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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
March 8, 1934     Golden Valley News
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March 8, 1934
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MARCH 1934 THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANCE PAGE SEVFzN 'r "Looking Forward" to Train of Future BONNIE VIEW Mary MeCaskey, Reporter GATHERING AT DAILY HOME The Bir~naay club met at the home of Mrs. H. E. Dailey last Sun- day for the purpose of observing her birthday anniversary. A fairly large crowd was in attendance and a pleasant time is reported. Albert Meyer was released from the Beach hospital last Saturday afternoon, after having been a pat- ient there for nearly three weeks, following the lancing of an abe_~ss on his neck. He has returned to his home again, and is getting along very nicely at present. Miss Lydia Feldmann is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Feldmann, near Beach, since Sunday. She ex- pec~ to remain about a week there. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Ayers left for Glendive last Thursday, where they plan to make their home in the fu- ture. Mr. and Mrs. Alby Rollins and family have moved to the Ayers farm. Mr. Rollins planning to farm there this spring. Allen McDanold left the Beach TROTTERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Mr. and Mrs. A. M. FlasHgun are both crippled with rheumatism now. Mrs. Fianagan hasn't been well since her back was injured last account with this office. I.Z_.j.~ summer. ~ " -- -----~--/ .... B. H. Russell, O. K. Omley and P. FOR $~ V. Moore made a trip to the county FOR SALE--A ~good milk cows. seat on Saturday. Ben has been Frank DykinsV - '44-3 p hauling silt feed. '~______ J Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crook and IJSEJD BABY GRhaNDf~d~in children called at the Flannagan m~le--for mile 81t b~a~tt prloes. home on Saturday. Also several oth4rjJed l~mm.-- Grocer Burchette has returned tel Dickinson Musie/~aop, Dieki~m~.:~ Trotters and is now staying with N. Dak. jf~'~-Zt Bert Kreeger and Leon Burchette. IFOp4 SALE--Falkner ~ Corn 95 He has been working in the woods strong 4 weak ana~one dead ker- all wtn or r hal urn,arm Ole Omley, Jr., stayed Wednes-I Leonard Car~on, Beacy 45-2p. day and Thursday doing the chores -- - / -- for Fredwin Crook RIBBONS--For typqw~ters at Ad- Mr. Campbell stayed over nightI vance offive, 75c. tt'j,f 1~. at Ed. Franklin's Thursday. He is ~R- S~Good n"(lity, directing the play, "Old Fashioned mixed h~)~jff~o. L."~ier, Mother. ~ Beach. ~ / --45-1p The P. T. A. meeting last Friday was very well attended. A. good FOR SALE~Fo~r-ro~ cottage and program was enjoyed and a fine lot in Beach i~ g(~1 location. Will lunch was served by the teachers, sell cheap for~k~fsh or will trade for horses, cattle or sheep.--W. ~l. ~'A NT &DVEIqtTISEMENT lqtATES All orders for advertising under this head must be accomDanied ~F CasiL The rates are two cents a word with a minimum charge of 25 cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned, or mailed in will be published without prepayment unless the Party has an establislm4#::~ hospital last Wednesday after be- Miss Nell Nelson and Mr. Qually. Kremers, Golva. 