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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 8, 1934     Golden Valley News
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March 8, 1934
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PAGE EIGHT ~'~rIE BEACH, N. D.I ADVANCE THURSDAY Aid wishes to announce a style ~show and dinner to be held at the Masonic Temple, ThurIZ~a~Y, March :Z§th. Dinner will be served at six ~'elock. The style slmW, given by SENATOR N Y EI HE HAS FAILED THE PEOPLE URGES ACTION Ayear ago on Tuesday our lovedI ---Ow one, Anton Sokoloski, passed away. I AGAINST I ANG R t" "w°'ve mere" J the Fargo For- 9 cry has been kept fresh and curl The following arraignment of Governor Langer by prayers have been with him. He ~n so well covers the case against the .governor and his gang of graf- J I l:as been sadly missed every day, te~s that it is reproduced in full, It follows: but we know that his taking away It was inevitable that the policy of extortion of moneys from pub- lic en~loyes, launched by ~rnor ~ under the noto.ri.ous N~rth q~n Open Senate He Said Gov- has been the will of Him who guides us in life and death and we bow in D~ta Leader scheme, W~uld redouna some coy to the azscrea t f ernor Should Be Prosecut- submission to His will, knowing ~ze man whom the people~f North Dakota had placed in the office o ed If He Assessed C. W. that His judgment is always best, Oovernor less than two years ago. A. Workers. and our sorrow is brightened by this Today, though he cries "politics" and seeks to build a defense for himself, Governor Langsr stands accused by the Relief Administration , knowledge. A good man has gone, of the United States with having failed in the trust that the Federal Washington, March 1.--Prosecu- ] but he never will be forgotten by Government reposed in him; failed to the point where that Govern- of relief administration offi-I those who loved him.--Mr, and Mrs. tionmentofhasFederalrelieVedreliefhimand°f ¢lvilall futUreworksresponsibilitYoperations areS°concerned.far as the direc- clals of North Dakota "alleged tobein Joe Sokoleski, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A United States Senator of his oW!~.political group, on th~ floor guilty of Wrongdoing" was urged Joblonski. 45-1t of the United States Senate, has within the last few hours emphasized the senate Thursday by Senator Nye, that greedformoneyhascreptlntothe administration of thepublic Republican, North Dakota, shortly LOCAL NEWS affairs of his State and he has asked that the proper departments of after Harry L. Hopkins, federal re- the United States Government, concerned with operations within lief administrator, had taken over North Dakota, upon which the slimy hand of greed apparently has state relief activities. been laid, proceed to the limit with any program of investigation that Hopkins said in a telegram to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ayers were in may be necessary, any program of prosecution that may be found Oov. William Langsr that it was town on business from Glendive, Justified It was by coincidence, only,that on the same day that the United "apparent" that political contrib'u- their new home, last Monday. States Government told Governor Langer that it no longer could re- tions collected from relief employes Mrs. Bud Meyer had her tonsils pose confidence in him to administer that most sacred of all trusts-- "were used for political purposes." removed last Monday. She is re- the extension of relief, and aid to the unemployed and the needy-- "Let the ax fall where it will," ~covering nicely. that we found ourselves confronted with facts concerning his admin- Nye asserted, "even though it shall Mrs. H. Feldmann underwent a istration of the North Dakota State Mill and Elevator that are equal- involve indictment and trial of one major operation at the Beach hos- ly startling, equally damning, rewarded by election to so high an pital this week which she stood very Huge payments of public funds--money belonging to the people of North Dakota~have be~n made from the Mill and Elevator to the office as that of governor of the successfully. She is improving newspaper the Governor of North Dakota established as his personal state I love and happily call home." nicely. organ. Under the .guise of advertising, more than $800 monthly has Nye said he was "very sorry to Say Mr. and Mrs. Paul Horn are the been poured into this Leader fund. and on top of that a single check that in my state the itch for politi- happy parents of an eight and one- for $2.000. unsupported