraulic lift, power
take-off, and belt. The balanced weight, automotive
steering, and improved disotype brakes of the R
In New Jersey--
Mr. and M~rs. Frank Jablonski
of Beach rural were looking for
their daugh'ter, Mrs. Bob Hall,
and two children to return home
last Sunday from Monmouth,
New Jersey, where Mrs. Hall's
husband is sewving in the armed
services, but tl~eir plans changed
with the notice to Mr. tIa.ll that
he may be transferred to Den-
ver, Cote. If he goe~ there, Mrs.
'ttall will accomgany him, ,and
re~urn to her home ,here shortly
after that.
Beach merchants offer you a
number of money sdving bar.
gains, weekly. Read theLr ads.
+, rms., gas, lights,: p]~One, good
well, some fz~niture, $3500.00,
:terms. See phone or write, Ed.
win Anderson, Beach, N. D.
About Mareh 1, we
will begin our on-th.e-
farm seed gram
cleaning, and treat-
lng service.
Phone 5F-310 Beaeh.
make it one of the easiest tractors to operate under ~.~ ~ ~ ~,~,~g
all field conditions. The rear wheels are adjustabl~ • vvvvvv v v ~rvv's
from 52 to 88 inches, permitting proper adjustment
for plowing without side draft. The simple con-
strucuon of the R's heavy.duty, 4-oflinder engine
assures minimum maintenance with 140 fewer parts
than most conventional engines.
To, match the superior performance, of the Uni-
versal R, MM offers a complete line of dependable
qual/ty.constructed tractor.attached machines. This
system of Quick-On--Quick-Off tractor.attached
tools saves time snd mone7 ia all types of field
e I e o e e • a • • a • • e o a J e e'o • • a • • • o 0 e
I II ill _ I •
timmm ~ m
it's anything In the Hne of print.
lng, we can take care of your
nee¢]s-- we specialize, In •
• Business Ststionery
• Wedding Announceme~J -
" ~1~ end Auction Bills
• ~hecka with namo and, nun~
We carz3r In stock Salei ~k~
Guesf Checks, TypowrLter Rib.
boltS, Adding ~achine P~ms,
Stamp PadJ,
2 - Model A Tractors, starter and lights.
' 2- Model C Tractors.
, ,:_,+0000 ,
, 1 Model D, thorougMy overhaule1
', 1 - Model L. A. Case, good condition.
1 Used Model A. R. Tractor.
- Oliver 124oot Press Drill. Good.
- Oliver 12.foot Straight Drill.- Good.
2- Minneapolis 12-foot Straight Drills.
Several Used VanBrunt+ Drills, Various Sizes
Also New Drills, 10 and 12-foot sizes,
Also Press Drills.
New and Used Machinery of All Kind
+ Beach, North Dakota "