37-tf ing a patient there for three weeks Games were played and every one suffering from an attack of rheum- ] had a very enjoyable time. This ,e_==. atism, and is slowly improving at I same P. T. A. wlll.4ratjme~a plt~ at ...... present. He spent several days last]the Skaar hall~ 17, "Daugh- s~reamdnea, nign-speeo passenger train, recently put into service by the week at the home of his sister, Mrs. ters of the ~rt." A dance will Pr "- . say will be the train of the future, It .travels 110 miles an hour Ed Koshney, in Beach. be held af~dF~the play. esment l~oosevelt with railroad officials as they inspected the train on its arrivaJ a~ ~,',- ~.~ ~ ~n Trollo,~e and We fo~9( to mention in last Washington from Chicago on its "breaking in" run. ~ - . . ~.~. ..... _~, .... ~.,,.. :=v .... iamily, and ,M~a,~a mrs. ~oy ~wc-Mr.weeksL/I-~dgin~pl~A~l~nce that AL~hreeTrestergamesand - , Caskey wer~ Sunday visitors and of w~fist~with l~.~l/Trester and ~arlyle U. B. Ladies Aid Thursday !noon visitors of Mrs. Leon Woods supper gusts at the Frank Nehis Cee~ Omley. /l~r. ~odgin said A1. VT ~'~ Merton Gibbons was a caller at ~ Thursday. Whist and refreshments nome. ~ . ~-~'~ - - an~ he won ~vo g~es out of three. ~.~_z.~p.~ the W. Hammond home Tuesday'~ were amusements. Mrs./Natalie/A~amson..s~ a Iew ~[~e dar~e giv#~ last Saturday I V~ evening. Cards and refreshmentsJ Eddie Novak and Miss Francis night~ ate. Jack StlllinhOh~l?~ n~ght at ~[kaar/~s well attende~ __ were enjoyed. ~ w .... ~ ,,,t~,t. m ...... ,,~ffi ] wee~, warie her car was m me~ga - ~e hear |t w~f Sl~Onsored by the • ~ ........................ ~ .... hg repaired. -- MA~v,,., Mike Flnneman and sons were: of Mr and Mrs Willie Quale on] ag~ b~i ...... ~-~ ~[omemaker~club{ Tlie results ~'~ over ~- ~^--. ~r~,--. ~^^~.,-- ,^. _.. " " l ~IrS. Pranz ~e~j~js s~aylng|a~ • " ~,~,e rote we Just lost horses Friday. . i " :rs ....... l~n9 ~Tan~ ~u~.. g n o~ne m ~e~, ~A good sized |crowd attended w, mmer coUt)le ~rv ~,,,~ x#~ t,~,,~. ~..-_., 4,. ~ m . ~maey .was a tsaturuay, SLX L/since lastl~y. ~ ~r~, -. -- ........................... tmu .... : ..... " --'e-* of ..... t ,.. ~ ./._.l .- .~ ~.. ..... ..~.~ cl~ureh Sunday and[ enjoyed t~ fine alley's pleasant "young Stark',-I~r To'nv'a~~a~-~r:iHamm°nd" .~ / callers at/thelEd. Fe!~hnann hbme se~on by Rev. ~eleon.~/L~urch Meeker, whose tin were "Th:~:~:'~ ~Mr. L. B. Frisin~er~vislting ~ Monday /tfter~n. y/ / ser~es will be held ~ the 18th Mountain, Mich at Mr an-(- ~#---~-" ~e home o~ his daught~r,X~drs. I.L. Leo SlUrry h~bt~n emplo~A~i at of MS~ ............. J ~lendi -, • ,, ~,,o. ~,~u= ,~u~ . rin e St , ve on February home Whist w~.~ ~ ~Bair, before his return to~Rha~t~e the Jack]Still home du g t)~e pa Roy Robertson was a little under were quietly married li~htful r,~¢~,,~,~,~,~'~~ I and his home tn Wisconsin. \ ; week. [ / the weather last Friday. ~l~w~t" the parsonage. Mr.and'Mrs. R~and~ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huffma~ er~- B.J.. ~.cI)anold.and/A(F. I)ob~r Luther Hodgin, Jr., was sick last -.who was born and ~on Douglas drove to Is~ retrained a number of friends a~ wree n~smess calLer~/at" me m. ThUl~nSderaY~ranklin and Dale Ware menn0od m ~ anagan and Gasno nomes . " 8outh Val- day for a visit with ~ist Friday evening. John I and ~F1 ad.~fft~ Gash¢ to introd-- -- -~--~ .......... o : _ - - ~ ~ ...... ~ have been cutting posts the last two ,. --,~uctaon to her returned Sunday ~ " I Pete Hammervoid, Mr. and M~s. J. ~~ . .... ~, na~ been teaohin- Mrs ...... ~'- ~t ~,~ !MoRn. Frank Haigh. Mal~aret R Slaby was taken to j~eacn, on weeks. ~ ..... ~ . wu~ur x-mmmo~~~.-= _.~,~-. *~L~ ". ......... MIss Bertha Fakier, Helga Omley, -~m~ near he Sunaay, wnere ne enwrea me non _ . r home Martin were afte~at !Moody ~ ~ian Moen..~iss ~.~~, altho the J E Mart~ ~--Haig~w-erJ-the pits1 to receive treatmenh for a Richard Haistead and Rudolph ~ Worked M~ r.'h.~ ~-~---~ ^f~.f-.