by voucher and unexplained, stands revealed cal funds has gone so far as it finds half pound baby boy born to them in the audit Just completed for and announced by the S~ate Board of men allegedly demanding toll of Monday evening. All are doing AUditors.. • • even those who accomplish employ- nicely. men~ through funds afforded by the Mrs. Raberg is on the sick list We say it was inevitable that this whole sorry nless should c#me federal government through agen~lthis ~o a head some day. It was and remains today a nefarious, uncon- week. scionable scheme, cles like those of emergencyreliez] Men and women in North Dakota. under the pressure of facing the and public works." ~ Mrs. Norman Runyons burned her loss of their Jo1~s in this or that public department where their salaries It is evident Senator Nye was ful- ! arm quite severely necessitating are paid out of public moneys, have been terrorized into paying money ly posted on the charges against treatment at the hospital. ~into the Administration's, hands, the governor and spoke advisedly.. Miss Stelter spent a few days in Business concerns, doing business with this or that department. ~the hospital this week due to with this or that institution, have been threatened with the loss of Little elght-year-old Charles Bar-ltrouble with one of her feet, but is continuance of that business unless they, too, accepted the dictates of the administration and paid to this newspaper fund the sums de- row is ill with the flu. I now ou~ and around. manded of them. Jobs have been sold. Men and women have been told that they either pay this five percent, or their jobs will be given to somebody else who will pay, And there have been too many instances in which refusal of employees to bend the knee has been followed by ouster to permit denial that such Is the policy of Governor Longer and his crowd. ~Business of the State has been sold, Business paid for with fnoney rai~d by taxation.~__,~has been used to extort funds from private instltu- R tions, mad there again the evidence "of the ruthlessness of the Bis- marck glt~g is so complete and so all ~onclUsive that there can be no disputing tl?_e facts. • • • "' But we~ar~ncerned with the fact that today the people of North Dakota have a ~xernor to whom the Washington administration of relief and civil wof,:~ has said: "We have lest confidence; we can deal 071. ~71~'~ Q~LO~ 'Food~'- with you no longer."? It IS a damning indictment. HeZp You to R£AL ECONOMY And if it is wrong, in the eyes df the Government of the United States. to mulct fund~" from employees, because they are working in Hll the field of human distress, is It any lelm Wrong, is it any less a crime SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY In the eyes of alt that is decent arid f, tr. to mulct money from de-111 SUGARIo ,.54c fenseless employees of the'Biota of North Dakota, or its private busi- ness establishments? "" Senator Nye has placed his finger directly upon the sore spot. He - se, said, in the senate Thursday, that there had grown up in his State a :' ~ ., ~Jstem for the gatherin~ 'of money for political purposes that could |0 not but lead to abuses. ~]~ ~ :x U~CLOTH BAG_... • And so ~ iS today the Governor lnay c,T "out in the wilderness ~._ BROWN SUGAR ~"~ ~f that he is being "persecuted"~the cry that emanates always from the cornered demagogue, but the single fact that remains is this: the scheme for the extraction of huge sums of money from public era- ~ ployees, from public institutions, from private institutions, was con- 1': lb pkg 65c He may seek to ~nd probably w!El place responslbility for the cor- rupt practices that h~e been revealed." UPOn his underlings; but al- ways they were doing' his bidding. ~' The Governor may seek to hide l~hind the name of a Kidder county Legislator who is earrled as "publiSher" of the newspaper, who is carried~as an employEw of the Bank of North Dakota. yet all power ,over that publication and its funds rests in, the hands of William Long- er. 1-4 lb pkg 1 But whatever the defense--whatever the attemDt at justification-- the fact remains that the system for gathering huge sums of rhoney ', t4£roug.h..the g.w.~r that ~sts in him_as. ~.Gove.rnor of North Dakota was L TINELBU[I[WINS A.J 0'Kff[[ a z. (O0,t|nue:from Page four) ORANGES 2 o 35d young manhood and married Cath- erineOKeefe, whowasnotareia-C~ERY tire. In 1906 the O'Keefes came to ~ ~C Beach and took the homestead be- fore mentioned and he and his es- timable wife grew into the many friendships which were theirs, and c these friends grieve deeply with the O stricken widow. Mr. O'Keefe it is said, leaves besides his widow, two sisters, one at Chicago and the oth- er at Hibbing, Minn. • Northern wheat ..............$ .62 ~ I fl~~| ~~Ut/~...~. ~ Winter wheat ................. 60 Flax' . ......................... I~4 Rye. ......................... ar*ey ....................... as P' 'sPancake our 1O,- ........................... / Golden Bro~~DellciOus V~h~es Bag , G 1~ ADVANCE AD~ O~f' RESULTS ~ Made from Pi st Right! :oounce Pkg. 8~ , Grape Nuts Flakes • ~,~:, ~ • 7~, Pk,. 9c t~ ~ n ~ ~ t I f" ~ Favorite B..t~,..kf~t Food * 12~0: Pk 17e ~.~v~ ,,~.o " o, ~i,,ions " "J~--'.~ Permanents Miracle Whip Salad Dressing . Q-,. ,., 29c A,~,~.~ ~.. ,-~ ~,c. FANCY QUALITY lo,, $2.95 AND UP z'xl~xa~-uto In Cellophane Lb. JL ]~. -- Japan Green Tea PAN-FIRED ,. Ce;,o.,.. 20c 39c 'Erie Beach Congregational Ladies Sauer Kraut "TESTO"2 No. 2Ca.. 19c 2 25c children in t Erwln Thompson sustained a slight in.~ury to his side in the bas- ket bali game Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Vukelic has been quite ill with kidney trouble. Helen McCarthy of Medora, Mrs. Kermit King's sister, is one of those ill with the flu. Mrs. W. C. Bradley entertained~ group of young ladies this after- noon in honor of her daughter, Pa- tricia's 10th birthday, the hours be- ing from ~ to 6. The time was most pleasantly spent in playing games with a splendid repast served later. Patrieia was the happy recipient of many pretty grits. James Donaldson took the early train to Fargo on a business mis- sion yesterday. Hollis Golliet is subbing as nurse at the hospital for a couple of weeks. Lucille Morris having been called to Olendive to care for a case of sickness there. Mrs. V. Wicka and family drove to Buelah Sunday to visit Loretta, who has been sick for several weeks but is much better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Joe all wished Casimer blow many, many that all his birthdays jolly as this one. Miss Genevieve Moran has ac- cepted a position as operator at the Beach Beauty shop. Miss Moran has had five years experience in this work. Mrs. C. S. Nickelis. wife of a for- mer Beach man. C. S. Nlckelis, Nickells Drug, passed away at Per- ham. Minn., her home, last week. Col. J. K. Tatley, Mayoz~ of Ollie, while in town Wednesday made the Advance office a pleasant visit. A BIRTHDAY PARTY A number of relatives met at the Casimer Bruski home last Sunday to help Casimer eelebrafe his birth- day. A very sumptuous dinner was served at 1 o'clock by Mrs. Bruski, including a lovely birthday cake. The afternoon was spent merrily visiting and cracking jokes. Sev- erai stayed for six o'clock supper. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Tony Efta and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Efta and family, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Goroski and daughter Theresa Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Dombrowski and son Lewis, Miss Ioune Nelson meeting of the dan Circuit Luther Choral Union at deavor by the books away from the tire committee and. nasty charges were his conm~ ~ttee, but to give them up on the convention was and said he would cial and other reports town convention It is reported the carry the convention courts. The will have a town Thursday of 150 PENNEY'S Small Chanoe Eve March, Banks dosed . lines . . . gloom it ever end? promise of a -- would it believed . . hoped ! HATS March, A marvelous assortment of styles in sewed Pedaline braids. All the wanted Spring colors in addition to ~ smart black, brown, and navy. Brims, beret types, sailors. Wonderful values l What A Few Pennies Will Buy A nice crib blanket at ..................................... 19c A larger crib blanket at ................................... 29c Men's full size white handkerchief, 6 for ........ 19c Women's white handkerchiefs, each ............... 2c Women's Rayon hose, pair ............................. 19c Women'e beautiful Dancettes, each ................ 49c Action at work . .. easier . . . •.. repeal... for farm products stream liner cars! The New Deal ing! America's You feel it . . . So Penney's say •.. dress up.. • PURE SILK Full Fasltioned HOSE Made to fit and wear Big assortmentl Printed Washable Spring ,ik Pure Fruit PreservesT H MILKATONE ~ Vacuum Cooked.. . Richer Flavor and Color ~-Lb. h~l~p ~ ,po..a'~,_ ,6-0u.c,1 Q.-. Jar U•JF~ lU0 .. ,., ,,, --7" : : I,o, .-, dp~F;m~41~| For 50% More Suds... Laree J~4 lI.Ounce z~lmr.e UAIUUL 2 15 [=£ C " dr~k of pattern~ and co/or~ ,,, all at CAMAY o. ,,o. 25 BEACH, N. DAK.