~.~-:--, "-* l lucX-~r ~m. ; stomach ailment Birch took in the picture show in re: sffveral years a shower for ~"~o~ ,,-I" ~ ,~ ,=.~ o,,~,,~ .~,,,~oJ ~o~ George and Hank Beeler made a Sidney last Friday. mduatx ~ls and much Thnr,~=~ "~,'~t-~.~'~:".~" ",~" ~.~J "~'~.~,,,~#~'":~'. ~,~ business trip to Wibaux Wednesday, Glen Metcalf called at the Ole nmn To this ha dain r ~ • returning to their home Friday ac- ..... . efr me heavy .......... el-r Omley home ursday --'~-? m~r Deartk~ and rrm,~ ~, ~ A~ .~t..~,o~ I ~t~,~,~ / companleu ny Mrs. ~._~eorge m ~ Phil. Moore was a dinner guest at i for ~tl ~ best of luck Mr~ "~~ "~i~'s i"~,. ....... /. _. and daughters, Betty, Georgia and Ole Omley's last Saturday. l~tllI)~ ,e~ ' -- ~na'~~~: { _.~._" ~l.a llalgl~ Ol L~olva Helen Jean. Mrs. ~-~eler and daugh- Mrs. Franklin and Helga Omley life were lze~zanz vintners a~ ~e [ w4re Sunday dinner guests at the ters have s~nt most of the past cleaned the church last Saturday, • ~ome Wed~wd~. IF. Haigh home and e~ening guests winter in W~baux with the formers Mrs. Ward ~ ~tWmed Mr. and Mrs. H. B, l~l~k, Mr. and Mrs. birthday dlinner in honor of her a~! Pete Hammer_ husband, on March 4th. guest~ of Mr. and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson were 'IMesday eveninR. Beach and Wibaux visitors Wed- and cake were en- nesday. A birthday p~ty w~ ~ entertained the on Friday evening for Miss Edna lng and will reside at the Steiner Dennis, at her home, although aS[Ek~ home it was a ~rmy evening and muddy ! the school for a time and finish out road~, only a few attended, but on term for Mrs. Pauline UTTLE RIDE ONE DAY OF REST Yesterday, being Sunday, was most restful and enjoyable. We have all come to al~preciate Sunday as we never did before. Because usually on Sunday nobody down in Washington pokes the poor old dol- lar around and makes it sit up on its hind legs and snap sugar off its nose and Jump through a hoop. The poor old thing is Just left to crawl over to a corner of its cage and get a good sleep.---Chicago Tribune. PRIMO RETAINS Madison Square Garden Stadium, Miami, Fla., March l.---Primo Car- nera, gigantic heavyweight cham- pion, oufpointed Tommy lx)ugltran, challenger, whom he out-weighed 86 pounds, in a 15-rotmd title match Thursday night that drew a crowd of only 10,000. .Although Camera rallied to win by a fairly wide margin there were no knock- downs. He weighed 270 pounds, Loughran 184. "Motion Sickness" When one gets ~lck while riding a train, a ~aship, an alrplam~, or even in a swing, that-is what the scientist likes to call "motion ~Ick- neu." It Is due mainly to • change Io one's sense of equilibrium. remained in Wlbaux where she is attending school. Just Oswood and Max Kerr were callers at the R. McCMkey home Thursday while enroute to their homes from Beach. NO RADIO JOKES ON AIB-MAIL SITUATION ~ral years, t" 27th for Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Ful- A tender subject is the air-mall ton. His name is Maynard Lynn. situation. A ban, possibly tempor- Meh~a ffls~se and Miss Jean at a Dr. Morris of Beach came along ary, has been placed on any comedy Trip Trainl PLE FARES with the stork and mother and babe ar~ just fine. So is Dud. Eithel Still who attends school at Wtbaux returned home ill with the measek. Verna Scheffer left Sunday even- reference to it whatsover National Broadcasting program de- partment. When it is that one of the most enduring and distinctive traditions of American life has been the ability, and will- ingness to crack jokes about problem confronting the nation, this order takes on the aspect and~